Georgia SESA Tracker


Sorry, I have to laugh loud. What I meant is the supervisor in GA SESA labor department. The supervisor should know more details.

When you ask them in general where they are, they will always be conservative, telling you the slowest person on the team which day she/he is working on. But maybe other analyst already start working on some cases in May. Hopefully.

It seems like NY is coming out of April cases, or soon, so atlanta shouldn't be worse.
RIR oct,2002

My LC (RIR) has been filed on Oct, 2002 and of course, I'm still waiting...

Our lawyer says Georgia is supposed to get some help but somehow I don't believe it. I've been turning down attractive offers because of my hopes for the green card but it seems this is not going anywhere.

I'm trying to decide if it's a wise move to switch companies at this point, any input will be read with much enthusiasm.
The only talk with employeers or attorneys, not to individual applicants.

Originally posted by atlgc

Sorry, I have to laugh loud. What I meant is the supervisor in GA SESA labor department. The supervisor should know more details.

When you ask them in general where they are, they will always be conservative, telling you the slowest person on the team which day she/he is working on. But maybe other analyst already start working on some cases in May. Hopefully.

It seems like NY is coming out of April cases, or soon, so atlanta shouldn't be worse.
Right, that is their rule. But if you speak to them nicely, they should be able to help. Of course, when you talk, don't say your case, just say "our case or a case", so they may not be aware you are the beneficiary. Talk to supervisor directly.

Good luck to all of you.
new approval

I heard that quite a few LC got approved in Gerogia SESA in recent days. The date was up to July, 2001. Can anyone confirm that? Thanks.
Re: new approval

Please confirm it from where you heard it. I don't think anybody else here heard it.

Originally posted by ATL10
I heard that quite a few LC got approved in Gerogia SESA in recent days. The date was up to July, 2001. Can anyone confirm that? Thanks.
Re: new approval

Originally posted by ATL10
I heard that quite a few LC got approved in Gerogia SESA in recent days. The date was up to July, 2001. Can anyone confirm that? Thanks.

What do you mean "quite a few got approved"? Most of them were denied? That's very scary.
LC in Georgia

What I heard was that someone in Atlanta has got approval and the person's date was July,2001. I did not believe at first. But they seemed to be adament and said it is Goergia SESA's approval. And then further down they said that quite a few have got approval.
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All waiting fellows,
The news I posted the other day was confirmed today by my attorney, who I have 100% trust with.
Finally we waited it out!!!!!!!!!!
Re: confirmed

What happened on the case between 4/30 and 7/2001.such my case and atl01's(both in May 2001) then?

Aren't they processing the cases according to the filing date?

Originally posted by ATL10
All waiting fellows,
The news I posted the other day was confirmed today by my attorney, who I have 100% trust with.
Finally we waited it out!!!!!!!!!!
will get back to you all

Hi, Fellows,
Sorry that I have abandoned this forum for a while. I lost my faith ...

Most recently, I heard a case with 4/26/2001 filing date being just approved. But you know GA SESA claimed to start processing 4/27/2001 cases back in Feb. 2002. The fact only speaks out that they are not strictly following priority dates.

I am going to check with my lawyer / employer. And let you guys know what I find out.
Re: will get back to you all

wish they are not processing according Last name.

Originally posted by atl01
Hi, Fellows,
Sorry that I have abandoned this forum for a while. I lost my faith ...

Most recently, I heard a case with 4/26/2001 filing date being just approved. But you know GA SESA claimed to start processing 4/27/2001 cases back in Feb. 2002. The fact only speaks out that they are not strictly following priority dates.

I am going to check with my lawyer / employer. And let you guys know what I find out.

I was wondering where ATL01 is for a while. I guess that ATL01 should be the one who got approval earlier than others since his date is May. I really don't know why ATL01 did not get anything, although I believe my attorney.
Approved 06/01

I found out that my labor at GA SEASA got approved and sent to ATL DOL.
Recipt Date : 06/11/01
Approved: 02/04/03

So they have broken through the April Cases.

Congrats Everyone!

Cool! That's great! That means we are through with the cases of April, May. But why the labor dept websites not updated yet.
my case forwarded to ATL DOL

Hi, Good news. Got confirmation from my attorney that my case was forwarded to ATL DOL sometime in the past two weeks. I don't know the ATL DOL case number yet.

Z2, have you heard any news? You are the first one in line as a PD date of 5/01/2001. My PD date is 5/24/2001. Check with your attorney.

I am actually not that cheerful since ATL DOL is the body to have a more stringent review with the current labor market condition. Will keep everyone in my prayer. It has been almost two years. Lord, have mercy. The risk is still there with potential layoff, merger and acquisition etc.

ATL10, first are you trying to choose this user ID to confuse with mine? Second how do you assume ATL01 is a guy? At least you should use his or her in your email. Just teasing ...

Cheers, see you in the Atlanta Regional Labor Tracker thread.

I discussed with my attorneys today on the progress of GA SESA. Anecdotal information says that there are two reasons the GA SESA has zipped through May and June:
1. 245 i backlog is finally over (phew!), and they are trying to reduce the resulting backlog ASAP.
2. PERM is round the corner, and seemingly there is an emphasis on clearing as many applications as possible before that becomes the law.

In the end, he added that due to the above two factors, GA SESA is processing loads of petitions without scrutinizing them closely.

Can't say I have problems with any thing said here.... whatever works.
Re: my case forwarded to ATL DOL

Congratulations! I heard nothing yet. But my case is not forwarded to regional office.

Originally posted by atl01
Hi, Good news. Got confirmation from my attorney that my case was forwarded to ATL DOL sometime in the past two weeks. I don't know the ATL DOL case number yet.

Z2, have you heard any news? You are the first one in line as a PD date of 5/01/2001. My PD date is 5/24/2001. Check with your attorney.
Re: Re: my case forwarded to ATL DOL

Originally posted by Z2
Congratulations! I heard nothing yet. But my case is not forwarded to regional office.

Becuse their name starts with A, yours starts with Z