S. 1932 Status

Me too!

Only takes a maximum of 5 minutes to register, login and fax - considering many of us have waited for years, what is a mere 5 minutes!!
just in case anyone think this is all worthless........, all i can say is....we do not know whats going to work........but we surely know...that doing nothing will not make any difference...........who knows....one of our faxes reaches a senator/congressman who raises this issue to other.....

so lets just keep sending the faxes....it does not matter if they get annoyed.....they can ignore it....my hope is that they may read it.
so correct and rightly said....

techy2468 said:
just in case anyone think this is all worthless........, all i can say is....we do not know whats going to work........but we surely know...that doing nothing will not make any difference...........who knows....one of our faxes reaches a senator/congressman who raises this issue to other.....

so lets just keep sending the faxes....it does not matter if they get annoyed.....they can ignore it....my hope is that they may read it.
regarding section numbers

The below extract from www.immigration-law.com mentions of section 801 and 802 of s.1932 while the posts on this forum have talked of section 8001 and 8002. Who is correct?

12/12/2005: Distinguished Senators and Representatives of the House

As the Senate reconvenes today and you are scheduled to initiate the compromise process for the S. 1932, we urge each of you to take a look at the importance of foreign scientists and engineers for the future of your own state by reviewing the attached statistics. Currently the foreign professional scientists and engineers are unable to apply for the H-1B visa unless they have earned a U.S. master's or higher degree. Early this year, the Congress assigned special 20,000 numbers for these U.S. earned foreign professionals, but these numbers are expected to run out shortly and the U.S. employers will not be able to hire any of these critically needed foreign scientists and engineers until October 1, 2006. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand the seriousness of the current situation for the U.S. businesses and employers in the high-end industry. It is more an issue of challenge for the U.S. businesses and employers to survive in the severe competition in the global economy than the issue of immigration of foreign workers. Our country needs them for our own national interest more than they need us for their immigration to this country. With due respect, we urge you to agree to the Sections 801 and 802 of the Senate version of S. 1932.
8001 and 8002

I believe the correct numbers are 8001 and 8002. In any case, I hope this message is not being relayed to a Senator or Congressman because I don't think they'd appreciate being patronized with statements like "You do not have to be a rocket scientist..."

network_dude said:
The below extract from www.immigration-law.com mentions of section 801 and 802 of s.1932 while the posts on this forum have talked of section 8001 and 8002. Who is correct?

12/12/2005: Distinguished Senators and Representatives of the House

As the Senate reconvenes today and you are scheduled to initiate the compromise process for the S. 1932, we urge each of you to take a look at the importance of foreign scientists and engineers for the future of your own state by reviewing the attached statistics. Currently the foreign professional scientists and engineers are unable to apply for the H-1B visa unless they have earned a U.S. master's or higher degree. Early this year, the Congress assigned special 20,000 numbers for these U.S. earned foreign professionals, but these numbers are expected to run out shortly and the U.S. employers will not be able to hire any of these critically needed foreign scientists and engineers until October 1, 2006. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand the seriousness of the current situation for the U.S. businesses and employers in the high-end industry. It is more an issue of challenge for the U.S. businesses and employers to survive in the severe competition in the global economy than the issue of immigration of foreign workers. Our country needs them for our own national interest more than they need us for their immigration to this country. With due respect, we urge you to agree to the Sections 801 and 802 of the Senate version of S. 1932.
Faxed multiple times to different members of congress/senate

I used to work in Texas sometime ago and hence chose that zip code and faxed all the congressmen/senators there.

Next I faxes all the right ppl in Washington too (used to work there too).

Finally faxed all the folks in PA.

Apparently the ISNAmerica web fax allows you to send multiple faxes this way!

Repeated the above for my wife and sister in law.

I urge you guys to do the same. This is do or die for us. As someone rightly mentioned, atleast this does not harm anyone!
Is today the "DAY" ?

I was under impression that Senate & Rep.'s will meet today & atleast start negotiating or draw the outline.
I am at work & can't see CSPAN so please keep us posted.
Good luck!
Sections in S1932

Guys Section 8001 is the One we are supporting in the SENATE BILL S-1932. We are NOT supporting Section 8002 as that deals with H1B/L1 number/fee increases.
Faxed to CA


I just faxed to CA folks.

This is excellent team work!!! You Guys are the best!!!
