OCI - New York Tracker


My Wife's OCI application was received at NY last week. Because we just moved and there is no such thing as address change for OCI, we decided to go to NY to get OCI stamping done. Our bad luck that we went on Monday, 10th May 2010, when they completely closed OCI counter and everything will be done via mail now. After knowing that, I mailed her US passport on 11th May to NY (yesterday) hoping to get OCI stamping soon (traveling to India in a week with my wife). And my wife received this email about cancellation of Indian citizenship and surrender of Indian passport today. So, we are not sure what to do. Do we just send form and $175 now with her Indian passport? Or will they not accept it via mail? Everything seems so confusing. Please help.


My Wife's OCI application was received at NY last week. Because we just moved and there is no such thing as address change for OCI, we decided to go to NY to get OCI stamping done. Our bad luck that we went on Monday, 10th May 2010, when they completely closed OCI counter and everything will be done via mail now. After knowing that, I mailed her US passport on 11th May to NY (yesterday) hoping to get OCI stamping soon (traveling to India in a week with my wife). And my wife received this email about cancellation of Indian citizenship and surrender of Indian passport today. So, we are not sure what to do. Do we just send form and $175 now with her Indian passport? Or will they not accept it via mail? Everything seems so confusing. Please help.

I 'am exactly in the same situation and through mail is not yet clear - hence waiting for few members direct visit feedback for decision
Nope, they will ding you for the $175 no matter what visa you apply. Renunciation is not specific to OCI/PIO.

Yep..:( , you are right nkm-Oct23.
I am ready to give that check $175 if they do away with all that XXII forms/procedure. Let them just email my passports and OCI stamp back... :)
I 'am exactly in the same situation and through mail is not yet clear - hence waiting for few members direct visit feedback for decision

Me too. I mailed my passports on may 7th and now I don't know what to do. I did not receive any emails/mail whatsoever.
I emailed to Mrs. Pushpa Kumar thrice already , no reply. Just lost!!!
Friends those of you visit NY CGI personally please update the forum.
According to the info on the form they need Signature of India Citizen who is Indian Citizen by Birth and they also ask for his/her signature, Home address, and Email and Copy of His/Her Indian passport. The person may not be ready to give the Copy of His/her Indian passport as Passport will have name, DOB, Mother/ Father Name. Why the person will provide full information and take risk of Identity theft? Everyone knows how secure can be information with Indian consulate. Indian passport number should be enough. They are asking Fees, No clear cut info and then one has to find Indian Citizen to sign on form. Many Indian citizen will not sign the form or may not feel comfortable giving Copy of his/her Indian passport
Me too. I mailed my passports on may 7th and now I don't know what to do. I did not receive any emails/mail whatsoever.
I emailed to Mrs. Pushpa Kumar thrice already , no reply. Just lost!!!
------When they dont have the answer they dont reply . It is like a child who spills the milk by mistake and then tries to hide from parents. Somebody has posted even Bajaj did shout at somebody who called and asked the caller to check the site.
Friends those of you visit NY CGI personally please update the forum.
Why people are calling only Bajaj or Pushpa Kumar why not to call Prabhu Dayal???

i am also stuck i mailed my passport on 4th and reached there on 5th.. and i was expecting it by mail last couple of days..and today i got this renunciation crap.. and they could have atleast have a common decency to say or put a board saying "bribe" in the consulate which was only in india now since cosualte is also a part of this we decided to implement that indian culture over there too .. we would have accepted it and paid it(with out this papper hassle of form 22) ...hopefully will hear some news in next couple of days...or else we are screwed!... :(
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i am also stuck i mailed my passport on 4th and reached there on 5th.. and i was expecting it by mail last couple of days..and today i got this renunciation crap..

jack76: Did you receive the package (your passports) back with the renunication notice? Or was it only an email from the consulate?
My passports are at NYCGI (to get U Visa Sticker) and I have my India trip coming up in less then 2 weeks. Don't know what to do. :(
jack76: Did you receive the package (your passports) back with the renunication notice? Or was it only an email from the consulate?
My passports are at NYCGI (to get U Visa Sticker) and I have my India trip coming up in less then 2 weeks. Don't know what to do. :(

I mailed my Passport before when this fiasco started to get the U visa sticker fixed
all I got is only the email from them and I my trip is also in less than 2 weeks
PittsfieldMA & BostonCool, we are all in the same situation. I e-mailed Mrs. Pushpa Kumar twice but of course there's no response. I called them but it goes to voice mail when the phone is not busy. I'm thinking of faxing them so that I can at least get my US passport back and get an entry visa in the worst case scenario. And no, I don't mind paying $175 or filling out another 5 forms, just want clear directions and this stupidity to end for good after 10 years of running from pillar to post with immigration paperwork. I was thinking about a class action lawsuit against these guys for not meeting "reasonable service standards" but these *s are all protected by diplomatic conventions!

As they say, let's prepare for the worst and hope for the best...


