Indian visa after us citizen

please look at page for recent changes made today. I got 5 years visa from san francisco today.
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Congrats. I am so happy for all of us. We did lot of hard work to bring this change. More change should be coming soon.

Enjoy your trip to India. Please do not forget this forum and keep helping us with your inputs.

please look at page for recent changes made today. I got 5 years visa from san francisco today.
thanks punjabi kuri 21. but i wanna make sure that applies to asylee childerns too?? i applied on 30 sept 2010 for visa and i was 16 when i came to usa in 2004 so that mean i should be getting visa in couple days
yes..just email them ur application id and and tell them about new press release on website and they will ask ur category on greencard, A6, A8.. A8 category is getting visa..without any problems.
hi...they ask me wat is category on ur GC, i told them, and he told me to come here, when i went there, they gave me visa for 5 years no questions asked
Congrats Punjabi Kuri...

It means problem is still there for A6 ... and the one who were older than 18 years when they first entered here..
What proof of entry under 18 years old did you provide? Can you please explain your xp.

yes i want to know the answer to this question too will they know if u were under 18 . coz my passport doesn't have any stamp or anything what proof will i provide them since i got my green card after 4 years and i was already 20 then .
yes i want to know the answer to this question too will they know if u were under 18 . coz my passport doesn't have any stamp or anything what proof will i provide them since i got my green card after 4 years and i was already 20 then .

U can show them, Letter from INS that petition ur parent file for u, This letter says, beneficaries names and who is filing. This letter is when INS send to your parent or parents when they file for you.
How did you guys get the surrender certificate. Isn't that a requirement for visa ?
For surrender certificate don't they ask for Indian passport ? That is a problem with asylum granted stamped on it or are you saying that are fine with it now ?
is it the only way to show them that u were under 18 ..can u please tell us in details what documents did u submit. thanks
indian consulate is contrloed by very clever people. donnt be so exited or overjoyes ! what i think it's still their trap for asylees.
when a child applies for visa, sure they will issue visa to him/her. but this way they will know all of their family history. am i right..? and then in future parents wont be even able to use secondary ways to get indian visa. and you never know if they are creating another black or blue list for asylum holders.
@pramvir ur right but they will know about ur parents status anyways since their names r on the old indian and US passports. but i dont understand why all asylees r so scared their fear is their weakness.I been to SFO embassy many times seems like they are palying this game behind the doors and are more scared of saying word asylee. you can tell from her new press release which does not say any where asylee or A8 or A6. that means sfo is playing this smart game behind the doors,people dont get fooled..Moreover why press release only for san francisco.embassy in washington,newyork,houstan,chicago also runs under indian govt they dont run under chinese govt that they dont have that rule. so everyone facing this problem raise voice dont be scared. send complaints to embassdor washington DC as many as you can this message is in general.
twinkle twinkle, i feel ya. but you know punjabis have one weakness. they are not protesting with thought that other consulates might follow the corrupt policies started by sfo. and we donnt want screw up the other ways to get visa if some ppl are benefiting from it. we think abt others as our punjabi culture taught us. second, we are hard working. i bet, most of us work 7 days. therfore we prefer to pay couple grand instead wasting our few days at the consulates and facing those disgusting situations. moreover ,as asylum holder we lose the right to get indian visa. we can not direct force them. they realize this.
and last, our own so called agents have trained these consulars how to make money. so they can share our hard working money.
and finally, we are indians. corruption has become an evil necessty of our daily life. if high leval minister (CWG Chairman) can burp billions of dollars without any shame or fear (from indian govt. or public)then where we stand girl?
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Don't apply at sfo.

This is for your information for all of you guys on this forum that please do not still apply at SFO consulate, because I am very much suspicious that SFO is trying to make a data base for asylees and then will pass this information to New Delhi and will than send this information to all other embassies in USA and Canada. As far as issuing visas to people under 18 years and younger CG of SFO is forced by political pressure from India and various other authorities and instituitionsto serve them, and moreover we all know that leagally SFO cannot refuse visas to derivative asylees( it doesnot matter if derivative asylee is 18 year or younger when entered into USA). This whole idea of stopping visa services to derivative asylees is unauthorized and planned by CG solely and not directed by any Govt. instituiton. Please be careful guys- Get your visas other way as Jim89 discussed earlier in this forum and keep fighting against this discrimination, because United we stand. United we will force SFO consulate to understand that even issuing visa to asylees is not illegal and immoral as long as the applicant has no criminal records in the books of Indian Govt. Sooner or later SFO will understand that voice of people is the voice of God- and "we The People" are the person who give power to the Govt. and they are here to serve us and not to harrass us.
haha ur so right paramvir...i totally agree.. it is just getting complex...they making me go office to office to collect documents...i have already submitted 4 different documents which states same thing n proves my legal entry to US and now sfo need another one..i lost it n dont really know how to make them happy....m just laughing at this point and will try last time tomm but wont ever bribe em no matter how much i earn.if i have to get this hard way i am ready for it. ;-)
Hey Twinkle

The CGI SFO has no access to US immigration documents. They are trying to collect a file/library of various Asylee documents. This they can use for future references.

Please do not make any fresh applications for Entry Visa at SFO before you visit the consulate. Ask them exactly what documents they need. Come back and discuss on this forum before proceeding further. Take a printout of the Govt of India Press Release (It is funny this release is actually CGI SFO press release).

I beleive there is lot of pressure on the CG lady from the High Command in Delhi as lot of asylees and derivative asylees have lodged protest/complaint. Thry to make phone calls or visit the consulate and put more pressure before applying entry visa.

I can assure you all that they have to give us visas eventually. Only people with terrorist or criminal history in India will be denied visa.

haha ur so right paramvir...i totally agree.. it is just getting complex...they making me go office to office to collect documents...i have already submitted 4 different documents which states same thing n proves my legal entry to US and now sfo need another one..i lost it n dont really know how to make them happy....m just laughing at this point and will try last time tomm but wont ever bribe em no matter how much i earn.if i have to get this hard way i am ready for it. ;-)
what happen to everybody here on the forum. all of sudden everybody is quiet.

i am sure you have read this good news.

zee news article i am unable to post the link. just search on google - KIN OF POLITICAL ASLYEES CAN NOW RETURN HOME

anywazy i have sent lot of emails to mea. parneet kaur and tarlochan singh and tarlocahan singh replied to my email in 2 hours and said that they have lifted the ban on asylle family visa , but still i told hime about san fransico consulate behaviour and he said that he will raise this issue to parneet kaur.