I got denied need help please

Do you believe that the USCIS would react by sending me a :

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sony55 said:
I didn't go back because I had a fiance at the time, that's why.Otherwise, i would have considered that option.


Although I had said that I would not post anymore on this thread, but I think I should enlighten some light on some misunderstand that some people have about immigration laws. For the sake of every reader, those misunderstandings should be cleared up.

Having a family member such as father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, fiancé, uncle, aunty or anyone else in the US, doesn't mean people it gives an automatic right to break a law. Nor this reasoning justifies breaking a law as right and legal. Then why in this world Sony even thinks that it was okay for him to overstay here or violate our law JUST BECAUSE HE HAS FIANCE HERE? Why could not fiancé marry him right away within six months of him having sat his foot on US soil? This way he could have a valid reason to justify his action than making irrelevant and illogical senses. After sating his foot on US soil, he found out very shortly that he would not be able to attend the school because of financial situation of his sponsor or co-sponsor, but he still chose to stay here. Was it right and legal? If not, then why it is so hard for anyone to comprehend why INS is right here? No brainier.

Law is law, and it is same for everyone. You came here on a student visa. You did not go to school even for one day during that time because of whatever reason you had. You had an option to return home than hanging out or walking around as if there was nothing wrong in your action. Now when INS found out, you are trying to defend and keep saying that you did not do anything wrong. People are not fools. If they have even a little brain in their head then they know that it was wrong in your part when you did not return home after realizing that you could not be able to attend the school because of financial situation.

Having a fiancé and getting married with her came in picture a way later. Plus, your fiancé could have sponsored you if you cared about immigration laws by leaving the US after knowing the financial situation of your sponsors if you overstayed here because of fiancé. Nobody is saying that you should not have been with your fiancé. You should and this is your fundamental right, but both of you had no right to defraud US govt. Now, don’t ask me what is defraud and how did it occur in your situation. She could have filed an application for either fiancé visa or could have brought you here as her spouse like other people do than violating the laws.

The problem is-when people do wrong thing, they don't even think twice so long they can be benefited. But when they get caught, they give all the explanation in the world without understanding that they were wrong at first place. I don't have any problem so long person could admit his wrongdoing.

And I don’t understand why it is hard for people to understand that Naturalization is a last stop of an alien’s immigration journey. It’s the duty and obligation of INS to weed out immigration fraud. During naturalization, INS scrutinizes the whole immigration journey of an immigrant, from beginning to end. Some officer might let it go because they are lazy or have not time, but others don’t. Just because INS has granted a green card to someone in the past, that doesn’t mean that all the issues were settled, nor it means that a green card was rightly and legally granted. Neither it means INS has not overlooked anything important last time.

As I’ve said many times, if INS ever finds out about a material fact, which was either overlooked by INS or concealed by applicants, INS can and will revoke the immigration benefit and would place the alien on deportation hearing for concealing a material fact. It doesn’t matter how many years ago an immigration benefit was granted; rather what is important is when INS found out about that material fact. That said, people should not fool themselves in believe that just because they were previously granted a green card or a citizenship, then govt. could never strip away from that benefit if there was a concealment or overlooking of a material fact existed.

I’ve seen many times people have said that Sony violated his student visa, but then he got married to a US citizen and since then he has been a good person as he has never been involved with any crime or anything bad, so he should be okay. People are forgetting that-though mostly violations of immigration laws are automatically forgotten if an alien marries a US citizen, but have a preconceive intent is not one of them. And in Sony’s case, it is not about overstaying, or anything else; rather it is about having preconceived intent to immigrate here. This is the key fact people have failed to comprehend so far. I’m not saying that Sony really did not have any intention to attend the school, but the facts on the record are completely against him, especially when he did not even attend the school even for one day. Courts go by evidence, and not by empty wording.