OCI dispatched - 29 Mar 10
Received at CGNY - 13 Apr 10
[Travelled out of the US]
Mailed Indian and US passports - 11 May 10 (Express mail)
Received at CGNY - 12 May 10 (USPS says item was signed for by M MANISHA)
yep and I would like to do the same if possible and I tried calling the Visa service center and to check the surrender certificate procedure
and they simply hung upon me -

I was thinking about a class action lawsuit against these guys for not meeting "reasonable service standards" but these *s are all protected by diplomatic conventions!
>> you already answered your own question I guess and only option is to show up theirand create some noise (nice way)
of course I 'am ready to join if you guys are interested in it
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What about rally before Indian consulate New York? 20-25 people gather on particular day and meet the Ambassador Prabu Dayal? Get the clear guidelines for the Form if one needs to submit at counter or by Mail. Get information for the Pending OCI that is not being Acknowdged, Scanned, and Granted. Clear Guidelines to collect the OCI who got OCI sent from Delhi.
We can make list of all the questions.
Any thoughts?
Emails or Phone calls may not work for 15-20 days as they created mess.
What about rally before Indian consulate New York? 20-25 people gather on particular day and meet the Ambassador Prabu Dayal? Get the clear guidelines for the Form if one needs to submit at counter or by Mail. Get information for the Pending OCI that is not being Acknowdged, Scanned, and Granted. Clear Guidelines to collect the OCI who got OCI sent from Delhi.
We can make list of all the questions.
Any thoughts?
Emails or Phone calls may not work for 15-20 days as they created mess.
Love to do that and Monday works great for me - how about others?
Send Emails/Fax to
23017256 (PH)
E-Mail: hm@nic.in
Gopal K. Pillai
23093003 (Fax)
23094896 (Fax)

Under Secretary (OCI), Foreigners Division,
Ministry of Home Affairs, 26-Mansingh Road,
Jaisalmer House, New Delhi-110011.
Tel. No. 011-23387436.
e-mail: usoci-mha@nic.in
Anil Goswami
ADDL. SECRETARY (Foreigners)

G.V. Venugopala Sharma
JS (Foreigners)
23383888 (Fax}
P.V. Sivaraman
DS (Foreigners)
Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block
Central Secretariat
New Delhi - 110 001
Phone: 23092011, 23092161
Fax: 23093750, 23092763
email: websitemhaweb@nic.in

An Internal Grievances Redressal Machinery (IGRM), functioning in this Ministry, attends to all grievances promptly. The Joint Secretary (Coordination and Public Grievances) has been nominated as Director of Public Grievances. The name, designation, room number, telephone number, etc. of Director of Public Grievances are as under:

Shri K.C. Jain
Joint Secretary (Coordination and Public Grievances)
Room No. 9, North Block
New Delhi-110001
Telefax No.23092392
E-Mail: jscpg-mha@nic.in

For lodging Grievances centrally, Please click
RTI Form can be sent only by Indian Citizen
Ok guys, here is the latest info:

My friend yesterday who Mr. Bajaj was rude to, ended up sending an email to every single person in the CGI NY and she got a response to call back. She called back this morning and spoke to Mr. Bajaj who was much calmer today and explained that he does not handle the surrender certificate processing and that is handled instead by Anju Kumar and he gave her contact number.

Bajaj also said for those whose OCI stickers have arrived, you need to fill out the renunciation form, send the payment (I think this probably would mean a bank money order, not a personal check) and add a cover letter referencing your OCI application details (including your file acknowledgment number). He said send it by express mail. Regarding the second signature of the Indian official, this will be handled by Anju Kumar and so all of you can just fill out the form with your details and sign it but leave that other signature section blank. Why the hell they could not have been clear about this from the beginning is something only God knows because we all know the CGI NY folk do not know themselves. So the good news is that you can mail this renunciation form in or if you want, you can go in person and get it done there. My friend also contacted Anju Kumar this morning just to confirm what Bajaj had said and she confirmed everything.

Hope this helps you guys out.
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Ok guys, here is the latest info:

My friend yesterday who Mr. Bajaj was rude to, ended up sending an email to every single person in the CGI NY and she got a response to call back. She called back this morning and spoke to Mr. Bajaj who was much calmer today and explained that he does not handle the surrender certificate processing and that is handled instead by Anju Kumar and he gave her contact number.

Bajaj also said for those whose OCI stickers have arrived, you need to fill out the form, send the payment (I think this probably would mean a bank money order, not a personal check) and add a cover letter referencing your OCI application details (including your file acknowledgment number). He said send it by express mail. Regarding the second signature of the Indian official, this will be handled by Anju Kumar and so all of you can just fill out the form with your details and sign it but leave that other signature section blank. Why the hell they could not have been clear about this from the beginning is something only God knows because we all know the CGI NY folk do not know themselves. So the good news is that you can mail this renunciation form in or if you want, you can go in person and get it done there. My friend also contacted Anju Kumar this morning just to confirm what Bajaj had said and she confirmed everything.

Hope this helps you guys out.

Thanks a bunch but do we still need to get an Indian citizen passport and signature?
Thanks a bunch but do we still need to get an Indian citizen passport and signature?

Man, I didn't know the form was updated and needs three signatures now (the comedy continues) and so I asked my friend and she didn't realize this also and didn't ask about it. However based on the form, it does look like you will need an Indian citizen to vouch for your renunciation and this Indian citizen will also have to provide a copy of his/her Indian passport pages to prove that he/she is an Indian citizen. I hope you all have decent Indian citizen friends who trust you enough to do this for you.

But as usual, the CGI NY make nothing easy and add more bureaucratic crap to the mix. How totally moronic.
The same confusion exists even at the visa office. Everyone there is completely surprised by the new rules which keep changing on a daily basis. I applied for a visa on Tuesday afternoon, hoping to get it back on Wednesday. Instead I get a call about this extra $175 fee. I show up this morning with the fee and now they have an additional requirement -- they need a copy of the naturalization certificate. Of course, I didn't have it with me, so I had to have my wife fax it to them. After they recd the fax, they gave me another version of the surrender certificate to fill out (the one from the consulate website). I just left the part which is supposed to be filled by an Indian citizen blank. Since the procedures have changed, they now have no idea how long it will take to get the visa. I was supposed to fly on Sunday -- may have to cancel the trip.