I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Does anyone know how to file for Freedom of information Act? i did apply one time but it came back none of information. Does anyone advise me to file for it?

Since USCIS/DHS is so bogus in its illegal actions regarding this hold that they try every thing to ignore such requests from you, you can however go to several community places where you can seek a help from a lawyer, normally when you have a lawyer they try not to ignore your request, one way of doing it is through catholic social services Asylum program of your state, they may charge you a donation of $50 or $100 but they are honest and not out there to tear you apart like some greedy attorneys.
If you want to try it on your own make sure you have a return receipt request or some document as evidence signed by those crooks at USCIS.
Through my asylum application I-589 the information I provided , I found out when I did freedom of information they had my asylum and I-485 linked, even though it was totally the wrong party and I had nothing to do with it nor did I mention any thing about that party, but on my I-485 they connected me to that party and it was attached and answers were ticked marked from my I-589 (or what ever the asylum application is) but still they screwed it up, and my attorney says you have to wait until that party clears and further inform them you had nothing to do with that party but it would only complicate the case (frustrating mess).

I don't think that the adjudicator of the I-485 is the one who decides to put the applicant on hold. I think the adjudicator of the asylum application is the one who adds notes in the systems so that any future application will be linked to those notes.

I still have 2 questions for you

1. Did they link your I-589 to your I-485 through your asylum written declaration or through the answers to the questions on I-589?

2. When you filed for FOI, did they send you the assessment that the asylum officer wrote for your asylum approval? If yes, did he/she mention anything about hold on future applications?
I don't think that the adjudicator of the I-485 is the one who decides to put the applicant on hold. I think the adjudicator of the asylum application is the one who adds notes in the systems so that any future application will be linked to those notes.

I still have 2 questions for you

1. Did they link your I-589 to your I-485 t In my case I also put nothing in my I-485 and they sent me RFE "Request for evidence" but when I got my FOIA "Freedom of Information Act" my asylum was linked with my I-485 application, so may be you should check you asylum documents may be they linked your asylum document with your I-485, but any ways, as you can see how unorganized and ignorant they are based on that it is possible they may have mistakenly done some thing wrong to your file, I was told by human rights attorney, (who are the most closely linked with our situation and perhaps the only lawyers with knowledge in our issues) nothing can be done but wait patiently until your exemption. The court how ever does not have the responsibility to adjudicate your case but to ask USCIS for your decision in certain amount of time normally 60 days or 30 otherwise if it deems reasonable, upon which USCIS blackmails the plaintiff for denial based on nonavailability of exemption weather required or not required in certain cases, it is not the authority of court to ask for adjudication, however I believe if we continue to fight and take denial we do however have another option to seek justice based on wrongful denial, in such instances USCIS has mostly lost the cases as they were not able to proof such charges against the plaintiff. Unfortunately there is no justice and it is frustrating for both of us and all the others, it would be taking a shot weather the judge will be fair or not (no further comments).
Did you talk to any attorney and have you requested the FOIA from USCIS, by the way FOIA normally does not cost anything and it has some valuable information, I would suggest one must not hire an attorney without FOIA in cases like ours.

2. When you filed for FOI, did they send you the assessment that the asylum officer wrote for your asylum approval? If yes, did he/she mention anything about hold on future applications?

Thanks for your opinion however I have a slight disagreement with your opinion I hope you understand, no one can be blamed with their opinions since uscis does not want any one to know the procedure, but since I have been researching so much on this, in 2004 they asked me for RFE, and clearly they had questions to the group based on which I had requested asylum and later approved, the adjudications officer based on 212 training for asylums officers forwarded it to his supervisor who in 2005 or before sent it out for extended review, so initially the asylum officer had caused the problem, the supervisor then in 2006 or before sent it to Head quarters and in 2007 or before it was put on hold for an indefinite period of time due for denial based on 212 at the head quarters.
answer to your question to my best beliefs.
1. They linked it after RFE In my case through RFE which had nothing to do with the party they connected my case, all I know is they connected my asylum applications with my I-485 after extended review and marked my I-485 Material support reviewed (designated or non designated terrorist organization).
2. No nothing as such regarding asylum officer.
I hope I was helpful if you have another question do not hesitate to ask.
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Finally USCIS come to know that i'm not a terrorist nor never been associated with one. Thank you and good luck to you all who are waiting. Your day will come, and soon!!

This is what i just got from USCIS: A text message that my case is updated and an email with the following content....


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On November 17, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283...

A lil background about my case:

1.I'm from Ethiopia and member of CUDP.
2. Asylum granted in July 2007.
3. i485 applied in August 2008.
4. RFE for medical Jan 2009(doctor filled in the old form)
5. I did a service request around June 2009 and got the 'terrifying' your case is on hold message...
6. Around end of August , I read about Anwen from this forum and contacted her. I come to know that the party i belonged to have been taken off the hold.
7. End of Oct, 2010 i got notification to redo Code 1 Biometrics(fingerprint without picture. (the first time i did Code 3). I did first week of Nov.
8. On Nov 18, 2010, @ 5:49PM MST, i got a text message saying that my case is updated.
9. At around the same time i got email stating that my case is approved....

Yes. Thank GOD!
congrates kkebero,those who are still on hold,please don't lose hope,soon everyone wil be cleared and this blog wil have to be deleted.
Congratulations!!! I am kinda new here, can you give little background about Anwen... who, what and how to contact...

