Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

i also noticed that people who filed in June-July can be divided in 2 groups

1) lucky cases processed at normal speed: check cashed and NOA1 received within a week, FP within 4-8 weeks of filing,
2) cases delayed up until cashing check in November, fingerprints in December etc

so i assume those lucky ones who were initially processed fast also get interviews and oath faster, including Deena's boyfriend, and Priority Date plays little role here, probably main reason is the way cases were distributed in June-July, and lucky ones just were processed by a faster department or officer, were sent to FBI faster, luckily cleared fast and got in line for interview in local office fast.

as to rest of us who happened to be in a pile of delayed cases in a slower departments and officers's desks, we just need to stay calm waiting untill June-July clears, hopefully by end of summer, and process will return to it's normal speed for people who filed after July
Yes, you are absolutely correct based on what I have seen in this forum. Anybody who has a PD of before approximately 7-25-07 seemed to get their NOA and FP notice within the usual few weeks. However, if your PD is after this date then the USCIS sat on your application for several weeks before doing anything.

As an example of what happened to later filers, take a look at my case: it took them a little over two months to cash the check and over 3 months before I got the initial NOA. Although the USCIS "preserved" my PD of 8-21-07, what this means for all practical purposes is that they received my N-400 in August and it sat in their mailroom for two months while they processed other visa applicants. That two months is essentially lost time since they had not even entered my application in the system. For all intents and purposes, they received my application in October 2007.

Well, I suppose the good news is that they are at least interviewing people who applied in July 2007, and although there are a lot of them they will eventually get to us. Not sure when to expect the IL, but I am hopeful that it will come in perhaps 1 - 2 months.
i think the best news of all is that application number significantly dropped after July 30 (or whenever fee raise was) so once USCIS gets over July - it will be fast again.
Gotta love it!! Thanks.

December statistic is neat. Whilst there is a total drop of N-400 receipts even below normal levels (which one would expect), the approval numbers have over all not changed since Dec 2005. That makes one wonder what all those new hires do? Apparently it seems, they are punching in receipts data into the system, thus making them "pending". That brings back the old question of where the bottle neck is and more over, what the fee increase is being used for. Quite apparently NOT to make the queue any shorter as otherwise the "approval" curve would need to look differently.

What this tells me (considering the 2 year time line) is that the wait is entirely due to understaffing *somewhere*. Pending and Approved, never even nearly meet, even when new receipts were quite low.

Whilst now the Approved and Receipts are almost at Dec 2005 level, they have a wave of 500,000 Pending applications to face. With (difficult to see) 20,000 decline per month since July.

I could, but don't even want to, calculate when Pending number equals Appoved number for one month. I'll be dead by then.

So, if per Dec 2007, they do 30,000 approvals more then they get new receipts (50%) and have 1,000,000 pending - do the math. That's a lot of dust...

Thanks for the stats!
I have been following the dates and the news for IL until i got it. From reading in this website i Found out that Our office ( LA ) is a little similar to the one in San Jose except to the Oath Letter timeline( they don't have the option like us; after the interview to wait and obtain the oath letter:):) ).
saying all that, our friends in San Jose have created a spread sheet for the time lines in their area. the following is a link to it:


hopefully it will help some of you guys so you can predict your time lines.

Good luck to you all
Hi wael Megid,
are you going to do an infopass?

Hi ninim2200,

Already did, but told me it is too early to ask, and have to go back after 120 days of my interview (Jan 11th 2008) :(, so my info pass gott be sometime in May, in case i did'nt recieve my oath by then
Wife's oath date is Feb 21

I received interview letter for Interview on Jan 03 2008 for myself and my wife. Interview was at Federal building downtown LA. Two different officers interviewed us separately.
They confirmed all details in N-400 form again and then conducted the Civics test and the english test and my wife received a congratulations letter immediately. I was asked to go to DMV and get my driving record and return to the same officer. Cost is $5 at DMV and I returned and gave it to the officer and he signed and updated his computer and gave me a congratulations letter immediately,

On January 9 Oath letter was sent to me and I recived it on January 11
Oath is scheduled for Friday February 1 2008 at Fairplex Pomona and I am asked to come there at 12:30 PM

My wife still has not recieved her oath letter.

Civics test is similar to DMV driving test in the sense that the officers do not get to ask any question they want. They have 10-15 sets of questions already printed and he picks one page from the different stack of pages that he has and administers the Civics test.

The test is designed by someone else. The civics questions are popularly known as 100 questions but are actually 96 questions

The Civics book clearly states on page one that the questions have a one line question and a one line answer and the paragraph is an explanation and need not be memorized. This is one of the main things that people are very confused about......People think that the candidate needs to know Civics information and questions can be asked about anything and everything about History and Civics.

