I got denied need help please

Do you believe that the USCIS would react by sending me a :

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Fort_User said:
Good Luck. God Bless you.
Thank you guys! All of you.
I really don't know exactly what can i bring with me to show that i have a good moral character. I have never been in trouble in my life, not even in my home country. I asked my professors for a couple of recommendations. What else could i Do.
Oh, the letter says that i have to bring my GC, selective service proof, passport. And I could be examined on any aspect of my immigration journy, not only the denial reason! And it also says that the examiner could examine my english ability and the history test too.

Let me hear from you.

I don’t know why you are so much worried about establishing or proving a good moral character. You are not on Removal (Deportation) proceeding yet. To prove to be a person of good moral character by submitting evidences is one of the criteria to avoid deportation. Such request is made to Immigration Judge during Removal proceeding in order to allow a person to be remained in the United States while such person is on Deportation Proceeding, and not on any other appeal/hearing with USCIS. So, don’t waste your energy and time on this issue when you are not on Removal proceeding yet.

During this hearing, your citizenship application is going to be reconsidered all over again. That’s why you are asked to bring all the required documents which are the basic requirements for a citizenship. You should be well prepared for this hearing (citizenship interview) from all over. During citizenship application, a person doesn’t need to prove to USCIS that s/he is a person of good moral character by presenting any document/recommendation; instead USCIS finds about it by their own. In order to find this out they check whether or not you have any criminal history, or lied on any application/petition to US govt., or failed to pay required taxes, or failed to pay alimony to own children, or failed to register for Selective Service if you were required to, or if you have been a adulterous person, or involved in bad things, etc…

During the hearing, be positive and go there fully prepared. Wear nice solid white or blue shirt with light color pant. Don't wear suit piece. Just try to be normal person.

Your application will be approved this time around.

Good Luck.
JohnnyCash said:
I don’t know why you are so much worried about

During the hearing, be positive and go there fully prepared. Wear nice solid white or blue shirt with light color pant. Don't wear suit piece. Just try to be normal person.

Your application will be approved this time around.

Good Luck.
Do you mean that my application could be approved or you have a vibe of approval?
Thank you.
sony55 said:
amy, it wasn't a day later. i came to the states 3 months before the beginning of my school to get used to life in the states. If i came and like you said a day later things changed that won't make sense.

I thought that F-1 visas could not be issues so far before the beginning of the studies. Also, to get the Visa you ahve to prove that you have the cash in hand for at least a semester (or year). How did you manage to get an F-1 visa en enter on it so early? How did the funds for the first semester disapperared? You better be reay to ahve answers for these two. Your actions really look as if you did not have the intention to study.
Sand Diego said:
I thought that F-1 visas could not be issues so far before the beginning of the studies. Also, to get the Visa you ahve to prove that you have the cash in hand for at least a semester (or year). How did you manage to get an F-1 visa en enter on it so early? How did the funds for the first semester disapperared? You better be reay to ahve answers for these two. Your actions really look as if you did not have the intention to study.
but going to school even after getting the green card, wouldn't that show you that i was sincere about going to school if i only wanted to immigrate why would i go to school when i am a lawful permanent resident. Not only that, every since i attended school, i excelled and go full scholarships, with GPA of 4.00!
Also, the funds was through my uncle, and he had problems aftr the death of jordan and the economy went into recession. i was dependable on him, i didn't have my own funds!
sony55 said:
Also, the funds was through my uncle, and he had problems aftr the death of jordan and the economy went into recession. i was dependable on him, i didn't have my own funds!

In several previous posts you mentioned your brother was the person who was going to provide you with financial support for tuition, books, etc., and that he lost his job in Europe, leaving you unable to register.

In this latest post, you mention it was your uncle who was going to support your expenses. I'd recommend you figure out which version you're going to tell the judge and stick to it. It can be pretty costly to go to court and have discrepancies under oath.

Just my 2 cents.

