I am no Terrorist, any advice?

This is a letter I think we can build on to send to the media , please feel free to correct add or suggest , thanks.

Finding HOPE

We are a group of asylees/Refugees who were found inadmissible under the ina 212(A) 3(B) material support to terrorist organizations designated as TIER (III).We think we are victims of the strict interpretation of the PATRIOT act 2001 and the REAL ID act of 2005.We are wrighting today to address your conscious. There has been too long wait for those applying for the permanent residence cards being put on indefinite hold for no crime committed. Some of us has been waiting for 19 years here in the United States, has not been charged or deported and never received any exemption. Despite available authority to exempt us from these strict interpretations the exemption has been too slow and applied to few groups rather than individual cases. It is unclear why the administration has been unable to provide any remedy to us up to this moment. The fact that exemptions were applied to some groups points towards strong possibility of other groups being labeled as terrorist deserve these unapplied exemptions. Moreover the current process of making exemptions is extremely slow and there has been little progress, resulting in prolonged family separations and high level of anxiety among us with uncertainty and confusion. I think the US is a land with a lot of common sense. Under the current law a Jew who resisted the Nazis would be inadmissible into the US and that would mean opening the door for Nazis to continue genocides since fighting for freedom is not welcomed according to the current provisions. since the United States security is important for us , our families and the people of USA, is there any way to prevent real terrorists from entering the US without closing the door on genuine refugees and asylees who already been granted a status in the US?

These are some of the points I have copied and pasted from Human Rights First, Report Summary & Recommendations, if you would like to consider adding some of these points in the letter that supposedly we are planning to sent to the media.
Thanks and God bless us all.

The Immigration Law’s Overly
Broad Definitions
“We also believe that the definitions of terrorist
activity, terrorist organization, and what constitutes
material support to a terrorist organization
in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
were written so broadly and applied so expansively
that thousands of refugees are being
unjustly labeled as supporters of terrorist
organizations or participants in terrorist activities.
. . We urge the committee to re-examine
these definitions and to consider altering them
in a manner which preserves their intent to
prevent actual terrorists from entering our
country without harming those who are themselves
victims of terror—refugees and asylum
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, testifying before the Senate
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security,
October 8, 2009
The Overly Broad Definition of
“Terrorist Activity”
“[F]ighting against the Iraqi Regime [of Saddam
Hussein] meets the definition of engaging in
terrorist activity.”
Stated basis for DHS’s denial of permanent residence to a
refugee from Iraq (2008)
The immigration law’s current definition of “terrorist activity” is
so broad that it sweeps in people who are neither guilty of
criminal wrongdoing nor a threat to the United States. This
provision, which has been in place since 1990, defines
terrorist activity to include any unlawful use of a weapon
against persons or property, for any purpose other than mere
personal monetary gain. A law that defines any military action
against a dictatorial regime as “terrorism” is just as likely to
ensnare the United States’ friends as its enemies. Nor does
this definition of terrorist activity target the kind of criminal
wrongdoing the term “terrorism” typically describes. The
immigration law’s definition can be read to cover everyone
from George Washington to survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto
uprising. The definition has been used against modern-day
refugees who fought alongside U.S. forces to overthrow
Saddam Hussein.
Compounding the problem, several provisions included in the
USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 created new definitions of “terrorist
organizations” and of “material support” that were based on
this already overbroad definition of “terrorist activity.” These
amendments, which were further expanded in 2005 with the
passage of the REAL ID Act, have dramatically extended the
reach of the immigration law’s original definition of “terrorist
This is a letter I think we can build on to send to the media , please feel free to correct add or suggest , thanks.

Finding HOPE

We are a group of asylees/Refugees who were found inadmissible under the ina 212(A) 3(B) QUOTE]

justnjust, That is a very compelling letter, when you send it; you could also make a brief introduction paragraph about yourself to make it more personal. I will go a head and write one too. I encourage everyone in this forum to do the same. Did you decide who we will send it to?
I don’t know guys if you are following this case in front of the Supreme Court regarding, the material support bar. I just find out that, today Supreme Court backs use of broad definition of material support. I am very disappointed.
I was checking news on Washington times regarding yesterday's supreme court decision and it is scary,"15-year prison term" if any one wants to check into the link and see how it sounds, I am all freaked out, Court upholds ban against 'material support' for terror In a 6-3 decision.

(news head line) The Supreme Court on Monday upheld one of the government's most frequently used tools in the battle against terrorism.

