Non RIR Discussion Only !

My 2 cents. If there is a new regulation, I expect that there won't be any risk of losing PD. Otherwise nobody will convert TR to RIR. They can simply file PERM if they want to lose PD. Such a regulation that loses your PD just does not make any sense. From the latest update, the purpose of converting TR to RIR is to speed up the process or TR processing. Without this, there is no way that BEC will meet the deadline of Sep. 2007. And they do want people to convert. If nobody converts, they still cannot meet their deadline. I won't call this a speculation. It's common sense.

I know BEC has done a lot of stupid things. But from all signs recently, they seem to be serious about meeting the deadline.

fastergcwanted said:
I have explored conversion to RIR option with my lawyer about a year back and I think you get to keep your PD if your case is before aug 2001. However, you never know about the new regulation and how risky it might be that you can lose your PD....if there is even a slim chance that you lose PD, there is no advantage of conversion for 01/02/03 2 cents.
AJB Status

Guys looks like the PBEC is now following FIFO for advertizing jobs on They are now posting ads for P-05021-xxxxx. Couple of days back it was P-05019 and P-05020 and so on...So people with # in this range may have a reason to feel a little bit elated. Nothing is certain with PBEC, though.
Priority date and Case no.

Just a word of caution that case no. are not always related to the priority date. These numbers were assigned based on when BEC recieved the applications from State SWA's and entered them into the system.

shanpai said:
Guys looks like the PBEC is now following FIFO for advertizing jobs on They are now posting ads for P-05021-xxxxx. Couple of days back it was P-05019 and P-05020 and so on...So people with # in this range may have a reason to feel a little bit elated. Nothing is certain with PBEC, though.
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Thanks for the encouraging words

shanpai said:
Guys looks like the PBEC is now following FIFO for advertizing jobs on They are now posting ads for P-05021-xxxxx. Couple of days back it was P-05019 and P-05020 and so on...So people with # in this range may have a reason to feel a little bit elated. Nothing is certain with PBEC, though.

They have been in this range for the last 2 months about 10-15 ads a day. Yesterday Sept 30th they have put SIXTY ads. Must have been some target they were trying to meet. I hope they get to mine soon. I dont know what kind of stupid system they are following. But if they have been following FIFO, it took 2 months to move from P-0520 to P-0521. I am on P-05172. Who knows when they will reach there. Any body before or after me in that date range please post.
I am not sure why teamexceed jobs have seen rapid decline in terms of posting in ajb, which means DBEC has shown significant loss in producing the job availiability. But the way PBEC has posted jobs in the bank makes me wonder if Philly has more 245(i) jobs more than in dallas. Any thoughts, anyone?
My 2 cents

labordrags said:
I am not sure why teamexceed jobs have seen rapid decline in terms of posting in ajb, which means DBEC has shown significant loss in producing the job availiability. But the way PBEC has posted jobs in the bank makes me wonder if Philly has more 245(i) jobs more than in dallas. Any thoughts, anyone?
As of when the cases were transfered to the BEC's there were 18 states that were processing cases prior to 4/30/2001. Now they are divided in to 10 in Dallas and 8 in PBEC. But as far as i know NJ had received around 7-8K cases on just on 4/30. So i would put around 10K cases in April 2001 just in NJ. Then there is NY which has more concentration of the 245(i). Just my observation of following this 245(i) mess.
None from DBEC

epidural said:
They have been in this range for the last 2 months about 10-15 ads a day. Yesterday Sept 30th they have put SIXTY ads. Must have been some target they were trying to meet. I hope they get to mine soon. I dont know what kind of stupid system they are following. But if they have been following FIFO, it took 2 months to move from P-0520 to P-0521. I am on P-05172. Who knows when they will reach there. Any body before or after me in that date range please post.


Has anybody figured out if DBEC is putting ads yet or not? All I see are PBEC ads. Anyone have any thoughts?
Implication of not meeting sept. 07 deadline?

bpc2001 said:
My 2 cents. If there is a new regulation, I expect that there won't be any risk of losing PD. Otherwise nobody will convert TR to RIR. They can simply file PERM if they want to lose PD. Such a regulation that loses your PD just does not make any sense. From the latest update, the purpose of converting TR to RIR is to speed up the process or TR processing. Without this, there is no way that BEC will meet the deadline of Sep. 2007. And they do want people to convert. If nobody converts, they still cannot meet their deadline. I won't call this a speculation. It's common sense.

I know BEC has done a lot of stupid things. But from all signs recently, they seem to be serious about meeting the deadline.


Does anyone know what is the incentive for DOL to meet the sep 07 deadline and what happens if they do not meet it?
same number

arihant said:

Does anyone know what is the incentive for DOL to meet the sep 07 deadline and what happens if they do not meet it?

hello arihant
i noticed that your DBEC case number is simialr to mine.. my number is D-05221-955XX. I also got a letter from Enterject in Nov/Dec 2004 about some correction needed in salary.

