S. 1932 Status

First of all congrate to NOZDAM for wonderful job.

I aggree with ragz4u for focus on clearing the misconcepts, if lawmakers have any.

Number USA is active against immigration. They are always confusing them by forwarding illegal immigrant issue to block section 8001 and 8002 of S 1932.

We need to call them, meet them and clarify real problem of retrogration.

ragz4u said:
Sorry I could not make it.

I was also wondering if we can make a simple myth/reality document which explains stuff like

Myth : The provisions in the senate document will increase the number of aliens and lead to more unemployment for americans
Reality: The provisions only affect those individuals who are already working in the USA and will not affect any americans as they are already working here for the last 4-6 years.

Myth : The provision in the senate document proposed to increase the immigrant visas
Reality : The bill only 'recaptures' lost visa which were not allocated in the previous years

Any suggestions/ideas?

LC_Ki_Kahaani said:
:) If you don't mind, can you please tell me the meanings of (what do their abbrv. stand for)

I-140 (VSC) - RD, ND, LUD, and AD
VSC - Vermont Service center
RD - Receipt date ( of your application with the center)
ND - Notice Date ( of your application with the center)
LUD - Last update date . To see this you need to register your case online at uscis.gov
AD - Approval Date.
Thank you in advance :)
catch_22_4_GC said:
The sole purpose of existence of 'NumbersUSA' is immigration restriction (euphemism for anti-immigration), by all means and get it back to pre-1960 levels. So you are wasting time trying to talk sense to them. Besides, NumbersUSA is part of a broader FAIR coalition and very well funded.

Continue contacting the House Representatives/Senators. That is the only route to go.

Guys lets Not Block any route, by thinking it is a waste of time. You NEVER know what you may achieve by educating ppl against you. What do we have to lose except a day of leave? We can understand their concers fully and maybe even put a few of them to rest.

Even if we can 2 people out of a group of 10-15, i wud call that a victory. Why not atleast try? When we started this faxing/meeting congressmen everyone said, it's a waste of time and nothng will come out of it. See the progress we made. We need to give them something to think abt. Right now we have ppl here who have been displaced from tech jobs. OFCOURSE they are angry and upset. We are in THEIR territory not vice-versa. We have to play the role of underdog and educate them. If we dont we run the risk of being batched with illegal immigrants OR them not realising that more restrictions of LEGAL immigration, will only lead to more jobs moving outside the US (outsourcing).
Great job, Nozdam

Here are some of my points regarding the below:

1. Legal immigrants respect the laws of the land, came legally and stay legally. This is a strong point especially for conservatives.
2. Legal EB candidates are employed, hence with health issuance. They would not be public burden on hospitals (emergency visits). We pay federal, state, and local taxes just as the citizens, hence our tax money supports public schools. Most anti-illegal movements in CA and AZ were due to drains on public resources.
3. We (EB based) already command English, understand the fundamentals of this country. We are already in the society by participating in school/community activities, charity contributions. Lots of public funding have been spent on teaching immigrants from other venues (illegal, lottery, refugees) how the American society works from federal governments to local municipals.

nozdam said:
Also Everyone PLS think abt what i asked earlier. We need to give the Congressmen a way of Clearly Distinguishing between legal and illegal immigrants.

Any thoughts??
Important Fact to Add in Legal vs Illegal

Please use the word "Public Charge"

Illegal Immigrants become a "Public Charge" ( most lawyers and senators understand this word very clearly) - this means they become dependent on the state for all benefits and health etc..

Legal immigrants are not Public Charge.

meg_z said:
Here are some of my points regarding the below:

1. Legal immigrants respect the laws of the land, came legally and stay legally. This is a strong point especially for conservatives.
2. Legal EB candidates are employed, hence with health issuance. They would not be public burden on hospitals (emergency visits). We pay federal, state, and local taxes just as the citizens, hence our tax money supports public schools. Most anti-illegal movements in CA and AZ were due to drains on public resources.
3. We (EB based) already command English, understand the fundamentals of this country. We are already in the society by participating in school/community activities, charity contributions. Lots of public funding have been spent on teaching immigrants from other venues (illegal, lottery, refugees) how the American society works from federal governments to local municipals.
Nozdam -

you do not seem to be understanding the purpose of NumbersUSA. They do not want any immigration into the United States - Both LEGAL AND ILLEGAL. They are not confusing legal with illegal. They just dont want population growth by immigration. Period. So stop wasting time trying to educate them.

