S. 1932 Status

any chance is better then none.. U will never know until U try!

Sandeep_N said:
I feel there is very little chance of that happening. To get more info about NumbersUSA go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NumbersUSA
You can see the interlinking also at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_reductionism These organizations have been built on immigration reduction platforms and there is little chance that they would change their stance.

if some one is willing to listen to you that itself is a sign of hope ...be optimistic
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In the same website


it says this below:

"NumbersUSA Action is pro-environment, pro-worker, pro-liberty and pro-immigrant".

That seems to be paradoxical..

Should that be pointed out to them and told that "pro-immigrant" is what we need, to support would be green card holders who would be immigrants.

The next line says:

"Activists in the NumbersUSA Action network are Americans of all races and include many immigrants and the spouses, children and parents of immigrants."

Many of us are parents, spouses and children of immigrants, which alone is sufficient why they may be interested to help in our cause.
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EB vs Family based

HI Nozdam,
I thought of one point with numbers USA that might work strongly in our favour. They need to be made aware that right now legal EMPLOYMENT BASED immigration is limited to 140K, that is a drop in the bucket compared to the US population of 300 Mil. Besides that, this group is productive, innovative and contributes to the upliftment of standards in society here. This is in essence the best element of ALL immigration here. Illegals definitely they are against but they seem to also be against extended family immigration. Perhaps they need to be told that the MAJORITY of legal immigration(truly about 1 million) is family based. You guys need to tell them that they should focus on that sort of "chain migration" rather than focus their energies against productive legal immigrants who are a boon to this society. Clearly from the 33 dependent story he gave you, thats what they are vexed about.
What do the rest of you guys think?
Today's Hot News - India Beats US on Foriegn Dir Investments !!

NEW DELHI: The India growth story is getting bigger and better. For the first time, India has emerged stronger on the global investment radar in 2005, overtaking the United States for the first time to become the secondmost attractive FDI destination in the world.

According to the latest FDI Confidence Index, prepared by global management consulting firm AT Kearney, India is now second only to China in the FDI attractiveness ranking, scoring 1.951 on a scale of 0-3.
China scored 2.197 points, while the US scored 1.42 points. "India is on the cusp of an FDI take-off. However, for India to harness manufacturing investor interest and evolve into an FDI capital-intensive hub, the government must maintain its reform orientation and overcome narrow business interests, consistently addressing the country?s infrastructure, logistics, and regulatory barriers," said Paul Laudicina, V-P and MD of Global Business Policy Council at AT Kearney.

The US dropped from second to third slot and the UK maintained its fourth spot on the list. Investor confidence in eastern European markets also witnessed a sharp increase during 2005.

But it was India that led the list of countries with the highest level of investment optimism, with over 47% investors expressing a positive change in outlook as compared to a year ago. The strong increase in investor interest in India is a more recent development.

techy2468 said:
yes...jobs are already leaving usa.....we can show them the recent news of intel and microsoft investing/hiring more in india..
Suggestion for effective coordination

Folks like Nozdan, Sunjoshi , priya, and others are following up very well, if possible, can we list all the different folks and where they come from so that either we can meet in groups in person / and also on weekend if you can spare an hour or two so that we can conference via phone so that we can have brain storming sessions, to pursue more aggressively ?

I have also requested the HR representatives at Sun Microsystems, Intel and Stanford University folks to support the bill.


Guys, i think if we can manage 4-5 ppl in and around the Arlington VA area, we shud be good with the numbersusa. there are 3 scenarios with numbersUsa.

1) They are ppl with a strong force and we Cant convince them.
2) They are ppl with a strong force and we Can convince some of them.
3) They are useless ppl barking up the wrong tree.

Either ways it is good to find out once and for all. Common all you VA ppl, surely u guys can manage 4-5 ppl amongst all of you?
Sundar, I second your idea

Please count me in. I am ready to help in any way I can..

Raj from Nebraska.

sundar99 said:
Folks like Nozdan, Sunjoshi , priya, and others are following up very well, if possible, can we list all the different folks and where they come from so that either we can meet in groups in person / and also on weekend if you can spare an hour or two so that we can conference via phone so that we can have brain storming sessions, to pursue more aggressively ?

