S. 1932 Status

I just spoke to Sesenbrenner at 1-202-225-5101. He just hear what I said and then said that he has to go to the floor so cannot talk to me futher. He thanked me for calling him.
-me- said:
Hey man. Your position is too selfish. It sounds like you are a Man-Who-Cares-About-His-Precious-Ass-Only.

Even if 50000 DV-visas is spread out amoung all other categories (including family categories), you will not get any relief. If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

DV has the same sense as different EB and family categories. Don't you feel jealous that EB-1 guys pass the line quicker than eb-3 ones?

If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

If you want to win you need to cooperate with everybody in the immigration community. I hope you've got the point.

I fully agree. We should not lose our sanity by being selfish. DV lottery people are from such poor countries like Ethiopia, Eritrea..etc. And infact just because someone wins a DV lottery does not mean that they can enter US immediately. They too have some kind of priority dates and if they are not able to enter US within the cut off dates, then they lose their benefit of GC even if they have won the lottery.

Please don't search for scapegoats just like the politicians.
Great!! At least you could able to convey our concern directly to Sen Sesenbrenner! By the way, how did you receive his personal number? I tried lots of time to contact his local and DC office phone number but they are full.

Anyway, great work.

pdakwala said:
I just spoke to Sesenbrenner at 1-202-225-5101. He just hear what I said and then said that he has to go to the floor so cannot talk to me futher. He thanked me for calling him.
-me- said:
Hey man. Your position is too selfish. It sounds like you are a Man-Who-Cares-About-His-Precious-Ass-Only.

Even if 50000 DV-visas is spread out amoung all other categories (including family categories), you will not get any relief. If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

DV has the same sense as different EB and family categories. Don't you feel jealous that EB-1 guys pass the line quicker than eb-3 ones?

If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

If you want to win you need to cooperate with everybody in the immigration community. I hope you've got the point.

This wasn't directed to me. But I will answer anyways!
The DV is good as long as everybody else is also getting their case approved in a decent time interval. I know plenty of people that won the DV, came here for couple of months, didn't like it and left. I can't understand giving GC away based on alottery system to people who don't have any ties and any histroy in this country and then some who have been working here for 6+ yrs, paying taxes can't get a GC. Their spouses are idling without any rights. If the system is overwhelmed or doesn't have room for new immigrants then they have to set their priorities right.
Just A Thought

I am thankful for people like Superman0007 and I support them .

How do these two versions of speech sound :

Dear Senator/congressman,

I am one of the many unfortunate non-immigrant who is in need to support for such and such bill , if you support our cause we ( ?) will keep you in mind when we are allowed to vote…

Second version

Dear Senator/Congressman,

I am Vice president, sectary , lawyer representing South Asian organization, We ( the ORganiztion) have 250,000 (may be more and growing ) Professional members in our organization from India ,China etc if you support our ORGNIZATION (it gives the senator / congressman an image regarding the size and unity for non-immigrant Prof community ( Doctors, Engg, etc.)
I agree

I agree with -me- . We all are members of the immigrant community, it's just that we are on different paths, but all leading to the same destination. In a sense, I feel that the we, the employment based immigrants, are in the forefront of pushing the interests of all immigrants. We are here in the U.S. legally, we are employed and we have the ability and courage to voice our concerns to the ones who decide our fates as far as immigration is concerned. Just like we are asking for help from pro-immigration lawmakers, I feel other immigrants look up to us to fight for the immigration community's cause. Even more so now after our joint effort on the S.1932, regardless of whether it sinks or swims. The anti-immigration communities fight as a whole against us, why should we then divide amongst us. Let's not take away any one's hopes and chance. My two cents on it.

-me- said:
Hey man. Your position is too selfish. It sounds like you are a Man-Who-Cares-About-His-Precious-Ass-Only.

Even if 50000 DV-visas is spread out amoung all other categories (including family categories), you will not get any relief. If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

DV has the same sense as different EB and family categories. Don't you feel jealous that EB-1 guys pass the line quicker than eb-3 ones?

If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

If you want to win you need to cooperate with everybody in the immigration community. I hope you've got the point.
stucklabor said:
Could EVERYONE reading shusterman.com or aila.com and posting a query just read a few posts back in this thread?

Jeez. The same questions over and over with the cute emoticons.

Thanks for the cute comment! I read the posts, I am asking for a gov related link to back your positions. So far shusterman has been reliable and not mis-stating the facts. I am a pessimist and tend to believe that, prove me wrong.
Guys keep calling. When I called John Conyers office I was told that all the senators and HR'S are in the office today. Some of them will be coming at around 2.00 p.m. EST. Their staff will also be coming too.

F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. 202-225-5101
Lamar S. Smith 202-225-4236
John Conyers, Jr. 202-225-5126

Keep calling.
Lates updates..

:03 P.M. -
ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House resumed one minute speeches.

2:02 P.M. -
The House received a message from the Senate. The Senate passed S. 1869, S. 1165, S. 1496, S. 1552, S. 1578, S. 1096, S. 1025, S. 648, S. 435, S. 310, and H.R. 4195.
ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with one minute speeches, which by direction of the Chair would be limited to 7 per side of the aisle.

2:01 P.M. -
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Chair designated Mr. Hastings of FL to lead the Members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The Speaker announced approval of the Journal. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Journal stands approved.