96 Questions and answers are clearly defined in the Civics book !!!!!!!!

It is also advisable that when the officer talks to you that you should be communicative. This will enable the officer to make sure that you understand and comprehend ENGLISH !!! Of course This is if your english skills are good.

For example when He asks you your name you could answer

If he asks you how are you you could answer
a) Good
b) I am doing Good thank you.

You could talk to the point or be more communicative.

He asked me where are you working.

My answer was . I am working at XXXXXXXXXXXXX. My supervisors name is XXXXXXXXXX The office is at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
on the XXXX floor. I work as a XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the XXXXXXXXXXX department.

My whole point is that if you know english well please take the opportunity to talk a little more than required. This does not mean that we have to answer by telling our full life story but you should be a little more communicative....It does not hurt.

Of course I had to make two visits to the IIO and had to pay twice for parking !!!! that sucks but hey this part is over and I got my Oath letter

I still have to wait for my wife to get her Oath letter.

Wife's Oath date is Feb 21 at LA Convention center at 8:30 am

This is going to be a big event since they are going to have 6000 people in the morning and 6000 in the afternoon......Parking lots are going to be busy.
when Field offices update processing times? every 15th of month? it's already Feb 20 and they still have Jan 15 posted https://egov.uscis.gov/cris/jsps/officeProcesstimes.jsp?selectedOffice=40
I was wondering the same thing myself. Hopefully it will be sometime this week, and I also hope that we see some good movement at the California DOs, particularly LA and Santa Ana. Right now, both DOs claim to be processing cases from 6-19-07, as of about one month ago so it will be interesting to see their progress.
Wife's Oath date is Feb 21 at LA Convention center at 8:30 am

This is going to be a big event since they are going to have 6000 people in the morning and 6000 in the afternoon......Parking lots are going to be busy.

Cool! Congrats to her.

Yes!! parking will be a mess. I was actually planning on being BF guest tomorrow, but, My boss called 2 days ago and said she is short. I guess, it's overtime for me.

*It's better to be there early then to be late. So....Make sure you and your wife get there 30 minutes ahead of time, rsrgc.
So today I had my InfoPass appointment, turns out my name is stuck in the FBI namecheck since April 07 :-( I had turned everything in March and got finger printed in June...this sucks...
So today I had my InfoPass appointment, turns out my name is stuck in the FBI namecheck since April 07 :-( I had turned everything in March and got finger printed in June...this sucks...

Sorry to hear about you being stuck in name check. It's a real shame that they can't seem to fix that system to make it more consistent for all applicants.

Would you mind disclosing a little bit about your background - your country of origin, whether your name is considered "common" in your country of origin, your gender and age and that sort of thing? Trying to predict who will get stuck in name check, and why, is an endless source of speculation on this forum. It helps to pass the time while we are all waiting.

I have read on the forum that some people stuck in name check have written to First Lady Laura Bush asking for her assistance in getting them through the name check. One or two of them even claimed that it helped them, although the FBI web site states very clearly that it does not help to get your Congressman / Senator involved. Maybe it's a different story with somebody from the Executive branch. Might be worth a shot.

Best of luck to you, and I hope things work out in your favor soon.

My timeline (CSC / Santa Ana DO)

PD: 8-21-07
Check cashed: 10-29-07
NOA rec'd: 11-21-07
FP notice: 12-22-07
FP done: 12-22-07
FP date: 1-17-08
IL: waiting
I have been stuck in FBI name check since Feb 2007! I envy those of you who got IL within 6 months of FP... I don't think involving first lady or senators will help to expedite name check. Name check is just a big flaw in the whole naturalization process.
Just wanted to let everyone know, i received my oath letter today (02/22). It is scheduled for 03/20 at Los Angeles Convention Center. Hopefully this will be the end of my journey. Good luck to everyone who is waiting, have hope.

Does anyone who has been to the same location for oath, knows where the parking is available and i believe the convention center is very close to the staples center. I will appreciate your reply.

As of Feb 15 LA Processing timeline now shows July 30 2007. So some of us (Jedi, me) by now should have received our interview letters........:confused:
It is June 30th not July 30th

I wish it was July 30th. But it still shows as June 30th.
LA is falling behind other DOs in processing N-400 applications
I wish it was July 30th. But it still shows as June 30th.
LA is falling behind other DOs in processing N-400 applications

D'oh!!! It must have been a combination of wishful thinking and misreading the N600 timeline right below it :(

Oh well, at least jedi should be receiving his IL very soon.