I got denied need help please

Do you believe that the USCIS would react by sending me a :

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ocworker said:

today is "the" day. i hope things went smooth. pls keep us posted.
Thank you guys, everything went fine and the officer said that she would send me a letter in the mail soon telling me about the next step.

sony55 said:
Thank you guys, everything went fine and the officer said that she would send me a letter in the mail soon telling me about the next step.


Sony, I am excited to hear this. What did your lawyer say? Is it good news?

Tell us a little bit about your experience. What kind of questions were you asked? And how did it go?

Also, could you help members here understand how a lawyer's presence during the interview may or may not help them? Like do they speak at all during the interview or do they just sit in the back and do nothing?

I have no doubt that you will ultimately prevail my friend.

Best of luck.
Publicus said:
Sony, I am excited to hear this. What did your lawyer say? Is it good news?

Tell us a little bit about your experience. What kind of questions were you asked? And how did it go?

Also, could you help members here understand how a lawyer's presence during the interview may or may not help them? Like do they speak at all during the interview or do they just sit in the back and do nothing?

I have no doubt that you will ultimately prevail my friend.

Best of luck.
I appreciate it man! You have always been a motivator to me. I will post a detailed message tomorrow since i am extremely busy today!
everyone, watch for my post tomorrow :)
sony55 said:
I appreciate it man! You have always been a motivator to me. I will post a detailed message tomorrow since i am extremely busy today!
everyone, watch for my post tomorrow :)

Will do Sony.
Hy Sony,

What was that : court hearing, or board of appeal hearing.
what the judge said?

i am very interested in details
I have my hearing before IJ on Monday.
Citizenship Denial Appeal Hearing!

akatu said:
What was that : court hearing, or board of appeal hearing.
what the judge said?

i am very interested in details
I have my hearing before IJ on Monday.
Ok guys here is my story and what happened;
I went there and my appointment was at 11:15 am at Memphis sub office for a citizenship denial appeal hearing. I went with my lawyer ofcourse. My case was denied earlier on June 23, 2005. I got the letter saying that i should appear for hearing on Sep.23 for the hearing on Oct. 25.

So i went yesterday, prepared for the worse and hoping for the best. I studied the history exam since the notice said that i could be tested on them too. The lady who called my name was old and calm. she seemed very polite. She let us in her office, and I swore to tell the truth. She didn't seem to be prepared or have read my file thoroughly. She asked my lawyer if he would like to say something and he said that he would like for me to start.

She started asking me questions, like what is ur current address, why did you come to America, why didn't you go to school, when did you come to america, What were you trying to do when you filed for Visa extension in 1999,how did you live between the time you entered the states and got married, when did you decided to get married, did you have a big wedding party. Those were the main core questions pertaining to my specific situation about the denial. My lawer said that my answers to those questions were excellent. the interviewer reaction was positive toward my answers.

Then, she went over my application and was changing some information upon my answers, like do you still go to this school, i told her i graduated , but now attending another school, she wrote down the name of the new school, then asked me if i had any arrests, warrants, tickets against me , i told her i had a couple of tickets, normal tickets, she said what is "normal" tickets, i said like speeding tickets, they are for false alarm, i was training to work in a convenience store and hit the alarm button mistakenly and the owner didn't have alarm registration. But the tickets were both paid by the owner. I told her i got them with me with proof of payment if you would like to see them, she said "no it's fine" . she wrote that down on the application, and moved on to ask if i wanted to change my name in case i become a citizen i said no, she asked me if i am still willing to take the full oath of allegiance to the US i said yes. She asked if i have kids i said not yet but my wife is pregnant she said oh nice how far a long is she, i said she is only 8 weeks now, she said patience patience, we both laughed!

Then she made me sign the same application for corrections and additions she made. Then she gave me a sheet and said make sure the information on it is correct, it had my name address, and date of birth i think. i said everything is correct but what is this paper for, she said it is for your conveninect that in the future you don't have to drive all the way from Nasvhille to Memphis if we need something , i said ok.

Then she asked me if i wanted to add something, i said no, she said, it's you opportunity now to say what you feel, my lawyer has warned me about open statements, but I felt it was really my chance to express myself, I told her a short statement, I have come here to go to school, I went to school, and I did great achievements there, and still going to another school with a full scholarship. I am happy with that, and that was my expectation of the education in the US. thank you.

