I am no Terrorist, any advice?

I got a response from Anwen that CUDP(of Ethiopia) was designated as Tier III buy removed from the list as of June 2010. So if my hold was solely for association with CUDP, I should very soon hear from USCIS that my case is approved or some sort of movement. She asked me to inform her if I get any response from USCIC or a month is elapsed with no update.

I advice you to contact her if you want to know the party you belonged to is deaignated as Tier III and if so whether it is removed. She is a very helping individual.

[ If cleared since June 2010, what's taking them so long to approve your case,how much more time do they need, something doesn't make sense in this process of tier-III groups clearance.]
Hello guys,

I received "Document Production" email followed by a "welcome letter" confirming that approved my I485 and my plastic would arrive in 3 weeks. Followed by a "Post Decision Activity" email this week. I wonder why they are working backwards. I am supposed to receive Post Decision Activity first then Document Production. Isn't this one more mess and a proof of improper handling of our cases? Notice how our case status does not appear on order as other typical applicants for I485?

1 good news I have. According to my congressional rep whom I spoke last week, said that there were 6000+ cases on hold due to 212 A 3 B in Feb 2010 and now there are approximately 2000 cases on hold. So slowly but surely you guys should receive approvals. My best guess is many of you will receive approval in next 30 days. If my guess came right, you guys will definitely have to take care of me :p Wish you all the best!!
Deep Trigger, how the hell do you end up messing those quotes man? I always have difficulty trying to figure out what you're trying to say.

NepaliAsylee, If I were you, I really wouldn't worry about it. So far, the number of approvals related to our party over the past 2 weeks has reached to almost 15 now ( including the numbers Cortaidus shared about ). I supposed that's a good thing but no indication that our cases are moving though. No change in LUDs, nothing man. Its so damn depressing. I just have an agonizing feeling that the whirlpool of approvals is gonna pass by, leaving our pending applications untouched.

Btw, for those of you who've received their approvals ( not sure the approved ones even bother to check the boards anymore ), have you all seen your I730s approved?
Also, based on Anwen's email, she's getting overwhelmed by the number of inquiries that people are making over the past week or so. But her message was quite similar to that of Melanie's and it appears that the DHS are going to be making an announcement of some sort over the past 2 weeks or so. Both asked to check back after the 14th or so.

On a different note, could it be possible that the DHS/USCIS officials are tightening their grip on cases related to what they're seeing here? I mean...I don't know. Maybe I'm getting paranoid but the fact that Cortaidus and my dad's applications are still put on hold and have remained unmoved makes me feel that way. Who knows...

I know for sure that, the DC attorney Ragland spends quite a time on here. 400 bucks to talk over the telephone. Give me a break. He didn't even bother to send me a reply for my initial inquiry of the process pertaining to Writ of Mandamus.
This is my take on this matter, read carefully.

The.Walker, I am so sorry that my answers in the quote confused you.
What I was trying to say in all those qouotes, was just plain english, sorry that you didn't pick it up. Again I wasn't trying to play smart or anything, all we have in this forum is each others, let us be respectful and polite as much as possible to one another, because we have one commun problem, which has been a lingering nightmare. Anyway, the quote reply is a designated reply to a forum member specific input, to make diifference between a reply and placing a new comments in a different subject, at least that how I understand it, I may be wrong but it's not important.

Anyway, like I already said I don't know what's been going on with , their chosen way of processing these hold 212(a)3b is still unknown, from Anwen, Melanie, Lawyers, even Senators, personal inquiries I recently did all inquiry types from each one of these means but the information obtained is totally different from one another, agencies or persons, may be time will tell.
But I think and again I may be wrong, that they have not yet been approving any collectives category cases of 212(a)3b meaning actual volunteeredly provided support to groups or individuals, they just reviewing and assessing all cases involved, by doing that, if it appears that a specific case that should have not in the first be put on hold bar, such cases are getting approved right away.
And may be the big pile and collective category cases of 212(a)3b will soon be approved on a collecting and grouping basis.

Again this is my personal assessment based on the responses that I got from the different inquiries that I made service requests, as metioned above, and what ever DHS / USCIS is doing is not transparent and no one seems to fully understand and there is no available information at this time that are available to the public. I think they will make a public announcement when they finish and achieve their assessment, and that's when we will probably start seeing some significant collective approvals, but the way things going now is too insignificant and the situation has remained the same for the most majority.

Good luck to all of us and keep us informed to one another.
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okay, so what you're trying to say is you think those people who actually provided support are not getting approvals, right? i say yes those who provided support should never get approved. the whole point is us innocent ones getting labelled as the bad ones and mistakenly being placed on hold. your analogy is nothing creative, of course they will not approve the people who voluntary and knowing provided material support. this whole plight is about the innocent souls who didn't do nothing bad yet labelled as bad ones.
Don't take me out of context. Go back and read carefully. That's not what I said. Don't speculate, don't say no more. Please and "By All Due Respect" try to be politically correct.
The Government meaning of providing support is so BROAD and AMBIGUIOUS in a such ways, any body whose application is on hold has somehow provided support whether you wanted or not. We are all innocent, and never committed any act of terror, otherwise we would have been picked up and deported long time ago. It's all about Bureaucracy and mismangement of the Bush Administration, New Material Support definition in the Patriotic Act, and in The Real ID Act, is so wrong and in perfect violation of huiman rigths and even U.S. constitution.
DHS knows that we all innocent, wrongfully put on hold, you, me and any others, INNOCENT nothing more to say.
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The.Walker, I am so sorry that my answers in the quote confused you.
What I was trying to say in all those qouotes, was just plain english, sorry that you didn't pick it up. Again I wasn't trying to play smart or anything, all we have in this forum is each others, let us be respectful and polite as much as possible to one another, because we have one commun problem, which has been a lingering nightmare. Anyway, the quote reply is a designated reply to a forum member specific input, to make diifference between a reply and placing a new comments in a different subject, at least that how I understand it, I may be wrong but it's not important.