Rahul Kumar said:
your gpa is really irrevalant here. make sure u attend the hearing with a lawyer
thank you rahul, i will have attorney present with me.Also, GPA should provide at least, and idication of my sencerity and decdication, which could help shows that I really intended to study when icame here.
Harish Krishna said:
In several previous posts you mentioned your brother was the person who was going to provide you with financial support for tuition, books, etc., and that he lost his job in Europe, leaving you unable to register.

In this latest post, you mention it was your uncle who was going to support your expenses. I'd recommend you figure out which version you're going to tell the judge and stick to it. It can be pretty costly to go to court and have discrepancies under oath.

Just my 2 cents.

I really appreciate your post, but you make me sound like a liar. My story is long, my uncle is the main sponsor and my brother was the cosponsor. i am not worried, didn't do anything wrong. If yes then justice was served, if not then it's their loss.

As we all know that sometimes some people strongly believe that they are right in their causes/beliefs even though in reality they are not. I know that you don’t want to admit that you were wrong when you continued to stay here on a student visa without attending school even for one day. That’s why no wonder why you are kept saying over and over that you did not do anything wrong. I think that deep in your heart you know well that you did wrong when you continued to stay here, rather than going back to your home country after knowing that you would not be able to attend the school. If not, then we all would love to know how you were not wrong. Can't you see any wrong when you continued to stay here on F-1 visa without attending school even for one day regardless of why you were unable to attend the school? Can't you see that you had to go back to your home country when you realized that your sponsor and co-sponsor could not support you for your studies in USA? Can't you see that it is wrong and illegal to live here illegally? Don't tell me that you were not legal. Even though you had valid F-1 visa, you were not supposed to use it for the purpose of living here without going to school. But if you still think that you did nothing wrong then prove to us. But stay focused on legality of the issue than emotional/sympathetic and any other irrelevant reasoning.

I don’t want to hurt your feelings at all. I’m just trying to let you know that what you think about all this drama is completely wrong. And, whatever you are thinking/saying to justify your previous acts is completely irrelevant here, because none of these arguments cut off the fact which shows in your case about having pre-intent when you obtained student visa and when you sat foot on US soil; otherwise INS had not denied your N-400. Pay attention: I'm not saying that you had no intention to go to school when you obtained student visa. I believe you wholly that you really had intention to go to school when you arrived here on F-1 visa. Instead, all I'm saying that when someone doesn't attend school after being admitted on F-1 visa then it's seemed that such person had pre-intent to use nonimmigrant visa for immigrant purpose. That's why INS thinks the same. Let me tell you where you were wrong. You were wrong when you continued to stay here knowing well that you could not attend the school. That's what you did wrong. If you had left the country, INS had not even bothered you.

By the way, marrying with US citizen forgives overstaying and working without permission automatically, but not pre-intent of immigration fraud. And I also told you that just because you were granted green card previously, then doesn't mean that officer reviewed each information on you carefully last time. That's why many wrongdoings come to INS attention during citizenship time. You said that if justice won’t serve then it would be their loss. Who are they here? No body would loose anything here except you and your family.

I told you previously in very much details that you having obtained GPA later on or completed the study later on, doesn’t prove that you had no pre-intent of migrating to US for good when you obtained student visa and when you set your foots on US soil. Neither it has anything to do with sincerity and dedication. If you like to connect it with your sincerity and dedication, then INS could also say that-“Oh, yeah. You were sincere and dedicated to circumvent US immigration laws to live here permanently when you obtained US student visa, especially when you did not attend school even for one day.”

I also told you that a student visa was not issued to you to show your sincerity and dedication towards studies later on (a couple years down to the road). Instead, it was issued to you to show your sincerity and dedication about studying in the USA at the very first moment; otherwise US Embassy had no any other reason to issue you that visa. Do you think Consular officer would have still issued you a student visa if you would have informed to the officer at the time of obtaining student visa that you would be sincere and dedicated towards your plan of studying in the USA a couple years later? In my opinion, you better not talk about your sincerity and dedication to INS during your hearing because they know very well how sincere and dedicated you were when you DID NOT LEAVE the USA despite of not attending school over here on F-1 visa.

