S. 1932 Status

Rayyan ,

Please please do not make any statuement which hurts PPL who are workign very hard here Like Sunjoshi,Nato many otheres .
mistry25 said:
Rayyan ,

We are closely wathing becuase you never know when they will talk about immigration clause .But it seems the cpnf report is already about to complete and they have very big issues to discuss and I hope immigration clause will be sneaked throgu while big isuuse being discussed .

Oh got it now. thanks ya and thank you all for updating us. I appreciate your effort. God bless Us especially me.. I am a frustrated IT guy with sucking Attroney and stinking employer :p :( :mad: :rolleyes:
I am watching debate on budget bill on c-span.They are talking about conference report.
Does that mean the senate and the house were already in conference and report is already out? Can anybody please explain?
Everyone has questions that when the bill will come on the floor from the conference committee.

This is a one billion dollar questions and no one has the answer to it. The bill come on the floor only when the agreement on the bill is reached within the republican party. There are news that difference on the final version of the bill in the areas of medicare, student loan and ANWR. This task is tough since democrats are united and not going to vote in favor of this bill any way.

Iam from south dakota. Today i gave the presentation to the secretary of Tim Johnson(senator) of south dakota. He told he will call and find out what is the stance of Tim Johnson on EB Retrogression(i.e including sec 8001 in the final Version).

Iam also called to meet John Thune another senator from south dakota and the congress woman Stephanie Hersheth. Lets see how it goes.

Oh, no, not next year! It has been dragging along for so long and it has been such an agony. Just make up your mind, guys, and give me a quick decision so I can plan my future accordingly. If I can not stay here, I will go somewhere else. I do not want to wait till I am 45 and find out that I have to go.

Canadian_Dream said:
Today an entire page in SF chronicle is had reconcilliation coverage. Now even White house has stepped in (for ANWR). In senate at around 1:00 EST Senate there was a debate about objectionable clauses on the house version of the bill and what confrees should focus on.


The House and Senate have taken sharply different approaches. Leaders vow to reconcile their differences before Christmas, but a vote could slip to next year.


Aren't these bills subject to Sine-Die ?
kalimmigration said:
Iam from south dakota. Today i gave the presentation to the secretary of Tim Johnson(senator) of south dakota. He told he will call and find out what is the stance of Tim Johnson on EB Retrogression(i.e including sec 8001 in the final Version).

Iam also called to meet John Thune another senator from south dakota and the congress woman Stephanie Hersheth. Lets see how it goes.


Great Effort kalimmigration :)
Wonderful job Kalimmigration !!!

Thanks from me and whole immigration community.
Please keep it up and good luck for your next meeting.

kalimmigration said:
Iam from south dakota. Today i gave the presentation to the secretary of Tim Johnson(senator) of south dakota. He told he will call and find out what is the stance of Tim Johnson on EB Retrogression(i.e including sec 8001 in the final Version).

Iam also called to meet John Thune another senator from south dakota and the congress woman Stephanie Hersheth. Lets see how it goes.

House Leader May Delay Budget Vote

The Associated Press
Tuesday, December 13, 2005; 2:45 PM

WASHINGTON -- As negotiators toil in attempts to seal agreement on a sweeping budget cut bill, the second-ranking Republican in the House acknowledged Tuesday that it's possible the matter may be kicked over into new year.

House Majority Leader Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he'd rather wait until next year to wrap up the budget bill if completing it this year would mean making too many concessions to the Senate, which passed a significantly milder version of the bill than the House last month.

Asked if it was essential to wrap up the budget cut bill, Blunt said: "Not so essential that we'd have to give up our negotiating position on a number of issues. I think it's better to get that right than to get that quickly."

The House passed a bill trimming $50 billion over five years from myriad federal programs including Medicaid, food stamps, student loan subsidies, and farm subsidies. The Senate's $35 billion version made milder cuts to Medicaid and found savings from the Medicare program as well.

Lobbyists and staff aides said talks so far had tilted in the Senate's direction on several issues. House-passed cuts to food stamps are likely to be dropped as is a House plan to overhaul welfare to require more stringent work requirements for recipients.

