I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Need you guys more than ever ....Still haven't received my RFE, they told the senator's office same thing that on such and such date RFE was sent and has to be sent before the end date on it.
The date is getting closer to dead line and I have no REF.
I can always get a police report in the town I am living, but how will I get the police report from the town I don't live in any more.

It is easy; the only problem is that a copy of the original RFE notice should be enclosed in the return request.

There are 2 ways to obtain a Clearance Police Report:
1. In person with valid identification during business hours.
2. By mail with a notarized request with self stamped envelop.
It does not matter whether you still live there or not, they will just release the content of your criminal and background check if there is any.
Just have the following information:
• Full legal name and all other names you have used.
• Your correct date of birth and any other D.O.B. you have used.
• Your correct social security number and any others that you may have used.
• Your current driver's license or state ID card number.
If you go in person you have it instantly or within 24 to 48 hrs pick up depending of your municipal police department.
This is easy to obtain.
It is easy; the only problem is that a copy of the original RFE notice should be enclosed in the return request.

There are 2 ways to obtain a Clearance Police Report:
1. In person with valid identification during business hours.
2. By mail with a notarized request with self stamped envelop.
It does not matter whether you still live there or not, they will just release the content of your criminal and background check if there is any.
Just have the following information:
• Full legal name and all other names you have used.
• Your correct date of birth and any other D.O.B. you have used.
• Your correct social security number and any others that you may have used.
• Your current driver's license or state ID card number.
If you go in person you have it instantly or within 24 to 48 hrs pick up depending of your municipal police department.
This is easy to obtain.
To my local police department I can go in person but prior to this state where I lived for 10 years it is impossible to go in person, that is not so easy, I will contact the police department of previous state I was in first thing Monday Morning, guys just trying to share with you all what is going on so we are all prepared, may be some one reading might face the same thing, however it appears to me that they might have had problems with my fingerprinting, but if that is so then about 2 months ago I gave my fingerprinting for Travel Doc and I received it, well I hope none of you will have to go through what I am going through.
To my local police department I can go in person but prior to this state where I lived for 10 years it is impossible to go in person, that is not so easy, I will contact the police department of previous state I was in first thing Monday Morning, guys just trying to share with you all what is going on so we are all prepared, may be some one reading might face the same thing, however it appears to me that they might have had problems with my fingerprinting, but if that is so then about 2 months ago I gave my fingerprinting for Travel Doc and I received it, well I hope none of you will have to go through what I am going through.

hecate, I know it is not that easy, I apologize. But please jump on it.
1. Call the police departments of all cities that you lived in before (Google their numbers)
2. Get their addresses.
3. Get their ways of processing police clearance report by mail correspondence and follow through as instructed
4. Write a report request through your senator office and send it with a self-addressed stamped overnight FedEx envelope to them, get your tracking numbers. Within 3 to 4 days the most you should get everything back.
Let us know for any help you may need.
hecate, I know it is not that easy, I apologize. But please jump on it.
1. Call the police departments of all cities that you lived in before (Google their numbers)
2. Get their addresses.
3. Get their ways of processing police clearance report by mail correspondence and follow through as instructed
4. Write a report request through your senator office and send it with a self-addressed stamped overnight FedEx envelope to them, get your tracking numbers. Within 3 to 4 days the most you should get everything back.
Let us know for any help you may need.
I will do exactly as you are advising me, it is a good idea to use the senators office for this action, it was you who told me to write a letter to my senator I gave up writing to congressional members long time ago, at least now I know what I need I also appreciate JosephEsf for the letter that he composed for me and took all the time, I actually copied and pasted his composed message for Nebraska, I must also appreciate Nepaliasylum to respond to my call, I should start all this now so I can move out of my lease by the end of next month. THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SUCH GOOD FRIENDS, I HOPE THIS IS THE END OF MY GRIEF AND SOON IT WILL BE END for ALL OF US TO SUFFER.
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I will do exactly as you are advising me, it is a good idea to use the senators office for this action, it was you who told me to write a letter to my senator I gave up writing to congressional members long time ago, at least now I know what I need I also appreciate JosephEsf for the letter that he composed for me and took all the time, I actually copied and pasted his composed message for Nebraska, I must also appreciate Nepaliasylum to respond to my call, I should start all this now so I can move out of my lease by the end of next month. THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING SUCH GOOD FRIENDS, I HOPE THIS IS THE END OF MY GRIEF AND SOON IT WILL BE END for ALL OF US TO SUFFER.