Guys, I too got an email today from USCIS that my case has been transferred from Nebraska Service Center to local office... is it positive sign or what??? Any idea????
yes nepaliasylum, this is a postive sign, this mean the hold is released, I think you will hear somthing very soon. They may call you for an enterview. I was trying to transfier my file from Nebraska to Maylrand for more than year without success becuase for the hold.

Congratulations!!! I am kinda new here, can you give little background about Anwen... who, what and how to contact...

Guys, I too got an email today from USCIS that my case has been transferred from Nebraska Service Center to local office... is it positive sign or what??? Any idea????
Are you sure of it that its a positive sign??? I wish and pray it is... Why would they want to take interview again??? I have been interviewed already in asylum office and then my case was referred to immigration judge and got it approved, meaning I have already given 2 interviews, are you sure they will take another interview or just a possibility?
On Hold Lifted

Someone I knew who had been going through so much pain about this On Hold crap is happy now. On Hold has been lifted from her I-735s and I-485 applications. These all are approved as of 11/15, and 11/17. She got email confirmations and processing time updates in USCIS web-site. She never filed FOIA and never took the case to an attorney. She contacted a Senator's office for two/three times seeking for help, but it did not help. She just waited one and half years for her I-485, and two and half years for her I-735s to be approved. Just to let the readers know that she was a NC/NSU party worker from Nepal. Guys, your happy days are coming near if your cases are not already approved. Good luck to you all! The discussions and flow of information in this forum is what kept me waiting and gave hopes to share with this applicant. I am glad that I was able to help her in someways.

Can you please share what would be the approximate wait time for interview at the embassy after I-735 gets approved?
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another friend of mine who has been on hold for 2 years just got an approval notice this morning.There is no doubt that things are moving,it might not be as fast enough to others,but trust me,speaking as a living example,things are moving guys,have faith
Are you sure of it that its a positive sign??? I wish and pray it is... Why would they want to take interview again??? I have been interviewed already in asylum office and then my case was referred to immigration judge and got it approved, meaning I have already given 2 interviews, are you sure they will take another interview or just a possibility?

I wish they do the same to my case and call me for the interview at the local service center so I can shove it in their a.., all the mails and appointments that they have been ignoring over the period of time, brings out the first opportunity to speak to a moron, as only thing they told me is they are waiting for Nebraska Service Center bozos to transfer my case.
I think it is a great opportunity to kick their a.., I have been told by my service center to only speak to the supervisor since he knows my case, just to keep me restricted, they do not want me to go their because I spread the negative among the counter representative and people waiting for their turn by telling how ruthless these people are and how damaging they are to me and my family and charge me as a terrorist on bogus grounds, and how many more like me are innocent but suffering, I speak all this loudly so people on every row can hear me, no wonder why they don't want me there.[/QUOTE]
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Hi Hecate,

Do you think I should speak out about USCIS staff and their carelessness just in case if they call me for interview??? Will that not effect my case? And do you think or have noticed that moving my case to local office is something positive? I dont see any change in my wife's and daugther's status as of now... hoping for the best
Hi Hecate,

Do you think I should speak out about USCIS staff and their carelessness just in case if they call me for interview??? Will that not effect my case? And do you think or have noticed that moving my case to local office is something positive? I dont see any change in my wife's and daugther's status as of now... hoping for the best

Sure why not just be polite and tell them how badly you have suffered and you are so peaceful and have a clean record, make him realize you are talking to a human as a human, the asylum has been granted if they could do something trust me I would have been deported I have been told by immigration officer that he will deport me and his supervisor apologized for his behavior when I told them this will be reported to the Senator, and DOJ, they can not do much unless you have done something wrong, I think you should go with confidence and talk politely and tell them all your misery and explain that you want to move your life and your case is genuine and you have been living in USA only thing they want to make sure is weather your i-485 application is genuine as a lot of people apply for green card and then they go back home through other channels or they are not present in the USA for at least a year after a grant of asylum etc, if you have not breached any law and requirement of I-485 you should be fine, asylum grant is history and you already have it, don't worry about that, they can not challenge it now since you were granted asylum in the court.
I have lost my patience because I have been living here for 18 years and my family was torn apart by these rascals, but if I get interviewed I will be nice as that is what I have been asking and now frustrated since they ignore me for the interview, I will definitely convince them for retrospective date so in fact it is even a better opportunity for me.
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Someone I knew who had been going through so much pain about this On Hold crap is happy now. On Hold has been lifted from her I-735s and I-485 applications. These all are approved as of 11/15, and 11/17. She got email confirmations and processing time updates in USCIS web-site. She never filed FOIA and never took the case to an attorney. She contacted a Senator's office for two/three times seeking for help, but it did not help. She just waited one and half years for her I-485, and two and half years for her I-735s to be approved. Just to let the readers know that she was a NC/NSU party worker from Nepal. Guys, your happy days are coming near if your cases are not already approved. Good luck to you all! The discussions and flow of information in this forum is what kept me waiting and gave hopes to share with this applicant. I am glad that I was able to help her in someways.

Can you please share what would be the approximate wait time for interview at the embassy after I-735 gets approved?

Anyone know about wait time for an interview after I-735 approval?
nep[QUOTE said:
aliasylum;2246595]wht is I-735? tried to google it but could not get it?

I honestly think that form doesn't exist, never heard of it.
may be I-730 (Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition)
Anyone know about wait time for an interview after I-735 approval?

The processing time of I-730 varies depending on the U.S. consulate where the petition is pending for final processing, ALSO the country of origin of the alien applicant. In a number of cases at least six months, to indefinite pending b*LL Sh*t.
If they like you that could even be approved in one week, if they don't they will give you the run around.