S. 1932 Status

spgtopper said:
Why would it be so bad if it went into next year? Do you think it will merge/mesh with the Immigration reform bill - and that would work to our disadvantage? Just trying to understand.

It does not seem as if budget reconciliation is a very important issue! If it was, shouldn't they(senate + congress) have taken it up already? But, ofcourse the conference report should be ready? God knows who is Who is working on that!

Heres a nice update: Until some time ago, Congress was busy discussing the establishment of the Korean American day (including suggestions -from some Virginia congressman- for visitor-visa waivers to all family member of all Koreans!), and renaming some post offices. These sure are very important issues. grin.
Whenever negotiation is taking place the dealine set by all the negotiators put some pressure on all the negotiators to close the deal before deadline. In current situation, the deadline is end of this year so that it can be presented to the President desk.

If this bill goes to next year there will have ample amount of time and therefore there will be no time limit to bring the bill again back to floor for voting. If some natural disaster takes place then that would again push back this bill. If terrorist attack takes place then forget about this bill. We will then be riding on spending more money rather than on cutting spending.

This bill is important for the current administration and for that reason only officials from Bush administration are trying to convince some House Republicans so that they can pass the bill. The problem is not Senate, problem is House republicans. Roy Blunt is not effective as Tom Delay in the House. The back door negotiation is going on within the House and Senate republicans and white house is helping so that they can come to some agreement which will be close to 45 billion in saving in next 5 years.
pdakwala said:
This is bad news for all of us: Next year is the last thing that we want. If the voting and negotiation on this bill goes in the next year, we would never see the bill coming on the floor. There would be no end to the negotiation.

By mistake, the recapture of unsued visa numbers are included in the sensitive budget bill. It is suffering along with other budget cuts in popular programs. I feel no senaters or congressmen cares about 8001. Though they may read our faxes, they may not take much initiative to support 8001. Their main concern is oil drill in alaska, Foodstamps, Medicaid and Studentloans. The chairman of the SJC should have initiated this provision as a standalone bill, like AC21 in year 2000. If we are lucky, 8001 may silently sneak. Because it 8001 brings more money to government, chances are more. Otherwise, we have to prepare our self to lobby SJC chairman to initiate standalone bill.
I agree with Sunjoshi. The news are published on Yahoo. Roy Blunt has made that statement. I am sure that he has made that statement so that Senate are not tough with the House and would let go few things.

Let's focus on sending letters any way. Keep sending fax everyone.
If feel sad that I'm being selfish and supporting this bill. This bill is Demoneous. It is literally taking away medical and food from the poorest. It is Demon. It was insensible to attach immigration reforms with this bill.
So what do you want to do?

So you are decided to donate your salary and all other income to poorest people. Thats a good decision. But dont post it here to demolish people effort.

neha_wal said:
If feel sad that I'm being selfish and supporting this bill. This bill is Demoneous. It is literally taking away medical and food from the poorest. It is Demon. It was insensible to attach immigration reforms with this bill.
gcq_stm said:
So you are decided to donate your salary and all other income to poorest people. Thats a good decision. But dont post it here to demolish people effort.
guys, no point in discussing/expressing/fighting on any bill other than our own S.1932. behave mature and don't lose focus from putting efforts for S.1932 approval.
Please provide free fax stats

If Ravi or someone from isnamerica.org can provide the stats of he number of faxes sent till now to get the comitee members support will help and encourage others. We are very much missing the yahoo group. during the previous fax sessions to get the votes in the senate and house, their was more participation from members and here we have so many threads on this issue and not getting much participation. I am getting all my friends on board,. Did the same with yahoo group and doing it again. Only conern is that we are running out of time.

Your information that the bill is literally taking away medical and food from the poorest is incorrect. Check the bill. The senate version of the bill ask to check the legal status of the individual before they give the benefits. The bill still provides the benefits to the needy family. By the way when you offer something for free people start exploiting it.
Guys we are ALL focussed on the S1932 bill and we ALL hope to see the immigration reforms passed. I think there is little point in checking out what else is in the bill and worrying abt it. Right now pls remember our salaries are taxed just the same but we get NO benefits if something untoward happens to us (God Forbid).
Roy Blunt, unlike Tom Delay, is ineffective as House Majority Leader. Come Jan '06 he won't be continuing as the House Majority Leader, since already a few other Republicans have thrown their hat in the ring. We should not read too much into his ramblings. As someone pointed out, he may be using the media to convey a point or two to the Senate.

As one other Congressman said, 'Not Every BLUNT instrument is a HAMMER'. It looks to me that Dennis Hastert, the House Speaker, has more power than Roy Blunt. Also, all indications point to the White House firmly wanting a budget bill to pass before the end of this year so that they can concentrate on Comprehensive Immigration Reform in February.
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neha_wal said:
If feel sad that I'm being selfish and supporting this bill. This bill is Demoneous. It is literally taking away medical and food from the poorest. It is Demon. It was insensible to attach immigration reforms with this bill.

So we are not poor ??? I have Master Degree, Microsoft MCSE , Cisco CNA, CISSP and Oracle OCP , 20 years experience in IT and look at the salary They are paying !!! Just 60% compared to Junior just graduate from college. Why ? Becoz I'm still H1B ! We all are jail birds and Jail birds are poor .
Songlan i fully agree. We cant even buy our houses here and have to pay expensive rents, which have no benefit for us. Our spouses cannot work, inspite of being HIGHLY qualified. Besides poverty is a relative thing. Besides out here it is every man/woman for himself(herself). No one greeted us with "open arms" and at each stage we have had to face our own struggles too. We have paid FAR higher tutions (as students) than residents.
Just got an AILA alert on an anti-immigration bill

Please fax your representative from here:


------------------------ Extract ------------------------------------------
Your Help Needed to Defeat Devastating Anti-Immigrant Legislation in the House!

