Non RIR Discussion Only !

ma_nonrir_eb3 said:
The DOL is expected to publish a notice in the Federal register soon giving more details on the RIR conversion option for backlogged cases. It is NOT yet officially an option, but it makes sense to get ready for it. From what I understand, it is likely to be closer to pre-PERM regulations, but some new regulations such as 100% prevailing wage would apply. PD will be retained, of course. As far as how BEC would process it, its all speculation right now.

Another limitation here is only for those within the 6 year range can convert. Not sure if PD will be retained. But those who are on extension they will not be able to change.
Celice said:
Please try typing in "teamexceed" and press "find jobs" button. Teamexceed is presumed an anonym of DBEC.
From the search I did not find any posting from Dallas BRC for job that we see under Piladelphia BRC. The postings at teamexceed are for non-IT.
Where does it say that

Where did you read that those on extension beyond 6 yrs TR may not be eligible for RIR conversion?

stsgc said:
Another limitation here is only for those within the 6 year range can convert. Not sure if PD will be retained. But those who are on extension they will not be able to change.
stsgc said:
Another limitation here is only for those within the 6 year range can convert. Not sure if PD will be retained. But those who are on extension they will not be able to change.
I am pretty sure there won't be any such limitation. Most cases in backlog centers are for people on 7th, 8th, 9th...even 11th year extensions. DOL would not achieve the objective of decreasing its burden by putting such a limitation. May I ask what is your source for this information?
stsgc said:
Another limitation here is only for those within the 6 year range can convert. Not sure if PD will be retained. But those who are on extension they will not be able to change.

that don't make no sense to convert it in RIR and not retainin' the damn PD, as PD is more important than anythin', personally I wud wait till the end of 9/30/07 and see my LC rather than converting it into RIR so that I can retain my PD.

this is the first time I am hearing about the six year limit, may be I lost of track of the literature to educate me of such news. please show me the source of your info, if it is not the right one, I have to delete the post as it is misleading to our readers and members.
Year limit is make sense to me

labordrags said:
that don't make no sense to convert it in RIR and not retainin' the damn PD, as PD is more important than anythin', personally I wud wait till the end of 9/30/07 and see my LC rather than converting it into RIR so that I can retain my PD.

this is the first time I am hearing about the six year limit, may be I lost of track of the literature to educate me of such news. please show me the source of your info, if it is not the right one, I have to delete the post as it is misleading to our readers and members.

I have talked my company liar in last year about TR -> PERM, he concern
was if my PERM got rejected, I would lost my PD then lost H1 status,(can not be renewaled) since I am in 7th H1 now. so it was make sense not convert 6th H1 to RIR/PERM.

It has some risk there.
RIR conversion

Doesn't make sense to me. PERM was a risk because the system was not working and denying almost all applications.
The converted RIR application, as far as I understood it, will have the same job requirements, etc. but the recruitment will be done by the company itself.
If this is the only difference, correct me if I am wrong, and there is a chance the converted RIR application can be denied, aren't there the same chance the TR application can be denied a year later?

stuck_gc said:
I have talked my company liar in last year about TR -> PERM, he concern
was if my PERM got rejected, I would lost my PD then lost H1 status,(can not be renewaled) since I am in 7th H1 now. so it was make sense not convert 6th H1 to RIR/PERM.

It has some risk there.

Why in the hell BPC is wasting their time on jobs like this:

This makes me throw up on bill clinton's face....for real. That making people with graduate degrees wait for this uneducated immigrants. Don't want to be rude to people with lesser skills or jobs...just being practical, it's tough to digest and sharing my emotions with you guys.

Sorry..I am getting tired of watching this 245i jobs being posted waiting for my turn.....
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labordrags said:
that don't make no sense to convert it in RIR and not retainin' the damn PD, as PD is more important than anythin', personally I wud wait till the end of 9/30/07 and see my LC rather than converting it into RIR so that I can retain my PD.

this is the first time I am hearing about the six year limit, may be I lost of track of the literature to educate me of such news. please show me the source of your info, if it is not the right one, I have to delete the post as it is misleading to our readers and members.