Also, I’ve seen many times people have said here that INS has no case against Sony and the burden to prove a case against him will lie upon INS. It is true that burden will lie upon INS to prove their case against Sony, but it would be like a piece of cake for them to prove the case. I’m so amazed to know that so many people could not even see that Sony’s case is a clear-cut case for them. This is the case they always dream to win in the court because it will take them not more than 5 minutes to prove it because everything is on the record. If anyone keeps the ability to read Sony’s posts, then it should not take them more than a second to realize that govt. has a very easy case to prove here. They will say that he had a preconceive intent to immigrate here while using a student visa because he did not attend school even for one day, nor left the country after knowing the financial situation of his sponsors. Just because his sponsors’ financial situation changed all of sudden or he met his fiancé, it had nothing to with govt. or our immigration laws at all. And, govt. will prosecute him for violation of immigration laws, and nor for his personal reasons of his co-sponsors’ financial situations and meeting with fiancé.

People don’t need to be a rocket scientist to comprehend a simple fact in Sony’s situation. Supporting him and giving him encouraging words/help is okay. I’ve giving him those ever since, but when it comes to RIGHT ANSWER, I don’t bring friendship in between. Because, it would then undermine and compromise his ability to prepare himself with all possible outcomes. Just because I’ve been upfront on his case and have given MY insights, that doesn’t mean that I hate him or I don’t want him to get citizenship. People should learn the difference between a true well-wisher and supporters.
Having a family member such as father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, fiancé, uncle, aunty or anyone else in the US, doesn't mean people it gives an automatic right to break a law. Nor this reasoning justifies breaking a law as right and legal. Then why in this world Sony even thinks that it was okay for him to overstay here or violate our law JUST BECAUSE HE HAS FIANCE HERE? Why could not fiancé marry him right away within six months of him having sat his foot on US soil? This way he could have a valid reason to justify his action than making irrelevant and illogical senses. After sating his foot on US soil, he found out very shortly that he would not be able to attend the school because of financial situation of his sponsor or co-sponsor, but he still chose to stay here. Was it right and legal? If not, then why it is so hard for anyone to comprehend why INS is right here? No brainier.

I appreciate your post!
I married my fiance when it was the right time. I was making a family. It's not alway about the USCIS. When it comes to family, there are things more important than USCIS. You want me to just know my fiance and marry her during the 6 month period?! Well, it's up to GOD , who destined me to meet her during the 6 month, and get to know her good enough only after the 6 month, good enough to marry her then.

Actually, I think if i really just got married that fast during the 6 month, not only will it me a fraud marriage, it will clearly look like fraud marriage!

What happened with my in my case was fate. It happened for unforseen circumstances. I did violate the law, but nothing was preintended. Now you saying otherwise doesn't bother me, the USCIS says otherwise, bothers me a little but this is life. I can fight till i win because I KNOW the truth! They have the right to make sure i am not committing fraud and i understand, but they have to be more effecient and quicker so I can take my procedures to fight back.

I am open minded, or at least trying to be , but please don't post anything in my thread, as you even mentioned before, not becasue your opinion, but because you used some nasty language before saying that you don't give a fuck!!! How can sombody trust a profane person like that, I sure the heck I don't.

Second; you have said before that My case has been approved and I will receive the approval notice shortly, like you know anything. Now, listen to what are you saying, the complete opposite! I don't have problem with you saying things I don't like, i am here to hear all kinds of opinions, but keeping swinging like that shows no trustworthiness my friend.

Please, I don't need your opinion and you can take your words and profanity to some other place ok?

Just because you came to the US when you were 4 year old doesn't mean that you are the expert and everyone else is a bug!

Good luck to you!


"but please don't post anything in my thread, as you even mentioned before, not becasue your opinion, but because you used some nasty language before saying that you don't give a fuck!!!"

You cannot tell me or anyone else not to post here, nor you can stop me or anyone else from posting here because this a PUBLIC AND FREE forum if you forget to remember that.

Just because you have started this thread, it doesn't mean you own this thread, nor this reason alone gives you any right over anyone else to decide who should post and who should not. Every member is entitled to post as per their wish whether you like it or not.