In a 6-3 decision, the court rejected a constitutional challenge to a law banning "material support" to terrorist organizations,

A group led by the nonprofit Humanitarian Law Project had argued that the law, which carries a 15-year prison term, was too vague and violated First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and association.
(the news continues with the rest of clarifications).
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When you go to the Oath in xx/xx/10, and they tell you “your finger prints match one of the terrorist (and actually you are not). At that time you will understand why hecate freaked out!!
Guys please don't pay attention to any distractions, obviously there are some guys out there who don't feel your pain and don't care with your losses or gain so why they should be answered or paid attention to. if there is a bit of good contribution and positive one we will take it other wise we just going to trash it as this law going to be trashed.
I added the following paragraph below please need your opinions.....

This broad definition of terrorist activity, terrorist organizations and what constitutes a material support to a terrorist organization is affecting thousands of Asylees/Refugees and it is expected to affect many more in the future, not only putting hold on us but America’s role in the world in promoting democracy and human rights. The precedence that USA has put is being closely watched and followed around the globe with the impact on refugees and asylees felt beyond the US borders.
These are some of the points I have copied and pasted from Human Rights First, Report Summary & Recommendations, if you would like to consider adding some of these points in the letter that supposedly we are planning to sent to the media.
Thanks and God bless us all.

The Immigration Law’s Overly
Broad Definitions
“We also believe that the definitions of terrorist
activity, terrorist organization, and what constitutes
material support to a terrorist organization
in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
were written so broadly and applied so expansively
that thousands of refugees are being
unjustly labeled as supporters of terrorist
organizations or participants in terrorist activities.
. . We urge the committee to re-examine
these definitions and to consider altering them
in a manner which preserves their intent to
prevent actual terrorists from entering our
country without harming those who are themselves
victims of terror—refugees and asylum
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, testifying before the Senate
Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security,
October 8, 2009
The Overly Broad Definition of
“Terrorist Activity”
“[F]ighting against the Iraqi Regime [of Saddam
Hussein] meets the definition of engaging in
terrorist activity.”
Stated basis for DHS’s denial of permanent residence to a
refugee from Iraq (2008)
The immigration law’s current definition of “terrorist activity” is
so broad that it sweeps in people who are neither guilty of
criminal wrongdoing nor a threat to the United States. This
provision, which has been in place since 1990, defines
terrorist activity to include any unlawful use of a weapon
against persons or property, for any purpose other than mere
personal monetary gain. A law that defines any military action
against a dictatorial regime as “terrorism” is just as likely to
ensnare the United States’ friends as its enemies. Nor does
this definition of terrorist activity target the kind of criminal
wrongdoing the term “terrorism” typically describes. The
immigration law’s definition can be read to cover everyone
from George Washington to survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto
uprising. The definition has been used against modern-day
refugees who fought alongside U.S. forces to overthrow
Saddam Hussein.
Compounding the problem, several provisions included in the
USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 created new definitions of “terrorist
organizations” and of “material support” that were based on
this already overbroad definition of “terrorist activity.” These
amendments, which were further expanded in 2005 with the
passage of the REAL ID Act, have dramatically extended the
reach of the immigration law’s original definition of “terrorist
This should be fine, lets put it on word for correction and proceed, also where should we all sent it and the address.
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According to this law, our hope for our GC is fate. Anyone tell me about our future?
I don’t know guys if you are following this case in front of the Supreme Court regarding, the material support bar. I just find out that, today Supreme Court backs use of broad definition of material support. I am very disappointed.
The way I understand, I look at this as a serious issue as if it was district court we had high court to appeal if it was high court we had supreme court to appeal but if it is supreme court all the doors are now closed as far as justice system works as the only appeal is now with the president of the United States.
Writing letters to the Attorney general does not make sense as all my letters from the attorney general were returned and I was told to write to Executive Secretariat DHS, until my asylum attorney told me that we are taking this matter to the court with Human rights and suing the above department, which was a shock as the hopes were from the attorney generals office and here we have attorney general's office against our law suit.
All is not gone, we are lucky it is the election time for the senators, even though my state senators do not support much as far as immigration is concerned (as far as I know). If we put in all our efforts and have all our US citizens friends and family members write letters to the senators informing that they are US citizens and that they are badly effected by this material support bar due to their loved ones, (it is important to mention that they are US citizens), there is still a big hope.
I was at the gym talking to this nice woman and told my entire story and she had her tears falling, there are still very kind and sympathetic people around us from all nationalities, just like she is willing to write to the senator and a lot of my friends and family members are ready to write to the senators we all can find people from our society and write to the senators, this should be done with full strength and no passiveness, this is the golden opportunity because of the elections, please consider and get involved and give in all the struggle and have US citizens write letters to your senators before the elections.
I would say have letters typed and take it to your friends and on the bottom have them sign and put their name, address and date.
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Lets not deviate away from the common objective.