New York City Transfers

interview notice

I have just received an interview notice for 02/22/05 at Federal Plaza.
My RD is 06/02/2002 and TD 09/23/2003.
INSTANT: Did you get finger print notice with it as well? Why did I get finger print notice only? Any idea? Thanks, My TD 09/22/04. Please let me know...
My case was transferred to NYC - Federal Plaza on April 22,04.
Haven't heard anything after that.
Hey TDwait

What is your RD since your Transfer date is in april I was wondering how do they really schedule an interview-by TD or RD.

Look at "INSTANT"
interview notice for 02/22/05 at Federal Plaza.
RD is 06/02/2002 and TD 09/23/2003.
Wait time = 17 months

and look at Srisss case
trnsfr date to Missouri blah blah was Oct03, i got the Intrvw notice in jun04.
Wait time = 8 months

abd according to MYGC
his friend got it within 3 months

hence it is kinda difficult to come to a conclusion... Anyone any suggestions????
only one conclussion

hi newyorker
i guess there is only to all this that the ins officers r picking up cases randomly. So everyone start praying to all the gods we know of coz we will need a lot of good luck
My lawyer right away told me it can take anywhere between 3 months to 18 months in other words she meant pls don't call me again
My worst nightmare would be that what happened to sriss going for an interview and not getting an approval but all our best wishes r with u. And also i would want to know sriss how soon did u get the interview letter since transfer?
There is one GOD

Hey Tas

I know there just one god with different names to it, but I am sure he will definately look down on us.
My lawyer said that it maybe 6 months to a year and I hope 6 months is true. Lets keep the finger crossed.

MY RD is October, 2002.

I also went to Federal plaza with info pass on november 3rd. but was not able to get appropriate answer. Immigration information officer told me to "Go home and wait for Mail" she also informed me that there are about 2200 cases pending for scheduling interview..

one more thing, I had my finger print done only once, somewhere in November 2002... is it possible that since my file is not update (because of missing new fingerprint) they are not scheduling my interview?

any one awaiting second fingerprint & Interview ?

Newyorker012 said:
Hey TDwait

What is your RD since your Transfer date is in april I was wondering how do they really schedule an interview-by TD or RD.

Look at "INSTANT"
interview notice for 02/22/05 at Federal Plaza.
RD is 06/02/2002 and TD 09/23/2003.
Wait time = 17 months

and look at Srisss case
trnsfr date to Missouri blah blah was Oct03, i got the Intrvw notice in jun04.
Wait time = 8 months

abd according to MYGC
his friend got it within 3 months

hence it is kinda difficult to come to a conclusion... Anyone any suggestions????
I still believe that the interviews are scheduled depending on the RD and not TD. I do not think that second fingerprinting affects the interview scheduling in any way. I got fingerprinted in June 2002, then absolutely nothing and now I have received the interview notice together with the fingerprint notice.
Maybe receiving just the second fingerprinting notice is a sign that the interview letter will be coming soon.
Good luck to all. Any 245i cases?
Hey Instant + TDwait

Hi Guys

I am also a 245(i) myself and did my first FP on March 22nd 2003. No second FP yet

mine was transferred on 07/19/04 to NYC local. what about TDwait and Instant?

Mine is also 245(i), do you think that effects scheduling interview?

Newyorker012 said:
Hi Guys

I am also a 245(i) myself and did my first FP on March 22nd 2003. No second FP yet

mine was transferred on 07/19/04 to NYC local. what about TDwait and Instant?

Hey TD


I don't think being a 245(i) applicant should effect any scheduling problems. Being a 245(i) got us into this interviewing Bull S*** anyways. Hopefully we get out of this real fast. My patience is really running out now....
how about you all....

Tell me about the B.S of Uscis

U all guys are very new to this thread look at my situation
RD 04/11/02
TD to MSC Oct8th2003 since then no reply from Uscis where my case is, did many inquires contacted senators nothing, I never used AP no address change no criminal record, still dealys I guess I have to blame my luck. :confused:
Hey Anil

Hey Anil

You are waiting longer then us, are you a 245 case or a regular one. How come it transferred to MSC and then to NY local? Any specific reasons ?
Hi Anil151,
what was response from senators office? did you went to federal plaza personally to inquire about your case? if not try it may be that helps!

Anil151 said:
U all guys are very new to this thread look at my situation
RD 04/11/02
TD to MSC Oct8th2003 since then no reply from Uscis where my case is, did many inquires contacted senators nothing, I never used AP no address change no criminal record, still dealys I guess I have to blame my luck. :confused:
waiting for the sun

my rd 06/02 td to new york 06/21/04 245(i) case religious special immigration 01/04 2nd fp, good to know ya all new york transfers.
no news from new york office yet. I've been sick and tired of waiting. God! please have mercy on my poor soul!
Join The Club

Join The Club :(
Even I Am A 245(i) Case My Rd Is May 22 2002 Got A Medical Rfe From Vermont In May 2004 After That They Transfered My Case On July 21 2004 (i Guess They Love Me Too Much That They Can't Let Me Go )i Got My 2nd Fingerprinting Done In March 2004
Now My Point Is That If They Are Processing Cases According To Rd Than I Sould Have Got My Appointment Letter By Now And In This Forum Itself Whoes Rd Date Is 2003 Have Already Got So I Am Asking You Me Lord Where Is My Letter ! With That The Defense Rest

Hey Guys & Gals

It is good to know that there a lot of 245(i)'s here (thanks to dear bill clinton) but it is sad to know that with the hope of getting the GC in this country after getting out of status somehow, it takes quite a challenging patience within all of us to have our life on a HALT and live our lives in pieces.

I bet everyone of us have certain dreams we have already planned after we get our GC and I am sure GOD will grant us all, but in this time of patience it is good to know there are so many in the same boat. I hope we get through this soon.

Good Luck to all
Yes, indeed, it has been extremely challenging, I would say dramatic. I am sure everyone has sad stories. Unfortunately the perception of the US population on immigrants is so wrong: they think we just come and we are offered citizenship and assistance. Even my immigrant friends (that are residents) think that the 245i bill is an automatic "green card".

Well, again: my RD is 06/02/2002 and I have just received the interview letter for 02/22/2005. I am an 245i case also, which makes me worry about the interview. Please share any stories that you might know about 245i cases.
I think that anyone whose RD is around May 2002 should had already received an interview letter, if not, there is something wrong. Maybe the folder got stuck somewhere.

Good luck to all.