I got denied need help please

Do you believe that the USCIS would react by sending me a :

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Dear Juno,
since it is not fair your thread has been closed, because some people had a disagreement with JoeF, I feel it is unfair to let your issue go at that point. JoeF doesn't have the authority nor the right to stop you there, that's crazy.

Please feel free to post here and ask your questions and concerns here.


contact your congressmen and your senator is free
asked them to write you a letter..to the immigration....

ocworker said:
my name check is pending at this moment. would they deny my application later because i disclosed my traffic tickets during the interview? however, the officer wrote down notes about when/what/how happened of the citations.. etc

my interview was so smooth. the interview officer did not check anything besides of my passports to validate the date on the application form.

so smooth that seem she did not pay much attention on this application at all. the interview was lasted top 15 mins.

any thoughts? would i get in troubles or get denied bc of traffic tickets? however, i did disclose it during the interview thou....

Your citizenship application is not going to be denied solely on the basis of you waiting until the interview to disclose traffic tickets. Part of the interview process is to verify that your application is complete and correct - and it sounds like that is exactly what happened.

Sony2006 said:
I feel it is unfair to let your issue go at that point. JoeF

it is sad to see people getting hyperventilating on a discussion and starting to call other people names.

I hope Juno is working through his issues. Good luck, Juno. let us know how it went.
JoeF said:
Oh, sony's alter ego or buddy is back... It is interesting that he doesn't have anything to say to the topic anymore. It seems I was right all along, and all he wanted to do is starting a flamewar.
Next time, I suggest to learn about the topic at hand before making a fool of yourself...
I don't have to say anything about you JoeF, your language and words speak for you. I ask God to cure your arrogance.

Good luck to Juno. Thanks qili
JoeF said:
And sony is confirming that he indeed has a close relationship with qili, and probably is using his old tactic of creating multiple accounts. The last time he was banned it was because he used another account to spread hatred and attack people.
I see that he is back into that mode. Shame on him.
are you planning on closing this thread too so nobody can benefit from it. I mean for God's Sake man, damn, you can not stand people to disagree with you!???

Come on , and grow out of it, wheather they are right or wrong, disagreement is allowed, as long as it stays withing the proper limit. Qili and juno didn't do anything wrong.

I showed my good intention to you, and to every one, and you are the one who started cussing me and quili, and we didn't say anything , then for god's sake, tell me how am i starting a flamewar?!!

You, after all, speak for yourself.

JoeF said:
And sony is confirming that he indeed has a close relationship with qili, and probably is using his old tactic of creating multiple accounts. The last time he was banned it was because he used another account to spread hatred and attack people.
I see that he is back into that mode. Shame on him.

Its rather you who is/was spreading hatred and attacking members here. I have seen your ugly side when you posted hatred about some aussiegirl (and many others)who was having some immigration issues. But rather than helping, you prefer to hate. WHY? If you can not help then choose keeping quite option.

Moderator(sachinphadke only), please watch this member and take appropriate action if he attacks members again. Your unbiased actions,guidance are essential here as other moderator choose to ignore all abuse,misbehaviour by JoeF.Thanks
JoeF said:
And sony is confirming that he indeed has a close relationship with qili, and probably is using his old tactic of creating multiple accounts.

dude, why are you so paranoid? Grow up!
JoeF said:
When will you guys learn that attacking me is an excercise in futility?

Nobody is attacking you. I asked moderator(sachinphadke only) to keep watch on your posts for the benefits of all members. So again, nobody is attcking you. Is that clear?? Please stop hatred. Peace
JoeF said:
As I said, inept posts. Like little children, believing nobody can read between the lines...
How stupid do these trolls think people are???
What are you reading between lines?? Is it just between lines or between words as well? Please elaborate.
JoeF, you are really embarrassing yourself.

I can tell you that I am not Juno / sony / whoever you may think I am. so don't waste your time trying to figure out whoelse I am - that is a futile exercise.

If you have anything on topic to say, say it. Otherwise, get out of here.

You don't seem to understand that people only attack others if they care about the others. You are really no more important to me than a rotten potato on the side of the road - I mean every word of that. so why in h@#% would I attack you?

I want to have a civil discussion with anyone, you included. But your behavior has just gone from bad to weird. Please help yourself get out of this, because otherwise I think you are a fine man/woman and can have a lot to contribute to our collective knowledge here.

This is the last time I will write to you on this subject.
Hi Sony -

I just saw your old thread opened and was surprised..
And, you're back.. ;)

So..Did you get naturalized? How come you aren't telling us? I used to follow this thread and improvements on your case, until this thread was closed..
JoeF said:
Pot calling the kettle black, eh?
Geez, these children. I really wonder how these guys got their GCs. It can't be through employment, since that would require some maturity.
Anyway, the modus operandi is clearly visible:
One guy attacks me and then the next one claims because of that attack I am causing threads to get shut down.
The next guy insults me, and only wishes to address one of the moderators, hoping that that particular moderator is not aware of the things that are going on. And then he plays innocent...
Just like little children who always believe they can't be seen when they just close the eyes...

Your contribution is sometimes helpful for this forum members. So please stop embarrassing yourself. Nobody is attcking or insulting you. Its just your own attitude making yourself into Pot calling the kettle black etc. So Please stop hatred. And keep up your positive contribution to all. Peace.

I am asking only one moderator(sachinphadke) to watch your postings because other moderator has openly stated that he has long and close relationship with you. So I don't think he can make right judgement about you. Its not his fault but he just can't moderate your behaviour unbiasedly because of personal relationship. Fair enough. Hope it clears any confusion. Peace.
jenimmi said:
Hi Sony -

I just saw your old thread opened and was surprised..
And, you're back.. ;)

So..Did you get naturalized? How come you aren't telling us? I used to follow this thread and improvements on your case, until this thread was closed..
Thank you Jenimmi,
It is really nice to hear from you again.
Yes I got it thankfully.
I appreciate your concern and that you asked about me.

How does it come that the only posts from you on this forum, and in fact on this board, are posts attacking me? Don't you have something to contribute to this forum, other than trying to attack me? Did you only sign on to attack me?

this is getting tiring, JoeF. and let me lay it out for you: you aren't nearly as important as you think you are.

No one is attacking. Instead, people are just trying to bring you out of your self-constructed paranoia.

Get on with your life. But most importantly and urgently, get rid of your mass paranoia because it is killing you and your social life. Have you ever wondered why you have no friends and you are always fighting a battle against the world?

The enemy is in you.
JoeF said:
LOL. Really, how stupid do you think people are?
Moderators moderate. If somebody, like you, is attacking me

But I never attacked you. I just asked moderator(sachinphadke only) to watch your posts for the benefits of all members. And when that happens, its going to be big contribution from my side to this forum. So please stop hatred. As I stated earlier, your posts sometimes helps members. So stop embarrassing yourself. Just take little grip on yourself and surrounding reality. Again don't post hatred. Peace.
JoeF said:
gili: You said: "This is the last time I will write to you on this subject."
How come you are posting again?
MrJackie: Forgot this post already? http://immigrationportal.com/showpost.php?p=1370273

I standby with my post. I pointing out your hatred in this thread and in the past with other members. Also making sure that moderator(sachinphadke only) understand situation and make efforts to stop this. I am sorry you take that as attack. Please stop hatred and continue to contribute positively for the benefit of all members. Peace.
JoeF said:
I wonder how much PMs are sent around among this group of people who are always ready to attack me. I must be really important if my posts are worthy to be attacked...
You are embarrassing yourself!