My company lawyer told me, I'm under a NON-RIR outside 6year term and when I asked if I can change from NON-RIR to RIR or PERM, this is what my Lawyer told me. If not I would have changed long time ago.
TR Certified

Hello everyone,

I saw this email in an email group and decided to share it with you

"Priority Date: 06/06/2001
Porcessing Type: TR

Originally Received: Chicago office Oct 24th 2002

FYI: I got a INTENT TO DENIAL to the process on APRIL 2006 because the
labor dept thought one of the candidates that applied for my job was
qualified but they didn't verify that the guy WAS NOT A CITIZEN.. so
my lawyer APPEALED and now it was CERTIFIED. "

I guess they have started processing TR cases that have reached regional level.
I wouldn't think Regional TR cases are much different from RIR. Because the recruitment is done at the SWA level. I think we have seen some of those getting approved before.'s always a good news when there is approval involved.

roddy said:
Hello everyone,

I saw this email in an email group and decided to share it with you

"Priority Date: 06/06/2001
Porcessing Type: TR

Originally Received: Chicago office Oct 24th 2002

FYI: I got a INTENT TO DENIAL to the process on APRIL 2006 because the
labor dept thought one of the candidates that applied for my job was
qualified but they didn't verify that the guy WAS NOT A CITIZEN.. so
my lawyer APPEALED and now it was CERTIFIED. "

I guess they have started processing TR cases that have reached regional level.
I don't think your lawyer is correct. My company did convert cases from non-RIR to RIR for PD before Aug. 3, 2001. Never heard about any 6 year H1 limit. It is a requirement that you should not convert/file PERM if you have this 6year H1 problem since potentially you may lose PD. But converting from TR to RIR should not be a problem.

stsgc said:
My company lawyer told me, I'm under a NON-RIR outside 6year term and when I asked if I can change from NON-RIR to RIR or PERM, this is what my Lawyer told me. If not I would have changed long time ago.
labordrags said:
that don't make no sense to convert it in RIR and not retainin' the damn PD, as PD is more important than anythin', personally I wud wait till the end of 9/30/07 and see my LC rather than converting it into RIR so that I can retain my PD.

this is the first time I am hearing about the six year limit, may be I lost of track of the literature to educate me of such news. please show me the source of your info, if it is not the right one, I have to delete the post as it is misleading to our readers and members.

I agree labordrags, Keeping the PD is the most important thing. I checked with my company Lawyer again and this is what he said.
If you change from Non-RIR to RIR you will loose PD.
If you are beyond 6 year and on extension and if you loose PD then there is a chance that your extension will be invalid.
This is getting interesting. I really look forward to finding out exactly what the law says.

stsgc said:
I agree labordrags, Keeping the PD is the most important thing. I checked with my company Lawyer again and this is what he said.
If you change from Non-RIR to RIR you will loose PD.
If you are beyond 6 year and on extension and if you loose PD then there is a chance that your extension will be invalid.
Really I think that your lawyer is either lying or ignorant. I suggest you read the regulations by yourself. I have seen many cases with PD before Aug. 3 2001 being converted. From what you said, your PD should be before Aug. 3 2001, too. Here is a link:

Clearly you can keep PD. Can you not trust your lawyer?

stsgc said:
I agree labordrags, Keeping the PD is the most important thing. I checked with my company Lawyer again and this is what he said.
If you change from Non-RIR to RIR you will loose PD.
If you are beyond 6 year and on extension and if you loose PD then there is a chance that your extension will be invalid.
Thanks for the information. Since My PD is in 2003 I cannot change from Non-RIR to RIR without loosing my PD. So people who have their application filed before Aug 3, 2001 can change to RIR .
Old regulation

DOL had said that they are going to modify this to apply to cases in BEC and publish...I think you are displaying old regulation...plz wait for DOL to release new regulation~!
I have explored conversion to RIR option with my lawyer about a year back and I think you get to keep your PD if your case is before aug 2001. However, you never know about the new regulation and how risky it might be that you can lose your PD....if there is even a slim chance that you lose PD, there is no advantage of conversion for 01/02/03 2 cents.