Los Angeles, CA - N-400 Timeline

Feliz : I suppose I am the only one so far who got PD of January 29,2007 and based on the NOA1, 425 days will be around March 31 2008. I pray and pray and pray that I will get IL by then. Calling USCIS and scheduling Info Pass didn't do much help. USCIS seems to blame the delay on FBI's background check.

sorry if some of you find me whining about my case. :eek:
sorry to hear about your Name Check, and I hope you receive letter by March 31 (which is not that far away),

but if you don't - you will have official right to complain or file a lawsuit against FBI and USCIS based on NOA1 letter. Good luck and please keep us updated!
Thanks Feliz.

BTW, I called USCIS a few days ago and tried to request another SERVICE REQUEST but the officer refused to do so because he said it has not been 6 months yet (as stated in the first Service Request Response letter: Contact USCIS If do not receive a decision or other notice of action within 6 months of this letter, dated December 10, 2007) so even if he processes the request, the same generic letter will arrive with the 425 days HIGHLIGHTED.:( I think the number of 425 days seems to the processing mark for all Los Angeles applications.
I think the number of 425 days seems to the processing mark for all Los Angeles applications.

yes, seems like it, they just don't want people to sue them as much as before, so they don't schedule interview until FBI cleared and give long times in NOA1s, but If i were you i'd definetly prepare to file against USCIS and FBI, schedule InfoPass on or after March 31, and if still not cleared - then start the process.
Just wanted to let everyone know, i received my oath letter today (02/22). It is scheduled for 03/20 at Los Angeles Convention Center. Hopefully this will be the end of my journey. Good luck to everyone who is waiting, have hope.

Does anyone who has been to the same location for oath, knows where the parking is available and i believe the convention center is very close to the staples center. I will appreciate your reply.


Congratulations ranaratap12
i had mine on 02-21-08; if you go up Figueroa ( spell check) towards staples center you will find parking on your right side.... the closest to staples (it's where you want be) it was the cheapest( it started $20 then $15 then $10).

another chart out of same data, proving that Feb 2008 filers may have total 7 month processing time (have oath by Oct 2008)

and optimistic hope that people who will file in April-June 2008 (if application level stays at 50% as Nov-Dec 2007) may even have 5-6 month total wait and have Oath by Dec-Jan 2008

PS yes I don't know what else to do with my impatience to finally have my mother with me
At least you get up early :)

There is a notable difference between LA and Sacramento DO. It seems your fact based data is about 10 month processing time, Sacto has about 6 - 7.
Since the N-400 go through Laguna the bottle neck must be the DO, assuming everything else goes through ok.

Just sad that there isn't a statistic by USCIS per processing center and the DO's affiliated with them.

On the other hand, I would assume that LA has more of the normal type of I- stuff to deal with. Should be pretty quiet in Sacto, considering that it is winter.

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There is a notable difference between LA and Sacramento DO. It seems your fact based data is about 10 month processing time, Sacto has about 6 - 7.
Since the N-400 go through Laguna the bottle neck must be the DO, assuming everything else goes through ok.
yes, bottleneck is definetly DO, so lucky Sacramento people :)

Now i am thinking about ways to file my mom's i-130 trough a faster center like Nebraska, since it's not illegal to have 2-3 addresses, i could get a paid address in fastest Service Center at the time of application, and have all mail forwarded to my CA address. cuz in CA i am afraid it will be over 12 months by the time i get my citizenship.
I can't find any news about received Interview letter from Los Angeles office in whole February 2008, last ones were received Jan 19, 08 for Faye and Yaofulli (scheduled for Mar 19 and 25, PDs May 26 and May 29, 07)

has anybody received Interview letter from LA office since January 19, 2008???
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ok, it's march 10th today, 5 days till next Field Office update (or 10 days till it gets published)

anybody who want to bet on possible date reported? my previous prediction for Mrach 15,08 was July 20, 07 but now when there are no news about Interview letters in this thread since January, I am afraid it can be as bad as July1, 07 (the next day after June 30,07 reported on Feb 15, 08) :( as it once happened in some other offices, i think Baltimore (?)

1 day processed in a whole month! x_x omg... can't believe how painfully inefficient is USCIS... i wish I could volunteer for free in like mailroom or such, so they send more relevant people to N400 work...
ok, it's march 10th today, 5 days till next Field Office update (or 10 days till it gets published)

anybody who want to bet on possible date reported? my previous prediction for Mrach 15,08 was July 20, 07 but now when there are no news about Interview letters in this thread since January, I am afraid it can be as bad as July1, 07 (the next day after June 30,07 reported on Feb 15, 08) :( as it once happened in some other offices, i think Baltimore (?)

1 day processed in a whole month! x_x omg... can't believe how painfully inefficient is USCIS... i wish I could volunteer for free in like mailroom or such, so they send more relevant people to N400 work...
Sorry, Feliz-LA, but I have not seen any updates from any LA filers in the past few weeks. I myself am at the Santa Ana DO, but have nothing new to report (PD of 8-21-07, but no IL as of yet).