Yes, I strongly believe. with no doubt on my mind that you are on the track of a favorable adjudication, once the police clearances received and the Memo becomes official, you will likely be approved. JosephEsf is someone to listen to and to follow his advises. I have personally talked him on the phone numerous occasions, you will be impressed, he is very knowledgeable in this subject matter, extremely articulate, he cares and shares. I am glad we all befriended. I really value his advises and I am glad you did what he has advised.
The run around and the grief are obvious in your pending case, but at the end of the day all will be over.
Hang in there and courage.
The USCIS told my senators office that they only sent RFE twice and in my case they have already done so, so now they will not sent my RFE, this has got to be a ****ing joke, my post office informed me that since I have been living here for so many years and the carrier is the same for over 3 years it is not possible to miss out even if it is a little wrong info on my address they can trace it, clearly they told me USCIS got to be lying. They can not trace any first class mail and USCIS sends first class mail that has no tracking number. They also don't need to prove any thing to any one. RUBBISH
Now if there is any expert advice please help me out with your ideas what should I do.

What address your previous RFE and other USCIS correspondence were sent to? Were they sent to you or your attorney?

I strongly believe the response to your senator office was a typical generic response. Usually one end of the USCIS dose not know what the other end is doing. Your problem may already being taken care of without the USCIS inquiry response team know about it.

Do not panic. The worse case scenario is that the office that originally sent out the RFE letter proceeds based on the USCIC procedures. It is only then, that you could actually do something about this issue and fix it. Sometimes you have to let bureaucratic system run its course. Having said all that, continue on your effort and do not give up, but DO NOT PANIC, there are plenty of legal avenues to address and tackle issues like that. Go ahead and resend the letter I prepared for you one more time. This time send it registered mail and hold on tight to your receipt. It is already on your file, but as a precautionary measure, do it one more time.

Once I had a dispute with AT&T about a bill. It ended up with a number of collection agencies and finally showed up in my credit report. My credit rating is very important to me so I decided to pay the disputed amount and get it over with. I was amazed to learn that neither AT&T nor the collection agencies had no longer the authority to take my money. They said I had to wait till the designated agency contact me. After a few weeks I was contacted by this small collection agency that was assigned to the case. I ended up dealing with a 19 year old kid somewhere in Alabama to get this taken care of.

My point is that, don't you worry hecate, like I said before sometimes you have no choice but let yourself go with the currents. It is annoying, but addressable. Good luck with you brother.
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What address your previous RFE and other USCIS correspondence were sent to? Were they sent to you or your attorney?

I strongly believe the response to your senator office was a typical generic response. Usually one end of the USCIS dose not know what the other end is doing. Your problem may already being taken care of without the USCIS inquiry response team know about it.

Do not panic. The worse case scenario is that the office that originally sent out the RFE letter proceeds based on the USCIC procedures. It is only then, that you could actually do something about this issue and fix it. Sometimes you have to let bureaucratic system run its course. Having said all that, continue on your effort and do not give up, but DO NOT PANIC, there are plenty of legal avenues to address and tackle issues like that. Go ahead and resend the letter I prepared for you one more time. This time send it registered mail and hold on tight to your receipt. It is already on your file, but as a precautionary measure, do it one more time.

Once I had a dispute with AT&T about a bill. It ended up with a number of collection agencies and finally showed up in my credit report. My credit rating is very important to me so I decided to pay the disputed amount and get it over with. I was amazed to learn that neither AT&T nor the collection agencies had no longer the authority to take my money. They said I had to wait till the designated agency contact me. After a few weeks I was contacted by this small collection agency that was assigned to the case. I ended up dealing with a 19 year old kid somewhere in Alabama to get this taken care of.

My point is that, don't you worry hecate, like I said before sometimes you have no choice but let yourself go with the currents. It is annoying, but addressable. Good luck with you brother.

Thanks JosephEsf it was sent to my attorney address but they are not representing me anymore, the attorney’s office confirmed in writing that they have not received any thing from USCIS and if they ever receive any thing they will inform me ASAP. They also sent a letter to USCIS and sent me a copy of it. Who would you trust USCIS that had issues with me in 2004 when I received my RFE on the very last day, while my attorney on my last REF in 2009 was waiting outside her office after 5.15 just to hand deliver me the notice, I would not doubt the attorney I would rather not trust USCIS for the unprofessionalism they have demonstrated in the past compared to the professionalism my attorney’s office displayed that the attorney was waiting after the office was closed at 5.15 to deliver me the notice from USCIS.
No the senator's office spoke on the phone with USCIS and then called me. it was not a typical generic response that is why I am so freaked out, I am taking off from my work to send a letter to these nerve wreckers right now.
Thanks josephEsf and all good friends.
QUOTE=JosephEsf;2591023]deep trigger,

I just noticed your kind remarks about me. Thank you very much. I am flattered.

You are more than welcome JosephEsf, and that's the truth, we really value your contribution and all inputs, especially trying to nicely assist and guide hecate through his case.

