I am no Terrorist, any advice?

Hi usa21,

At this time I don’t have any update, but I was told that they have a meeting early December. So I will e-mail Anwen and Melanie by 12/ 15 and will post the e-mail I got
Thanks Samdalas40, but know that there are lot of posts and it is a bite difficult to sort them out. However, do you know someone who has traveled while on hold without difficulties. please share if you know anything.
There are at least 3 people on here who've traveled while on hold. The hold will have no effect on your travel or anything else.
to Therok and Koteya,

Please share information about ur law suit to USCIS. Don't forget to share other people because we r in same situation.
No news so far, my lawyer trying now in a peaceful way to get my issue resolved. Otherwise, we go to the court that the plan. I hope everything will be resolved for all of us. USCIS, I think stopped approving applications after the summer; we may have to wait another indefinite time for them to reconsider approving again.

Please guys share any new info you may have. Thanks
There seems to be no more approvals since end of October or so. HBA said that Anwen will get back with the results of their meeting with USCIS early this month. Any update HBA?
No news so far, my lawyer trying now in a peaceful way to get my issue resolved. Otherwise, we go to the court that the plan. I hope everything will be resolved for all of us. USCIS, I think stopped approving applications after the summer; we may have to wait another indefinite time for them to reconsider approving again.

Please guys share any new info you may have. Thanks

therouk, you may want to consider saving yourself some money, time, and energy, such Law suit especially when involved with 212(a)3b would basically lead to NO Positive or Beneficial outcome, I have been there, I've done it. Long story short, my Lawyer at the end advised me to dismiss the Law suit and just wait, and here I am back to square #1, waiting, I lost several thousands of dollars. All you may get from DHS/USCIS is <<if you don't dismiss the suit, we will adjudicate your case by a denial>>. Because if a federal judge rules on your favor, the judge will then compel DHS/USCIS to adjudicate the pending case, in such case of 212(a)3b, it is a denial. Adjudicating in your case will mean process the case, that could be denial or approval, since it has been no exemption issue for such case, your will receive a Denial, be careful, most Lawyer are ignorant when it comes down to 212(a)3b, and they don't care about your case but simply your money. But again it is up to you. I personally did, I dismissed it. 2 others did the same, refused to dismiss, they received each a denial, they filed a motion to re-open, their motions got denied, they refiled, paid the fees again and back on the line waiting.
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There seems to be no more approvals since end of October or so. HBA said that Anwen will get back with the results of their meeting with USCIS early this month. Any update HBA?

Actually most cases that have fallen into the bar by error or mistake were being processed and fully approved, and this is not even 1% of the pending caseload (just a guess), but as far as using exemption authority as previously announced nothing has happened yet,nothing have changed, the same old game, we are still on the same circle over and over again. It should take less than 5 minutes to review an overall case that has been pending several years and approve it, probably 1 month to approve all caseload,again these cases have already been pre-adjudicated, but this is not their intention, misleading and playing bureaucracy games is, why ? They are real stuck ups, idiotic policies maker, no common sense, can't see further than their noses.
Deep Trigger
Thanks for the advice, and I wish good luck for everyone, but there is no otherway I see it. Has anyone moved to Canada or Australia, are same stupid rules applied there as well? Can we have dual I-94, so at least we can obtain citizenship later?
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Deep Trigger
Thanks for the advice, and I wish good luck for everyone, but there is no otherway I see it. Has anyone moved to Canada or Australia, are same stupid rules applied there as well? Can we have dual I-94, so at least we can obtain citizenship later?

Yes, I realize our dilemma that goes deeper than what it really is, especially when we do not yet have any available option of choosing other ways of Due Process of getting out of the mess we are in, waiting is painful, I cannot believe how unfair this hold is.
Nothing hasn't progressed? Why have USCIS stopped approving approval? people have been waiting for a long time.
I sent an eamil to Melanie enquiring about the status. I will pass on any information she might have. Let's keep up the hope as there is no other alternative

There seems to be no more approvals since end of October or so. HBA said that Anwen will get back with the results of their meeting with USCIS early this month. Any update HBA?

I will e-mail her tomorrow and let everybody know the response.
Have great week! lets Pray!

Just saying hello to everyone and trying to find out whats going on out there these days about 212 hold. I hope every one of you get approved soon.
It feels good to have a greencard on wallet.

Has anyone in your family been troubled for applying citizenship because of DUI, selling alcohol to minors or not registering with selective service? If you know answer to these, please reply. Few friends in my contacts have told me that they have trouble getting citizenship because of the problems mentioned above.

I wish all of you will receive your approvals of GC soon. Be confident it will come one day. But I also encourage you to act, do something like apply for waiver of inadmissibility etc which I did myself.

Hope to hear from you all.
Dear All,
This email that I got from Ms Amwen Hughes. What should I do?

In response to your question about whether you need a waiver: According to me, the answer to this question is that you should not need a waiver, because all you did was give a total of $20 to two ABSDF members while all three of you were in exile in Japan, and I do not believe this is what Congress had in mind when they used the phrase "material support to a terrorist organization." The problem, however, is that DHS does not agree with us on this. Specifically, while we have been trying for several years to get them to adopt a more reasonable interpretation of what "material support" means (i.e. to stop applying it to insignificant contributions, and to stop applying to contributions of things that bear no relation to terrorism), it has become clear in recent months that they are not making any serious progress on this, with the result that they are looking to resolve cases like yours only through the use of their exemption authority.

And I am sorry to say that we still have not received news of an exemption for the *****. This was sent to Secretary Napolitano for her signature many many weeks ago, and we are all baffled as to why there still has not been an announcement. We have a meeting tomorrow with DHS to talk about where things stand, and if at that meeting they tell us that the exemption has been signed, I will let you know immediately.

On the assumption that the Secretary's signature may not be imminent, however--and because aside from the ABSDF there are many other groups and issues DHS and its sister agencies have failed to act on despite many promises--we have organized a briefing in Washington on this issue next Monday, December 20. A copy of the announcement is attached. There will be a number of high-profile speakers from a number of organizations (mostly conservative and religious) who had written a joint letter to President Obama last month complaining about the lack of action on this issue. We are inviting the media. In addition to the other speakers listed on the invitation, I am reaching out to asylees and refugees who would be good spokespople for this issue and would be comfortable speaking to the press, and because your case, in addition to illustrating the absurdity of this law and the way DHS is applying it, also presents the issue of family separation, I wanted to ask you if this was something you would be willing to do and something you would be comfortable with.

This could only help your case--if I thought there was any risk of a downside I obviously would not be proposing this--and might also help others. We would cover your travel costs (and make your travel arrangements if that would be helpful to you). I will also be there, and if this is something you are interested in, I would sit down with you ahead of time to go over who all these people are, what you would like to say, what questions reporters might have, etc. Most (though not necessarily all) reporters who would be covering this would want permission to use the names of people they interview, though we might have some leeway with this if you were otherwise willing to do this but had security concerns around having your full name used in public.

Let me know what you think. I'll be on the road or meeting with DHS all day tomorrow, but back in the office (at (212) 845-5244) all day Wednesday and available to talk this through--I realize some of this is probably easier to discuss in person.

I think everyone should go to washington on next monday, DEC 20. So everyone can hear our voices in one time.
I would go if I were you. Best of luck in DC. This issues seems to be quite complicated from the DHS point of view.