I have also requested the HR representatives at Sun Microsystems, Intel and Stanford University folks to support the bill.

to nozdam

I do not think what you are suggesting is a good idea. Instead, we should be focusing our energy on contacting senators/congressmen, urging corporations, churchleaders, etc. to contact congressmen.

nozdam said:
Guys, i think if we can manage 4-5 ppl in and around the Arlington VA area, we shud be good with the numbersusa. there are 3 scenarios with numbersUsa.

1) They are ppl with a strong force and we Cant convince them.
2) They are ppl with a strong force and we Can convince some of them.
3) They are useless ppl barking up the wrong tree.

Either ways it is good to find out once and for all. Common all you VA ppl, surely u guys can manage 4-5 ppl amongst all of you?
I just did a few minutes research on them, and am already having second thoughts about meeting them. I think if anyone were to take them seriously in the past, we all would not have been here in the first place!! :D
Amongst other things, I looked at the organisations history, and what influence they've had on the past rules. They are like a century old movement (sigh(!!) for changing their minds) IMHO it doesn't appear to be much. Pl. also read the "criticism of immi. reductionism" part of the link.

pl. check this out:

I imagine that this might be happening:
All congressmen and senators office (expect dear Mr. Tancredo) will be looking at the numberusa fax and throwing it straight into recycle bin-if they don't already block them that is. :)

Why give them so much bhav by meeting them?

Nozdam, I see your urge though which is quite justified because you don't want to leave any stone unturned. However, we need to make sure that our efforts are concentrated on the right action for all.

and correct me if my point of view seems to narrow.

Sandeep_N said:
I feel there is very little chance of that happening. To get more info about NumbersUSA go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NumbersUSA
You can see the interlinking also at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_reductionism These organizations have been built on immigration reduction platforms and there is little chance that they would change their stance.

I understand. However, I just meant that it would make much more sense for us these last few days, to focus our efforts towards contacting senators/congressmen, urging corporations, churchleaders to support us in our cause by contacting congressmen.

There is no point at this point of time to contact numbersusa folks. If you are talking about this as a long-term strategy, I agree. But for the current bill, meeting numbersusa is a waste of time. We have just 1 week.

nozdam said:
Wellwisher, i meant Over & Above contacting senators/congressmen.
Church leaders can be effective

there support will be useful votes for these guys and they will listen, i think this is a good suggestion
you bet!!!, think straight, numbersUSA is not going to do 180 turn in 1 week

WellWisher007 said:
I understand. However, I just meant that it would make much more sense for us these last few days, to focus our efforts towards contacting senators/congressmen, urging corporations, churchleaders to support us in our cause by contacting congressmen.

There is no point at this point of time to contact numbersusa folks. If you are talking about this as a long-term strategy, I agree. But for the current bill, meeting numbersusa is a waste of time. We have just 1 week.
Religion and Minorities leaders, corporation

the only turnaround we can see here is. if Minority folks, afro americans, corporations if they vouch how immigrants are creating jobs and making a vibrant economy and their importance for the eco-system for the future of US is emphasised will act as catalyst and might influence their descion. Also... if Katrina victims / hurrican victims are told how the US can generate good $$$ income and help them by increasing fees for EB Visas and making them current would be something worth exploring. We need to ask church and NGOs to spearhead this now. It is not difficult to do this cosniderring the fact FEMA, and other agencies are running out of funds, and this $ from EB Visa wiht a visa of fee per EB visa of let us say 5000 USD< would be a damn good bargain for them.

