Montreal Interview Tracker -- Part DeuX [Ara2000, AttaBoy, CDN_CPER, Dongky, Enduring, GC Indian, Ja

Thank you guys.

I hope they can get the case into their system soon. They told me before that, they can\'t do anything. NVC is slow these days.
Off to Montreal!

Later today I will be beginning my journey to Montreal. My interview is April 11th. I will relay my experiences as soon as I get back.
Interview date set

PK3-YOU: Aug 2001.
PK3-STL: Feb 2, 2002
STL-NVC: Feb 22, 2002
NVC-REV: March 6, 2002

Just called the NVC. Got through on one ring as the system was down all morning. My interview is set for May 9 at 8:30 am. It is almost surreal to think that this process is finally coming to an end. Brian.
James Smith --->Question ?

Have you called the NVC to get your interview date? I think they should have the information by now.
Medical photos

Just made my appointment with MDS Executive in Montreal. Any idea why they want *3* photos for each adult? Brian.
notarized employment letter for p3?

I received my p3 on 5th april. There is no mention of an employment letter as part of p3 submission! Experts, please advise whether one should send employment letter or just have it ready for the interview?
re: notarized employment letter for p3?

I was not asked for one and did not provide one. My documents have been approved. I will be bring one to the interview, though. Some people have been asked for one in their P3. If they don\'t ask for it, don\'t give it to them. Brian.
Heading to Montreal

Well, I\'m leaving on Wednesday to head to Canada. My interview is April 19. We\'re taking advantage of the trip to take a vacation and visit family and friends in Canada. I\'ll post my experiences when we get back.

MDS Executive

Their number is 514-931-0352. Neither Montreal doctor offers same day\'s 48 hours. The other doctor is Howard Seiden ( I chose MDS because of their central location. Seiden is way out in the East End and we will either be staying at my mother\'s place in the West Island or my in-law\'s place close to downtown (defenitely the latter the night before the interview).
Tax Schedules

Hi Guys. Well, I\'m almost there. My P3 has been approved and I have an interview scheduled for May 17th. However, I have a few questions.
(BTW, I am doing this part myself, the Lawyer wanted $2000) Bahhh!!

1. P4 asks for evidence of support. Is this the same as evidence of prearranged employment or something else?

2. Can someone point me to a good example of an employment letter? The packet4 asks for it, but does not provide any other particulars.

3. Also, how do I go about getting this notarized and what is the purpose of this? ie. What exactly are they notarizing?

4. Affadavits of support? I swear I sent these in already. Wasn\'t this at the bottom of the DS-230 form we weren\'t suppose to sign?

5. Last but not least, "If you have not provided tax information for the most recent tax filing year (tax returns, W2\'s and/or schedules) you must bring them.... I ahve my tax returns and W2\'s, but what is a schedule????? Also, do they just ask for the last year or the last three???

Thanks alot for your help.
IRS 9003

Hi, all Montreal CP experts:

I am going to have my interview in Montreal on 4/18.
My lawyer asked me to fill out one IR9003 form for my son.
I can easily answer questions 1, 2, and 3 on the form.
But for question 4 (Did you file a United States Individual Income Tax Return) in any of the last three years), then I don\'t know the answer and would like to get your advice.
I have filed joint (me and my wife) return every year ever since we moved to the States. But my sone was also filed as a dependent in those returns. Should I answer Yes or No to question 4 for my son?

Thank you very much!
No Title

I will be staying at my in-laws who happen to live in the East Island which is closer to Dr Seiden so I made an appointment there. Thanks
Tax Schedules

When did you receive your P4? My interview is May 9 and I have not received it yet.

1. Evidence of support includes bank statements, W2\'s, last 3 income tax returns, and pay stubs. You have to make at least 125% of the poverty level...shouldn\'t be a problem.

2. There is an example on

3. The signature is being notarized...standard practice in the US.

4. Affadivit of support is form I-134 for employment-based. You have to fill one out for each dependant. I filled one out each for my wife, Canadian-born son, and American-born daughter. Must be notarized.

5. Bring last 3.

I just received my P4 yesterday, so that\'s April the 8th. However, I am presently living in WA state, so perhaps that\'s the difference in speed.
Paperwork requirements

I just dl\'d I-134 (Affidavit of Support) and like all forms it looks kinda confusing. Do I need to have this form filled out in the US before I leave, or is this something that I fill out after or during my interview.?