I am no Terrorist, any advice?

This is my final letter please feel free to comment , thanks.

Finding HOPE

We are a group of asylees/Refugees who were found inadmissible under the ina 212(A) 3(B) material support to terrorist organizations designated as TIER (III).We think we are victims of the strict interpretation of the PATRIOT act 2001 and the REAL ID act of 2005.
We are wrighting today to address your conscious. There has been too long wait for those applying for the permanent residence cards being put on indefinite hold for no crime committed. Some of us has been waiting for 19 years here in the United States, has not been charged or deported and never received any exemption. Despite available authority to exempt us from these strict interpretations the exemption has been too slow and applied to few groups rather than individual cases. It is unclear why the administration has been unable to provide any remedy to us up to this moment.
Facts that exemptions were applied to some groups points towards strong possibility of other groups being labeled as terrorist deserve these unapplied exemptions. Moreover the current process of making exemptions is extremely slow and there has been little progress, resulting in prolonged family separations and high level of anxiety among us with uncertainty and confusion for what’s estimated 20,000 refugees/asylees and the number is growing every day.
I think the US is a land with a lot of common sense. Under the current law a Jew who resisted the Nazis would be inadmissible into the US and that would mean opening the door for Nazis to continue genocides since fighting for freedom is not welcomed according to the current provisions.
This broad definition of terrorist activity, terrorist organizations and what constitutes a material support to a terrorist organization is affecting thousands of Asylees/Refugees and it is expected to affect many more in the future, not only putting hold on us but America’s role in the world in promoting democracy and human rights. The precedence that USA has put is being closely watched and followed around the globe with the impact on refugees and asylees felt beyond the US borders.

Since the United States security is important for us , our families and the people of USA, is there any way to prevent real terrorists from entering the US without closing the door on genuine refugees and asylees who already been granted a status in the US?
justnjust, your draft looks ok to me, great job.I have a comment/suggestion to add.
I don't know if it would help by adding on somewhere that most politicians have voiced their concern that 'The PATRIOT act 2001' was drafted with a lot of unintended consequences, that's why congress passed a law some years later to grant exemptions, however, these exemptions have been implemented very slowly.
justinjust I put your letter on word, please lets decide quickly where to sent it, also as I was mentioning the elections are coming close, before its too late lets type a letter from our American citizen supporters to further sent letters to senators. We can type letters for senators and leave the bottom for our American supporters to write name and address and phone numbers with signature so we may mail or drop at the senators office. The letter in my opinion must inform that they are USA citizens and they are some how effected, this can be signed by our employer, family, friends and who ever we know, so it has to be a standard letter that will fit all class of people.

Finding HOPES

We are a group of asylees/Refugees who were found inadmissible under the Ina 212(a) (3) (B) of the Ina. For material support to terrorist organizations designated as TIER (III).We think we are victims of the strict interpretation of the PATRIOT act 2001 and the REAL ID act of 2005.
We are writing today to address your conscious. There has been too long wait for those applying for the permanent residence cards being put on indefinite hold for no crime committed.
Some of us have been waiting for 19 years for adjustment of status in the United States, without a benefit of any exemption. Despite available authority to exempt us from these strict interpretations, the exemptions have rather been too slow and applied to few groups than individual cases. It is unclear why the administration has been unable to provide any remedy to us up to this moment.
Facts that exemptions were applied to some group’s points towards strong possibility of other groups being labeled as terrorist deserve these unapplied exemptions. Moreover the current process of making exemptions is extremely slow and there has been little progress, resulting in prolonged family separations and high level of anxiety among us with uncertainty and confusion for what’s estimated 20,000 refugees/asylees and the number is growing every day.
USA is a land with a lot of common sense. Under the current law a Jew who resisted the Nazis would be inadmissible into the USA and that would mean opening the door for Nazis to continue genocides since fighting for freedom is not welcomed according to the current provisions.
This broad definition of terrorist activity, terrorist organizations and what constitutes a material support to a terrorist organization is affecting thousands of Asylees/Refugees and it is expected to affect many more in the future, not only putting hold on us but the role of United States of America in the world for promoting democracy and human rights. The precedence that USA has put is being closely watched and followed around the globe with the impact on refugees and asylees felt beyond the USA borders.

Since the United States of America’s security is important to us , our families and the people of USA, is there any way to prevent real terrorists from entering the US without closing the door on genuine refugees and asylees who already been granted a status in the USA ?
The above letter is great. I think president Obama will help if he knows that a lot of asylees and refugees are suffering because of this hold.
The above letter is great. I think president Obama will help if he knows that a lot of asylees and refugees are suffering because of this hold.
I sent a letter to Obama complaining about USCIS misrepresentation, and incompetence, and he sent that letter to USCIS to reply for my letter.
When did you send it, Hecate?