I do not want to hear folks think we are purchasing EB, but putting this idea into folks in NewOrleans would help our cause immensely believe me.
Urgent...New Orleans / Alabama /


If we can put a paper ads suggesting how "immigrants play vital role in helping uS economy via investments job creations and also making EB Visa available with - Current staus and also raising EB Visa fee increase with S1932 bill / 8001 would help US govt to immdlty raise funds for Katrina Victims and also help US economy immdtly

these ideas we need to put it as the idea of "New orleans resident" and push this on local news stations ( we can call their local tv, radio stations adn have them broadcast it, and also call diff church leaders , volutnteer organisations and Afro AMERICANS ( ..whom we can send the message too..would be something which will surely work in our favour.... ) the idea shoudl be seen as theirs and not ours. Also Govt /Senators would find it lucrative $ wise, politicans are sure to garner the afro american votes from southern states... - pls review my suggestions... since the need of the hour for Katrina folks is $$, $ would speak now for us.
Media ...It is

Sundar99 brings out a great point. Publishing in various forms of Media is a great ideas. Then we can send reference of the media article to the senators.
sundar99 said:
NEW DELHI: The India growth story is getting bigger and better. For the first time, India has emerged stronger on the global investment radar in 2005, overtaking the United States for the first time to become the secondmost attractive FDI destination in the world.

According to the latest FDI Confidence Index, prepared by global management consulting firm AT Kearney, India is now second only to China in the FDI attractiveness ranking, scoring 1.951 on a scale of 0-3.
China scored 2.197 points, while the US scored 1.42 points. "India is on the cusp of an FDI take-off. However, for India to harness manufacturing investor interest and evolve into an FDI capital-intensive hub, the government must maintain its reform orientation and overcome narrow business interests, consistently addressing the country?s infrastructure, logistics, and regulatory barriers," said Paul Laudicina, V-P and MD of Global Business Policy Council at AT Kearney.

The US dropped from second to third slot and the UK maintained its fourth spot on the list. Investor confidence in eastern European markets also witnessed a sharp increase during 2005.

But it was India that led the list of countries with the highest level of investment optimism, with over 47% investors expressing a positive change in outlook as compared to a year ago. The strong increase in investor interest in India is a more recent development.

This is really great News. Hats off to Manmohan singh, Chidambaram and Team. I believe they are steering India in the right direction as far as
financial health is concerned inspite of having Laloos on the board
Can u guys call mayor and city officalis and tell them ?

call local tv stations and local mayor, city officials of New orleans, Louisiana and also request news paper company for free publicity and free space on front page to put this s1932 .8001 request, believe they will give all the support if we say we can do a turnaround in Katrina efforts with this one

message " Raise EB Visa fees will give US about 400 Million immdlty and does not affect US Tax payers" Recap Visas of 90,000 * 5000 $ per EB would do the trick. and they should urge congress and senators, once you say that GOVT is depriving funds for them and how govt is not looking at this to raise funds can definately make City / Church/ State officials to put pressure on Congress and Sentate, we can do a turnaround in 1 or two days, all that it needs is a good letter and contacting tons of media, church, city officials, and sign it as Katrina volunteers and say that this suggestion should not be missed and say that funds from EB Visa should rightfully go to development of disaster affected areas of Southern States... NOW THE WINTER HAS SET IN< IT IS SO COLD SO MANY PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS< STATE DOES NOT HAVE $$$ TO TACKLE< NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT>>> PLS IMMDLTY STEP AND IN ANS SUGGEST HOW WE CAN PUMP ALL OUR MAX EFFORTS ON THIS>>> SINCE THIS CAN BE A POLITICAL CLIMATE >>GOVT WILL QJUICKLY ACT>>> ANY NON SUPPORT CAN BE MADE TO BE SEEN AS NO SUPPORT FOR KATRINA FOLKS>>> THIS WILL BE A WIN WIN Situation. Hurry Up
Good News.. I called one of the local newspapers and told them

They Louisiana news paper folks did not know abt EB and how it can impact $ terms for their development, they are ready to help if it can help Katrina folks... so what do u guys think...

I mentioned how this can quickly help them to recover and does not add tax payers money, and how the govt is still debating and not acting on it, i told them i am a katrina volunteer and finding ways to help the affected lot. THey are ready to thrown in their weight and help in this cause !!!

I guess if we put this idea as a Katrina Volunteer and ask their help in immdlty putting pressure on Congress and also ask them to send fax to FEMA, Pres, and other leaders, they will take immdlt note as they do not want to risk votes and unpopularity, be it repub, or Democ.. they all will fall in line. We need to give the facts on what they need to support in 4 lines and make it punching and effective.

- Sign as Katrina Volunteer