I am no Terrorist, any advice?

HI All

Ok I am very confused few days ago I got e-mail from Anwen saying that DHS has recently released a large number of cases from hold based on a reassessment of the cases themselves, but DHS still believes they are so- called Tier III groups category in which included the party I belong and yesterday i got e-mail from my lawyer saying that she received an approval in another case for GC which was being held pending resolution of the material support issue involving the same party. So what should I do?
Ok I am very confused few days ago I got e-mail from Anwen saying that DHS has recently released a large number of cases from hold based on a reassessment of the cases themselves, but DHS still believes they are so- called Tier III groups category in which included the party I belong and yesterday i got e-mail from my lawyer saying that she received an approval in another case for GC which was being held pending resolution of the material support issue involving the same party. So what should I do?

It doesn't hurt to do whatever you want to try to resolve the issues of your cases, but I said it and I am going to repeat it: No exemption authority has yet been signed so far, all these cases recently approved were cases labelled by a huge and erroneous mistake, they are making assessment of all cases, AND APPROVING THOSE OF WHICH that SHOULDN'T FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY, probably or may be by begining of Jan. 2011 they will start some massive approvals, and this is just my assumption, who knows, I really don't anymore, but so far that has not happened, look at how many including myselp in this forum still on hold. Some principals approved and derivative on hold, same family some on hold some approved, it is a mess, because no one cares. In addition to that bear in mind, Ms. ANWEN knows far better than your lawyer when it comes down to 212(a)3(b) material support issues,believe or not, most lawyers are very ignorant on that matter.
My best advise is for you to wait but again it is really up to you to do what you think would trigger adjudication but I HIGHLY DOUBT IT.
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Thank you Deep-Trigger i will take your advice and just wait I believe that is the best thing to do
Thanks for sharing these info with us. I gree and with Deep-Trigger and you to just waite a little bit, things are moving now. Do you mind telling us what party and country are with? Some from assylee_99 from my Umma party said in got apporved and still I got information after that the Umma party is not clear yet. Also I know a friend from DUP which wase cleare back on August sill to waiting for his apporval to happens, It's just a mess over there!!
I just hired Thomas K. Ragland a lawyer from Washington, DC, and paid his fees. I can’t take this mess anymore. I believe its all business; at least I am trying something out.
Have anyone did business with Mr. Thomas, any feedback please?
The way it appears to me, USCIS is clearing the political parties (groups) so deep trigger is right there has been no exemption authority in individual cases and just the groups have been exempted in regards to waivers for 212 a 3 b, , if you read the forum from HBA (post#1402 and #1295) and other previous forums it is clear that uscis is only clearing the groups, which means there will still be cases pending depending on what we have put in our I-485 application or RFE where it questions did you belong to any political party or group and further details out what was your activity, etc, some individuals in such groups may be exempted and some may not qualify depending on our past activity in such groups and what these morons may decide in regards to our past activity and continue to hold cases pending.
As we all know initially this was kept secret for years from us unethically and we were only misguidedly told to wait another 6 months and the USCIS prolonged it until some individuals started suing USCIS.
Suing USCIS is helpful because they get pressured by the judges and it is an embarrassment for them to hold cases pending without any proven reason against the applicants, it also goes in the record therefore they always black mail applicants before the hearing from the judge.
Writing letters have proven no help as they sent the same reply as standard USCIS response, may be they just see the alien number and don't even read our letters, other wise they may have given some attention to my letter where they charged me with the group I never belonged to.
I think any legal action is helpful besides taking the matter to media which is not an option since a lot of hold cases have been released.
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Thanks for sharing these info with us. I gree and with Deep-Trigger and you to just waite a little bit, things are moving now. Do you mind telling us what party and country are with? Some from assylee_99 from my Umma party said in got apporved and still I got information after that the Umma party is not clear yet. Also I know a friend from DUP which wase cleare back on August sill to waiting for his apporval to happens, It's just a mess over there!![/Q

I am from Ethiopia the OLF party
Hi therouk,
I was considering hiring mr Ragland. He asked me to pay $400 upfront for consultation. He sounds like a good attorney, but I opted for waiting a little longer as my case may have a good chance of being resolved once my wife gets her citizinship this January. Anyway good luck and keep us updated.
Hi therouk,
I was considering hiring mr Ragland. He asked me to pay $400 upfront for consultation. He sounds like a good attorney, but I opted for waiting a little longer as my case may have a good chance of being resolved once my wife gets her citizinship this January. Anyway good luck and keep us updated.