Anyway, like I already said I don't know what's been going on with , their chosen way of processing these hold 212(a)3b is still unknown, from Anwen, Melanie, Lawyers, even Senators, personal inquiries I recently did all inquiry types from each one of these means but the information obtained is totally different from one another, agencies or persons, may be time will tell.
But I think and again I may be wrong, that they have not yet been approving any collectives category cases of 212(a)3b meaning actual volunteeredly provided support to groups or individuals, they just reviewing and assessing all cases involved, by doing that, if it appears that a specific case that should have not in the first be put on hold bar, such cases are getting approved right away.
And may be the big pile and collective category cases of 212(a)3b will soon be approved on a collecting and grouping basis.

Again this is my personal assessment based on the responses that I got from the different inquiries that I made service requests, as metioned above, and what ever DHS / USCIS is doing is not transparent and no one seems to fully understand and there is no available information at this time that are available to the public. I think they will make a public announcement when they finish and achieve their assessment, and that's when we will probably start seeing some significant collective approvals, but the way things going now is too insignificant and the situation has remained the same for the most majority.

Good luck to all of us and keep us informed to one another.

Deeptrigger, that was a banter man. Relax and stop getting all touchy. You're not Quoting it the right way and thats why I get confused everytime you quote someone as I have a hard time trying to figure out whether you're quoting someone else or the entire post belongs to you. I wasn't disrespecting you.
Locker9, anybody's provided any support under duress, I don't see how that can be used against him. However, if someone provided any material support voluntarily, I do agree that they shouldn't be approved.

Re: how the DHS/USCIS are handling the cases...its all very ambiguous and there is no transparency at all. From my experience, people who received the hold nonsense as recent as 4 months ago have had their holds removed and their GCs produced while some people who've had their holds for over a year or hell, some even as early as 4-5 years haven't seen their GCs approved. I suppose Melanie and Anwen's updates that they've said they'd be sharing after September 14 should shed some lights. And I have a feeling that some of us might see our cases getting approved by the end of this month......
Moving on.... this thread has yielded the most number of replies and is on a verge of topping the most number of views too! Isn't that incredible? haha.
The.Walker, I am so sorry that my answers in the quote confused you.
What I was trying to say in all those qouotes, was just plain english, sorry that you didn't pick it up. Again I wasn't trying to play smart or anything, all we have in this forum is each others, let us be respectful and polite as much as possible to one another, because we have one commun problem, which has been a lingering nightmare. Anyway, the quote reply is a designated reply to a forum member specific input, to make diifference between a reply and placing a new comments in a different subject, at least that how I understand it, I may be wrong but it's not important.

Anyway, like I already said I don't know what's been going on with , their chosen way of processing these hold 212(a)3b is still unknown, from Anwen, Melanie, Lawyers, even Senators, personal inquiries I recently did all inquiry types from each one of these means but the information obtained is totally different from one another, agencies or persons, may be time will tell.
But I think and again I may be wrong, that they have not yet been approving any collectives category cases of 212(a)3b meaning actual volunteeredly provided support to groups or individuals, they just reviewing and assessing all cases involved, by doing that, if it appears that a specific case that should have not in the first be put on hold bar, such cases are getting approved right away.
And may be the big pile and collective category cases of 212(a)3b will soon be approved on a collecting and grouping basis.

Again this is my personal assessment based on the responses that I got from the different inquiries that I made service requests, as metioned above, and what ever DHS / USCIS is doing is not transparent and no one seems to fully understand and there is no available information at this time that are available to the public. I think they will make a public announcement when they finish and achieve their assessment, and that's when we will probably start seeing some significant collective approvals, but the way things going now is too insignificant and the situation has remained the same for the most majority.

Good luck to all of us and keep us informed to one another.

You are right we should respect each other if you can see my post on 1st of June where one of my friend took me to congresswoman's and she told me some good news and I shared it with people, in excitement I however used the wrong language and was very disappointed with some remarks, we are all in the same boat and soon I hope we will all be cleared, I thank you for sharing your thoughts on this post.
Hi Guys. I need help please. Is there any problem if i go to my cop with green card. I heard once your assylum is adjusted you can travel anywhere as long as you have passport. The status of green card with assylum based, family based or lottery based is treated the same. Can you put your comments on this? I think as soon as we get a green card our case is adjusted from asylum to permanent resident...... If you have some experiences recently traveling to cop with green card please put your comments. Thank you so much.
Deep Trigger,
Nothing new so far. Just the LUD from 07/17/10. I will keep all of you posted if there is any new development.

Is there anything to read from if there is a LUD on our online account,I am also having a LUD from 06/23/1010.
What do you mean, Samdalas? how long have you had the same LUD for?

My LUDs date back a year ago. No updates/action taken whatsoever in over 18 months. If there was a change in LUD, I'd be a little optimist. For some reason, I have a feeling that the cases related to my family will go unprocessed until the end of 2011 ( that's when they said they'd take care of all the holds by ).