2:00 P.M. -
Today's prayer was offered by the House Chaplain, Rev. Daniel Coughlin.
The House convened, starting a new legislative day.
pdakwala said:
I just spoke to Sesenbrenner at 1-202-225-5101. He just hear what I said and then said that he has to go to the floor so cannot talk to me futher. He thanked me for calling him.

Great Job pdakwala .... You are the Man. Just conveying him the message is important. What is your impression .... after talking to him. If it goes the way Superman007 has mentioned then Representative Sesenbrenner would not work towards excluding 8001/8002 from the bill, I think that itself would be good enough.

Anybody on the forum know the process how Conference Committee works? Does it have democratic style of functioning as most other institutions of a democratic government? Would there be voting among the committee memebers to decide 'Yea'/'Na'. How does it work behind the closed doors? Anybody knows?
Please dont call anyone's home, respect the privacy and dont irk any members

Beware of some perpetrators on any forums and we need to refrain from
crossing the thin line between soliciting/lobbying for support and
invading some congressman/senator's privacy.
I would urge all "real" members of this and immigration portal forums
to not do anything stupid like calling the reps house, and if someone
even remotely points in that direction than put some sense in that
member's head.
Anyways, just a friendly advise.
He was in hurry so I was not able to talk more with him. It is important that superman007 try to reach him at this number. It was very difficult to judge but I have a good gut feeling after I spoke to him. He can live one voice message but if he can get a chance to speak to him and remind him that we are legal immigrants and by supporting 8001 he will be of great help to us.
Thank you superman007

superman007 thank you very much for your efforts.
also thank you "pdakwala" for your efforts . when u talked to "Sesenbrenner".
How does he sounded like.
In ur opinion will he support or not?
what is ur gut feeling about him after taloking to him.

just curious.........
-me- said:
Hey man. Your position is too selfish. It sounds like you are a Man-Who-Cares-About-His-Precious-Ass-Only.

Even if 50000 DV-visas is spread out amoung all other categories (including family categories), you will not get any relief. If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

DV has the same sense as different EB and family categories. Don't you feel jealous that EB-1 guys pass the line quicker than eb-3 ones?

If you want to fight for immigration rights, do it. However, don't take other people's hope.

If you want to win you need to cooperate with everybody in the immigration community. I hope you've got the point.

First off i am fighting for Immigration for employment based ppl. YES i do NOT care abt the Illegal Immigration. I am NOT taking ANYONE's "hope". What i meant by 50k GCs becoming free is, that they may not give to EB category but it WILL reduce the number of Green cards being processed per year. That frees up the employees processing the GCs, which in turn MAY mean that our retrogression gets freed up. And yes i DO not agree with the concept that ppl shud be rewarded for just being a minority, that too when they have no particular ties with the country. We are ALL waiting in line for a GC, i have NO issues with ANY category getting it AS long as they ALL wait in line. I am ALL for LEGAL immigration and Immigrant RIGHTS. ALong with you i have ALSO beeen fighting for EB immigration. And YES i believe THAT shud be our focuss. DO we see the illegals fighting against EB retrogression? Are we here to solve the worlds' problems??
where are you looking c-span , or c-span2 or c-span3

dc9900 said:
:03 P.M. -
ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House resumed one minute speeches.

2:02 P.M. -
The House received a message from the Senate. The Senate passed S. 1869, S. 1165, S. 1496, S. 1552, S. 1578, S. 1096, S. 1025, S. 648, S. 435, S. 310, and H.R. 4195.
ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with one minute speeches, which by direction of the Chair would be limited to 7 per side of the aisle.

2:01 P.M. -
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Chair designated Mr. Hastings of FL to lead the Members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The Speaker announced approval of the Journal. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Journal stands approved.

2:00 P.M. -
Today's prayer was offered by the House Chaplain, Rev. Daniel Coughlin.
The House convened, starting a new legislative day.
manishi said:
superman007 thank you very much for your efforts.
also thank you "pdakwala" for your efforts . when u talked to "Sesenbrenner".
How does he sounded like.
In ur opinion will he support or not?
what is ur gut feeling about him after taloking to him.

just curious.........

Hello Superman -- 007,

Would urge you to please call at 1-202-225-5101 to reach Representative Sesenbrenner. Would also request others not to call at this number for next 5-10 minutes so that Superman007 could talk to Representative Sesenbrenner.

Just so that everybody here know, Superman007 had met Representative Sesenbrenner earlier on this issue and has some history with him, more than any of us on this forum as I know.

Thanks everybody .... Something good will come out of this .... I feel motivated from the optimism on this forum.
Latest floor updates..

2:21 P.M. -
DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H. Res. 623.

2:19 P.M. -
Considered as privileged matter.
Continuation of making phone calls

Just called Congressman Conyers's office again and was finally able to talk to someone. The gentleman wasn't familiar with the section 8001 but did say that the Congressman does rule in favor of immigrants. I am not sure really how much we should read into that. We won't really know the viewpoints of the senators and congressmen until we see the final outcome.
On a similar note, ironically, I found the http://grades.betterimmigration.com/ to be a pretty good web-site to find out who is pro and who is anti-immigration. It will come handy in future lobbying.