Likely CP Candidates for October 2003 @Mumbai Consulate - To Do List

Originally posted by Su_Gupta
Hi friends,
On reading the instructions for filling Form I-134, it says that for each account the evidence to be given are- when was the account opened? and how much has been transfered in the last year along with the present balance.

I was under the impression that last 3 months bank and brokerage statements would be enough evidence- but it seems I will have to ask my financial institutions to give me letters saying when the accounts were opened? Is what I am saying correct? kdivekar, can you please shed some light on the above issues?

Lastly, when is the ideal time to get it notarized. Our interview is for Oct 22nd and we are leaving on Oct 11th. I really dont want to leave it till last week- can I get the forms notarized last week of September?


I do not know if the instructions have changed in the last 3 or 4 months, but what ever is stated in I-134 is self-declaration and there is no need to show any proof for items like, bank balances, other assets etc. to the notary.

In addition to this, you would however carry the bank statements to show in case they are asked for! There are several models for the bank statements, depending on the bank. Even the basic versions which are downloaded on the net and which show just the activity for a month with the balance are proof enough. On the other hand it will be your choice whether to get a statement from the banker, showing the date of opening and so on.

Remember, notary is just confirming that such and such person
has signed the form. They are not attesting the contents of the

You are fine getting this done in the last week of September.

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Hi Raju,
My querry was not for the notary but the evidence to be shown at the interview time. My understanding was that one has to carry 3 months bank and brokerage statements to show if the Consular Officer asks for the evidence of the net worth shown on I- 134. But reading the instructions for filling the I-134 I got the impressions which I posted in my previous post. Anyway, thanks for your input.

I hope this clarifies some doubts...I am planning to carry I-134 notarized from mid september 2003. In addition to prove financial standing I plan to carry the following:
1. letter from bank stating accounts (checking and savings) were opened on xx/xx/xxxx and have checking balance xxxxxx & savings balance xxxxxx.

2. Also I plan to carry last 6 pay stubs

3. 1 quarterly statement of Etrade a/c (hopefully something is left there in my account) and

4. obviously the letter from employer stating my salary.

Normally 2, 3, 4 are not required but one of those good to have!
Hi kdivekar,
Thanks for a detailed answer. It clarifies all my doubts and would follow you with the documents to carry.
Thanks once again.
I spoke to my lawyer. IRS 9003 is not required. Where does one get the OF-171 form and what is it
Originally posted by ddagsyn
I spoke to my lawyer. IRS 9003 is not required. Where does one get the OF-171 form and what is it

OF 171 is the form number for the IV appointment letter.

It comes in Packet 4

Employment Letter for Interview


Just wanted to know if there is a requirement that the Employment verification letter should be dated less than a month from the date of the interview.

My H.R dept is getting ready to issue the letter on 09/23/03 and my interview is scheduled for 10/29/03.

Do you think I should ask them to issue the letter aqfter 09/29/03

Re: Employment Letter for Interview

Originally posted by jkaipa

Just wanted to know if there is a requirement that the Employment verification letter should be dated less than a month from the date of the interview.

My H.R dept is getting ready to issue the letter on 09/23/03 and my interview is scheduled for 10/29/03.

Do you think I should ask them to issue the letter aqfter 09/29/03


There is no rule which says the employment letter should be
within such and such time frame from the interview date.

However if there is a long time difference between the dates
it may give rise to the question of whether the job is still open
or not , etc. For this reason it is good to take it as close to the interview date as possible.

Having said this, in your case it should be OK to take it in Sep.

Interesting article

U.S. to Sharply Cut Number of High-Tech Visas
1 hour, 31 minutes ago Add U.S. National - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Alan Elsner, National Correspondent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is about to cut the number of employment visas it offers to highly qualified foreign workers from 195,000 to 65,000, immigration experts said on Monday.

Unless Congress acts by the end of this month -- and there is little sign it will do so -- the change will automatically take effect on Oct. 1. Employers, especially technology companies, argue the move will hurt them and the economy.

