Phoenix AZ - N-400 Timeline

Chantal, when did your did receive his IL, today? I've been going to the PO every day, except for today. So far, nothing for me. That's 2 out of our little Sept. 15th group we got going.

I understand your frustration, they do their best to be extremely rude.
Phx Girl, he received it mid-week. I hope you get yours soon

USER2345, I contacted Sen Jon Kyl. They responded the same day 9/23 :) and told me that they contacted USCIS and were told over the phone that my application was going to be placed in queue for interview. They did confirm that in fact my application was not going to be processed before his calls, even with numerous requests from me. When I called IO this week, they would not say much. Alls he could tell me was she couldn't tell me anything about my case. I think they try to hurt us emotionally :( it must be fun for them somehow. Ya the Phoenix timeline seem to not move. It seems stuck or slow .. The unusal thing is Sen Jon Kyl received my request and called USCIS on 9/23. At my Infopass they told me that my application was placed in queue on 9/22. I'm Canadian.

Thanks :)
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Hey there,

Brining a lawsuit would be a last resort for me too.... To address your comment about biometrics, I believe that fingerprints are only valid for something like 15 months, which looks like you are coming up on, so asking for fp again is a good sign that they maybe are finally getting ready to interview you ...

As for being mean, unforntunately I relate that to the same experience when I have to go to the DMV, no matter how nice I am to the help counter woman she always scowls back, so I just make a point of being nice to her. The reason she scowls at me is not because of me, but because she is tired of all the abuse that she gets from the not so nice people, so she has just become sour by it all, its nothing personal, its just that she hasn't the personality to raise her level of standards higher, instead she has lowered herself to the lowest denominator... (IMO) Its unfortunate that you have gotten stuck in the system, maybe I was lucky, but I have had nothing but a really good experience with what initially was INS, now is USCIS, don't let one or two people get to you because they are having a bad day......

As they don't seem to have looked at your file for a long time, they can't give a yay/nay, as its not been reviewed. On what grounds are you applying, marriage, 5 year rule, do you have anything from your past that would raise a red flag in the system?

Anyways, I hope that they can move forward with your case shortly, I know its allot to ask, but try to stay patient, don't let it get you down, you maybe almost there now :)



Weston08, thank you. I thought about the lawsuit, but I don't want to go there :) If they could only tell me yes or no, I could move on. Even if they tell me we acknowledge that you passed your FBI and name check but we don't like you. That would be an answer. Now, they don't even say anything. I called yesterday. The lady was nice for a minute. She said has your case been pending for 6 or 7 months? I'll check were you are at." When I told her 15 months, she paused and said and repeated like a telephone machine "I am not allowed to tell you any information on your case." I tried to question, but she repeated the same message. She did slip about having to do the biometric. I questioned her about that and she said she didn't say anything about the biometric. that worries me as I did mine in Aug 07. Why do they have to be so mean? By the way, thanks for keeping in touch. It's nice to have you around and you are all done :)

USER2345, congratulations. That's funny and neat! Good Luck

Phx Gril, my father received his FP notice. Weirdly he has to go to Tucson, which it's far. I don't understand. I feel bad, it would have taken 30mins for phx, but it will take him 1:30 - 2 hrs for Tucson
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Phx Girl, have you received your FP?

Weston08, to finally answer your question :) I'm always to quick in writing that I forget to answer. I am applying on based on my marriage. Now I could probably cancel and apply on the 5 year rule
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I applied under marriage too, even though I'd had my gc for over 6 years...

Frist thing my IO said "you can apply under the 5 year rule" and promptly put a red line through marriage and ticked the 5 year rule box, so I wouldn't worry about cancelling :)

Phx Girl, have you received your FP?

Weston08, to finally answer your question :) I'm always to quick in writing that I forget to answer. I am applying on based on my marriage. Now I could probably cancel and apply on the 5 year rule
I'm not sure how it works when you don't receive your FP, but maybe you can call USCIS? It's been 1 1/2 months.

Weston08, what do you think?

McTavish, were you able to do your FP?
I hope the Post Office didn't send it back like it did w/ one of my daughters Passport. They returned it saying "that" box was "closed" (not being payed for). They must've put it in a wrong box, because I received my other two daughter's passport and birth certificates, so PO messed up. That situation only makes me very worried. What if they returned my FP letter?!
I sure do wish USCIS would keep up w/ the online case status.
I will try calling.
Does anyone have that number handy? thx
Hey there,

Try this link for info about calling them...

Hi Chantal, my thoughts on it are:

Whislt 1 1/2 months isnt time to panic yet (however late considering how fast PHX was working), but considering your previous history with the post office, I'd definitely call them, if you fail to get an IO for whatever reason, I'd infopass. Also, maybe easier said than done, I'd get your mailing address changed to a more reliable location if at all possible. During my whole process I constantly worried about the post, as our postal service in the past has been pretty poor (nice word for it)...

Hope your both doing well,



I hope the Post Office didn't send it back like it did w/ one of my daughters Passport. They returned it saying "that" box was "closed" (not being payed for). They must've put it in a wrong box, because I received my other two daughter's passport and birth certificates, so PO messed up. That situation only makes me very worried. What if they returned my FP letter?!
I sure do wish USCIS would keep up w/ the online case status.
I will try calling.
Does anyone have that number handy? thx
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I'm not sure how it works when you don't receive your FP, but maybe you can call USCIS? It's been 1 1/2 months.