As you mention, as of 2-15-08 (posted 2-22-08) LA DO was processing applications with a PD of 6-30-07. The previous month, they were processing applications with a PD of 6-20-07, I believe, so they moved up 10 days from the 1-15-08 to 2-15-08 timeframe. Now it starts to get really interesting, since we know there was a huge surge of applications is July. My own prediction, which is based on intuition, rather than the complicated mathematical and statistical analysis you have offered up over the past few weeks, is that LA will move up by approximately 10 - 15 days. That means that it will take them about 2 - 3 months to get through the July filers.

I can only surmise that the other DOs in California got hit with many applications in July, but these DOs seem to have kept up in terms of processing times, with all of them reporting processing dates of 7-20-07 as of 2-15-08. If this is true, then they were about 50% of the way through the July surge as of 2-15-08 (assuming of course that 50% of July applications were received in the last 11 days of July). I expect these other DOs to move up more slowly since the last 10 days of July will undoubtedly be very hard slogging. However, at the present processing rates, I believe that some time in late March or early April, they will turn the corner and start processing August applications. The good news is that August applications (and beyond) are so light compared to July that if they keep up their present processing rate, they should be able to clear August, September and part of October in about one month. It's just getting over the July hump that is the difficult piece here.
Hi guys. I did my interview last wednesday and i passed it. When should i expect my oath? Btw, My PO date was july '07 but the check bounced. I had to pay it via credit card.
Hi guys. I did my interview last wednesday and i passed it. When should i expect my oath? Btw, My PO date was july '07 but the check bounced. I had to pay it via credit card.

hi, xenogear! congrats with passing interview! I'd schedule Infopass right now for April 5th, 2008 and if you dont receive it by then - go and inquire, if no result make anther one for April 15, May 1 and so forth until you receive it.

i'd say 80% chance you'll get it within 3-6 weeks from interview, but USCIS is unpredictable lately. especially if you have issues like changed words in oath, name change, frequent travelling and others concerning Naturalization Eligibility.

when did you receive your interview letter?
Hi guys. I did my interview last wednesday and i passed it. When should i expect my oath? Btw, My PO date was july '07 but the check bounced. I had to pay it via credit card.

Xenogear - thanks for the information and congratulations on passing your interview. Do you know the exact date of your Priority Date? This would be written on your original NOA as the day the USCIS received your application. As well, when did you actually receive your interview letter? This information is really helpful for people waiting for ILs from the LA DO (and other DOs).

As for the oath ceremony, it seems to take people about 1-3 months (usually, it is closer to one month) to receive the oath letter. I know that LA has massive oath ceremonies at the LA convention center - on the day of the ceremony they naturalize about 6000 people in the morning and 6000 in the afternoon. As Feliz-LA says, if you don't get your oath letter in another two weeks then go for an Infopass asspointment and ask about the oath date. They should be able to tell you the date as soon as it is scheduled, even if you don't get the letter. That way, you can at least start to plan for the ceremony.
Hi,thanks :) The actual date of the PO...July 23, 2007. Im not really sure when i got my IL but i went to the interview March 5, 2008. The officer was nice and he didnt even check my passport or papers. Then he asked me about selective service and i told him i dont remember signing up and he said that could a problem cause i have to sign up in order for the papers to be processed. Luckily, he checked the computer and i am in fact registered:)

Xenogear - thanks for the information and congratulations on passing your interview. Do you know the exact date of your Priority Date? This would be written on your original NOA as the day the USCIS received your application. As well, when did you actually receive your interview letter? This information is really helpful for people waiting for ILs from the LA DO (and other DOs).

As for the oath ceremony, it seems to take people about 1-3 months (usually, it is closer to one month) to receive the oath letter. I know that LA has massive oath ceremonies at the LA convention center - on the day of the ceremony they naturalize about 6000 people in the morning and 6000 in the afternoon. As Feliz-LA says, if you don't get your oath letter in another two weeks then go for an Infopass asspointment and ask about the oath date. They should be able to tell you the date as soon as it is scheduled, even if you don't get the letter. That way, you can at least start to plan for the ceremony.
Hi,thanks :) The actual date of the PO...July 23, 2007. Im not really sure when i got my IL but i went to the interview March 5, 2008. The officer was nice and he didnt even check my passport or papers. Then he asked me about selective service and i told him i dont remember signing up and he said that could a problem cause i have to sign up in order for the papers to be processed. Luckily, he checked the computer and i am in fact registered:)
Thanks for the response. Well, your case is sure to give members of this forum some hope since you have a fairly late July 2007 Priority Date, and your interview has already occurred. Yours is the second application that I know of with a mid-late July PD that has already had an interview. While two cases does not make a trend, it as at least encouraging to others who filed after you.

Congratulations again - I am glad that the Selective Service thing worked out for you. Good luck with the oath letter!