Michigan SESA Tracker

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higc and the other jan 03 PD sufferers,i got hold of the guy who is handling my case..man he sounded drunk, and then he said he has been waiting for a long time to get some info on wage requirements..gosh i dunno what these guys do out there or are they just sitting on their asses..wonder how long it takes for them to get the same info? meanwhile the mar03 cases are getting approved as usual..

Sounds familiar. Mine started with waiting for a wage determination and early this week I learn from my lawyer that he has sent a letter with a bunch of questions, God knows what. My lawyer will respond. We will keep waiting, do we have a choice?
higc, who do they wait for a wage determination? and yeah we have no choice but its unfair that people with PD's after us are getting approved 2 months before us..i guess it all depends on whose hands the case falls into..
its especially frustrating cos people with PD's of NOv 02 got their labor in a year..and suddenly everything is delayed now..now adding onto that,chicago is delayed too..yikes!
higc, i have some good news..my case is being finally forwarded to chicago..i asked my lawyer to keep pursuing the matter - apparently the labor dept felt that my wage was inappropriate..and after researching the matter for god knows how long(my guess is 3 1/2 months),they finally decided that the wages were fine..geez! now onwards to the struggle in chicago !
hope to see u there!
Congrats Purince,

Patience pays.

am also hoping for some good news. My Lawyer has clarified the questions raised about my title, and sent the response. I do hope to hear back by next week.

Good luck going forward.
why mi labour is moving slow

I checked in flcdatacenter and last 6 months dol has approved 55 cases and mostly from unversity filed cases.Big companies like compuware , i did;nt find even one case.
indu,no one knows..michigan SESA and chicago DOL have both slowed down in total 9 months for people with PD's from Jan 03
any body have idead about mi state labour

Currently it is showing (in mi state labour site ) mar'03. Any latest updates on this.
+++++ New Sophisticated Trackers +++++

Hi All,
Please enter your information in the new trackers for all states leading to Chicago DOL, i.e. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin.
The trackers are available at
http://devforums.immigrationportal.com/anthesys/Production/TrackerPetition/. These trackers are only for RIR cases. The trackers for the Non-RIR cases will be made available shortly. If you are already a member of our forums, you can directy login into the tracker using the same username/password. if you are not a member of our forums, then you will have to register yourself before you can start using the tracker. Please let us know your comments and suggestions for improvements as you use this tracker. Email us at webmaster1@immigration.com.

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Mi Sesa Case Status

Case Status:
Currently processing Regular cases received during 04/2001
Currently processing Reduction-in-Recruitment cases received during 06/2003
how do u know?

Curently immigration.com showing mi ,rir still ins processing 04/2003.You are saying ins processing june/2003 cases. Did u get any info from your lawyer?

My case is still with MI Labor. There has been correspondence, back and forth, between my Lawyer and MI Labor, all these months. the final response was submitted recently. God alone knows, how much more we will have to wait.

Things are so slow in MI;

Its our bad luck that we applied at this time; earlier it used to take only 8 months;

Still lets have high morale , hope for best;

Pl keep posting , any corresponence you have , this will help and motivate others,

pending date : Aug 03
Approved At Last


After a looooong wait, my file moved, at last, to Chicago. The Lawyer received the notification from MI Labor, that the file has been forwarded to Chicago on July 16th.

Boy, I have been waiting for an year and a half. I hope you guys may not have to wait that long. Wish you all the very best and see you in the Chicago Forum soon.


congrats higc..now welcome to an even badder world of Chicago DOL.. it used to take 2 months,but now it takes 8 months and more delays impending! boy we have had our share of bad luck/punishment just for applying in jan03 and not dec02 !
Congrats HIGC

We are familiar faces, yes we know you had to go hard times , harder than us. Hope by your shubh shubh pravesh to this Chicago DOL, they start working fast.

Hi Kanjoos and Purince,

Thanks for your well wishes. I do hope we have been through the worst waiting period and the road ahead is less bumpy. Let's pray for the best.

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