N-400 Fillings after July 31st

In my case: CSC : for self and spouse - Fremont ( SF bay area)
Mailed 12/1/07 ( certified mail )
RD 12/10/07
PD 12/10/07
ND ( 12/14/07 - spouse, 12/18/07 self)
FP ??
IL ??
Approval ??

tt tt
Just wanted to update the thread with new info. I mailed it on 10/28 and my check got cahsed yesterday. I can't believe it! Hope they are doing more than just cashing the checks!
Just wanted to update the thread with new info. I mailed it on 10/28 and my check got cahsed yesterday. I can't believe it! Hope they are doing more than just cashing the checks!

Congrats, it's about time! Seems to me like everyone who filed during July/August/September is beginning to see some type of action. Here's to hoping that we'll all become citizens in 2008!
Just wanted to update the thread with new info. I mailed it on 10/28 and my check got cahsed yesterday. I can't believe it! Hope they are doing more than just cashing the checks!

Shahed, happy for you. I am sure they will process you guys cases soon and you will have your citizenship.
I'd like to vote as well. I think it's still a possibility, provided that there we won't get stuck in name check. I'm holding on to hope that I'll breeze through it, due to the fact that I have a fairly uncommon name.
Congrats Shahed..
Problem is guys, we have not really seen Interviews set for people who filed July and after...except for 1 or 2 only...
Congrats Shahed..
Problem is guys, we have not really seen Interviews set for people who filed July and after...except for 1 or 2 only...

Considering the fact that we've had our FPs done very recently, it'll still be a few months before we start seeing ILs. I'm more concerned with clearing name check. In fact, I'll be contacting USCIS by mid-March or so, just to see how my name check is doing.
Considering the fact that we've had our FPs done very recently, it'll still be a few months before we start seeing ILs. I'm more concerned with clearing name check. In fact, I'll be contacting USCIS by mid-March or so, just to see how my name check is doing.

I agree. Knowing whether one has cleared namecheck or not is very useful given that it's potentially the deepest pit to get stuck in, in the entire process. If that's cleared, then IL should follow shortly. Giving them about 3 months after fingerprinting for name-check is reasonable I think. But how does one find out? I tried to call USCIS but of course got stuck with the customer service rep who not only gave me wrong info about receipting dates but also could not or would not help me find out about name-check status.

How do you'll find out about namecheck status? Is Infopass the only way? Are there any requirements (eg having exceeded normal processing time) to setup an Infopass?

I agree. Knowing whether one has cleared namecheck or not is very useful given that it's potentially the deepest pit to get stuck in, in the entire process. If that's cleared, then IL should follow shortly. Giving them about 3 months after fingerprinting for name-check is reasonable I think. But how does one find out? I tried to call USCIS but of course got stuck with the customer service rep who not only gave me wrong info about receipting dates but also could not or would not help me find out about name-check status.

How do you'll find out about namecheck status? Is Infopass the only way? Are there any requirements (eg having exceeded normal processing time) to setup an Infopass?


The name check hell is undoubtedly the bane of every N-400 applicant's existence. For instance, after having my FPs done yesterday, I just called the FBI to check the status. The operator confirmed that my FP check has already been completed and returned to the USCIS. From what I understand, there is no phone number to inquire about the name check status. However, if you can convince the customer service rep to connect you to an IO (that alone can be a Herculean task!:)), they have the ability to check the status of name check. Otherwise, InfoPass is the only remaining option. As far as I know, there are no requirements to set up an InfoPass appointment, other than having the NOA on hand.
Vorpal, how did you contact the FBI? what did you tell them?
What kind of information did they provide to you? Did they confirm that this is USCIS related?
Vorpal, how did you contact the FBI? what did you tell them?
What kind of information did they provide to you? Did they confirm that this is USCIS related?

I used the phone number kindly provided by another member of this fine forum :) You can find it here: http://www.immigrationportal.com/showpost.php?p=1840134&postcount=59

The operator asked me what USCIS application this was for, and also asked me to provide my A#. She told me that my prints have been processed and the results have been sent back to the USCIS the same day. I explicitly asked her if my prints were cleared, to which she said that they were PROCESSED, and the USCIS actually clears them.
Ya..found it already and called.
Thanks though..

The lady said that this record was sent to the USCIS office on 12/13/2007 (One day after my FP date)..
I asked if it passed or cleared and she said she does not know.
She said this is something the USCIS office knows but she does not know.
I used the phone number kindly provided by another member of this fine forum :) You can find it here: http://www.immigrationportal.com/showpost.php?p=1840134&postcount=59

The operator asked me what USCIS application this was for, and also asked me to provide my A#. She told me that my prints have been processed and the results have been sent back to the USCIS the same day. I explicitly asked her if my prints were cleared, to which she said that they were PROCESSED, and the USCIS actually clears them.

Yep...Same Exact answer...
Congrats Shahed..
Problem is guys, we have not really seen Interviews set for people who filed July and after...except for 1 or 2 only...

I am happy that they cashed the check. Next milstone is the NOA. I am not thinking as far ahead as Interview!
So what is the point exactly of having a phone service for this ? lol...

It's still pretty useful information, if you ask me. Think about it...let's assume that the majority of the people on this forum have never had a run-in with the law (traffic tickets excluded), and the only time they've had their fingerprints taken was during the green card process. Considering the fact that a fingerprint is as unique an identifier is DNA (I believe that the likelyhood of similarity of 2 fingerprints from 2 different people is 1 in 10 million - and it's only similarity, not a match), if a person has never been fingerprinted for criminal purposes, he/she can consider their prints cleared. If the FBI operator said that your prints have been processed and returned, you can rest easy.
So what is the point exactly of having a phone service for this ? lol...

As I mentioned it before, there are namechecks and fingerprints. What is clear is the FP, FBI phoneline doesn't tell you about yout namecheck and they said they are not open to public and emails from public.
I will try to write to my senator today. Let see.
They have always rejected my requests (as they nature is like this) so I will let you know about the process.