NJfarmer said:Sent out seven faxes to DOL and 11 post mails to the 7 people listed here, four TV stations, etc.
NJ Farmer
09/30/02 NJ RIR
pardesh said:I have send faxed and email today to Ms. Choa. Also circulated email to some of my friends and requested them to do so.
LedBy said:Sub: Delay in Foreign Labor Certification Application approval process at BECs
Dear Sir / Madam,
I would like to bring to your attention the huge delay in LCA approval process at the two Backlog Elimation Centres (BEC), most notably the DOL’s Philadelphia BEC. I have been waiting for almost 2 years since the commencement of two BECs and have not received the approvals.
My family and I are suffering constantly due to these delays. We are even considering leaving USA to home country or to Canada/Australia. Please take necessary measures to speed up the approval process.
I would be highly obliged if you look into this matter as soon as possible.
A Skilled worker and his family
Fairfax, VA 22033
DOL Officers
Ms. Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor
Mr. Paul T. Conway, Chief of Staff
Mr. Steven J. Law, Deputy Secretary
Ms. Ruth D. Knouse, Executive Secretariat Director
Ms. Amy Barrera, Director of Advance & Scheduling
Ms. Laura Genero, Associate Deputy Secretary
White house
president@whitehouse.gov,comments@whitehouse.gov,vice_president@whitehouse.gov, newsadmin@whitehouse.gov,FAQ@whitehouse.gov
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allenh@washpost.com, allenm@washpost.com, aranam@washpost.com, argetsinger@washpost.com, rajiv@washpost.com, cheaterry@washpost.com, cohnd@washpost.com, coopermana@washpost.com, apcar@nytimes.com, peappl@nytimes.com, randya@nytimes.com, barbanel@nytimes.com, dabarry@nytimes.com, barstow@nytimes.com, goldbehr@nytimes.com, belluck@nytimes.com, jabenn@nytimes.com,abc.news.magazines@abc.com,2020@abc.com,abc.news.magazines@abc.com,thisweek@abc.com,Dateline@NBC.com,WT@nbc.com,MTP@NBC.com,nightly@nbc.com,today@nbc.com,viewerservices@msnbc.com,msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com,abramsreport@msnbc.com,countdown@msnbc.com,hardball@msnbc.com,Connected@MSNBC.com,Imus@msnbc.com, brian_hill@metronetworks.com, sheberer@pbs.org, mark.nelson@abc.com, virginia.moseley@abc.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, betsy.fischer@nbc.com, dibella@foxnews.com, dmedrano@telemundo.com, plorris@univision.net, abenitez@univision.net, danschiedel@kozk.pbs.org, steve.majors@nbc.com, mcurtis@njn.org, meredith.white@abc.com, gil.pimentel@abc.com, stu.schutzman@abc.com, thismorning@cbsnews.com, sundays@cbsnews.com, 48hours@cbsnews.com, jonathan.wald@nbc.com, penny.britell@abc.com, muriel.pearson@abc.com, dij@cbsnews.com, sharon.newman@abc.com, realitycheck@cbsnews.com, lisa.hsia@nbc.com, mail@uttm.com, susan.dutcher@nbc.com, dij@cbsnews.com, rod.prince@nbc.com, pjh@cbsnews.com , browne@foxnews.com, gramshaw@newshour.org, pls@cbsnews.com
LoveNY said:buddy you have done a great job! I am with you but at the same time I could not stop laughing after seeing ur post. should we really CC to whitehouse and senators ?? please share your opinion.
pardesh said:I have send faxed and email today to Ms. Choa. Also circulated email to some of my friends and requested them to do so.
LoveNY said:Those who already sent letters,
Thanks for your support!
I will be sending letters soon. Just a question, did you guys put your pesonal information in the letter that you sent to DOL ?