Then she turned to my lawyer, she said now we finished with him what about you. I really don't think he did or say much, but his presence kept everything in order. He summarized my scholastic achievements, and how i struggled to go to school even through the darkest financial problems. He confirmed my sincerity in attending school.

Then she said, great you guys would like to add anything else, i said yes i do, When i first came to the US and then found out that i wouldn't be able to attend, i talked with the director of students affair and got a letter to transfer, and then, i applied of visa extension to transfer to another local school in Tennessee to keep my status. And when i filed my citizenship, to stay clear and transparent with the government, i submitted a copy of the denial of visa extension along with my N-400 because i wanted to be as truthfull as possible. therefore, i am shocked to have my application denied because of what they say,'liying under oath"! specially that nobody has raised the issue or asked even single question about his issue.

She said , ok, I will study the file , now don't get your hopes up yet! but if i could over turn the decision i will send you a letter and the letter would explain to you what is the next step. She said the letter would be certified, i said i have a problem with certified mail from USCIS. She laughed and said but this time for either approval or denial will be certified and your lawyer will get a copy too.

I said how long will it take, she said she is not sure yet becuase the last time she told somebody it would take 2-3 months it took 6, i said oh, six months, she said oh no no no, you wouldn't have to wait that much i promise. We have improved much since then.

And that was it.
what do you guys think. you comments will be much appreciated.

You will be receiving the APPROVAL notice in the mail VERY SHORTLY.

Congratulation for all this, including to-be-a future father.

Take care.
JohnnyCash said:
You will be receiving the APPROVAL notice in the mail VERY SHORTLY.

Congratulation for all this, including to-be-a future father.

Take care.
fitness and Johny , thank you very much for your positive posts.
I hope i get the approval soon like johny said!
JohnnyCash said:
You will be receiving the APPROVAL notice in the mail VERY SHORTLY.

Congratulation for all this, including to-be-a future father.

Take care.
Johny , thank you so much for the positive and encouraging post. My question is ; what makes you confident that i WILL get the APPROVAL letter very shortly? I am just curious.
Maybe sharing those info will help me to get more motivated. I believe that the interview was positive too.
Hear from you hopefully soon.
sony55 said:
Johny , what makes you confident that i WILL get the APPROVAL letter very shortly? I am just curious.

It is all about having outside and inside information on USCIS. I know how USCIS exactly works and I also know every single move of this agency. I've spent years in learning them. Also, I've a vital information/knowledge about immigration laws and their procedures. I've also read thousands of thousands experiences posted by people on all kind of immigration forums/boards for many years. Further, it has a little bit to do with my basic instinct or you can say-sixth sense. However, rumor is I've psychic visions. :cool:
JohnnyCash said:
It is all about having outside and inside information on USCIS. I know how USCIS exactly works and I also know every single move of this agency. I've spent years in learning them. Also, I've a vital information/knowledge about immigration laws and their procedures. I've also read thousands of thousands experiences posted by people on all kind of immigration forums/boards for many years. Further, it has a little bit to do with my basic instinct or you can say-sixth sense. However, rumor is I've psychic visions. :cool:
Wow, that's great to hear! I think everything went well, i just hate to wait withouth certainty of when i could get something from them.
JohnnyCash said:
It is all about having outside and inside information on USCIS. I know how USCIS exactly works and I also know every single move of this agency. I've spent years in learning them. Also, I've a vital information/knowledge about immigration laws and their procedures. I've also read thousands of thousands experiences posted by people on all kind of immigration forums/boards for many years. Further, it has a little bit to do with my basic instinct or you can say-sixth sense. However, rumor is I've psychic visions. :cool:
Do you think that interviewing officer was authorized or powered enough to issue a final decision?
sony55 said:
Do you think that interviewing officer was authorized or powered enough to issue a final decision?

Yes. And she has already APPROVED your case. You will be receiving approval notice soon. But don't ask me how I know about this, because I won't be able to tell you this because I cannot disclose anything anyway. :)
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Maybe it's the Immigration God speaking directly to Johnny. :D In that case, what is She saying about me?

