I am no Terrorist, any advice?

triple citizen is correcting us, which is not necessary a bad thing. I would personally like to thank him for that because until now i didn't know. and as an asylee i can't afford to go around using the wrong word because as you guys know each and every word in the immigration papers count, that is why we're here , right? bmx88 is right to certain extent , however like Walker said it's not an option for asylees and refugees.
keep it in mind, there are lots of people in the USA who do not like foreigners. however, what disgust me is when a naturalized citizen or a green card holder shows condescending attitude to other immigrants. most of the time those people are the ones who gain citizenship of a powerful country so they can look down other their fellow country people or other immigrants who are not fortunate enough like them. I hope Triple citizen and bmx are not those people.
As I iterated before, I commented only because that typo can give a newbie a totally incorrect idea of what asylum is all about. The incorrect description would mean that anyone who has a civil/criminal case against them may qualify for US asylum. That could mean a "get out of jail" card for criminals :)

With regards to comments by other posters, well some of them have the exuberance of youth to back their comments. I have gone through that stage in life, so all I can do is smile :)

I hope Triple citizen and bmx are not those people.
Nothing to do with grammar. That typo changes the complete reasoning for asylum being granted. Asylum is not granted to someone just because they are being prosecuted in their homeland. Asylum is granted if somone is being persecuted (based on ethnicity, faith, sect, sexuality, etc) in their homeland.
I hope you realise the difference.

Mr. Pakistan, I forgot to add Persecution. Quite a number of asylees fear both Prosecution and Persecution, should they return back to Homeland.
Fyi, its "Someone" and "realize", not "somone/realise".

But on a serious note, I stand corrected. I'm aware of the difference of the both. I intended to type persecution, originally.
Dear Forum Fellows :
you are among the first to share my happy news with. Today I received my welcome letter . I am glad to share this news with you and hope all in this forum soon to follow.
Dear justnjust, so happy to hear that news. you're one of the members who's frequent and it feels like one of my family members got approved. really , i can't recall last time i was so happy for someone else.. good luck with your future.. and if you don't mind telling us what country are you from? and did you put in any service request, mandamus etc? please share
While we're at it ( now that we can all be convinced that the hold removal process has been implemented ), whenever "we" share good news, can we please disclose more details about our pending cases ( Eg: When was the hold placed? What party do we belong to ) etc.

And fantastic news and congratulations justnjust!
Dear Forum Fellows :
you are among the first to share my happy news with. Today I received my welcome letter . I am glad to share this news with you and hope all in this forum soon to follow.

[ Was you on hold due material support bar? what group did you belong to ? or What's your political party?]
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Congratulation justnjust it is a great news!! Can you please give us little info about the date you application was on hold. Your country and the group you provided support. It is just to figure out who is removed from the list
Thank you for sharing the great news
Thanks Folks for the nice words and good wishes, I am from Sudan , my party is DUP, granted asylum in 2000,applied for GC in 01/2005. 04/2006 initial evidence received by USCIS and my case has been pending till I learned about the hold thing in 11/2009 after congressional inquiry.Started my search for a good lawyer in 11/2009 and been talking to him since then(Thomas Ragland).applied for FOIA which confirmed the DHS letter to congressman in 03/2010.In 05/2010 my lawyer contacted the deputy of asylum office who replied in late june 2010 that DUP has been lifted. my lawyer suggested to wait for a month and not to proceed with a mandamus , a month later he made another inquiry which was a week ago.
I dont know which part made the difference but one thing is for sure,the DHS is reviewing these hold cases and I started to believe by the end of 2011 all holds will be lifted as someone posted earlier.Good luck to all of you and now I am thinking of scaling back my GC to 2005. will keep you posted.
hello, justnjust
your lawer is Thomas Ragland that you posted in forum before? or some one else? Can you share us ur lawer information? Because he asked me for $5000 that I cannot effort to pay.
Thanks Folks for the nice words and good wishes, I am from Sudan , my party is DUP, granted asylum in 2000,applied for GC in 01/2005. 04/2006 initial evidence received by USCIS and my case has been pending till I learned about the hold thing in 11/2009 after congressional inquiry.Started my search for a good lawyer in 11/2009 and been talking to him since then(Thomas Ragland).applied for FOIA which confirmed the DHS letter to congressman in 03/2010.In 05/2010 my lawyer contacted the deputy of asylum office who replied in late june 2010 that DUP has been lifted. my lawyer suggested to wait for a month and not to proceed with a mandamus , a month later he made another inquiry which was a week ago.
I dont know which part made the difference but one thing is for sure,the DHS is reviewing these hold cases and I started to believe by the end of 2011 all holds will be lifted as someone posted earlier.Good luck to all of you and now I am thinking of scaling back my GC to 2005. will keep you posted.
Congratulations...alf mabroook ...I'm so happy for you this is such a relieve now that you have all this behind your back i wish you the best to come.
do you think that what you earned is because of the lawyer in other words for us who have no resources left having paid for 2 lawyers with no results do you think at this point I should hire this one or should i continue to wait
Congratulation Justnjust,
I don't think the laywer has do any thing with this, two of my friends who are also DUP and they didn't have any lawyers, one of them got his greend card last week and the other got his welcome letter yesterday. "Mabrook justnjust, 'uqbal the citizenship" and good luck to every one.
Triple Citizen,
10522 post! Wow, for an average of two minutes per post, you probably spent 350 hours in this forum alone! I'm just speechless!
Hello everybody, long journey is finally ended. Here is the updated status of the case. Plus, there are more confirmation emails from congressional office after consultation with the office (after I received auto email from USCIS) if this was not a mistake again from USCIS. They in fact approved my I485 and ordered the production of the card.

For those of you who are tagged with 212 A 3 b non sense, do not be discouraged. Your card also will arrive soon. Congressional office says they are processing all the cases (in a slow pace) and there are about 2000 more cases to be be processed. Getting some drinks of relief tonight.

Card/ Document Production

On August XX, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

This step applies to applications that result in an applicant receiving a card (such as a "green card") or other document (such as a naturalization certificate, employment authorization document, travel document, or advance parole). Applications will be in this step from the time the order to produce the card/document is given until the card/document is produced and mailed to the applicant. You can expect to receive your card/document within 30 days of the approval of your application.

If you do not receive your document, please contact our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.