Montreal Interview Tracker -- Part DeuX [Ara2000, AttaBoy, CDN_CPER, Dongky, Enduring, GC Indian, Ja


Thanks. My P4 is being sent to my attorney. They seem to take a few days to turn things around. They are in Manhattan, so mail gets to them pretty quickly. Brian.

Confusing is a dramatic understatement. I submitted mine with my P3 as I was asked to do so. I would fill it in and bring it. It needs to be notarized if you sign it in the US. Outside the US, it needs to be signed in front of a Consular Officer which you will, conveniently, be seeing. Post any questions you have on the form here because I had to do a bit of research on the \'net and it was not straightforward. Brian.
Interview Date May 17, 2002

My Interview is scheduled for May 17, 2002
I-140 AD: 12/27/2002
NVC RD: 01/02/2002
NVC Case Created: 01/15/2002
NVC P3 Created and sent: 01/28/2002
P3 Maild to NVC: 02/13/2002
P3 RD: 02/21/2002
P3 review completed:03/14/2002
Interview date: 05/17/2002
I\'ll take you up on that offer Leroy

Q1.1 If I am not a antive born in US...answer as appropriate.

It seems like I am none of these. Do I fill in my permanent resident "A" number when I get it or do I just leave this blank?

Q2. What should I put for my time of arrival in the US? My original date I came to the US or my interview date?
No Title

My Lawyer said I need only one form for my wife and my two kids together, since the names of the kids are also mentioned there as dependents. NVC did not object!

Like I said, there seems to be some confusion as to how the forms need to be filled out. Some people on Joe Grasmick\'s message board had said that one was required for each, so that is what I did. I guess either way is fine. There is also some debate as to whether an affidavit of support is even required, as some people are never asked for it. Brian.

Q1. I checked none of them because none of them applied.

Q2. I put down the time I first entered the US on a TN back in 1998.

CP Interview in Montreal..

I have a interview in Montreal on May 3, 2002. A couple of questions for the ex-CPers from Monteal.

- Where is medical done?
- How long should one plan on staying in Montreal before and after the interview date?
- Where are the photos taken?

Thanks for everyone help. It is a great relief to see things come to any end.
PCC question

I have question regarding PCC. I am originally an Indian citizen but I recently became a Canadian citizen. India doesn\'t allow dual citizenship so I have to gave up my Indian passport. For CP I need to get PCC from India (from NYC) So how do I get this PCC since I only have Canadian passport now. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
PCC from India

Why do you need an Indian passport to get a PCC? I would give the Indian Consulate a call and see if a Canadian one is good enough. Brian.
No Title

Thanks Brian, So do I have to get my PCC from indian consulate in my Canadian passport or I should ask for a paper copy?

I have no idea. Are you saying that the PCC gets put into the passport? I am not familiar with the Indian PCC procedure. Sorry.
No Title

I received my Pkt 4 yesterday from my attorney.
1. There was no IRS 9003 form in there. Although it asks for tax information for the most recent tax filing year (tax returns, W-2s,..)
2. It asks for the originals of all the documents. I already sent all the originals. This must be a standard letter irrespective of what you have already submitted (I hope).
3. It says three photos for the panel physician and two for the consular officer. When I made the appointment at Dr Seiden they told me one photo.
4. Pkt 4 also contained DS-230 part II which we had sent to NVC. I guess this has to be signed in front of the consular officer.
Any comments are appreciated.

My P4 is still MIA. Not worrying yet, though.

I suspect that the request for originals is standard as the rules just recently changed. For example, I did not send in my originals as my case was created last summer and my instructions specifically said not to send originals.

I too sent in DS-230 part II, but I will bring another one since my address is changing at the end of April. Yes, it has to be signed in front of the consular officer.

No Title

Hi Ajay,


Interview last only one day. If you plan to medicals, you have to
be there 2 more days. Find out from the Dr. Howard Seiden & Associates(refer above web site), how long it takes to get the medical report.

Photos can be taken in Montreal at Tony Photo Studio

460 St. Catherine St. West Suite 604 Tel 514-395-6050

If you are in the US, try the photo studios that serve INS (I-485, etc.) applicants.
Good luck with your processing.
P4 finally arrived

My attorney finally received my P4 yesterday. Second to last mailing I will ever to receive for this process. Brian.
Successful CP at Montreal on April 9


I wanted to post a thank you to all who have contributed to this forum, as I found the information to be of great help as I prepared for my interview. In return, I would like to offer up my experience with going through the Montreal Consulate for CP for my immigrant Visa.

Im originally from Ottawa, so opted for my medical there. The Ottawa MDS doctor\'s office was courteous and efficient, and all tests outside of the basic physical exam can be done on site (X-Ray and HIV/VDRL blood tests). However, results took about a week to get back, but that was probably due to my medical being done around the Easter holiday. They might be able to do them faster, but I didnt have a chance to ask.

Went to Montreal on the 8th, and went to the Consulate at 745AM Tuesday the 9th for my 830 appt. Uniformed staff told us to go up elevator about 815, and in the first line, a cashier handed us paper tickets, and told us we would eventually be called. The first window I was called to had a female staff member going over my documents, looking over medical, and asking a few cursory questions. I was then asked to go back in waiting area, and was called 20 mins later and met with consulate officer. She asked me a few questions, then told me they would issue the visa. Was told to go pay cashier and wait....20 more minutes later, my name was called and I was given the sealed packet, all was good. I went through INS facility at Ottawa Airport, took 20 minutes or so to have information entered into computer, and I was fingerprinted both electronically and on paper with ink. Got the I-551 stamp and told to expect the plastic card in 2-6 months.

A few points that hopefully will help a few people out. Please note these are my experiences, and your mileage may vary:
- I had a name based search PCC, and that posed no problem at all.
- The consulate staff will go over the DS230 with you, so you will have a chance to make minor changes if needed ie: address change, typos etc.
- Montreal is a consulate using a new process working with NVC. I had submitted copies of all docs (BC, PCC etc) in Packet 3 and provided originals to the first staff member that reviewed my docs**
All were kept by the consulate except BC, which was returned to me. Im guessing any other official general purpose documents such as marriage cert etc. would also be returned. They will keep PCC original and all medical results. They did not want the chest X ray, told me to keep for INS when I crossed to US. INS didnt want it either, I was told it might be good to keep for a year by the INS inspector.
**Note: With respect to P3, NVC did request a long form BC from me, which I supplied. My belief is that NVC will request any documents they think are needed, or tell you if some process or form is required before forwarding to consulate in Montreal. As such, once NVC forwards the packet, it should be complete per required documents.

- Only the $65 Visa issuance fee was collected. NVC had requested the $260 application fee as part of Packet 3, so it had already been addressed. Im not sure if other consulates besides Montreal do this, but I was prepared to pay the $260 again if it was needed.

I will be glad to answer any questions I can for those of you going through Montreal. I found the process to be fairly time in and out...about 2.5 hrs. However, I was first in line for immigrant visas...there was a large crowd of people, and for those of you with later appts than 830, be prepared to spend a good part of your day there. There are bathrooms and a soda machine in the waiting area. Note that all cell phones must be left in the security area on the ground floor when checking in.
Old passport

Are you required to have your previous expired passports for CP. My passport expired and had a new passport. My current visa is on the new passport but I had another H 1 on the old passport from previous employment.
No Title

Do you have a copy of the I797 or I-94 for that H1B? I have never heard of anybody being asked for these documents at the interview. Brian.