I also told you previously that no matter what your personal situations/circumstances were after setting foot on US soil, you had no LEGAL right whatsoever to continue stay in USA once you knew that you could not be able to attend school because your sponsor and co-sponsor failed to support you for your studies. You need to pay attention here that govt. has legal duty and responsibility to filter the fraud out. That’s what they are doing in your case. Besides, they are talking about legality of the issues and not the morality of them.

I personally don't think that Harish was trying to make you a liar person. He was just pointing out the inconsistences in your statements as you previously failed to mention about your uncle as a co-sponsor. So obviously, we were all wondering why you were now talking about your uncle as a sponsor when you previsously said about your brother as a sponsor. Now we know once you cleared all this up.

If you really want to live here, then you must need to have a reasonable and logical answer on this, other than talking about sincerity and dedication that you mentioned here. Earlier when I said that your application would be approved this time, then I thought that you would answer to them what I told you before and stick to your story.

Anyway, good luck.
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Thank you Johnny,
I am not saying that is my main point, nor would i say that, i am just saying that to reply to harish. I will go with what you told me because it matches my situation.
I need that good luck. However its not the end of the world, that's what i meant. Oh, and the problem is not about why i stayed after i couldn't attend school , that is forgiven after i got married, the problem is that they are saying i lied when i said i never lied to obtain immigration benefits. I know deep inside myself that i didn't lie and i really came to study not to stay here. Somebody has to believe in me.
sony, wish you all the best as i previously said that too.

i really hope they would approve your application. somehow, i have to agree with Johnny's statement. I understand you worked hard and studied to prove you were a good student and came here to study. however, in your very last statement you said, "I know deep inside myself that i didn't lie and i really came to study not to stay here".
But you did stay and you did not go to school when you had your F-1 visa.

I would be very careful to make this statement in court thou.

Anyhow, wish you luck again, and are you going to the hearing with your lawyer? Also, would you need to prep what you would be saying in the court with your lawyer first?
sony55 said:
but going to school even after getting the green card, wouldn't that show you that i was sincere about going to school if i only wanted to immigrate why would i go to school when i am a lawful permanent resident. Not only that, every since i attended school, i excelled and go full scholarships, with GPA of 4.00!
Also, the funds was through my uncle, and he had problems aftr the death of jordan and the economy went into recession. i was dependable on him, i didn't have my own funds!

Using your own logic, the CIS should conclude that your getting married later shows that you have a sincere intent to marry to get the GC from the time when you got the F-1 visa.

You also say "why would i go to school when i am a lawful permanent resident"... how about to get an education and a better job? Your logic is twisted.

Again, when you got your F-1 visa you had to prove availability of unemcumbered funds and school registration for studies beginning no later than 30 days after entry. After getting the visa, you then decided to take three months off in the States before class and then after the three months you coincidentally lost the funds from your uncle and from your brother, but soemhow managed to live here without problem.

It's not that I want to attack you, but you must realize that your case smells fraud and that your not undertanding the situation will make your case worse as you keep coming up with stories that do not address the perception of fraud your very actions created.
I will have my appeal hearing this Tuesday. I am somehow nervous. I have talked to my lawyer, he said that i should be fine but ofcourse no gurantees.
He is going with me. I have two affidavits from my uncle and my brother showing that they were responsible for my tuition and they had circumstances to which have made them unable to support me going to school back then.

sony55 said:
I will have my appeal hearing this Tuesday. I am somehow nervous. I have talked to my lawyer, he said that i should be fine but ofcourse no gurantees.
He is going with me. I have two affidavits from my uncle and my brother showing that they were responsible for my tuition and they had circumstances to which have made them unable to support me going to school back then.


Good luck Sony. I am praying for you my friend.