Weston08, what do you think?

McTavish, were you able to do your FP?

Yes I got the FP letter at the end of September and did a walk in on 1st Oct.
(they do walk ins on Wed and Sat)
I called
Call 1-800-375-5283

Select Options: 1-1-2-0.
Worked like a Charm!;)
Took me right to a live operator. Thank you Weston!

I was told they haven't sent anything and since it hasn't been more than 7 mos. I have to keep waiting...:eek:
And that it'll be sent in the mail.

I've thought about changing my address, but what if USCIS messes that up? About the post office, loosing mail can happen anytime, anywhere. So it's not so much that I'm concerned about that particular PO, just mail in general. How many of us haven't lost a letter, ever or gotten someone else's mail? I'm just paranoid that it'll be this particular piece of mail that gets lost!:(
Phx Grl, I understand. I get my neighboors mail all the time. There are a few mail items that I never receive. My local PO Office is sometimes confused and I don't trust them. I do not rely on mail to pay my bills. It happens that I get stuff a month late. I opened a PO Box and same thing happens.

Everyone, do you think that McTavis has a point on the rush for voting has passed and now USCIS will be slow? I've looked at the processing times online and Phoenix is so behind. I'm hoping that it's just my worries and nothing else :)
The processing date for Phoenix is still Jully 2007, but I saw several timelines recently here and on other forums with times of 3-4 months, but these were just prior to the voter reg deadline, now there seems to be a slowdown again.
Maybe they are just having a rest after the rush :)
Everyone, do you think that McTavis has a point on the rush for voting has passed and now USCIS will be slow? I've looked at the processing times online and Phoenix is so behind. I'm hoping that it's just my worries and nothing else :)

I sure hope that's not the case.:(
I know I just called last week, but I just wanted to vent......
I'm getting pretty desperate for this FP letter. It seems to be taking longer than usual, for an FP letter. I wonder if it has anything to do w/ my background woes. (I was briefly arrested once, but NO charges were ever filed)
A family friend went to a FP appt. on Wed, to re-new an expired green card. Not ont that, but she had a warrant for her arrest, for "alledgedly" trying to cross the border w/ $27k. I never expected her to be arrested there, I thought she would go to the FP appt and get arrested later at the GC appt, but instead she was arrested right there at the FP appt.
I wonder if they look into your background before hand (obviously they do) and perhaps that's what's holding me back? Although my case is nothing or at all related to her situation. I don't know just trying to make my own conclusions.
Anyone else have ANY news in Phx??
A family friend went to a FP appt. on Wed, to re-new an expired green card. Not ont that, but she had a warrant for her arrest, for "alledgedly" trying to cross the border w/ $27k. I never expected her to be arrested there, I thought she would go to the FP appt and get arrested later at the GC appt, but instead she was arrested right there at the FP appt.
I wonder if they look into your background before hand (obviously they do) and perhaps that's what's holding me back?

Most likely your friends file was flagged for violation of failing to report transfer of funds in excess of $10k. Did they arrest him or just detain and release him to appear at a later hearing?
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I know I just called last week, but I just wanted to vent......
I'm getting pretty desperate for this FP letter. It seems to be taking longer than usual, for an FP letter. I wonder if it has anything to do w/ my background woes. (I was briefly arrested once, but NO charges were ever filed)
A family friend went to a FP appt. on Wed, to re-new an expired green card. Not ont that, but she had a warrant for her arrest, for "alledgedly" trying to cross the border w/ $27k. I never expected her to be arrested there, I thought she would go to the FP appt and get arrested later at the GC appt, but instead she was arrested right there at the FP appt.
I wonder if they look into your background before hand (obviously they do) and perhaps that's what's holding me back? Although my case is nothing or at all related to her situation. I don't know just trying to make my own conclusions.
Anyone else have ANY news in Phx??

The FP scanners used by USCIS are connected to the FBI database via a dedicated line. As soon as your friend had her prints scanned, she scored a hit for an outstanding warrant.
They didn't even have to scan her. She was detained as soon as they called her name. She is still detained. The guy in charge of her case in Arizona, where that happened, was there. She is being held by the U.S. Marshalls. I know, failure to report over $10k at the border is a major offense. I've heard of people going back to their country w/ large amounts of cash and they get caught and the cash gets seized.
She was first detained back in Nov/Dec 2003, she was held for about a week and let go w/o Bond, but had to go back to court. She never did. Meanwhile her GC expired. Now, all of a sudden she wanted to make ammends w/ her situation. But she started w/ the GC. I knew she would get arrested, I just didn't think it would be at the FP appt. I advised her not to do it that way, I even advised her way back when she was first arrested, to continue going to her court hearings and all that, but she refused, now after all this time she wants to get it "fixed". I feel bad for her, but I think she will serve time, if found guilty, and get deported. what do you guys think? even without a criminal record, do they offer a way to renew your GC if it's been expired more than a year?? That would be a red flag for me.