What your wife has to do with your hold. If someone his wife a US Citizin he get his GC regardless of the hold? what is your party, country please?
Ok here is my story. i'm a derviative asylee and wife is the principal asylee. She got her GC back in 2006 and now she is going to interview for citizenship soon. DHS has mixed up my case with her and thought that I'm the principal asylee and I'm the one who belonged to DUP and NDA which is not true ( that the reason for the hold). Once she gets her citizenship I will point out that a mistake was made and I have no political afflaition and since they have approved her that means I should be cleared too or at least that is my plan.
DUP was a member of NDA at one time, but that didn't stop many DUP memebers from getting their GCs. There is no consitancy in the policy and it depends on whether the officer wants to screw you up or not.
Ok here is my story. i'm a derviative asylee and wife is the principal asylee. She got her GC back in 2006 and now she is going to interview for citizenship soon. DHS has mixed up my case with her and thought that I'm the principal asylee and I'm the one who belonged to DUP and NDA which is not true ( that the reason for the hold). Once she gets her citizenship I will point out that a mistake was made and I have no political afflaition and since they have approved her that means I should be cleared too or at least that is my plan.


Here what I will do if I were you, I will wait until your wife to get approved and withdraw you current application, then apply fresh through your wife. But, I hope they don't put your wife citizenship application on hold like what they did to my brother-in-law, they asked him about the UMMA party after he and his wife passed the test and told them I will let you know when we reach a decision , it's about six month now. I hope you and your wife don’t go through that.
Ok here is my story. i'm a derviative asylee and wife is the principal asylee. She got her GC back in 2006 and now she is going to interview for citizenship soon. DHS has mixed up my case with her and thought that I'm the principal asylee and I'm the one who belonged to DUP and NDA which is not true ( that the reason for the hold). Once she gets her citizenship I will point out that a mistake was made and I have no political afflaition and since they have approved her that means I should be cleared too or at least that is my plan.

I am not trying to misguide you, but it is not easy, if it was, I would be all set by now, I have been associated with the group I never knew nor did I mention that group in my application and I have done every thing to inform them about it through my congressman, lawyer, senator, Barack obama's liaison office who further sent my letter to DHS, Attorney general, and Nebraska service center, my attorney knows it is a mistake but it did not make a scratch of a difference on them I have all the copies from my FOIA to prove it but nothing can be done, my attorney said we have to wait or file for WOM. I have already spent enough and now another $10000.00 with no guarantee makes no sense to me.
Pending 99 has a good advice for you but in our case there is no advice because it is a complete lawlessness and no one can predict what can go wrong and where based on the decision of the adjudicating officer and the policies so nontransparent.
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Here what I got from my lawyer, it does not make any sense to me.
Hi ***,

I received the following response from USCIS today:


Thank you for your query. While USCIS has released for adjudication those cases
associated with the DUP, Mr.****'s case remains on hold due to his
membership with the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the Sudan People's
Liberation Movement (SPLM). The record does not currently reflect an end date with
respect to his participation in the latter two organizations. If you have any
questions, or would like additional information, please let us know.



U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Service Center Operations Directorate

Let me know if you want to discuss possible next steps.

Best regards,
In a later email he said the following afer reading my file

if you left Sudan at age 16 and have not had any involvement since then, I believe you are eligible to adjust -- even under USCIS guidelines (ie, even if you'd been a soldier with SPLM, you would have been a minor at the time).
I did truly left my country at the age of 17. I have nothing to do with SPLAM and NDA. What you guys think, thanks?
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