I sent him a certified letter on December 04 2009 and the response come on March 25, 2010, it starts as
On behalf of President Obama, thank you for your letter dated December 04, 2009, (it is on a letter head of US department of home land security), the letter informs "as you stated in your letter, your case is currently on hold". third paragraph informs "your processing has been delayed because your case is on hold since you appear to be inadmissible under section 212 a 3 b............Which basically was my question, so my question and problem was not resolved even though I tried to explain like all of you that I came here in 1993 and that all this has nothing to do with me, needless to mention I said a lot of frustrating stuff about DHS, Obama's action's made me more uncomfortable as now it will cause a grudge against me by DHS after reading all my complains, which were genuine and true anyways.
Please see below.
i added a title, hopefully it will attract more readers. And made some minor adjusments to the main paragraphs

Labeled a Terrorist for Resisting the Nazis
We are a group of Asylees and Refugees who are victims of the strict interpretation of the 2001 PATRIOT ACT and the 2005 REAL ID ACT. Per DHS, we appear to be inadmissible under INA 212(a)(3)(B) of the INS For material support to organizations designated as TIER (III) terrorist organizations. As a result, our applications for adjustment of residency status have been put on an indefinite hold
Despite available authority to exempt us from these strict interpretations, the exemptions have been too slow, and were applied to few groups rather than individual cases. Facts that exemptions were applied to some groups point towards the possibility of other groups deserve the same.
This broad definition of terrorist activity, terrorist organizations and what constitutes a material support to a terrorist organization is affecting approx. 10,000 individuals and is expected to affect many more in the future. It is not only putting a hold on our lives but it is also putting a hold on the US's role as a leader and a promoter for democracy and human rights. The precedence that the US has put is being closely watched and followed around the globe with impacts on Refugees and Asylees felt beyond the USA borders

We believe that the US is a land with a lot of common sense. According to current provisions under this law, a Jew who resisted the Nazis will be inadmissible into the US!

Moreover this slow process resulted in prolonged separations of families, uncertainty, confusion and high levels of anxiety among us. The US's security is very important to us and our families and we are writing today to address your conscious to help prevent real terrorists from entering the US without closing the door on genuine Refugees and Asylees who were granted legal status in the US
howdy folks,

How many of you are still moving ahead with the Lawsuit with the DC lawyer? Any progress yet in that department?
Please let me know!

I am so happy today. I just got a welcoming e-mail. I am from Ethiopia and I filed in 2008. I wish everyone here gets it too. I will pray for you. You guys keeps me positive all this time. Every morning the first thing I do was checking what is written here. I feel your pain. I wish you all good luck. God bless you. If you have any questions I will gladly answer.
[congratulations kebe27, it seems they have exempted ethiopian parties you are the 2nd in this forum the turtle is moving :eek:]I am so happy today. I just got a welcoming e-mail. I am from Ethiopia and I filed in 2008. I wish everyone here gets it too. I will pray for you. You guys keeps me positive all this time. Every morning the first thing I do was checking what is written here. I feel your pain. I wish you all good luck. God bless you. If you have any questions I will gladly answer.[/QUOTE]
i think this is a good one
Please see below.
i added a title, hopefully it will attract more readers. And made some minor adjusments to the main paragraphs

Labeled a Terrorist for Resisting the Nazis
We are a group of Asylees and Refugees who are victims of the strict interpretation of the 2001 PATRIOT ACT and the 2005 REAL ID ACT. Per DHS, we appear to be inadmissible under INA 212(a)(3)(B) of the INS For material support to organizations designated as TIER (III) terrorist organizations. As a result, our applications for adjustment of residency status have been put on an indefinite hold
Despite available authority to exempt us from these strict interpretations, the exemptions have been too slow, and were applied to few groups rather than individual cases. Facts that exemptions were applied to some groups point towards the possibility of other groups deserve the same.
This broad definition of terrorist activity, terrorist organizations and what constitutes a material support to a terrorist organization is affecting approx. 10,000 individuals and is expected to affect many more in the future. It is not only putting a hold on our lives but it is also putting a hold on the US's role as a leader and a promoter for democracy and human rights. The precedence that the US has put is being closely watched and followed around the globe with impacts on Refugees and Asylees felt beyond the USA borders

We believe that the US is a land with a lot of common sense. According to current provisions under this law, a Jew who resisted the Nazis will be inadmissible into the US!

Moreover this slow process resulted in prolonged separations of families, uncertainty, confusion and high levels of anxiety among us. The US's security is very important to us and our families and we are writing today to address your conscious to help prevent real terrorists from entering the US without closing the door on genuine Refugees and Asylees who were granted legal status in the US
congratulations Kebe27..few questions if u don't mind, did you ever get the 212 hold email or mail? if so when? thanks...
Kebe, congradulations!. I'm also Ethiopian and applied for GC in 2008. Can you tell us what party you belonged too. I applied under CUDP affliation and I'm suspecting that's what puts my case under the hold. Thanks.
Thank you guys and sorry for the late reply. I just got home from work that is why. I got the 212 hold e-mail through my previous lawyer last April. KKebero " melkam edil" mine is Amhara. In my case hiring a lawyer was a waste of money. Since i get the hold I didn't do nothing. He even wanted me to write to a Senator here where I live but I didn't do that because I read this forum and I know that it is not gonna work so I didn't do nothing at all. I was just waiting. By the way I hired a lawyer and he took my money and he slept on it. When they send him the e-mail today he didn't even know so I have to call him and let him know that he got an e-mail so guys don't hire a lawyer or if you do please make sure to check your case every other day. There is always a chance that something is moving in your case. God bless you all and good luck from the bottom of my heart.
Kebe, congradulations!. When you got your welcoming e-mail did the online status change or not, or is it still pending? Thanks
Thank you therouk. Yes the status changed to decision and it says welcoming e-mail sent under it.
Howdy folks,

Congrats to those who got it done and approved!!

How many of you are still moving ahead with the Lawsuit with the DC lawyer? Any progress yet in that department?
Please let me know!
