S. 1932 Status

Just called Conyers' office and conveyed the message that I am calling for support of the recapture of employment based green cards, and the assistant said, thank you so much for your thoughts. He was polite, but nothing specific.

All you guys are managing to talk to "humans" and I still get no answer from Sensenbrenner, only VM at Lamar Smith, Pat Leahy and Ted Kennedy, and Specter's VM is still full....
stucklabor said:
Pdak, the subject says it all. We know now that he just listened to you and thanksed you.

What exactly did you tell Sensenbrenner?
I requested him to support the section 8001 of S1932 and address the EB retrogresion problem. He said that he has to go on floor now and cannot talk to me further. He thanked me for calling him.
Same here. He did not ask me any questions. He listened to what I said and just said thanks for my thoughts.

drforgc said:
Just called Conyers' office and conveyed the message that I am calling for support of the recapture of employment based green cards, and the assistant said, thank you so much for your thoughts. He was polite, but nothing specific.
Talked to a real person finally at Conyers' office

stucklabor said:
All you guys are managing to talk to "humans" and I still get no answer from Sensenbrenner, only VM at Lamar Smith, Pat Leahy and Ted Kennedy, and Specter's VM is still full....

Finally talked to an assistant of Rep Conyers. As soon as I gave her my name, she remembered the message that I had left yesterday on their VM in support of Sec 8001.

Come on guys, if she can remember my name - it is a regular desi name, nothing special - we need to do more. More calls are needed :p
I think we should also try to talk to the Senators and not just these three congressmen because it looks like it is upto the Senators to include the section in the bill and the congressmen might nor insisit that it be removed. So let's start calling the senators again
It's the same with me here too, I called all the 3 peoples offices. Let's keep up the pace guys , don't relax .
I want to thank each and every member of this thread.Supermann any kind of updates from you .... Please try to do what ever you can .
My prayers are with duttdip . I am sure we are going to win this.

I managed to talk to a close associate of Venture Captilist Kleiner perkins.. he has connected with Sensenbrenner to support innovation and intellectual capital and support EB Visa capture, and Sensenberger has mentioned he would do the needful for it. I have also asked quite a number of Ph.Ds who head lawrence research lab, Jet Prop Lab, NASA , and my research folks to write to these guys directly and they have done it yest and today. basically many of my old buddies at UC berkley and IIT. Hope this works.
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To find out the procedures of Conference Committee I called the office of Emily Reynolds, Secretary of the Senate, and was able to talk to Jim. This gentleman confirmed that the committee functions in a democratic style and 23 committee members work out to sort out the differences. And if in the end differences are not sorted out, there is a vote among committee members to decide the outcome of the conference committee. This means that the House members count for one vote, just like each Senator who is the member of the conference committee.

Jim was aware of the precise issue and mentioned that the committe has not met yet on the issue and will be meeting on this over the weekend. He was not sure about the time for the meeting though. This invalidates the postings on Shusterman.com and elsewhere indicating that conference committee has already submitted the report :).

Hope this is useful.

Keep it going ....
good job

WaldenPond said:
To find out the procedures of Conference Committee I called the office of Emily Reynolds, Secretary of the Senate, and was able to talk to Jim. This gentleman confirmed that the committee functions in a democratic style and 23 committee members work out to sort out the differences. And if in the end differences are not sorted out, there is a vote among committee members to decide the outcome of the conference committee. This means that the House members count for one vote, just like each Senator who is the member of the conference committee.

Jim was aware of the precise issue and mentioned that the committe has not met yet on the issue and will be meeting on this over the weekend. He was not sure about the time for the meeting though. This invalidates the postings on Shusterman.com and elsewhere indicating that conference committee has already submitted the report :).

Hope this is useful.

Keep it going ....

great job!!!

how will we know the result ?
WaldenPond said:
To find out the procedures of Conference Committee I called the office of Emily Reynolds, Secretary of the Senate, and was able to talk to Jim. This gentleman confirmed that the committee functions in a democratic style and 23 committee members work out to sort out the differences. And if in the end differences are not sorted out, there is a vote among committee members to decide the outcome of the conference committee. This means that the House members count for one vote, just like each Senator who is the member of the conference committee.

Jim was aware of the precise issue and mentioned that the committe has not met yet on the issue and will be meeting on this over the weekend. He was not sure about the time for the meeting though. This invalidates the postings on Shusterman.com and elsewhere indicating that conference committee has already submitted the report :).

Hope this is useful.

Keep it going ....

