Non RIR Discussion Only !

I DO understand your excitement but why you post it in the NON-RIR only thread? Was your case non - rir and converted?

Days_go_by said:
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Finally.....5 years and 9 days of Labor Pain over
Dear Friends...

Its my turn to share good news. My LC is certified today.
I am just posting some details right now, and will post a detailed analysis of things learnt in this process and some advise to all those who are awaiting, in a few days.

Priority date : Sep 2001, EB2 RIR,
Never reached regional
Certified on 3rd Oct, 2006

Case closed, reopened, and ...(and wait for further details in my next big post). I really want to give my best wishes to all those who are already certified and all those waiting. In Indian language of Hindi they say "Bhagwan ke ghar me der hai, andher nahi..." (It means, trust in God, there may be delays, but there is a light at the end...)
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so_depressed said:
I DO understand your excitement but why you post it in the NON-RIR only thread? Was your case non - rir and converted?
Not my case, someone else posted on Dallas tracking.
sorry about the confusion, I saw 2001 and jumped the gun!
I deleted my post.
Any new approvals. I just received my 8th year extension. It is very frustating that they work faster on all illegals cases than on people who pay taxes for 7 years.

PD: 07/2001
EB2/Non-RIR (Traditional): D-05221-9XXXX
Online Status: In Process
Tired 072001 said:
Any new approvals. I just received my 8th year extension. It is very frustating that they work faster on all illegals cases than on people who pay taxes for 7 years.

PD: 07/2001
EB2/Non-RIR (Traditional): D-05221-9XXXX
Online Status: In Process

Was yours converted to RIR? Does anybody know when the remanded cases that were converted back to RIR are going to get processed?
RIR Approval Flood

In "Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking " thread I can see LC approval flood. Latest is Dec 2003. I am happy for them. But why PBEC is so unfair? Why we are (TR cases ) are left behind? I don't see a single TR approval. I am not sure if anyone even received Recruitment Instruction. Any update from anyone?

Don't tell me about AJB job posting. I am sick of seeing those stupid JOBS. No offence. But it is unfair to give priority to illegals more than tax payers.
nohope_for_lc said:
In "Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking " thread I can see LC approval flood. Latest is Dec 2003. I am happy for them. But why PBEC is so unfair? Why we are (TR cases ) are left behind? I don't see a single TR approval. I am not sure if anyone even received Recruitment Instruction. Any update from anyone?

Don't tell me about AJB job posting. I am sick of seeing those stupid JOBS. No offence. But it is unfair to give priority to illegals more than tax payers.

I agree with you. But somewhere i had read that BECs tried to set the 245(i) cases aside and they were reminded of it being profiling. As if this guys need any other excuse for not doing their work :rolleyes:. Anyways, as we all know there was sea of applications that were submited before april 30th 2001 and most of it were for the illegals which is the main reason we all are in this SHI!$#@ hole. So no matter what we think they will have to go thru all of these and get to ours. There are few non 245(i) cases that pop up on the AJB site every now and then so it is not only 245(i) that are being worked on, we are in a minority prior to April 30th 2001. Looks like it will be another month or two when i can expect my ADVT to be posted( my pd is 4/30/2001). Then the whole process about interviewing etc and it will be March or April as per my GUESTIMATES for me. Hope this helps.
nohope_for_lc said:
In "Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking " thread I can see LC approval flood. Latest is Dec 2003. I am happy for them. But why PBEC is so unfair? Why we are (TR cases ) are left behind? I don't see a single TR approval. I am not sure if anyone even received Recruitment Instruction. Any update from anyone?

Don't tell me about AJB job posting. I am sick of seeing those stupid JOBS. No offence. But it is unfair to give priority to illegals more than tax payers.

Welcome to the realization that BECs have been unfair to NON-RIR cases. I have seen several of my friend's 04 cases approved like a year back. :mad: :mad: :mad:

It seems to me that they had been given a goal of completing certain % of cases by certain date. And our smart BEC folks have chosen an easy way out by finishing EASIER cases rather than operating under FIFO rules. Now, they are showing off as they have finished lot of cases...but all the difficult ones are still not done..which means it's tough time ahead for us...

Anyone mad enough to kill mr. bill clinton's yet?
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To my understanding, fairness is not part of the rules in this world. Even for this LC mess, I remember that some folks in the same company with the same application got approvals and already got GC for 2 or 3 years. Maybe when I get GC, she should be eligible to apply for citizen. We can keep waiting/fighting/complaining. It is still up to the lottery BEC system to grant us the first ticket.

fastergcwanted said:
Welcome to the realization that BECs have been unfair to NON-RIR cases. I have seen several of my friend's 04 cases approved like a year back. :mad: :mad: :mad:

It seems to me that they had been given a goal of completing certain % of cases by certain date. And our smart BEC folks have chosen an easy way out by finishing EASIER cases rather than operating under FIFO rules. Now, they are showing off as they have finished lot of cases...but all the difficult ones are still not done..which means it's tough time ahead for us...

Anyone mad enough to kill mr. bill clinton's yet?
New RIR converstion regulation will be issued 10/06/2006

A notice will be published in the Federal Register on Friday, October 6, 2006. Cases filed on or before 3/27/2005 may convert.
AILA website has some Notice about RIR conversion, but it is restricted access. Is there any way of getting it ?

