I got denied need help please

Do you believe that the USCIS would react by sending me a :

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Manyung said:
Fair enough Sony
If Johnny's posts helped you then I stand corrected. I also wish you the best of luck with your case. I think you'll be 100% fine by the way. It may well take the full six months but it will come through in the end.
They're just making you jump through a few more hoops.

I just get a little annoyed when people are judgemental of others when they are not aware of the full context of a situation. I do agree with Johnny in that honesty is the ONLY policy. That's basically what Johnny said but in about 100,000 words.

I hope you [Johnny] take my critisism as constructive.
Less is more when it comes to the written word
Manyung, Thank you so much for many things
Thank you for Understanding! Thank you for compromising! Thank you for encouraging me!
Not many people can comprehend constructive criticism and back off sometimes. Not many people can be open minded like you. Not many people can understand like you did. You are a great person. God bless you and us all

God bless you too my friend. I can tell by your story that you are a good person. Never accept any claim by any person or any authority that may suggest otherwise. :) I'll watch with interest for the approval of your Citizenship. Let's pray it is very soon so you can have the double celebration of the arrival of your newborn and the end of your saga with USCIS.
Manyung said:
I mean if you are over & done with your own Citizenship process, why on earth would you be on this site anyway? Get a life man. This is America!! :p

just wanted to know is it how we shall be? When we need info, we come here, ask questions, read posts, and we leave without a trace; and not come back to help out and answer other people's questions?

Oh well... may be i need to get a life since I got my citizenship over, and I am still here trying to help out others.
name check validity

sony55 said:
Manyung, Thank you so much for many things
Thank you for Understanding! Thank you for compromising! Thank you for encouraging me!
Not many people can comprehend constructive criticism and back off sometimes. Not many people can be open minded like you. Not many people can understand like you did. You are a great person. God bless you and us all
How long is the name check valid for? mine was done and cleared back in August 2004.
Thank you.
CanTex said:
Sorry to hear about this. You really need to get the best immigration attorney you can afford, as I would be concerned that they're going to follow-through and also challenge the validity of your permanent resident status. This is something that should have come out during the steps leading up your getting your green card, and hopefully they're not going to go back over that...

Apart from what others have mentioned about not maintaining your F-1 status properly, the F-1 visa does not allow dual intent (i.e. initial entry as a non-immigrant with the intent to come an immigrant). Other visas like H-1B and the L-1A/B categories do allow dual intent. It sounds like you went from F-1 status to permanent resident status without leaving the U.S. and that's a no-no.
Thanks for your post, however, if the law permitted me to adjust my status with a formal form and change from F-1 status into permanent resident, then houw could going from f-1 status to a permanent resident status without leaving the US be considered a no-no?!! Can you explain that to me. I mean i did everything lawfully.

do not listent to this crap.
CIS charge with failure to disclose information about your F1 status which you did not do. They did not chalenge your PR status or bad intent while applying and entering on F1. Fraud is not an issue here. they usually do not go back and apply other charges in case that one is to be dropped, not because they could not , they are too lazy.
In worse case scenario thay will stick to their decision and you will have to go to court which i have no doubt you will win.

BTW name check valid for 3 month, FP for 15, but you do not have to worry about this now.
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akatu said:
do not listent to this crap.
CIS charge with failure to disclose information about your F1 status which you did not do. They did not chalenge your PR status or bad intent while applying and entering on F1. Fraud is not an issue here. they usually do not go back and apply other charges in case that one is to be dropped, not because they could not , they are too lazy.
In worse case scenario thay will stick to their decision and you will have to go to court which i have no doubt you will win.

BTW name check valid for 3 month, FP for 15, but you do not have to worry about this now.
I thought i read somewhere here on the forum that name check is good for 2 years. All my friends who got naturalized had a gap between 6-9 months between the date they had their name check done and taking the oath, however, they didn't have to have another name check done!
Thank you ,
congratulations sony55! i'm really glad things are going well for you. sounds like your interview on your appeal really went well. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed and 'ope that everything goes smoothly from here onwards.

sony55, i just have a few questions for you:

- you said that you were out of status from your F-1 for 13 months before marrying your wife who is a USC. on your application for I-485 (AOS from F-1 to LPR), when it asked what kind of visa you have, how did you specify that you were an out of status F-1. did you write 'out of status F-1' or just plain 'F-1'?
- how long after you got married did you apply for the AOS?
- how long did it take for you to receive your physical GC from the time of your application?
- were you able to travel out of the country while waiting for your GC with an approved I-131? or you had to wait until your GC came before you were eligible to travel out of the country since you were out of status prior to filing? or this question does not apply to you because you did not attempt to leave the country? :p

thank you in advance!
ateganda29 said:
congratulations sony55! i'm really glad things are going well for you. sounds like your interview on your appeal really went well. i'll be keeping my fingers crossed and 'ope that everything goes smoothly from here onwards.