Keep posted.
Don't think anyone will know their incentive. I think the pressure might come from DOL. They provided this date long time ago and now they repeated this date often in everywhere. Here is a quote of BEC manager in latest meeting with AILA:

§ BEC had June 30, 2006 goal to have all 45-day letters issued
§ With a few odd exceptions, by 6/30/06 95% of 45-day letters were issued and are now in their system
§ BEC had September 30, 2006 goal to have half of the original backlog of cases cleared. (BECs are tasked with clearing 362,000 backlogged cases, combined RIR and non-RIR).
§ BECs are ahead of processing goal with 51% of the backlog processed and completed now
§ BECs on track to complete all adjudications by 9/30/2007

That gave me some confidence that they might be able to complete.

arihant said:

Does anyone know what is the incentive for DOL to meet the sep 07 deadline and what happens if they do not meet it?
From Sep. 12 update, it says the following:

§ There are about 20,000 more cases in the “TR” queue compared to the “RIR” queue

We know that there are still about 176000 cases in BEC. So there are still about 80,000 RIR cases waiting to be approved. The current patter is like first RIR, then non-RIR. It might take 5-6 months to complete these RIR cases. So we still need to wait another 5-6 months before we see many non-RIRs released.

I won't think about my case before next March, unless they begin RIR conversion for most cases.
In this same updte they also said that they already began to post ads for some TR cases. This at leat means that they
are not waiting until all RIR cases get cleared. Isn't this a reasonable conclusion?

bpc2001 said:
From Sep. 12 update, it says the following:

§ There are about 20,000 more cases in the “TR” queue compared to the “RIR” queue

We know that there are still about 176000 cases in BEC. So there are still about 80,000 RIR cases waiting to be approved. The current patter is like first RIR, then non-RIR. It might take 5-6 months to complete these RIR cases. So we still need to wait another 5-6 months before we see many non-RIRs released.

I won't think about my case before next March, unless they begin RIR conversion for most cases.
pani_6 said:
DOL had said that they are going to modify this to apply to cases in BEC and publish...I think you are displaying old regulation...plz wait for DOL to release new regulation~!

Any idea when?
Where did you get this information?
Where to look to see if they published it?
Please answer as much as you can.
Thank you! :D
You are right. Not only are they posting jobs, they are also approving some cases without recruitment. What I meant is that they like to work on RIR cases since RIRs are easier. The effort on non-RIRs is quite limited before RIRs are cleaned up.

so_depressed said:
In this same updte they also said that they already began to post ads for some TR cases. This at leat means that they
are not waiting until all RIR cases get cleared. Isn't this a reasonable conclusion?
shanpai said:
Guys looks like the PBEC is now following FIFO for advertizing jobs on They are now posting ads for P-05021-xxxxx. Couple of days back it was P-05019 and P-05020 and so on...So people with # in this range may have a reason to feel a little bit elated. Nothing is certain with PBEC, though.

Please allow me spoil your (and mainly mine or anyone else waiting) excitement. It looked as they are processing the cased in FIFO. However, if you check closely, they are also processing P-05032, P-05031, P-05166, P-05028, P-05014 ETC. As you can see, the numbers as all over the place. I am P-05031 and got nothing. DOL mess never fails. :p
If they were smart (which we know they are not), they would have sent recruitment instructions first and then used the quiet period when recruitment work happens on the employer side to finish RIR cases.

bpc2001 said:
From Sep. 12 update, it says the following:

§ There are about 20,000 more cases in the “TR” queue compared to the “RIR” queue

We know that there are still about 176000 cases in BEC. So there are still about 80,000 RIR cases waiting to be approved. The current patter is like first RIR, then non-RIR. It might take 5-6 months to complete these RIR cases. So we still need to wait another 5-6 months before we see many non-RIRs released.

I won't think about my case before next March, unless they begin RIR conversion for most cases.
DOL's definition of FIFO

vexlak said:
Please allow me spoil your (and mainly mine or anyone else waiting) excitement. It looked as they are processing the cased in FIFO. However, if you check closely, they are also processing P-05032, P-05031, P-05166, P-05028, P-05014 ETC. As you can see, the numbers as all over the place. I am P-05031 and got nothing. DOL mess never fails. :p

The following is from Mathew Oh's website reporting the minutes of the AILA-DOL meeting on 9/12/06:
"At the front-end, the cases are processed on FIFO based on the priority date, but adjudication is done on FIFO based on the order of responses to the requests."

So, it is quite likely that if the lawyer handling the later case responded to the 45-day letter sooner than the older case, then the later case may go in earlier.
From Mathew Oh's website

vexlak said:
Any idea when?
Where did you get this information?
Where to look to see if they published it?
Please answer as much as you can.
Thank you! :D

I read this information in Mathew Oh's website. Others may have read it in Here is the specific contents of the post in

09/22/2006: BEC Backlog Processing Update

DOL is planning to allow conversion of traditional cases to RIR by amending the existing RIR conversion regulation. The specific procedures and requirements will be published in a federal register soon. However, potential benefit of such conversion may be more or less limited in that the DOL is required to finish up all the BEC cases including traditional cases within next one year.
RIR or TR?

gptexan said:
hello arihant
i noticed that your DBEC case number is simialr to mine.. my number is D-05221-955XX. I also got a letter from Enterject in Nov/Dec 2004 about some correction needed in salary.

Keep posted.

Hi gptexan,

Is yours an RIR or a TR case? Btw, the next three numbers of my case number are 923.