Raleigh/Durham NC - N-400 Timeline

Bobsmyth, congratulation on passing the interview and thank you for sharing your experience.
I have a few questions.
1) Did the officer read civic questions or were they written?
Thanks..Civic questions were read out to me by IO who had them written on a paper.Everytime I verbally answered corrected he would check off question on paper.
2) When checking the application form, may you use your own copy or are you supposed to memorize all the information?
You can bring your copy (with updated travel dates ) as reference. The IO will have original application at interview and will quickly go over all information with you(nothing on original application to memorize since most are yes/no questions. IO won't expect you to answer specific dates you traveled in last 5 years.
3) Is it necessary to bring copies of the documents along with original ones or is it OK just to have the originals and they will do their own copies if necessary?
My guess is that every IO has different view on this. The copy of marriage certificate was enough for my wife(her IO made a copy of the copy I brought) but original passport, driver license and green card is always required.
4) Did you order tax return copies from IRS or bring your own copies?
Thank you.
I never bothered ordering tax receipts as I always filed taxes , didn't owe back taxes, and continual residency was not an issue. You only need tax receipts if you fall under certain categories, but it doesn't stop an IO from asking.
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Have you obtain permanent residence based on marriage with your wife ? If this is the case, some IO will ask if you are still married, even if you are applying based on 5-year. A friend of mine was in this situation. He was still married and was approved.

I obtained my permanent residence based on being married to a USC. And now i have been married for 6 years & 8 months. so i didn't apply after 3 years nor after 5 years which proves that i did not get married to get the papers. i had a friend of mine just trying to make me worry & say that my wife can go report me & try to delay me if i divorce her :confused:. Anyways, back to subject was your friend divorced or separated at the time of the interview?
I obtained my permanent residence based on being married to a USC. And now i have been married for 6 years & 8 months. so i didn't apply after 3 years nor after 5 years which proves that i did not get married to get the papers. i had a friend of mine just trying to make me worry & say that my wife can go report me & try to delay me if i divorce her :confused:. Anyways, back to subject was your friend divorced or separated at the time of the interview?

Ramsis, even if your wife divorced you now, since you've already been a legal permanent resident for more than 5 years, then you should still be eligible to file for naturalization (as long as you still meet the other criteria for eligibility).
Congratulations Bobsmyth!

Congratulations and celebrations.
Happy times for your family.. Thanks for the detailed post on the interview.
Hope we all (the descheduled gang) can do it and walk out happy like bobsmyth.

Ramsis, even if your wife divorced you now, since you've already been a legal permanent resident for more than 5 years, then you should still be eligible to file for naturalization (as long as you still meet the other criteria for eligibility).

I agree, no need to worry Ramsis since you've been married long enough to dispel any notions of a scam marriage.
Congratulations and celebrations.
Happy times for your family.. Thanks for the detailed post on the interview.
Hope we all (the descheduled gang) can do it and walk out happy like bobsmyth.


Hear, hear, Murali! The next bus should be along soon (well, in geological terms, at least). :)
Congratulations and celebrations.
Happy times for your family.. Thanks for the detailed post on the interview.
Hope we all (the descheduled gang) can do it and walk out happy like bobsmyth.


Thanks..the applicant who was handed a deschedule notice at interview was told to expect a new one in about 30 days so hopefully your wait won't be too long.
I agree, no need to worry Ramsis since you've been married long enough to dispel any notions of a scam marriage.

ok final question in this matter, say for some reason my case is taking too long and i already got my divorce certificate:

1- Would USCIS find out on its own of it?
2- Should i inform USCIS before the interview of my change of status or after the interview?
3- If i don't need to inform USCIS do i tell the IO at the interview or should i wait until he ask?
ok final question in this matter, say for some reason my case is taking too long and i already got my divorce certificate:

1- Would USCIS find out on its own of it?
2- Should i inform USCIS before the interview of my change of status or after the interview?
3- If i don't need to inform USCIS do i tell the IO at the interview or should i wait until he ask?

I believe the proper procedure would be for you to fill out a new N400 form and take it with you to the interview. You should also bring the original divorce decree and an extra copy that the IO can put into your file.
Thanks..the applicant who was handed a deschedule notice at interview was told to expect a new one in about 30 days so hopefully your wait won't be too long.

Thanks Bobsmyth.. Seems like you were all ears after entering the building.. I would be too :)
BTW where is the party?? :)
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Party is at my place at starts at 8:00pm and goes on until...?
I can't be held responsible for any hangovers :D
ok final question in this matter, say for some reason my case is taking too long and i already got my divorce certificate:

1- Would USCIS find out on its own of it?
2- Should i inform USCIS before the interview of my change of status or after the interview?
3- If i don't need to inform USCIS do i tell the IO at the interview or should i wait until he ask?

Just bring the divorce decree to the interview..this will be your chance to have IO update any information on file. No need to inform USCIS beforehand.
:) Congratulations, Bobsmyth! What a great outcome. I hope you get your OL soon.

On another note, for those who passed interview but whose oath will be after October 10 (voter registration deadline in most states) I wonder if there are any consequences of registering to vote before actually taking the oath (like on rockthevote.org). I would think the act of registering to vote before you officially become a citizen is less severe than actually voting before you become a citizen.

I've thought of this myself, since I think it's unlikely that I'll have an oath date before October 10th. But it seems a dicey prospect. If for any reason you find yourself on the wrong side of the authorities at any point in the future, even a small act like this would provide fodder for a denaturalization proceeding.

However there may be a third option. State boards of elections are not known as models of efficiency and accuracy. One could always fill out a voter registration form, and where it asks, "Are you a US Citizen" (it does in NY, presumably in NC too), answer truthfully "No" (if you haven't already taken the oath). They may reject it, but it could easily slip through, since very few people would submit a registration with such an answer. Then, if you take the oath in the meantime between the registration deadline and the November election, just vote. You would never have falsely claimed to be a US Citizen, and you would never have voted without citizenship.

At any rate, even if you don't get to vote in the U.S, make sure you stay true to your roots and help get rid of Harper if there's an election this fall.;)
Have you seen August 15 update of processing time on USCIS website ? They show April 2007 for Charlotte/Raleigh. (3 months retrogression)