National Call-In Days, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13-14 Take Action!

Urge your Representative to Defeat Sensenbrenner's Devastating Anti-Immigrant Proposal!

This Wednesday or Thursday (December 14 or 15), the House will consider the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437), an extreme and dangerous enforcement-only bill introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). H.R. 4437 would have a truly devastating impact on undocumented immigrants, lawful permanent residents, and U.S. citizens. We must act now to prevent its final passage.

Among other damaging provisions, the bill would:

1.Criminalize unlawful presence
2.Strip the courts of much of their remaining jurisdiction over immigration matters
3.Gut the due process rights of aliens and permanent residents
4.Expand expedited removal
5.Broaden the definition of alien smuggling to include family members, employers, and immigrant advocates
6.Expand the definition of aggravated felony Create new grounds of deportability and inadmissibility
7.Increase mandatory detention
8.Militarize the border
9.Place limitations on eligibility for naturalization

Please call your Representative on Tuesday or Wednesday and urge him or her to oppose H.R. 4437! Rather than solving our immigration challenges, H.R. 4437 would criminalize millions of hardworking, law-abiding immigrants and divide American families. Enforcement-only legislation will not fix our broken immigration system. Instead, we need realistic, comprehensive reform.

You can fax your protest from the AILA website

------------------------ Extract ------------------------------------------
GCBy2010 said:
Please fax your representative from here:


------------------------ Extract ------------------------------------------
Your Help Needed to Defeat Devastating Anti-Immigrant Legislation in the House!

National Call-In Days, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13-14 Take Action!

Urge your Representative to Defeat Sensenbrenner's Devastating Anti-Immigrant Proposal!

This Wednesday or Thursday (December 14 or 15), the House will consider the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437), an extreme and dangerous enforcement-only bill introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). H.R. 4437 would have a truly devastating impact on undocumented immigrants, lawful permanent residents, and U.S. citizens. We must act now to prevent its final passage.

Among other damaging provisions, the bill would:

1.Criminalize unlawful presence
2.Strip the courts of much of their remaining jurisdiction over immigration matters
3.Gut the due process rights of aliens and permanent residents
4.Expand expedited removal
5.Broaden the definition of alien smuggling to include family members, employers, and immigrant advocates
6.Expand the definition of aggravated felony Create new grounds of deportability and inadmissibility
7.Increase mandatory detention
8.Militarize the border
9.Place limitations on eligibility for naturalization

Please call your Representative on Tuesday or Wednesday and urge him or her to oppose H.R. 4437! Rather than solving our immigration challenges, H.R. 4437 would criminalize millions of hardworking, law-abiding immigrants and divide American families. Enforcement-only legislation will not fix our broken immigration system. Instead, we need realistic, comprehensive reform.

You can fax your protest from the AILA website

------------------------ Extract ------------------------------------------

This bill is by House Judiciary Chairman James SENSELESSbrenner and has been floating for the past 2 or 3 days. This bill would criminalize all people who are out of status or undocumented. I hope it fails.
We should be very careful to support this bill. If I am not wrong this bill is totally focused on illegal immigrant and enforce the law against the illegal immigrants. Nothing to do with legal immigrant seeking GC.

Every country has right to stop illegal immigrant. No one can justify illegal immigrants. If we support this, our issue will get diluted.
Please be careful before involving in this bill

I am inviting experts on this issue to discuss.

GCBy2010 said:
Please fax your representative from here:


------------------------ Extract ------------------------------------------
Your Help Needed to Defeat Devastating Anti-Immigrant Legislation in the House!

National Call-In Days, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 13-14 Take Action!

Urge your Representative to Defeat Sensenbrenner's Devastating Anti-Immigrant Proposal!

This Wednesday or Thursday (December 14 or 15), the House will consider the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 (H.R. 4437), an extreme and dangerous enforcement-only bill introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI). H.R. 4437 would have a truly devastating impact on undocumented immigrants, lawful permanent residents, and U.S. citizens. We must act now to prevent its final passage.

Among other damaging provisions, the bill would:

1.Criminalize unlawful presence
2.Strip the courts of much of their remaining jurisdiction over immigration matters
3.Gut the due process rights of aliens and permanent residents
4.Expand expedited removal
5.Broaden the definition of alien smuggling to include family members, employers, and immigrant advocates
6.Expand the definition of aggravated felony Create new grounds of deportability and inadmissibility
7.Increase mandatory detention
8.Militarize the border
9.Place limitations on eligibility for naturalization

Please call your Representative on Tuesday or Wednesday and urge him or her to oppose H.R. 4437! Rather than solving our immigration challenges, H.R. 4437 would criminalize millions of hardworking, law-abiding immigrants and divide American families. Enforcement-only legislation will not fix our broken immigration system. Instead, we need realistic, comprehensive reform.

You can fax your protest from the AILA website

------------------------ Extract ------------------------------------------
I agree with khodalmd, we should hold off on acting for or against this bill, as from what I read it ideals with illegals and not us. I think we should know more about the bill before we act on this.
The intension of AILA to take initiation to support this bill is to have one million potential customers (Illegal immigrants).

Of course, AILA is supporting us (Legal immigrant), we should hold it to support illegal issue.

[QUOTE=drforgc]I agree with khodalmd, we should hold off on acting for or against this bill, as from what I read it ideals with illegals and not us. I think we should know more about the bill before we act on this.[/QUOTE]
Don't loose your heart padakwala.
Trust God, we will definately win !!!

pdakwala said:
Let's pray that both House and Senate republican negotiators reach some agrement. Each day is killing me now.