Employment based immigration backlog petition


Originally posted by cinta

I think two more weeks is a reasonable time to wait. In the meantime, do we have any kind of receipts? i.e. proof that actually the petition reached these people? Thanks.

Sure. We sent all three copies Federal Express.

Yes , Let us take Rajiv's advise and hold on for more 2 weeks . May something might come up...
Re: Re: Fax Again w/Signatures ?

Originally posted by kashmir
The list included 2,235 signatures as of 12pm on 9/29/2003, and 83 pages were printed.
So, I picked up 362 signatures of California residents, then 18 pages were printed out.

I faxed to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer this evening,
but a fax line of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein had been busy.
I have just faxed it to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein Washington D.C. office.
Let us put together a spreadsheet

...of all the efforts people are making. It would serve as good record for press releases and for our own reference. Volunteers?

yes thecrown007 please communicate with Kashmir,edison,sai as they are already faxing some people . Yours is the recent appointment info and it will be good to fax them also.
Please forward our BACKLOG PETITION to your local Senators & House of Representative

Our petition to US Congress was forwarded to
1. The Honorable President George W. Bush
2. The Honorable Vice President Richard Cheney
3. The Honorable Senators(all 100)
4. The Honorable House of Representatives(all 435) and
5. The House Policy Committee

The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives give high priority to the messages received from the constituents of their state or district, So please forward the attached US Congress petition to
1. The Honorable House of Representative of your district
2. The Honorable Senators of your state
3. The Honorable President George W. Bush
E-Mail: president@whitehouse.gov Fax: 202-456-2461
4. The Honorable Vice President Richard Cheney
E-Mail: vice.president@whitehouse.gov Fax: 202-456-2461
5. The House Policy Committee
E-Mail: policy@mail.house.gov Fax: 202-225-0931

Please sign the petition and include your postal address to receive reply from Congressional Office. It's just 5 minutes of your time to contact your local Senators and House of Representative.

Contact Information for The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives.

1. Use AILA advocacy center to contact local elected official:


2. US Senators contact information:


3. US House of Representative contact information:

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edison, I am littile confused. Did you forwarded petition to the US congress,senators,President,VP etc.. or again we sign and email ? pls confirm
Originally posted by kash777
edison, I am littile confused. Did you forwarded petition to the US congress,senators,President,VP etc.. or again we sign and email ? pls confirm

I forwarded our petition to everyone. But I encourage everyone to forward our petition to their local Senators, local Congressmen.....
Thanks a lot man. You are the right guy !!. In my area Kashmir is very active and he already submitted to local senator ...
Originally posted by Edison
I forwarded our petition to everyone. But I encourage everyone to forward our petition to their local Senators, local Congressmen.....
Hi, Edison,
I'd appreciate your driving the petition.
Your activities are so great !!

TO: Current I485 applicants and Future N400 applicants;
The petition covers not only EB I485 but also Naturalization.
I also recommend everyone to send the petition to your three local Congressional offices phisically such as Fax or USPS Mail.
You should receive written letters from Congressional members within a month.

We have to have at least one Congressional member to introduce a bill and several ones for co-sponsers to amend the INA.
Re: Please forward our BACKLOG PETITION to your local Senators & House of Representative

Originally posted by Edison

Our petition to US Congress was forwarded to
1. The Honorable President George W. Bush
2. The Honorable Vice President Richard Cheney
3. The Honorable Senators(all 100)
4. The Honorable House of Representatives(all 435) and
5. The House Policy Committee

The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives give high priority to the messages received from the constituents of their state or district, So please forward the attached US Congress petition to
1. The Honorable House of Representative of your district
2. The Honorable Senators of your state
3. The Honorable President George W. Bush
E-Mail: president@whitehouse.gov Fax: 202-456-2461
4. The Honorable Vice President Richard Cheney
E-Mail: vice.president@whitehouse.gov Fax: 202-456-2461
5. The House Policy Committee
E-Mail: policy@mail.house.gov Fax: 202-225-0931

Please sign the petition and include your postal address to receive reply from Congressional Office. It's just 5 minutes of your time to contact your local Senators and House of Representative.

Contact Information for The Honorable Senators and The Honorable House of Representatives.

1. Use AILA advocacy center to contact local elected official:


2. US Senators contact information:


3. US House of Representative contact information:

Great job Edison.
You folks are amazing

Deepa, follow this thread and summarize information about how to conduct advocacy in USA. We will use all that info as community knowledge/FAQ for future action.
Update on petition

The petition and signed signature list has been fedexed to Mr. Prakash Khatri on Oct 2. Someone has signed and received the packet on Oct 3.
Hopefully we will hear from him soon.

update - California

As posted at:
I have faxed the petition and 394 California residents' signatures (out of totally 2,463 signatures as of 10:10am, 10/6/2003) to:
  • Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th)
  • Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th)
  • Mike Honda (D CA 15th)
Our next target is to have the first meeting with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D CA 16th) at the Town Hall Meetings being held on Saturday, October 11, 2003 in San Jose, California.
Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!
kashmir, Let me know ,I will join on sat 11th Oct in San Jose.Pls let me know place, time and contact info there . You may send private email .Thanks.
103 pages of signature list to Anna Eshoo (D CA 14th)

(originally posted at the Project Ocean in CSC forum)

Current List of Signatures had 2,491 signatures as of 8:30pm, 10/6/2003.
I printed it out last night, then its output was 103 pages.

I brought it to Anna Eshoo's office in Palo Alto downtown at 9am today.
There was only a receptionist (maybe due to 2003 California Recall Election or just too early?), and I handed it to him.
He promised to send it to Washington D.C. office because legislative work would be handled there.

Also, I asked about Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren because she was a member of Immigration-related Committee.
His answer was:
Anna Eshoo represents me because I live in her congressional district.

1) We may need at least one resident of California 16th Congressional District to have a meeting on 10/11/2003.

2) Congressperson of your district is your representative, so you can request her/his support on your issue related to federal agency such as USCIS.
Even if she/he receives 100 requests from us, she/he cannot complain against us.
She/He should complain against USCIS.
So, sending the petition is not a SPAM but our right.
More people should send the petition and your complain phisically by FAX or (USPS) Mail or bring it to the office until our representative complains against the USCIS.
I live in Fremont( Alameda county ) and availble on 10.11.2003 let me know where to meet