Thanks !
07162001 said:
A notice will be published in the Federal Register on Friday, October 6, 2006. Cases filed on or before 3/27/2005 may convert.

That will be a great option if it is going to happen.
Pray God
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so_depressed said:
I just found it at Oh-law:

Let's all be prepared to convert.

Here is the paragraph from Oh-law

10/05/2006: Traditional Labor Conversion to RIR Rule to be Published Tomorrow, 10/06/2006

According to the advance copy of the federal register which the AILA has obtained, the DOL will change the rule such that the traditional (regular) labor certification application may be allowed to be convered to RIR for all those cases which have been pending since March 27, 2005 except those applications the state had already started the recruitment by job order or the BEC has started the recruitment processing by issuing the job order and recruitment instructions. Consequently, if people have already received the recruitment instructions, these cases will not be eligible for the conversion. Additionally, those cases, which the SWA had already started the recruitment process before March 28, 2005 when they ceased their work and transferred the files to the BEC will also be excluded from the conversion opportunity. If the cases had already been completed by the SWAs and forwarded to the Region's Certifying Officers, and then later shipped to the BEC, these cases will also be excluded. The notice does not make it clear, but it is obvious that if the SWA forwarded RIR application to the Regions for the CO's review of eligibility of RIR, which have later been remanded to the SWA by the CO after denying RIR and the cases had been automatically converted to a traditioanl application and pending in BEC for processing as traditional cases under the traditional case queue, these cases are likely to be eligible for conversion and no recruitment has been commenced as a traditional application. For the to-be-released federal notice tomorrow, please stay tuned to this web site.
tarikida said:
Here is the paragraph from Oh-law

10/05/2006: Traditional Labor Conversion to RIR Rule to be Published Tomorrow, 10/06/2006

According to the advance copy of the federal register which the AILA has obtained, the DOL will change the rule such that the traditional (regular) labor certification application may be allowed to be convered to RIR for all those cases which have been pending since March 27, 2005 except those applications the state had already started the recruitment by job order or the BEC has started the recruitment processing by issuing the job order and recruitment instructions. Consequently, if people have already received the recruitment instructions, these cases will not be eligible for the conversion. Additionally, those cases, which the SWA had already started the recruitment process before March 28, 2005 when they ceased their work and transferred the files to the BEC will also be excluded from the conversion opportunity. If the cases had already been completed by the SWAs and forwarded to the Region's Certifying Officers, and then later shipped to the BEC, these cases will also be excluded. The notice does not make it clear, but it is obvious that if the SWA forwarded RIR application to the Regions for the CO's review of eligibility of RIR, which have later been remanded to the SWA by the CO after denying RIR and the cases had been automatically converted to a traditioanl application and pending in BEC for processing as traditional cases under the traditional case queue, these cases are likely to be eligible for conversion and no recruitment has been commenced as a traditional application. For the to-be-released federal notice tomorrow, please stay tuned to this web site.

Logical Analysis:

1) Tomorrow BEC is coming up with this rule means we can say that
whatever RIR load they might have till now they are done with most of it
and so the system is ready to take new "RIR" load.
2) BECs still have not perfected their system to deal with TR cases and so
they have tried to lure everybody to change the queue from "TR" to "RIR"
with possible financial gain (After this much wait does it make any sense
to be lured by the word "RIR"?).
3) Divert people's attention with giving false hope by introducing another
delay for conversion. People will stop making noise about the delay so far
they have suffered with. And they will not make further noise for a while
with having "RIR hope"

And yes this is "logical" analysis and we all know that BECs do not go well with the word "logical".

- BharatPremi
Conversion TR to RIR

hello friends

since the conversion rules are is a quick question

What happens if some candidate is found in RIR? I understand that the candidate does not have to have matching qualification. Does the application goes in TR again??

My attorney is unwilling to convert to RIR b/c he fears that the liklihood of getting a qualified is more in RIR.

That sounds like a crap to me. Are there any rules that prevent you - as NON-RIR - to apply a job that is for a RIR applicant? If so, I'll be so surprised. I mean this whole crap advertisement thing is for AMERICANS who want the job. Can they apply for RIR job only? Or Can they apply for whatever type? Where is the logic?

gptexan said:
hello friends

since the conversion rules are is a quick question

What happens if some candidate is found in RIR? I understand that the candidate does not have to have matching qualification. Does the application goes in TR again??

My attorney is unwilling to convert to RIR b/c he fears that the liklihood of getting a qualified is more in RIR.

You analysis may be very logical, but it can not possibly hurt the ones who choose to convert, right? At least the BEC is experienced in RIR cases already, and it will save the converted ones the trouble of the whole - posting ad / interviewing / report - crap process. So the buttom line is that it can't hurt.

Hope I'm right.

bharatpremi said:
Logical Analysis:

1) Tomorrow BEC is coming up with this rule means we can say that
whatever RIR load they might have till now they are done with most of it
and so the system is ready to take new "RIR" load.
2) BECs still have not perfected their system to deal with TR cases and so
they have tried to lure everybody to change the queue from "TR" to "RIR"
with possible financial gain (After this much wait does it make any sense
to be lured by the word "RIR"?).
3) Divert people's attention with giving false hope by introducing another
delay for conversion. People will stop making noise about the delay so far
they have suffered with. And they will not make further noise for a while
with having "RIR hope"

And yes this is "logical" analysis and we all know that BECs do not go well with the word "logical".

- BharatPremi