Missouri SESA Tracker


a) State CA NON-RIR is comparitve in the timings of MO (stuck in April 2001) so I think we are talking the same thing.
b) I think all we are doing is try to share info about the LC across States and trying to figure out whether there is any difference in the procedures which could help us.

Deeply worried!!

Hi Nelsona,

I hope you read my lawyers words. I sent it in Quotes in my earlier post to this forum.
Please let me know in detail what you mean by the quasi-RIR because then I need to talk to my lawyer.
In my case the regional Chicago DOL has clearly stated that there are US Citizens available in St. Louis for this position. Does it still mean that mine is in a quasi-RIR?
Can you give me a website where I can get this info from?
Thanks and appreciate your response........

I guess you need to talk to your lawyer and ask him if 'supervised recruitment' amounts to demtion to non-RIR status and also the timeframe it would take and how the r3egional office would treat such applicants upon getting back their 'supervised recruitment' results..that would paint you a lot,better picture..Talk to your lawyer. I guess I'm in the next lot of applications forwarded from Ms.Graves, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I guess you need to talk to your lawyer and ask him if 'supervised recruitment' amounts to demotion to non-RIR status and also the timeframe it would take and how the r3egional office would treat such applicants upon getting back their 'supervised recruitment' results..that would paint you a lot,better picture..Talk to your lawyer. I guess I'm in the next lot of applications forwarded from Ms.Graves, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Re: Pandeyraj..

Hi Pandeyraj,

Can you provide more details? I would luike to know what is the designation you mentioned in your application? Mine sent to Chicago 0n 5/15/2003 and mine was 'Programmer Analyst' . I have not heard anything from Chicago and its not even listed in AVM also.
Appreciate your reply with deatils.

More Info

From Gale graves:

It would appear that Chicago is rejecting MO RIR's on the basis of one technicality in particular:

From Ms. Graves:

Chicago is "no longer accept GENERIC recruitment statements. They want names and resumes if you get them. The applications we are sending up with generic statements are being kicked back for additional recruitment. Of course these are the cases that were submitted to us when generic statements were ok to send."

So, way back in April-June 2002, when all our LCs were submitted, the accepted practice of merely stating "how many" unacceptable candidates applied for your job was fine.

NOW it would appear that DOL now expects "names and resumes".

One cannot of course go back and provide those resumes, they are to out of date (that's what you get when LCs sit on a desk for a year).:mad:

So new recriutment must be done.

SO what does this mean to us whose LC has been returned to state?
And does your theory of the "quasi-RIR" still hold good?

I would not get hung-up on whether its quasi RIR, regular or what.

It is supervised recruitment. Supervised by a SESA that already considered your RIR acceptable -- so take it for what it's worth.

Call it what you will, but know that if these LCs indeed are reverted to regular LCs, they are likely dead.

I prefer to hope a little longer :rolleyes:
Supervised recruitment

Hi folks,
I had a question about supervised recruitment.

When you post the Adv. for a day in the a sunday paper, does this new advertisement include all your experience and skills till date or the same skills and experiences that were a part of the original ad. are to be used?

Logically if the DOL thinks that there are qualified candidates present in the US at the current time, we should be also able to use all our experience and skills acquired till date to be able to compete on a level ground.

Please respond if you have any information about this issue.

Previous experience only

Generally, in any Labour Certification, experience gained in the position sought is not eligible for consideration.

So, changing the requisites to include any further experience you might have gained is not possible.

The posting should be VERY similar to the previous one (mine was identical).

By the way, the ad will instruct all applicants to send resumes to the state (Gail Graves).

Is the ad supposed to come out only for one day on a Sunday paper ? coz When the RIR process was initiated for me, I guess I had 3 ads - one on a local paper, one on the internet and one on a computer magazine...

Even my company also did the same thing by posting ad in newspaper, internet and magazine ,, -- but they remanded my case back to the state .

Placing the Ad in the news paper , Gail graves will send a letter to the attorney to place an ad on sunday news paper or magazine . Employer has to follow those rules
Please note

This process is not a new LC, it is a remanded LC, and MO is proposing the remedy of 1-day print ad and 10-day posting.

This obvioulsy is not intended to meet the statndard of a full-blown LC submission. What was done for your RIR is in the past. The measures being undertaken today are corrective measures in order to avoid having to redo the whole thing.

I would point out that Chicago is probably not under any obligation to accept these remedies, only that these are the ones MO SESA is proposing.

I'm not sure of how much confidence the Chicago office has in MO SESA. I would guess not much.

Me either.

I think that if you've been reading this forum at all, you will realize that a HUGE problem has arisen at MO SESA over previously submitted RIRs.

Likely, you will have to wait until this mess is ironed out before any hope of your LC being sent to Chicago.

In fact, you are likely better off with it staying at Jeff until situation is resolved, otherwise your LC -- at this point -- is likely to be remanded like most others.
PERM program

Any news anybody on the PERM (Expedited Green Card Processing) program of DOL which is supposed to come into effect by this year end. Also if anybody knows whether people like us (who have been remanded to state from RIR to non RIR) can switch over to the PERM Program.
Lets find out more on this from our lawyers and post replies on this thread.
Any GC sponcerers??

I am in US from past 5 years working in SAP.
Any GC sponcerers. from below states:

New Hampshire
West Virginia

non RIR update

A piece of interesting news. I heard from my lawyer yesterday that the DOL has asked us to run the advertisement for Supervised recruitment this weekend instead of doing it next year around this time. (Background - my RIR case was files in May 2002 and was remanded to state from chicago regional DOL last week). I do not know at this point of time how and why this decision was made by the DOL but its interesting that this is happening. Anybody having any comments on this?
Hello pandeyraj can i get your number

Can i get your number. Just to follow up what happened.