S. 1932 Status

Passage of S. 1932 by House ??

Cool :) . Is that all about House/Senate Conference Committee Discussion :rolleyes: ? if so, are they going to reconcile he bill today ? just curious :confused:
Lamar Alexander speaking in favor of Legal Immigration

But I do not know what the context is!
According to the Senator Alexander, President Roosevelt once began a speech as "My fellow immigrants"!
He suggest 3 points 1) Secure border 2) Wel come leagal immigratnts and
3) Porived some training who going to become US citizen .

So all over he was very positive legal immigrants (actualy he was talking in reagars ne immi refor bill coming next year ) even he suggested to give legal status to guest workers . One point he mentioned that out of 100 noble prize candidate for physics 60 are immigratn or children of immigrants .

I am hoping some thing will come positinve in commettee report
He didnt talk about our issues
he spoke about
border security,legal status and then immigration
but not for our stuff for applyih 485 now due to retrogress or any other retrogress issue
he just spoke about border security/guest workers/students

ragz4u said:
But I do not know what the context is!
According to the Senator Alexander, President Roosevelt once began a speech as "My fellow immigrants"!

Will this be the final debate before the bill is sent to the Pres or will the House have their own debate. I thought the 'conference' committee will debate and decide behind close doors ? Can someone clarify .....
I was also kind of in same situation not understanding whats all this debate all about. cuz, i thought that 'conference' committee will debate and decide behind close doors about 1932 & 4241
This is not the final debate. There are lot of things that will be coming down the road which would surprise all of us. Don't ask me what surprises by the way. This bill is very important for the current administration. Currently officials from White house, are pushing many campaign to change the minds of moderate House Republicans in order to have this bill on president's desk by end of this year.

GOP leaders are still struggling to merge the two versions. GOP are offering few things to the lawmakers who are willing to switch their position. Check this link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/12/13/MNG50G73RS1.DTL
pdakwala said:
This is not the final debate. There are lot of things that will be coming down the road which would surprise all of us. Don't ask me what surprises by the way. This bill is very important for the current administration. Currently officials from White house, are pushing many campaign to change the minds of moderate House Republicans in order to have this bill on president's desk by end of this year.

GOP leaders are still struggling to merge the two versions. GOP are offering few things to the lawmakers who are willing to switch their position. Check this link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/12/13/MNG50G73RS1.DTL

Oh GOD . All this sounds Greek and Latin to me. Ram ne seetha se kaha seetha ne lakhan se.Lakhan ne....... Arae yaar pehle hamaara decide karo....
. Ab humara kya hoga kaliya? Oh Ab humara kya hoga Goriya?
So we are not going to know the result of the conference committee today? How about this week? Is the committee working next week? When is the conference bill going to be in the house and senate for voting again? Having this bill on the president's desk by the end of this year now seems to be a daunting task.

pdakwala said:
This is not the final debate. There are lot of things that will be coming down the road which would surprise all of us. Don't ask me what surprises by the way. This bill is very important for the current administration. Currently officials from White house, are pushing many campaign to change the minds of moderate House Republicans in order to have this bill on president's desk by end of this year.

GOP leaders are still struggling to merge the two versions. GOP are offering few things to the lawmakers who are willing to switch their position. Check this link: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2005/12/13/MNG50G73RS1.DTL
rosatiamo said:
So we are not going to know the result of the conference committee today? How about this week? Is the committee working next week? When is the conference bill going to be in the house and senate for voting again? Having this bill on the president's desk by the end of this year now seems to be a daunting task.

My question is if it is not about OUR BILL then Why are we all watching this :confused: :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
rayyan said:
Oh GOD . All this sounds Greek and Latin to me. Ram ne seetha se kaha seetha ne lakhan se.Lakhan ne....... Arae yaar pehle hamaara decide karo....
. Ab humara kya hoga kaliya? Oh Ab humara kya hoga Goriya?

Its kinda funny when you say 'All this sounds Greek and Latin '...Since whatever you wrote after those lines must be sounding greek and latin to many on this forum...Please remember that this forum is not specific to 'natives' of wherever you are from. At the least, wannabe immigrants should keep the discussions to one language - 'ENGLISH'. :)
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We don't have any control on tomorrow; however we do have control of current moment(s). So everyone please keep sending letters and fax. We need to be more aggressive and our last minute efforts should be more than those who are oppose to our existance in this country.

We can be aggressive just by doing two things:

1. Send fax or email the letters and
2. Ask at least one of your friend to do the same
catch_22_4_GC said:
Its kinda funny when you say 'All this sounds Greek and Latin '...Since whatever you wrote after those lines must be sounding greek and latin to many on these forums...Please remember that this forum is not specific to 'natives' of wherever you are from. At the least, wannabe immigrants should atleast stick to 'ENGLISH'.

I am sorry this was not to offense anybody here.

I was writng to my Bhai Log ;) ;) :)
I asked 3 of my friends to meet their congressmen, one of my friends tried to get an appointment with the Philadelphia Congressman (Mr Chakka Fattah) and he was actually asked to mail/fax a request for an appointment. I dunno the status of that now. Also have asked friends in CT and MD to do the same.
pdakwala said:
We don't have any control on tomorrow; however we do have control of current moment(s). So everyone please keep sending letters and fax. We need to be more aggressive and our last minute efforts should be more than those who are oppose to our existance in this country.

We can be aggressive just by doing two things:

1. Send fax or email the letters and
2. Ask at least one of your friend to do the same

Yes, that is all we can do. Hope for the best and do out part
Rayyan ,

We are closely wathing becuase you never know when they will talk about immigration clause .But it seems the cpnf report is already about to complete and they have very big issues to discuss and I hope immigration clause will be sneaked throgu while big isuuse being discussed .