The change will affect the number of H1-B visas that can be issued each fiscal year. The visas are mostly used to bring high-tech experts from Asia, especially from the Indian sub-continent, to work in the United States for up to three years.

"The fact that Congress doesn't seem anxious to act reflects the political climate, with a lack of jobs for Americans," said New York immigration lawyer Cyrus Mehta.

"The pressure to change the limit will build up again when the economy picks up."

The Senate Judiciary Committee (news - web sites) held a hearing on the issue last week. Republican chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah noted that many U.S. high-tech workers are unemployed and the committee needed to find ways of helping them without hurting the country's ability to compete globally.

Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy said: "Given the weakness of our current economy, and the rising unemployment we have experienced under President Bush (news - web sites)'s stewardship, many who supported the increase in 2000 now believe that 65,000 visas are sufficient."

But Patrick Duffy, Human Resources Attorney for Intel Corporation, said finding the best-educated engineering talent from around the world was critical to his company's future.

"We expect that we will continue to sponsor H-1B employees in the future for the simple reason that we cannot find enough U.S. workers with the advanced education, skills, and expertise we need," he said.

Elizabeth Dickson, director of immigration services for the Ingersoll-Rand Company, speaking on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (news - web sites), said: "In the near-term, we simply must have access to foreign nationals. Many of them have been educated in the United States. By sending them home, we are at best sending them to our own foreign plant sites, and at worst to our competitors."

Immigration attorneys expect the new rules to set off a scramble by companies to fill their slots early before the ceiling is reached. How quickly that happens depends on the state of the economy, they said.,
Same here P4 was mailed on 9/4/03 not received by attorneys yet. I expect to get it next week.

Although my wife is leaving this weekend, she will probably pick up a duplicate appointment letter from the consulate for the medical checkup purposes.
Also waiting for the P4 in the US. Was told that it was mailed on 4th Sept to our home address here in US.
Got 5 Plastic expandable folders (Beautone) with pockets from OfficeMax to carry documents to the consulate for myself and the family. They are semi-transparent and the documents can be oraganized systematically and easy to search in case extra ones are asked for at the time of interview. I had been thinking how to carry all those documents for the interview. Any comments from the others would be welcome- ( I can still return them if any better ideas!!).

Still waiting for the P4 here in US.

I think what you have is fine. Just make sure that the folders do not have zips...for some unknown reasons zipper bags/ folders are not being allowed inside the consulate.

Also make sure you printout a one page document which lists all documents in a sequence which are in that folder.
FYI..Got passport with French Transit visa stamp! Mailed passport for visa on Monday (9/22) and received today (9/25). Pretty quick and hassle free! Third French visa on my passport and all three good experiences!
I needed a transit visa for france bcoz my visa that is stamped in usa is expired and i have not revalidated the new h-1b approval on my passport. Hence I am required to get a french transit visa as per french embassy web site and couple of conversations with folks at the french embassy @ washington dc!
Hi Divekar,
Regarding the transit visa, you may want to confirm further. The point is its not a big deal getting the transit visa so no harm in getting one. But based on my conversations with the french embassy and even the airlines, there was no need for a transit visa.
I flew to mumbai in July last week and even I didnt have a current visa stamped in my passport though I did have the approval notice. I did not get a transit visa and there was absolutely no sign of a transit visa being asked for in Paris airport.
But again, Im not an authority on this subject and this was solely my experience. So you may want to confirm this further.

Still have not received the P4 here in US. Has anyone else received the P4?
I found out an old acquaintance in Mumbai and requested him to go to the consulate and get our P4 from there. His main concern was that there are lot of guards around and how will he be able to go there.
ddagsyn, your mother has been there to pick your P4. Could you please tell me how difficult it was to go there and is the Public Information window outside or inside the consulate? So I can tell my acquaintance the details and request him to pick our P4 on Monday.