S. 1932 Status

Another Important update..

When a few of my friends from Reseach Labs called... the senators were of the opinion (i guess thier personal one), they were told ... if the folks have advanced degrees Ph,d, Post Doc or MS from top Univs...they said US would definately support and encourage these folks to get GCs..they said they were not opposed to immig as US needs them for innovation,...
Extremely Important

I talked to Tom DeLays staffer then John Spratt's staffer. John Spratt's (Spratt is a Democrat) staffer said that most negotiations are taking place among the Republicans since the Democrats do not support this bill at all.

However, they may still vote for 8001 when it comes up in conference, since per WaldenPond, the Dems may get to vote on certain measures.

Call all the conferees, not just the Judicial committee members.
stucklabor said:
Waldenpond , on this issue, why are there 23 committee members? There are 20 Senate conferees and 20 House conferees. Are all of them going to vote on it?

Doesn't it make sense for just the Judiciary committee members: Specter, Leahy, Kennedy, Grassley, Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers - to thrash it out first?

So now do we have to call all 40 committee members?

Excellent thinking in find this out!

Please clarify my questions as I have been focusing on just the Judiciary committee members.

Hello stucklabor,

That is an excellent question. And I am not sure why there are only three members from the House on the conference committee and 20 from the Senate. The way I saw it yesterday is that House announced 3 members for the conference committee. They are Congressman Sesenbrenner, Larmar Smith and John Conyers. I am also baffled by why 3 congressman and 20 senators.

The differences will be first discussed and the members will make effort to reconcile differences between Senate and House version of the bill. And if the issues are not resolved, the way I understood from Jim, there will be formal voting process. This process will bring out Conference Committee's recommendations that would go to Senate and House floor for voting. Usually, if the things in the conference committee have been accepted amicably then it is easier to have them passed in the floor of house and senate without much of a problem. And that is the reason, I my opinion, Congressman Sesenbrenner is very important. Just the way I look at the whole situation .... still learning though ....
Correction ....

I just talked to Speaker's office in the House of Representatives to find out more details about the procedures and the schedule of the Conference Committee. I was able to talk to a gentleman who mentioned that most likely there would be more than three members in the confernce committee from the House. He did not know the names and how many. But he mentioned that there is another gentleman his office Pete @ (202) 225-0600 who keeps track of all this information in Speakers office. Pete has just stepped out for a moment and I did leave him a message. Will check back with him again and post my findings ....

Would request more members to call Senate and House speaker's office and other support staff to find out more about the details about logistics. I suspect that it may be possible that there are congressman whom we have not called and could be on the conference committee .... Just a thought .... but a scary one ....
Well Done.

I have been a mostly silent watcher of this sub-forum and in particular this thread and I wish to commend several of you who are working night and day to solve this issue that affects one and all. I have my own crazy reason for not contacting any Congressman but I truely appreciate your efforts.

Many of you still persist inspite of overwhelming odds, potent oppostion from xenophobic lobbies and disheartening announcements on immigration websites. And that is awesome! No matter what comes out of this, one would do well to remember the following quote from Sir Winston Churchill in 1941 at a school(during the peak of WWII):

"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

Good Luck!

WaldenPond said:
Correction ....

I just talked to Speaker's office in the House of Representatives to find out more details about the procedures and the schedule of the Conference Committee. I was able to talk to a gentleman who mentioned that most likely there would be more than three members in the confernce committee from the House. He did not know the names and how many. But he mentioned that there is another gentleman his office Pete @ (202) 225-0600 who keeps track of all this information in Speakers office. Pete has just stepped out for a moment and I did leave him a message. Will check back with him again and post my findings ....

Would request more members to call Senate and House speaker's office and other support staff to find out more about the details about logistics. I suspect that it may be possible that there are congressman whom we have not called and could be on the conference committee .... Just a thought .... but a scary one ....

WaldenPond, you just clarified everything. The House nominated about 20 members for the entire Budget conference, but little groups of these deal with different aspects of reconciliation.

We have been focusing on Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers since they are the House Judiciary committee members and will deal with the Senate judiciary committee members Specter, Leahy, Grassley and Kennedy.