Third, who are you to decide over this forum about who should be allowed and who should not be based upon nasty language used by me or a poster? Are you a moderator? Do you own this site? If not, then don't suggust anyone not to post. If you would like to ban me on this site, then contact the moderator or owner of this site. I will be glad to be banned, especially when I've no purpose to be here anyway except helping others. I could help people on other websites, which I've been doing there for so many years anyway. I think people on this site would prefer me to stay for getting full and accurate help than listening to a garbage from a person like you. People are not fool as you think of them. They know how wrongly you are justifying your previous action and now trying to divert the matter to other topics which have no relavancy to your situation.

We all have emotions at times which we could not tolerate. And don't forget that I also keep the ability to challenge this site for banning me on this profanity based upon discrimination as there are thousand of postings wherein people have used bad words so many times but they were never banned. So, their treatment should be same for everyone. But I won't do that because I will happilly go away.
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"How can sombody trust a profane person like that, I sure the heck I don't."

Are you that arrogant to see that people have trusted me so far? Go check each of my positing on this site to get the answer by your own if you like to talk about trusting issue here? People know that I give right information without gaining anything from them, which they won't even get from an attorney even if they would choose to pay the attorney.

As a matter of fact, you have youself said many times before about trusting on me, but now when I've said my honest opinion about your this situation then you have decided not to trust me just because I'm a profane person, right?

Hell yeah, I'm a profane person. So what???? My profanity has nothing to do with the validity of opinions. Just because I don't like to hear my honest opinions about your situation, you are using profanity as a tool to divert the attention away from your wrong doing. Further, I'll become a profane person again for friends you have who offend people without knowing anything about them. If they cannot help people, they should not have offended people just because they disagree with their opinions. Besides, you are forgetting the fact that your so-called friend was the one who offended me first, which obviously you chose to ignore; otherwise I wonder you did not say anything to your friend not to offend anyone, especially to me, because you have previously clamed to know how I give advise and you know that I don't keep any rage or anger against anyone in providing my opinions.

Further, who cares you or anyone else trust me not? I don't give the damn about it. I don't come here to win anyone's trust or friendship; rather I post here to give people accurate and whole information. Matter of fact, mostly people don't trust you if you have failed to notice on this thread when they are telling you about you having violated our laws. No need me to mention that INS (our Govt.) did not trust you either. Trust word doesn't look good out of your mouth if you ask me. Don't let people start on you on trust matter; otherwise they won't have any problem in writing a biography on you about your untrustful behavior in the past.

About trusting me, then I NEVER said that people should trust me. But you must have been on sleeping pills not to notice that people do trust me.

By the way, I like the way you have tried to twist the matter towards profanity to divert the attention from real issue of your past actions.
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"you have said before that My case has been approved and I will receive the approval notice shortly, like you know anything. Now, listen to what are you saying, the complete opposite!"

I still stand by to what I've said before about having your case APPROVED. However, my later postings are only a clarrification on misunderstanding to the facts and laws, which some people were having here.
"I don't need your opinion and you can take your words and profanity to some other place ok?"

Who said I was giving my later opinions to YOU? I was actually telling to other readers about the situation and facts along with laws on this kind of situations so that people would know what could happen. People visit this site from around the world. You are not the only one who read here. I did not know before that you could not read well either.

Again, don't even try to dictate me whether I should post or not, or about going to other place to post or not. Don't let me start on this. If you don't like to hear things which you don't like, including profanity, then open your own forum with sober people like you who like to break laws and then whine when they get caught. We are here to help each others, and exchange ideas. About profanity, then you will find it everywhere, one way or another. If you don't like it, then contact owner of this site to ban me, which you have done already when you write to them in your previous posting. Do you think it would bother me if they would ban me? You've got to learn a lot in life.
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"Just because you came to the US when you were 4 year old doesn't mean that you are the expert and everyone else is a bug!"

Where did I say that I came US when I was 4 yrs old? I'm a natural born US citizen of immigrant family. This ID (my one) was used by one of my friends who wanted to know the exact answer to his situation in addition to my answer. Once he found out that nobody answered to his questions, he deleted all of postings. And then I took over with this ID. I could have another ID very easily if I wanted to. Besides, who I'm and who I'm not, it is not important; rather what I do here and what kind of person I'm in general, that is all matter. Very nice way to twist thing up.