By the way do you know if USCIS has started the implementation of the announcement as they anticipated it for end of September? If anyone knows please share.
I would like to share an update about my pending application for adjustment of status to PR...I was granted asylum about eight (8) years ago...I did submit a complete application for adjustment of status almost 7 years ago ( including medical)...It has been on hold since because of material support provisions of INA...last month I was asked to redo the biometric test....and today I got a mail from INS asking me to do another medical and submit it within 30 days...seems to me like a never ending drama...
I want to share my expierence, in 2004 they asked me to redo my medical again and my attorney told me it will come to an end and it is a good sign but then they asked me to do medical again in 2009, while on the phone line 1800 operator spoke to Nebraska and I was told after my medical I should receive my green card it is on hold waiting for medical results, but after my medical I am still waiting and now they want me to give them my police clearance from all the states I have lived in for the last 20 years and it has to be emborsed seal, while my local police told me that they do not emborse and this is how it is, kind of take it or leave it thing.
There is a circular on medical extention I would say SOA should take it to a local service center and talk to them you can search it on line link copy paste
http://www.uscis.gov/USCIS/Laws/Mem...of Validity of Medical Cert.on Form I-693.pdf
I want to share my expierence, in 2004 they asked me to redo my medical again and my attorney told me it will come to an end and it is a good sign but then they asked me to do medical again in 2009, while on the phone line 1800 operator spoke to Nebraska and I was told after my medical I should receive my green card it is on hold waiting for medical results, but after my medical I am still waiting and now they want me to give them my police clearance from all the states I have lived in for the last 20 years and it has to be emborsed seal, while my local police told me that they do not emborse and this is how it is, kind of take it or leave it thing.
There is a circular on medical extention I would say SOA should take it to a local service center and talk to them you can search it on line link copy paste

[-No one can figure USCIS and its way of operating. And once they got you stuck on the red tape, you will go through some serious tough time and hardship causing major delays to your case and frustration on self.

-hecate, give USCIS what you obtained from the police department, you cannot fabric or invent the endorsement on the police report. Don't leave it, take it. Give them what you genuinely obtained from the law enforcement agencies. They are used to get less than 100% of their mandatory requests, it is just the way it works. You cannot give something you don't have. Period!

-As far SOA, going to a local USCIS center and showing them the Memo would be a waste of his time, and if he has to comply with the 30 days deadline. He should just redo the Medical. These guys if you don't follow their instructions and requirement that could give them legal excuse to stall your case, until your resolve your case on your own. Remember each Officer handles several hundred cases a days. So you will ended up being forgotten and put on hold.]
Has any one received a green card recently in last 2 months, please come forward so we get the idea, it will be a big help, if you guys are not comfortable in telling what country or group you belong to that is fine too, you will just help us with this painful dilemma.
God bless and thanks.
Has any one received green card recently in last 2 months, please come forward so we get the idea, it will be a big help, if you guys are not comfortable in telling what country or group you belong to that is fine too, you will just help us with this painful dilemma.
God bless and thanks.
I think they are still working on the Memo, and have not yet started any implementation of the announcement. Reason, it has not yet been publicized on the USCIS website. May be after the elections.

By the way, hecate have you turned in to USCIS the RFE?
Deep trigger its always you to answer for questions, I am so glad to see you and other good guys always ready to come forward. I just received my letter that josephESF drafted back from USCIS with a copy of RFE, the same that I was told it will not be sent because they only sent twice, thanks to josephEsf, yes they sent me another RFE with red COPY stamp on it and my request letter back, so it looks good. I will keep you updated, not because I am complaining but just to give heads up to every one, as you saw they asked for medical from SOA just like they did to me three times even after a clear memo, so lets be ready, if any one who has been finger printed twice I will advice to get the police clearance now it does not cost much but saves a lot of time, the worst come worst one may lose a few bucks for the police clearance, Big deal!!
No I have to get more clearance from another state too so I am waiting I just got one clearance from the state I am presently living and waiting for other state to sent me, but I have sent them the required documents they need ie notarized copy of drivers license and copy of social security card hope to receive the clearance back soon so I can sent them to USCIS in the timely manner.
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I am delighted to hear this worked out for you. In my last post to you, I wrote, word to word :

" I strongly believe the response to your senator office was a typical generic response. Usually one end of the USCIS dose not know what the other end is doing. Your problem may already being taken care of without the USCIS inquiry response team know about it."

It sends a chill down my spine that how well we all know this incompetent organization.

Keep us updated brother.
If you guys watched the 2nd debate Obama said he kept his promises, I could not help stop laughing, clearly in 2008 he said that all the cases on hold will be released if he wins the elections, he said we can always reverse it if there is any thing in the background but holding green cards for so long is not fair, I was begging every one to vote for Obama, my dad was going to vote for Senator John McCain but I requested him to vote for Obama as well, how hypocrite these politicians are and how openly they break promises and we so much count on their promises, if he had not said this or if I had not trusted his promise I had a great opportunity to immigrate to Canada because all this happened before 212 rubbish became so famous, now I have to go through all this torture and harassment and the 3rd RFE.