New Thread for Transfer cases

Transfer to Cleveland Update

Just got the info that my file is being transferred to Columbus from cleveland. Reason for transfer is not known but may need to re-do finger prints.

Did you find out from ur attorney on how long it takes to get an interview at columbus? Mine was transferred on dec end but came to columbus in mid feb. no sign of interview yet. please let me know if you find anything from ur attorney
The reasons for tranfer to local INS in MN

I am also from MN, change the job after 180 days due to laid off.
Did you guys change the job? I wonder if job change would cause the case transfered to local MN. I got a RFE about employment letter and I responsed. I haven\'t heard anything for almost 3 weeks. When did you hear that the case was transfered after they received the RFE? Thanks

I have no idea when I will have the interview. We are not even sure of the reason for the transfer. My attorney said that I might get a notice for FP again soon. But do not now when. I will update once I hear anything. Did you check with the COlumbus INS if they have your file?

No not yet. My attorney said he will check it but I dont know what the heck he is upto. He hasnt found out shi...
Have you asked ur attorney how long it is taking after transfer to get an interview here at columbus

My file was on its way to Cols last week. I plan to wait for a week to see if I receive the FP notice as my attorney said. This was info he got from the Cleveland INS office. If I don\'t hear anything in the next 10 days, I will follow up with him and check if the file is in Cols.
Seems no movement for the transfer cases.

I see that there is no movement in the transfer cases.
PLease update if you have recvd any notices, interviews etc.
RD 12/00 transferred to INS Denver

IIO said on Fri that my case was being xferred to INS Denver,CO
No xfter notice yet.
Lawyer says it will take Denver a couple of months to schedule an interview.
Response to a query in local INS

When we went for my I-485 stamping, we left a query with INS Chicago regarding my wife\'s I-485 which was transferred to INS Chicago.

INS Chicago has responded to the query saying that the FPs have expired or unclassifiable hence an new FP notice will be sent in 30 - 45 days.

Waiting for FP notice.

Wife case Transfered

Guys, I am new to this Service Center because our case was filed in Vermont. But we also have a similar situation.

I am the primary applicant and got approved but my wife case was transfered to Local INS in Orlando. I don\'t see any problem with her case. She was working on H1-B and we were married for 2 years before the filing of I-485. FP was done in NOV01, so it should still be valid.

Case was transfered on 04/04 and the file is not reached the Orlando office, they are saying it might take couple of weeks.

For all those case where the dependent case got transfered, can you please provide the following info...just to find what trigger INS to transfer these cases

- Any problem with Medical (incomplete due to pregnancy)
- Spouse Working or Not ( Any gap between employement)
- Marriage & Birth Certificate provided or not.
- FP valid or not
- Last Name of Passport matches with I-485 name

Spoke to local IIO.

I called up the Detroit INS and spoke abput my case.
The lady said that she has received the case and that
I can hear from them by "SUMMER"!
She wouldn\'t give me any month....

 Thanks God she said "This summer" and not
 "any summer" ;)

 Anyways. Please update on your situations.
YAHOO! Got appointment letter.

I got a letter for June -07 appointment yesterday
 from the local INS office. It is for both my wife and me.
 I know it is a little late but atleast I have a
 date and time.

 My R.D.: 03/01
 My N.D.: 03/01
 F.P. : 12/01
 Transfer: 2/02
 Notice Date: 04/02
 Appointment: 06/02
 Local Office: Detroit.

TO 485 Detroit - pl answer

Did you get a xfer notice from NSC? How many days after the xfer?
Did the automated msg change after xfer?

Yes, 1 week and yes.

Yes I received the transfer notice about a week
after I heard it on the AVM. (AVM got updated after
two days of transfer.)
Nope No Movement


          Good to note that u got interview notice. We are still waiting ......

RD 10/00; ND 11/00; FP1 03/01; FP2 04/01; TD 02/20/02 INS Chicago Waiting......................

Heard FP will have to be redone ...