sony55, i just have a few questions for you:

- you said that you were out of status from your F-1 for 13 months before marrying your wife who is a USC. on your application for I-485 (AOS from F-1 to LPR), when it asked what kind of visa you have, how did you specify that you were an out of status F-1. did you write 'out of status F-1' or just plain 'F-1'?
- how long after you got married did you apply for the AOS?
- how long did it take for you to receive your physical GC from the time of your application?
- were you able to travel out of the country while waiting for your GC with an approved I-131? or you had to wait until your GC came before you were eligible to travel out of the country since you were out of status prior to filing? or this question does not apply to you because you did not attempt to leave the country? :p

thank you in advance!
I don't know if i was out of status or not since my visa was valid for five years. However, yes, i didn't attend school. and i got married 13 months after coming to the US. I am not sure on the AOS what did we put, i had a lawyer then and he took care of the whole process as it went so smooth.
After i got married 2 years, i got the conditional card. then 2 years after that i got the permanent card.
Yes i was able to travel before i even get the conditional card. in fact, i traveled 3 months after getting married. i had applied for advance parole and got it in 10 business day back then, i thought that was amazing!
I hope that helped.
i believe F-1's are valid for some period of time. however, validity of which is contingent upon one's f/t enrollment at the school that issued I-20. so i guess F-1 is valid but you're out of status of your I-20? i dunno. i get confused. butumyea, since you didn't attend school after you got married and became LPR, i guess we can say you were out of status then.

so you applied for AOS right away and got the conditional card first (or did you mean you applied for AOS 2 years after you got married?). and then 2 more years before you received your GC. but you were able to travel out of the country 3 months after you applied and you got the I-131 approval in 10 days. i think that's great news.

any thoughts on when's best to marry: before or after becoming a US citizen provided your would-be spouse does not hold their legal status of their own?
ateganda29 said:
i believe F-1's are valid for some period of time. however, validity of which is contingent upon one's f/t enrollment at the school that issued I-20. so i guess F-1 is valid but you're out of status of your I-20? i dunno. i get confused. butumyea, since you didn't attend school after you got married and became LPR, i guess we can say you were out of status then.

so you applied for AOS right away and got the conditional card first (or did you mean you applied for AOS 2 years after you got married?). and then 2 more years before you received your GC. but you were able to travel out of the country 3 months after you applied and you got the I-131 approval in 10 days. i think that's great news.

any thoughts on when's best to marry: before or after becoming a US citizen provided your would-be spouse does not hold their legal status of their own?
Please start a new thread for your case, i don't want to deviate from the original case on this thread.
However, I applied for AOS right after i got married. I got the card after 2 years. Permanent card received 2 years later. that's 4 years total to get the permanent green card from the time of filing for AOS.
Good luck!
JohnnyCash said:
Yes. And she has already APPROVED your case. You will be receiving approval notice soon. But don't ask me how I know about this, because I won't be able to tell you this because I cannot disclose anything anyway. :)
Johny, Can you guesstimate when could i receve something from the USCIS please?
sony55 said:
Johny, Can you guesstimate when could i receve something from the USCIS please?
Johny Cash, I don't hear from you anymore!
Do you know how long is the name check good for ?
thank you.
Validity of Name check!

sony55 said:
Johny Cash, I don't hear from you anymore!
Do you know how long is the name check good for ?
thank you.
Please help. Anybody knows how long is the name check is valid for?
According to USCIS, it is only required to perform one name check. However, an IBIS security check is performed by USCIS on its own terminals before finally adjudicating a case if any of the security checks have been completed before the last 90 days.
Publicus said:
According to USCIS, it is only required to perform one name check. However, an IBIS security check is performed by USCIS on its own terminals before finally adjudicating a case if any of the security checks have been completed before the last 90 days.
what is IBIS ?
JohnnyCash said:
Some officers are easy-going than others. That’s why many people who lied more terribly than yours got away easily.
It really DOES hurt me that you basically are calling me a liar JohnyCash!!
USCIS may have denied my case once, and may deny it again, but that doesn't mean that they are right. I know myself better, and i know my intent better, I never lied. I am a moral person and well raised. I won't lie for reasons like that. Just because i an in distress that doesn't mean i am guilty of anything.
I won't let the USCIS nor anybody else disrespect me or degrade me just because of false allegations.

I am confident that God will be with me in this Joureny and i will prevail! :)
did it have any impact on the green card. did they allow u to keep the greencard. or will there be a problem when u renew it?