Show me where I've EVER said that I'm an expert? I thought (obviously mistakenly) you are an intelligent person, but you seem to be a different person. If I would have thought about everyone else is a bug here then I would not have jumped to help your so-called "bugs". I keep the passion to help immigrants because my family were immigrants itself once upon a time. Otherwise, I could bet you no attorney would even spend their time/energy/effort in helping people on all these kind of immigration websites as much I do, especially when I don't ask a single penny. Further, I've NEVER considered myself a special person over anyone, not here and not outside of computer world. As a matter of fact, I've never considered myself someone special as well even though I've a lot of money in millions and big business wherein 300 people work. I've been so kind and caring to everyone, except to your friend who offended me first. If someone would offend me first, I'm not going to sit back.

Rather than talking about REAL issues, you are talking about matters which don't matter, which shows how you act when you don't hear positive answers from someone which you like to hear out.
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"What happened with my in my case was fate"

Fate????? Finding change of financial situation of your sponsors ALL OF SUDDEN after SATTING YOUR FOOT ON US SOIL so to say they would not be able to help you in your studies???? Deciding to hang around here without caring our immigration was a fate? Deciding to stay here without any legal status was a fate?

Meeting your wife might be fate, but then you had the option to go back and let her sponsor you right way.

You don't seem to understand that every govt. in the world works with laws, and not based upon fate and emotions.
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"It happened for unforseen circumstances"

Unforseen circumstances?????????????? Would you bother to explain to readers (not to me) what were "unforseen circumstances"???? Not leaving the US after knowing your sponsors would not be able to pay for your studies was unforseen circumstance? Finding your sponsors in a bad financial situation ALL OF SUDDEN after satting your foot on US soil on a student visa was unforseen circumstances???? No need me to mention that BOTH sponsors' finacial situation changed ALL OF SUDDEN when you sat your foot on US soil.

The key point that you don't seem to comprehend here is that INS has questioning your pre-intent when you arrived on student visa. If you had shown a good faith/trust or effort to go to shcool even for one day at that time, then situation could have been different than what it is now. But since you did not go to school even for one day after satting your foot here on a student visa, nor bothered to retun back, it is more than enough for INS and anyone else to know what was pre-intent in your part, unless you have concrete evidence to refute this determination, but not based upon your empty words or "God knows it", or "I know what is truth". INS (and everyone else) cannot read your mind to know the truth, nor we can go to God to ask for the fact. Unfortunately, INS needs to work with the facts showing on the record.
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"It's not alway about the USCIS"

Whether you agree or not, it is ALWAYS about USCIS in case of immigrants; otherwise you won't be asking all kind of questions here. Besides, life and family remain on stake/line because of USCIS if you don't know this. When we go to another land, it is always about thier immigration laws. No need me to remind you that if you overstay in Japan even for one day, they will ban you to return there for LIFTETIME. In Arabic countries, jails are filled up with foreign nationals because of their overstaying, using wrong visa, without visa and etc. I wonder what you could have said if you have done the same thing over there. And I would also love to know you saying then "it is not always about the USCIS". People are serving 17 yrs just for small immigration violation over there.

America has been so geneous to you and your family so far, which you should have been appreciated, rather cursing USCIS and people who are advocating on your situation. Because of America, you were able to have good education here, met your wonderful wife and have wonderful kid(s) and making a nice and honest living.
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"You want me to just know my fiance and marry her during the 6 month period?!"

I did not say that you should have done this, but I must say that you should have done this, rather than hanging in here illegally for so long on a student visa.

Further, from your previous posts, we all know that you did not meet her until a long after coming to US, which means you should not have gone back to your country when you found yourself unable to attend the school. Your reason to come here was for studying and not overstaying and meeting her a year or more later.

