S. 1932 Status

conference committee on Dec 12?

A spokeswoman for the Senate Budget Committee told reporters she expects conferees will be named when the Senate returns Dec. 12, and said staff- and member-level discussions have already occurred. “We are hopeful a conference report will be voted on before Christmas break,” she added. The measure would move as a standalone “reconciliation” bill, which is not subject to filibuster in the Senate.


So far there is no news that the section 8001 and 8002 or S1932 are included in the final version of the bill. Detailed discussion is going on and will be continued during this weekend and on Monday. Conference committe will not be able to do anything since the final version of the bill will be decided by the members who have played major role in giving this bill shape and size.

It is therefore very important that we all start sending letters to our senators and House of Representative requesting them to address retrogression problem by including the section 8001 of S1932.

I Just did my part.
pdakwala said:

So far there is no news that the section 8001 and 8002 or S1932 are included in the final version of the bill. Detailed discussion is going on and will be continued during this weekend and on Monday. Conference committe will not be able to do anything since the final version of the bill will be decided by the members who have played major role in giving this bill shape and size.

It is therefore very important that we all start sending letters to our senators and House of Representative requesting them to address retrogression problem by including the section 8001 of S1932.

I Just did my part.

Is this conference meeting a closed session? I don't see any converage on cspan etc.
sunjoshi said:
Is this conference meeting a closed session? I don't see any converage on cspan etc.

There is a huge difference in the senate version and house version of the budget reconcilliation bill. Therefore both senate and house republican leaders are trying to resolve thier differences in the closed door meeting. No cameras or reporters are allowed. In other words we will not be able to see it on the c-span. The only thing we will be able to see and hear is the name of the members taking part in the conference committee and voting on the final version of the bill (called conference report). The conference committee members name will be given on Tuesday when both senate and house returns. The speaker in the house will declare the names of the conference committee members. The compromise bill will then be given to them. They will go through it and then will present back to house and senate floor naming it as conference report for voting before it is sent to President for his signature.

What does this mean for the immigration community:
It is not a good idea to wait till the conference committee members are known since the majority of the work to resolve the difference will be done in the closed door meeting. Instead we all should start sending the letter at this time.

In fact that is what NUMBERSUSA is doing. They are not waiting to send letter to the members of the conference committee only. They are sending it to everyone.

If we wait till end we will loose this war against our antiimmigration enemy. There is nothing wrong on sending the letter to all the representative any way.
pdakwala, can i call you?

Please pm me with your number

pdakwala said:
There is a huge difference in the senate version and house version of the budget reconcilliation bill. Therefore both senate and house republican leaders are trying to resolve thier differences in the closed door meeting. No cameras or reporters are allowed. In other words we will not be able to see it on the c-span. The only thing we will be able to see and hear is the name of the members taking part in the conference committee and voting on the final version of the bill (called conference report). The conference committee members name will be given on Tuesday when both senate and house returns. The speaker in the house will declare the names of the conference committee members. The compromise bill will then be given to them. They will go through it and then will present back to house and senate floor naming it as conference report for voting before it is sent to President for his signature.

What does this mean for the immigration community:
It is not a good idea to wait till the conference committee members are known since the majority of the work to resolve the difference will be done in the closed door meeting. Instead we all should start sending the letter at this time.

In fact that is what NUMBERSUSA is doing. They are not waiting to send letter to the members of the conference committee only. They are sending it to everyone.

If we wait till end we will loose this war against our antiimmigration enemy. There is nothing wrong on sending the letter to all the representative any way.
Congressmen/senators working over the weekend


Let us not relax this weekend. Please send as many faxes as possible to all the senators/congressmen through isnamerica.org webfax option.

These last few days are critical. Please urge your friends & relatives. If they authorize you, you can send the faxes on their behalf with their details.

Lets put all our efforts, these final days.


WellWisher007 said:
Please pm me with your number
Pdakwala, where are you getting your information from? I am just wondering if there is a website or something that we are missing. Coz i dont see anything either on the house website or the senate website. It wud be great if you could post that website or something :)
nozdam said:
Pdakwala, where are you getting your information from? I am just wondering if there is a website or something that we are missing. Coz i dont see anything either on the house website or the senate website. It wud be great if you could post that website or something :)

There are several sources. Few things I have heard on the cspan and few things I found it on the Internet. I have some recording and would like to post here but this web site does not allow .wav file. So check following link.

http://f3.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/AIuaQ0...zEOYE/Roy Blunt on Deficit Reduction Bill.wav

From now on I will post the link on this web site also. Things that I have heard on the cspan won't be available in full though .

Also check this site for latest news. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...5/12/09/AR2005120901787.html?nav=rss_politics
You will have to read between the lines by the way. Also if you call your Senator's office or House of Representatives office they some times will be able to give you some good information.
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Please contact senators/congressmen directly and/or thru corporations/churchleaders

Thank you pdakwala for your insights

The story in washington post tells us that there are other important issues, other than immigration that are being discussed at the congress currently. The issue of immigration will be debated as a very brief 'yes' or 'no' affair. I do not think the conference committee members will have a lot of time at their disposal to debate in detail over the immigration provisions.

