protecting your passport and certificate


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Hello all,

What suggestions do you guys have for protecting the certificate of naturalization and the U.S. passport? We are not allowed the laminate the certificate, are we? Is there some protective sheet that I can wrap the certificate in?
Hello all,

What suggestions do you guys have for protecting the certificate of naturalization and the U.S. passport? We are not allowed the laminate the certificate, are we? Is there some protective sheet that I can wrap the certificate in?

That's a good question. I have been wondering the same thing. So what are allowed to do with the certificate? I heard you can't make copies of it...
I've heard of people storing important documents in a plastic folder and placing it in their freezers, just make sure to take them out if defrosting or if there is a power failure. The best option is a fire safe box from Office Depot etc.

The best passport cover i have found is in CVS at the photo desk, usually they are on the counter, a clear plastic cover costing 99 cents each. The passport shuts over fully with this type cover and no need to take it out of the cover at passport control/Immigration- at least not for me since i have been using mine.

The are other covers available at a few dollars more, i tried them and they are cumbersome and don't close the passort fully and the passport does need to be taken out of the cover at passport control/Immigration.

I bought 10 at CVS and gave out some to my freinds.
I bought 10 at CVS

What's CVS?

I would NOT be storing mine in a plastic bag in the freezer. Frost free freezers have a heater that lightly defrosts every 24 hours. Good place to really screw up your certificate. Get a safety deposit box at your local bank. Often they are free depending on the account that you have.

A fireproof box might be the next best thing but a safety deposit box usually runs to about 30-bucks a year. That's less than a penny a day and you can store other stuff there as well.

Read the USCIS website on getting a relacement certificate. Horror story so look after it well.
In my ceremony there were a few individuals selling certificate folders. I bought enough for me and for the future certificate for my kid. They do a pretty good job as they are thick cardboard covered with some vinyl. Otherwise I think I would have bought some document protector at an office supply store, perhaps a plastic one.

I don't think passports need a special treatment. They are good for 10 years and are fairly sturdy. I have never used a protector for any of my passports. Just store them in a place where they won't get a lot of abuse and they should be fine. Naturalization certificates are a different thing because one has the problem of them being a sheet of paper and the photo being glued to the certificate so you'd rather immobilize the certificate and don't expose it to folding or rubbing against other objects.
You guys are way too worried about this. How have you taken care of your previous passports/documents? Seriously.
You guys are way too worried about this. How have you taken care of your previous passports/documents? Seriously.

Me personally - not worried about the documents/certs, I just store these in a folder, but if you travel a lot I do like those simple clear plastic covers for passports, 99 cents at CVS pharmacy stores - can't go wrong.

PS. I don't work for CVS.:rolleyes:
And carrying the passport as it is, or leaving it at home where you normally would leave a passport is not enough? Does it have to be blemish-free? Yes, seriously.
I'll just scan the Natz certificate and then shove it in the same folder where all the immigration junk has accumulated over the years. Passport can go in any of the many drawers of my desk.
If you want your US passport blemish free then don't travel - it will be spoiled by entry stamps to other countries.

US Passport is a document, an easily replaceable document too. Don't tear it up but don't enshrine it either.
If you want your US passport blemish free then don't travel - it will be spoiled by entry stamps to other countries.

US Passport is a document, an easily replaceable document too. Don't tear it up but don't enshrine it either.

Agree! seriously.....and why was my previous post deleted mr. smyth?
I'll just scan the Natz certificate and then shove it in the same folder where all the immigration junk has accumulated over the years. Passport can go in any of the many drawers of my desk.

So does the scan or copies of that document have any validity in case you lose the original? That was actually my original question. :)
So does the scan or copies of that document have any validity in case you lose the original? That was actually my original question. :)

Copies are not valid as the original certificate has a raised seal. However, a copy may come in handy when you need to apply for a replacement certificate.
If we have applied PP, do we still need the certificate to show we are citizens? I thought certificate was just used for applying PP, that's it. Am I right?
If we have applied PP, do we still need the certificate to show we are citizens? I thought certificate was just used for applying PP, that's it. Am I right?

You need it for renewal of the passport. I heard even DMV was asking for certificate in Texas. Passport was not accepted. Passport is accepted if the place of Birth in US.,1299,DRMN_15_5103634,00.html
You need it for renewal of the passport. I heard even DMV was asking for certificate in Texas. Passport was not accepted. Passport is accepted if the place of Birth in US.
If I was a naturalized or derived citizen in Texas I'd sue them for that, given that they're accepting passports from born citizens without requiring them to produce a birth certificate.