And, you should also know that after 90 days of coming here on nonimmigrant visas, aliens could do other things like marrying, working. The time prior to 90 days falls/tolls under pre-concieved intent. So you had that option if you change now the story of meeting her right away.
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"When it comes to family, there are things more important than USCIS"

Yes, there are other things important when it comes to family, but dealing with USCIS is one of them, and probably most important one unless you don't care about your family's future and separation with them. And if USCIS is not that important when it comes to family then I wonder why you are appealing and worrying about USCIS. Just drop everything, whatever is right or wrong. Don't deal and worry about USCIS then.
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"it's up to GOD , who destined me to meet her during the 6 month, and get to know her good enough only after the 6 month, good enough to marry her then."

Show to readers where it is written in immigration laws that if an alien meets someone special then s/he is legally allowed to live here as long as s/he would wish, and can continue to stay here until -[1] s/he gets to know this special person; and [2] they start courting each other; and [3] they become boyfriend-girlfriend; and [4] until they decide to marry to each other?

If you cannot find it for the better understanding of readers then what made you to think that it was okay in YOUR SITUATION just because you met your future wife and you needed to stay here more than 6 months to get to know her enough to marry her? I'm lost here. Somebody helps me??????

Just say that you met her within six months of arriving here, you still had the option to go back and return thru proper way so that your intent won't be questioned in the future. Rather than taking my opinions offensive, you should try to understand your situation from every angle. In the life, you have to learn a lot of things, not only about immigration, but in general. Therefore, it is very important for you to think something from every angle.
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Hi Johnny Cash,

I thought you were not answering Sony's postings anymore. It seems "deja Vu" all over again. I don't know why either of you are trying to justify? I am trying to understand why people have to become defensive when they are attacked. I guess it is natural and human and again what do I know? I am just an alien!! :confused:
Publicus said:
:D lol @ alien. I am an alien too, with two legs, two arms, and a head with eyes. We are little green men. :D
LoL, add me publicus to that menu of aliens, mwaq mwaq, which means haha in aliens language!

by the way, how is everything going publicus, we haven't talked in a while?

sony55 said:
by the way, how is everything going publicus, we haven't talked in a while?


Indeed we haven't been able to talk lately. Due to a change of schedule, I go to bed a little bit early now. Maybe we can talk during the weekend.
sobelle said:
Hi Johnny Cash,

I thought you were not answering Sony's postings anymore. It seems "deja Vu" all over again.:

You are right that I had decided not to answer to this thread before, but not to Sony's postings. I could answer his postings on other threads if I wish.

Secondly, I myself said in my later postings that I had decided not to answer anymore on this thread and then also explained why I chose to answer this time, which you overlooked, I guess. So let me explain again-I noticed people were having a lot of confusions and misunderstanding about immigration laws and how USCIS handles a situation like Sony's. I also noticed people were having comprehension problem about a simple fact; otherwise they would understand it very clearly than keeping this thread on the front for underlying reasons.

Thus, I thought I should give my two cents on this for the better understanding of readers. Keep in mind that this is a public forum and people from around the world read and get information from here. So, it is not only about Sony or a particular person; rather my explaination was for everyone who are interested to know on this.

Hope this clears you question, my dear.
sobelle said:
Hi Johnny Cash,
I am trying to understand why people have to become defensive when they are attacked. :confused:

I don't have to be defensive and offensive, nor I would get anything in return to be one of them. I just don't like people who offenses someone without any knowledge in the fact. You would have never find me offending anyone unless he have felt very offensive by someone's offense first. I'm not immature unlike some people. I might be young, but I'm more of a matured person that someone would ever be. Besides, I keep the gut to admit something wrong that I've done before. I'm on this site to time-pass or to have usuless chitchat; rather I come here to help people, which is the aim of this site.
sobelle said:
Hi Johnny Cash,

again what do I know? I am just an alien!! :confused:

You are right, my dear. You are indeed an alien if you are not a US citizen. If you would read US Consititution and the terminology of it under US immigration laws, then you could educate yourself with the term of "alien". It does say that people from other lands to America are "aliens". I don't make the laws; rather I interpretate them and tell people how those have been interpretated by INS and courts so far. That's all.

Now, whether you are a person from "outer land" or not, that is remained to be seen if you do look or talk mwaq...mwaq. :rolleyes:
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