So, it becomes all the more important for us to contact congressmen/senators directly and/or through corporations/church-leaders

Please fax, call over the weekend.. Meet churchleaders.. Urge your respective corporation on Monday to contact the congressmen/senators. The contact phone/fax #s is available in the files section of the 'techworkers1' yahoogroups.

pdakwala said:
There are several sources. Few things I have heard on the cspan and few things I found it on the Internet. I have some recording and would like to post here but this web site does not allow .wav file. So check following link.

http://f3.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/AIuaQ0...zEOYE/Roy Blunt on Deficit Reduction Bill.wav

From now on I will post the link on this web site also. Things that I have heard on the cspan won't be available in full though .

Also check this site for latest news. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dy...5/12/09/AR2005120901787.html?nav=rss_politics
You will have to read between the lines by the way. Also if you call your Senator's office or House of Representatives office they some times will be able to give you some good information.
web-fax - question

All. is there any limit that i can send the web-fax to ONLY to the senators of my state OR all s1932 committe members of my state or i can send to all possible states / senators / s1932 as much as i can ? just want to double-make sure ... thank you all.
Spoke with the Congress Person and Senators from Maine

Hi Guys:

This posting is after 2 months interval where I felt I so bad about my situation since I missed my Green Card in 18 days.

Well, first things first. I spoke with the Congress Person Tom Allen, he is for the legal immigration and knows how much our community adds value to the US and its economy. He played major role in getting the bill so far.

So goes with the Honorable Senators (Rep) Ms Snowe and Ms Collins who are pro- legal immigration and dead against illegal immigration.

I explained the whole scenario back in August-October.

You couldn't believe that I filed my GC in November 2004. I am done with my Interview on October 18th 2005. If I have done with interview 30 days before or the retrogression taken after december or if my employer(typical gult desi) for money has not delayed the news of my approval of 140 I would have got my Cards(GC). Well many things acted against my favor but I trust in God that this bill is going to be passed.

All the New England Senators and Congress Persons are for the legal immigration. It is only the Southies who are facing the menace from Mexico.

I don't blame them trying to come to US for better living. We did the same and left our motherland for better living. The only difference is legal and illegal. But with that they are bring so many problems - Grand Theft, Breakin Entry to houses, Fire Arms etc.

I really appreciate so much momemtum you guys created to get this bill passed.

I sent faxes to the Senators in Texas, CA, ME, NH with different ids.

Keep Pushing .Keep Pushing

Since last one week the activity of sending letters to the senators and house of representatives have gones substantially down.

Do not take risk of waiting till the conference committe members are declared. Numbersusa have send tons of letter by fax through their website. If we do not send our voice the congressman will think that we are no longer interested.

If we send letters to our senators and HR'S before the conferree's are known it is not going to affect us or our cause in any way. So please spare some time and send fax or emails.
House Happenings for This Week


Denny Hastert have said that in the House things that will be happenings for the last week will surprise many people.

"We’re going to finish our efforts to reduce the deficit soon. I know I talked to you before about the Deficit Reduction Act that we passed. The American people deserve to have a more efficient and effective government. This legislation makes the reforms so they have that. We’ve passed our version in the House. The Senate has theirs. So now we’re working out a compromise and I hope we can get that to the floor soon."
Source: http://speaker.house.gov/journal/051209_weeklyupdate.shtml

I am again telling everyone not to wait till the members of the conference committee are known. Please start sending letters to the key members who have played major role in Deficit reduction bill from day one. This week is very important.
True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Paralysis by analysis that is what is happening here

Don't kill yourself or the EB relief by waiting

it is fooolish to wait if members are decided say on 12/12 and are required to finish of the differences in 1 day.

how you think they will take your phone calls, contacts, faxes in time or have the time to look and change their mind at the last minute to support immigration.

Even now we don't know how many must have read our faxes, at least by pre comittee action you had a better chance to influence them.

there is no stopping to put influence again once they are announced at least you don't have to reexplain this is not H1-B

worst case all you loose is your pre comittee effort. while it has no negative affect to do it now
pdakwala said:

Denny Hastert have said that in the House things that will be happenings for the last week will surprise many people.

"We’re going to finish our efforts to reduce the deficit soon. I know I talked to you before about the Deficit Reduction Act that we passed. The American people deserve to have a more efficient and effective government. This legislation makes the reforms so they have that. We’ve passed our version in the House. The Senate has theirs. So now we’re working out a compromise and I hope we can get that to the floor soon."
Source: http://speaker.house.gov/journal/051209_weeklyupdate.shtml

I am again telling everyone not to wait till the members of the conference committee are known. Please start sending letters to the key members who have played major role in Deficit reduction bill from day one. This week is very important.
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House Speaker Comment on Pending S. 1932


12/10/2005: House Speaker Comment on Pending S. 1932

* On December 9, 2005, the Speaker of the House made the following statement in summarizing legislative agenda coming week: We’re also going to finish our efforts to reduce the deficit soon. I know I talked to you before about the Deficit Reduction Act that we passed. The American people deserve to have a more efficient and effective government. This legislation makes the reforms so they have that. We’ve passed our version in the House. The Senate has theirs.