Meanwhile, the Senate is pressing hard to use the filibuster-proof budget bill to carry a plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration, but Blunt said "it's clearly something that's very difficult for us to do" as part of the budget in light of vows by House GOP opponents of drilling to block any broader budget plan permitting drilling in ANWR.
pallu2004 said:
House Leader May Delay Budget Vote

The Associated Press
Tuesday, December 13, 2005; 2:45 PM

WASHINGTON -- As negotiators toil in attempts to seal agreement on a sweeping budget cut bill, the second-ranking Republican in the House acknowledged Tuesday that it's possible the matter may be kicked over into new year.

House Majority Leader Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said he'd rather wait until next year to wrap up the budget bill if completing it this year would mean making too many concessions to the Senate, which passed a significantly milder version of the bill than the House last month.

Asked if it was essential to wrap up the budget cut bill, Blunt said: "Not so essential that we'd have to give up our negotiating position on a number of issues. I think it's better to get that right than to get that quickly."

The House passed a bill trimming $50 billion over five years from myriad federal programs including Medicaid, food stamps, student loan subsidies, and farm subsidies. The Senate's $35 billion version made milder cuts to Medicaid and found savings from the Medicare program as well.

Lobbyists and staff aides said talks so far had tilted in the Senate's direction on several issues. House-passed cuts to food stamps are likely to be dropped as is a House plan to overhaul welfare to require more stringent work requirements for recipients.

Meanwhile, the Senate is pressing hard to use the filibuster-proof budget bill to carry a plan to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration, but Blunt said "it's clearly something that's very difficult for us to do" as part of the budget in light of vows by House GOP opponents of drilling to block any broader budget plan permitting drilling in ANWR.
This is bad news for all of us: Next year is the last thing that we want. If the voting and negotiation on this bill goes in the next year, we would never see the bill coming on the floor. There would be no end to the negotiation.
I dont think this will go into next year. Bush and republicans are under the gun for getting the budget deficit cut. The House is just using this as an argument , but what it appears so far, senate is committed in pushing this ahead. Lets stay positive. Pdakwala, Sunjoshi and others : You have doing an excellent job in leading the momentum. Lets not lose it.
If budget reconciliation is imp. shouldn't they have taken it up already?

pdakwala said:
This is bad news for all of us: Next year is the last thing that we want. If the voting and negotiation on this bill goes in the next year, we would never see the bill coming on the floor. There would be no end to the negotiation.

Why would it be so bad if it went into next year? Do you think it will merge/mesh with the Immigration reform bill - and that would work to our disadvantage? Just trying to understand.

It does not seem as if budget reconciliation is a very important issue! If it was, shouldn't they(senate + congress) have taken it up already? But, ofcourse the conference report should be ready? God knows who is Who is working on that!

Heres a nice update: Until some time ago, Congress was busy discussing the establishment of the Korean American day (including suggestions -from some Virginia congressman- for visitor-visa waivers to all family member of all Koreans!), and renaming some post offices. These sure are very important issues. grin.
Max Baucus , a democrat from Montana is making some very good jsutifications in the senate, in favor of simplifying permanent residency processes for bright foreign students and professionals

Stay tuned
I am new here, but have been follwoing the forum for weeks and did fax and call mulitple congressmen from NY. Just to update, Sen Baucus is talking now and did speak as "We should make the green card process easy for advanced degree holders" but nothing speicific on retrogression.

Great job Sunjoshi!!
I have seen some reports of the bill slipping to next year, but there is no such indication based on the senate's coverage on CSPAN. Both reps and dems seem to imply that the conference committee report would be on the floor to vote sometime this week.
Usually, end-of-year biild DO get voted within the week. Very rarely have I seen something get spill over.

Also you guys have to remember that such public statements are part of the negotiation process. They want the other party to know who's in charge.

In any case, my personal opinion is that we must not worry about things not under our control. Stay positive, keep doing your thing. Keep faxing and calling. Infact I just called up all my established congressional office contacts today and reiterated our concerns and recommendations.

Keep it going.