Check wikipedia if you need more info.



Some of their breed are the likes of - Tom Tancredo, Lou Dobbs, Roy Beck, Mellons et al. So stop wasting time educating them, cos these are people who do not want the white nature of American culture distorted by ethnic flow through immigration. Period.
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catch, I am NOT trying to remove ALL opposition from them. Right now we have a VERY strong opposing force. We are already doing a commendable job educating the congressmen/senators. I agree, we cannot totally remove the opposing force. What we CAN Try is, to EASE SOME of that force. Like i said even if we can convince SOME of them, it will be ok.

Now those who are race biased, we cant do a thing abt that, but for those who are NOT race biased, we can help them understand this problem better. Catch if you dont want to join this, it is perfectly fine. Anyone who doesnt want to join is free not to. However i DO strongly urge people to educate even NumbersUSA. Ofcourse they are worried abt growing population. Illegal immigrants might be growing in leaps and bounds. We need to explain to them that we are highly educated ppl, who believe in family planning and are not going to shoot the population numbers thru the roof. You never know they just MIGHT change their approach to oppose Strictly illegal immigration. All i am saying is Lets try before we give up. Any and EVERY avenue shud henceforth be looked upon as an opportunity.
Meeting with congress man

Hello Vattam,

Thx for responding.

can you send me your contact info to my e-mail "manishi_2005@yahoo.com".
so that we can chalk out a plan. or if you hv a plan let me know.
BTW who is the congressman for CT..any idea?
Well Said

nozdam said:
Guys lets Not Block any route, by thinking it is a waste of time. You NEVER know what you may achieve by educating ppl against you. What do we have to lose except a day of leave? We can understand their concers fully and maybe even put a few of them to rest.

Even if we can 2 people out of a group of 10-15, i wud call that a victory. Why not atleast try? When we started this faxing/meeting congressmen everyone said, it's a waste of time and nothng will come out of it. See the progress we made. We need to give them something to think abt. Right now we have ppl here who have been displaced from tech jobs. OFCOURSE they are angry and upset. We are in THEIR territory not vice-versa. We have to play the role of underdog and educate them. If we dont we run the risk of being batched with illegal immigrants OR them not realising that more restrictions of LEGAL immigration, will only lead to more jobs moving outside the US (outsourcing).

I totally agree with you. Good effort nozdam.
Fate of Green card aspirants is with S 1932 - Webfax Now or Never

Fate of Green card aspirants is with S 1932 - Webfax Now or Never::

To send a webfax to possible conference committee members for S 1932 immigration packet( This committee decides the fate of Green Card aspirants in USA)
Hi Friends,

IsnAmerica.Org Individual WebFax is now having feature to send
faxes to **ALL POSSIBLE** Conference Committee Members for S.1932

Please use this message for campaign and send more faxes to
the conference committee members, who can really determine the fate
of S1932 immigration packet of HR 4241 bill.

1. Login at http://www.isnamerica.org/loginform.asp
2. Select the Individual Webfax link
3. Select the state you are in and say Start Fax
4. Fill your particulars
5. In the "Select Senator/Congressmen To Send Fax:.(*)" select the first
option of sending to all possible conference committee members
6. Review and Submit

nozdam said:
It is VERY similar to the one Sunjoshi posted but here goes.

Thanks Nozdam.

1) I am wondering if we can also include the following statement in slide 2 ( H1-B versus EB slide )
- will not displace existing American workers in the market

Maybe right after 1st point
EB Visa (Green card)
- Permanent Legal Immigrant skilled workers
- will not displace existing American workers in the market

This appears to be many people's strongest argument/fear against immigrants & will clear the misconception of the people who carry this notion right in the begining.

2) Slide 7 ( Supporting Information ) : If we could also include a one liner with URL link, it may make URL more attractive.

Any thoughts ??
Corporate Fax: I agree with Chain_reaction

Also, there is no need for you to reveal your company details on isnamerica.org, if you are not comfortable with the same.. Download the document from the site; The site also has fax numbers of senators/congresemen; urge your HR manager to print the letter on company letter-head, sign it and fax it through company fax machine.