Johnny Johnny Johnny :cool:
I have attempted to wade through your many rambling missives & have come to some unavoidable conclusions:

First of all: You obviously have a lot of spare time on your hands. For that I envy you. I am also assuming that you already have succeeded in having your Citizenship approved. I detect a distinct “greater than though” theme & attitude through your posts, especially when the post is directed towards some nervous, unsure, & as yet unapproved applicant such as Mr. Sony here. It looks as though you have made this & similar forums somewhat of an obsession. I mean if you are over & done with your own Citizenship process, why on earth would you be on this site anyway? Get a life man. This is America!! :p

You say you are just trying to help others with your vast knowledge, insight & moral high ground. I think that’s BS. I think you like to scare the sh.. out of people. You see threads like Sony’s & jump in with judgmental warnings, unsubstantiated “facts”, a claim to reliable “inside contacts” & even “ sixth sense”. C’mon Johnny. :eek:

Of course applicants must be honest, must be courteous, considerate, and above all patient. Disclosing any & all past "bad deeds" when making an application will only help to show you as an applicant of good moral character NOW even if you did screw up in the past. I speak from experience here.

You claim that writing letters, following up in person, writing to your congressman etc only serves to piss off the authorities. This is simply NOT always the case. Again I speak from experience. Had I not had intervention from “the right people” I would not be sitting here today with my Green Card.

To make sweeping generalizations about an authority such at USCIS is pointless, other than to say it’s a huge, complicated, behemoth of an organization. It is my experience that with USCIS, the left hand doesn’t always have a clue what the right hand is doing. They’re getting a little better but by their own admission, they’re understaffed, under funded, under incentivized and mostly overwhelmed. They have a huge burden of responsibility.

I have been advised by USCIS staff that I should indeed follow up in person, in writing etc to move my case along. I have been advised by OTHER USCIS staff that this is pointless and can be counter productive. I believe both to be true. In the end it comes down to luck & patience.

This forum is about people trying to become Americans and you have some things to learn on that point. [Even if you do have your Citizenship] Being an American means a lot more than always following the “rules”. I think it’s about following your dreams & not letting anyone or anything dissuade you or put you down. It’s about second chances, & about the little guy just as much as it is about the big guy.

I think that in the end, that’s what applicants like Sony will be judged on & not some past minor rule twist that caused no harm.

Go read the biography of your namesake Johnny Cash Johnny. Now there was a true American.. And he was no saint. :cool:
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Manyung said:
Johnny Johnny Johnny :cool:
I have attempted to wade through your many rambling missives & have come to some unavoidable conclusions:

First of all: You obviously have a lot of spare time on your hands. For that I envy you. I am also assuming that you already have succeeded in having your Citizenship approved. I detect a distinct “greater than though” theme & attitude through your posts, especially when the post is directed towards some nervous, unsure, & as yet unapproved applicant such as Mr. Sony here. It looks as though you have made this & similar forums somewhat of an obsession. I mean if you are over & done with your own Citizenship process, why on earth would you be on this site anyway? Get a life man. This is America!! :p
I agree with you on some of what you said about being judged on a second chance basis. However, Those remarks on Johny Cash's posts are not acceptable. you said if he had his citizenship then why is he on this forum, i say BECAUSE HE GOT HIS CITIZENSHIP HE SHOULD BE ON THIS FORUM GIVING SOME OF HIS EXPERIENCE AND WHAT HAD HE GONE THROUGH TO APPLICANTS LIKE ME AND OTHERS.
The guy was harsh sometimes, but I really think he was sincere to help in those remarks and the goal was not distructive but contstructive criticism, which was on my behalf because i thought more seriously and deeper about my case.
I apologize to Johny. Manyun, please let's have helpful, cooperative, and constructive posts!
God bless all of us!

Fair enough Sony
If Johnny's posts helped you then I stand corrected. I also wish you the best of luck with your case. I think you'll be 100% fine by the way. It may well take the full six months but it will come through in the end.
They're just making you jump through a few more hoops.

I just get a little annoyed when people are judgemental of others when they are not aware of the full context of a situation. I do agree with Johnny in that honesty is the ONLY policy. That's basically what Johnny said but in about 100,000 words.

I hope you [Johnny] take my critisism as constructive.
Less is more when it comes to the written word
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Manyung said:
...[Even if you do have your Citizenship] Being an American means a lot more than always following the “rules”. I think it’s about following your dreams & not letting anyone or anything dissuade you or put you down. It’s about second chances, & about the little guy just as much as it is about the big guy...

Words of wisdom Manyung...Words of wisdom my friend. I've always said that America is an idea. It's not about paperwork or documentation. It is about beliefs and practices. I am mostly passionate about America the same way Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and Alexander Hamilton were passionate about this great invention. And it is overly depressing and unduly embarassing to observe workers at USCIS offices, who like machines, rarely represent the errorless meaning of true Americanism and genuine patriotism.