Great work... We should keep fighting to the end and even on for further bills
sundar99 said:
I managed to talk to a close associate of Venture Captilist Kleiner perkins.. he has connected with Sensenbrenner to support innovation and intellectual capital and support EB Visa capture, and Sensenberger has mentioned he would do the needful for it. I have also asked quite a number of Ph.Ds who head lawrence research lab, Jet Prop Lab, NASA , and my research folks to write to these guys directly and they have done it yest and today. basically many of my old buddies at UC berkley and IIT. Hope this works.

Hello sunder99,

This is GREAT news. Congressman Sensenbrenner is very important to have this pass smoothly in conference committee. Thanks a bunch for the good work .... on BTW did I mention that you are my Hero for the Day.

Good Job!! It makes a difference when people at KPCB makes a call in our support. Thank you!
sundar99 said:
I managed to talk to a close associate of Venture Captilist Kleiner perkins.. he has connected with Sensenbrenner to support innovation and intellectual capital and support EB Visa capture, and Sensenberger has mentioned he would do the needful for it. I have also asked quite a number of Ph.Ds who head lawrence research lab, Jet Prop Lab, NASA , and my research folks to write to these guys directly and they have done it yest and today. basically many of my old buddies at UC berkley and IIT. Hope this works.
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WaldenPond said:
To find out the procedures of Conference Committee I called the office of Emily Reynolds, Secretary of the Senate, and was able to talk to Jim. This gentleman confirmed that the committee functions in a democratic style and 23 committee members work out to sort out the differences. And if in the end differences are not sorted out, there is a vote among committee members to decide the outcome of the conference committee. This means that the House members count for one vote, just like each Senator who is the member of the conference committee.

Jim was aware of the precise issue and mentioned that the committe has not met yet on the issue and will be meeting on this over the weekend. He was not sure about the time for the meeting though. This invalidates the postings on Shusterman.com and elsewhere indicating that conference committee has already submitted the report :).

Hope this is useful.

Keep it going ....
Based on the information by WaldenPond, everyone please note that it is very important to get in touch with each conference committee membes and ask them for their support.

In case vote is taken and if the three HR'S are against the provision we still will be able to win the provision through vote. So please do not just focus on James Sensenbrenner, Lamar S. Smith and John Conyers. Keep sending letters via fax and call them or leave a VM requesting them to support section 8001 of S1932.

Duttdip - An update

After hearing your situation, I asked a close friend to check with a top attorney in US, who actually have powerful connections at Senate /Congress levels.. they write the law text books in US.. Have u heard of Fragomen Delrey..B..L..they are top notch in this business.

If they represent you and bring your medical conditions, I was told , they have the power to talk and convince the UCISC to make exceptions. You also need support from your Senator and Congressman. Talk to Dianne Fiensteinn..she servers on the committe and she can help you out too if u r from CA

WaldenPond said:
To find out the procedures of Conference Committee I called the office of Emily Reynolds, Secretary of the Senate, and was able to talk to Jim. This gentleman confirmed that the committee functions in a democratic style and 23 committee members work out to sort out the differences. And if in the end differences are not sorted out, there is a vote among committee members to decide the outcome of the conference committee. This means that the House members count for one vote, just like each Senator who is the member of the conference committee.

Jim was aware of the precise issue and mentioned that the committe has not met yet on the issue and will be meeting on this over the weekend.

Waldenpond , on this issue, why are there 23 committee members? There are 20 Senate conferees and 20 House conferees. Are all of them going to vote on it?

Doesn't it make sense for just the Judiciary committee members: Specter, Leahy, Kennedy, Grassley, Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers - to thrash it out first?

So now do we have to call all 40 committee members?

Excellent thinking in find this out!

Please clarify my questions as I have been focusing on just the Judiciary committee members.
WaldenPond said:
To find out the procedures of Conference Committee I called the office of Emily Reynolds, Secretary of the Senate, and was able to talk to Jim. This gentleman confirmed that the committee functions in a democratic style and 23 committee members work out to sort out the differences. And if in the end differences are not sorted out, there is a vote among committee members to decide the outcome of the conference committee. This means that the House members count for one vote, just like each Senator who is the member of the conference committee.

Jim was aware of the precise issue and mentioned that the committe has not met yet on the issue and will be meeting on this over the weekend. He was not sure about the time for the meeting though. This invalidates the postings on Shusterman.com and elsewhere indicating that conference committee has already submitted the report :).

Hope this is useful.


That is awesome. Very smart piece of work. This definitely invalidates all rumours floating around... Thank you.

Keep it going ....