So now if what you say is right, we have to call all the conferees, not just the Judiciary committee conferees.

Pdakwala has posted the list of all conferees.
Pdak, please keep posting your spreadsheet every couple hours!

pdakwala said:
There you go again. Guys,

Please keep calling, faxing letters to everyone.


Pdak, please keep posting your spreadsheet every hour or so.

I talked to a staffer at Spencer Bachus' office and he said that Bachus was only dealing with insurance issues in the conference with the Senate and couldn't vote on Immigration.

So this clarifies things more. We should focus on the Judiciary committees and the general conference members on the House side:

* Nussle, Ryun (KS), Crenshaw, Putnam, Wicker, Hulshof, Ryan (WI), Blunt, DeLay, Spratt, Moore (KS), Neal (MA), DeLauro, Edwards, and Ford.

Pdak, do you want to modify your spreadsheet to highlight these names from the House side, along with Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers?

RajGC said:
Same here. He did not ask me any questions. He listened to what I said and just said thanks for my thoughts.
he said he received many calls about this and thank you so much for your thoughts, please keep calling him, let him tell his boss he got hundreads of calls today.
Women Action Group...for EB ?

Since most spouses...cannot work..can they ask for relief to work by talking to women support org for eb capture and work authorz ?
CSPAN 2 is showing discussions on the Patriot act.

Does anyone know today's schedule of topics for discussion? I am interested when our turn may come...today or tommorrow?

Or, will the discussions take place behind the doors?
I am sure that the conf committee discussions are going to be behind closed doors. The schedule of C span is available at CSPAN.org
I have updated the spread sheet. Guys, keep pressure on. Since last few house we are not seeing too many posting.

Everyone please this is the last moment. Once the bill is final we will not be able to do anything. Let's invest some time for 2 days in order to have better future.

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Here is the list of key players who will play major role in deciding on the immigration provision on the final conference report for deficit reduction bill.

Senator Patrick J. Leahy (D- VT) 202-224-4242 12022243479 senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov
Senator Arlen Specter (R- PA) 202-224-4254 12022281229 http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactInfo.Home
Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D- MA) 202-224-4543 12022242417 http://kennedy.senate.gov/contact.html
Senator Charles E. Grassley (R- IA) 202-224-3744 12022246020 http://grassley.senate.gov/webform.htm

F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R - 05) 202-225-5101 12022253190 sensenbrenner@mail.house.gov
Lamar S. Smith (R - 21) 202-225-4236 12022258628 http://lamarsmith.house.gov/contact.asp
John Conyers, Jr. (D - 14) 202-225-5126 12022250072 http://www.house.gov/conyers/letstalk.htm
Jim Nussle, IA, Chairman 202-225-2911 15639275087 http://nussle.house.gov/email.htm
Jim Ryun, KS 202-225-6601 12022257986 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ander Crenshaw, FL 202-225-2501 12022252504 http://crenshaw.house.gov/crenshaw-web/servlet/proc?pa=customForm&sa=showEmailForm
Adam H. Putnam, FL 202-225-1252 12022260585 http://www.house.gov/putnam/pages/contact.html
Roger F. Wicker, MS 202-225-4306 12022253549 http://www.house.gov/wicker/Message.htm
Kenny C. Hulshof, MO 202-225-2956 12022255712 http://hulshof.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Paul Ryan, WI 202-225-3031 12022253393 http://www.house.gov/ryan/email.htm
Roy Blunt (R - MO) 202-225-6536 12022255604 http://www.blunt.house.gov/Contact.aspx
Tom DeLay (R - 22) 202-225-5951 12022255241 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
John M. Spratt, Jr. (D - 05) 202-225-5501 12022250464 http://www.house.gov/spratt/email_john.shtml
Dennis Moore (D - 03) 202-225-2865 12022252807 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Richard E. Neal (D - 02) 202-225-5601 12022258112 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Rosa L. DeLauro (D - 03) 202-225-3661 12022254890 http://www.house.gov/delauro/IMA/issue.htm
Edward R. Royce (R - 40) 202-225-4111 12022260335 http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Harold E. Ford, Jr. (D - 09) 202-225-3265 12022255663 rep.harold.ford.jr@mail.house.gov