Thanks chain_reaction for your efforts. A fax from corporate has a much higher impact than individual faxes; I am not under-estimating the individual faxing; each fax is important.. Please carry on with your efforts

Chain_Reaction said:
guys i think if you are in good terms with you company , there should'nt be a problem talking with you Office manager or HR personal ( they already know they want to hire you permanently ,thats the reason they filed for your GC), all they have to do is use the Corporate Template from the ISNAmerica.org site
Guys i wud advise EACH person meeting the congressfolk to PLS CHANGE something or the other, even add some of ur own points. We dont want the same exact thing circulating around.
Corporate Faxing is key to the efforts

In addition to individuals sending faxes, corporate faxing is key!!!

catch_22_4_GC said:
The sole purpose of existence of 'NumbersUSA' is immigration restriction (euphemism for anti-immigration), be it legal or illegal and get it back to pre-1965 levels. So you are wasting time trying to talk sense to them. Besides, NumbersUSA is part of a broader FAIR coalition and very well funded.

Continue contacting the House Representatives/Senators. That is the only route to go.
Hi Nozdam and others,

Thanks for the file, and I AGREE that we should change something in the file before presenting. However, remember that the more similar they look, the more united our efforts seem as an immigrant diaspora!!! That I would be as a major ADvantage for us. United we stand.


By the way, for all the techy prowess that we are proud of, has anyone contemplated bringing the numbersusa or zedona site down??
Afterall, the techworkers YAHOO groups did go down - didn't it? I don't believe that it decided to shut of by itself!

Important, need quick action

According to NumberUSA, they are succeded to halt immigration package in S 1932/HR 4241.

Is it true? Still it is not official news. We need to do quick and collective action otherwise we all will be in big trouble.

Please comment every one what to do next?
Here is more

Here is a sample of what i was suggesting for slide 7 in ppt
If we could also include a one liner with URL link, it may make URL more attractive. What do u guys think ?

Compete America is a coalition of over 200 corporations, universities, research institutions and trade associations committed to ensuring that the United States has the capacity to acquire the talent necessary for continued innovation & expansion in a worldwide economy.

• Article “Give Us Your Skilled Masses” By GARY S. BECKER. Mr. Becker is a Nobel laureate in economics (1992)
Ref : November 30, 2005; Page A18 of Wall Street Journal .

• Article “Many More Skilled Immigrants-BECKER“
Ref : http://www.becker-posner blog.com/archives/2005/10/many_more_skill.html

• Article “Immigrants Fueling Job Growth in U.S. Inner Cities, Study Finds” by ICIC. The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) is a national not-for-profit organization founded in 1994 by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter.
Ref :http://home.businesswire.com/portal...d=news_view&newsId=20051115005685&newsLang=en

• Article “THE TOP OWNERS 2005 Worrying about Labor Shortages “
Ref : http://enr.ecnext.com/free-scripts/comsite2.pl?page=enr_document&article=febiar051114

Ref : www.reason.org/ps333.pdf

For Slide 8 : Some more extracts like
Extract from Article “Many More Skilled Immigrants" by GARY S. BECKER
• These immigrants create jobs and opportunities for native-born Americans of all types and levels of skills.

Good suggestion. makes the ppt more readable.

it is great to see some energy in this forum. The more face-to-face meetings with lawmakers, better are our chances.

Good job nozdam! U da big-dog :)
khodalmd said:
According to NumberUSA, they are succeded to halt immigration package in S 1932/HR 4241.

Is it true? Still it is not official news. We need to do quick and collective action otherwise we all will be in big trouble.

Please comment every one what to do next?

So far there is no news that they have decided to drop the s 1932.

Please note that Numbersusa is doing everything possible to send incorrrect message. Their main goal is to rally support for them. Few days back they said that Arlen is trying to add section 8001 and 8002 of S1932 in the final bill. They asked their supporter to send faxed to the senators and congresssman. Today they are saying that house and senate have decided to drop the section 8001 and 8002 of S1932. They are thinking that today's message will provoke more people to send the faxes to the senators and HR'S.

As of today House and senate have not reach the immigration clause. The back door diplomacy is still going on and they are still stuck with ANWR, Medicare clauses. There is some kind of mutual agreement that both house will try to pass a bill that would generate 45 billion in savings in 5 years. However, there are no news how they will reach the target in this bill. The Heritage foundation have also made some recommendation to the conference committee. The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institute - a think tank - whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. http://www.heritage.org/Research/Budget/wm933.cfm

So for now there is no need to panic. At this time best thing to do is keep sending letters in support of solving the retrogression problem.