Employment based immigration backlog petition

Updated to Edison's latest petition document

Hi All,
have updated the online document to the latest version.
We haven't heard on the petition yet. We will send a list of updated signatures to the ombudsman beginning next week.

Thanks all


Originally posted by operations
We should talk. A conference call or one or two of you.

Hi all,
I can talk with Rajiv and update everyone here. If anyone else interested to talk or if interested to join us, let me know your preferenece.
Edison,you are welcome. please go ahead . I am in bay area . If need arises let me know I will join the discussion..

I am in Northern Virginia, pretty close to Rajiv's office. I am willing to join if it's convenient. Please keep me informed about your appointment.

Originally posted by Edison
Hi all,
I can talk with Rajiv and update everyone here. If anyone else interested to talk or if interested to join us, let me know your preferenece.

Originally posted by YJay
I am in Northern Virginia, pretty close to Rajiv's office. I am willing to join if it's convenient. Please keep me informed about your appointment.

I meant teleconference. I'll let you know.
Follow up with Mr Khatri ?

We have sent the petition to Mr Khatri on Sept'16. By tomorrow, it's going to be 2 weeks since we have sent it. Did you recieve any acknowledgement / receipt from him ? Shall we contact Mr Khatri about the follow up ? Shall we send a simple letter to him tomorrow, asking him about if he has taken note of our petition ? We might send this letter along with the updated count of signatures.
He's on vacation. He's on business trips. His wife just had a baby.
He is looking for a new house. He has piles of documents on his desk. He is busy........

Thousands excuses, just one is evident, he doens't care about us.

But anyway, it's October, the purported month INS back to employment cases. Look at that insider thread for more information.
Fax Again w/Signatures ? - Re: CA - faxed

Originally posted by kashmir
I faxed it to:
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (14th CA)
U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA)
and is trying to:
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (CA)
( because a fax line has been busy ) ... completed at 1:20pm PST
using sai-2367's PDF wih my signature and address,
so you may have a contact from members of Congress of California.
Last week, I faxed 6 pages of the petition letter to the above 3 Congressional members of California.
However, only a few people seems to have sent the petition to Congressional offices.

Today (or tomorrow), I'd like to fax it again *WITH SIGNATURES PAGE*.
May I do that ?
or, should I wait for a while ?
or, will somebody send to all Congressional offices including California ?
Re: Fax Again w/Signatures ? - Re: CA - faxed

Originally posted by kashmir
Last week, I faxed 6 pages of the petition letter to the above 3 Congressional members of California.
However, only a few people seems to have sent the petition to Congressional offices.

Today (or tomorrow), I'd like to fax it again *WITH SIGNATURES PAGE*.
May I do that ?
or, should I wait for a while ?
or, will somebody send to all Congressional offices including California ?

I'm in the process of sending to all the Congressional Offices. But I encourage you also to send to as many Congressional offices as possible.
want to sign but...

I have not read the entire thread (all 20 some pages), but I did see someone ask why only so many signatures so far.

I want to sign the petition, but I do not have an I-485 pending. Instead, I have I-751 pending and feel all the preasures and hardships that adjustment of status cases are feeling.

However, I am required to provide an I-485 or N-400 date in order to sign the petiotion, which I do not have ~ does this requirement mean that only the people with currently pending I-485 and N-400 cases should sign? What about their friends and families and just general supporters of the petiotion?

Thank you for your efforts!

Re: want to sign but...

Originally posted by nesta
I have not read the entire thread (all 20 some pages), but I did see someone ask why only so many signatures so far.

I want to sign the petition, but I do not have an I-485 pending. Instead, I have I-751 pending and feel all the preasures and hardships that adjustment of status cases are feeling.

However, I am required to provide an I-485 or N-400 date in order to sign the petiotion, which I do not have ~ does this requirement mean that only the people with currently pending I-485 and N-400 cases should sign? What about their friends and families and just general supporters of the petiotion?

Thank you for your efforts!


The petition has already been submitted, but to answer your question, filling those dates is not required (though they have '*' next to them), you can keep them empty and sign the petition.
Re: Fax Again w/Signatures ?

Originally posted by kashmir
Last week, I faxed 6 pages of the petition letter to the above 3 Congressional members of California.
However, only a few people seems to have sent the petition to Congressional offices.

Today (or tomorrow), I'd like to fax it again *WITH SIGNATURES PAGE*.
May I do that ?
or, should I wait for a while ?
or, will somebody send to all Congressional offices including California ?
The list included 2,235 signatures as of 12pm on 9/29/2003, and 83 pages were printed.
So, I picked up 362 signatures of California residents, then 18 pages were printed out.

I faxed to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer this evening,
but a fax line of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein had been busy.
Kashmir, Thanks man!! . Very good.
Tomorrow will be 1 week complete ,I faxed my info to Dianne. I am thinking to call again to recheck to her office if I did not hear anythimg from her office. I will let you know .,
Follow Up

Rajiv / Monica,
It is already 2 weeks since we have sent the petition to Mr Khatri.
Could you please send the updated list of signatures to Mr Khatri and Mr Auguire ? Along with that list, can you please send a letter requesting him to let us know about his follow up actions on the petition ?
The follow up letter can be like this (please edit it appropriately) :

Mr Prakash Khatri,
Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman,
Department of Homeland Security

Subject : Follow up for the Employment based I485 backlog petition.

On Sept'16, we have sent you a petition signed by **** people, requesting you to take some actions to reduce the huge backlog for Employment based I485 applications. More people have signed on that petition and the latest list is attached to this letter.

Some of our representatives would like to meet you either in person or through teleconference, to discuss about our problems. We request you to let us know if it is possible for you to talk to us to discuss the follow up actions on the petition. You may contact us through Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna at 703-908-4800 . Please talk to either Rajiv Khanna or Monica Agarwal at the above number.

Thanking you,
Employment based I485 applicants.
Re: Follow Up

Originally posted by dsatish
Rajiv / Monica,
It is already 2 weeks since we have sent the petition to Mr Khatri.
Could you please send the updated list of signatures to Mr Khatri and Mr Auguire ? Along with that list, can you please send a letter requesting him to let us know about his follow up actions on the petition ?
The follow up letter can be like this (please edit it appropriately) :

Mr Prakash Khatri,
Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman,
Department of Homeland Security

Subject : Follow up for the Employment based I485 backlog petition.

On Sept'16, we have sent you a petition signed by **** people, requesting you to take some actions to reduce the huge backlog for Employment based I485 applications. More people have signed on that petition and the latest list is attached to this letter.

Some of our representatives would like to meet you either in person or through teleconference, to discuss about our problems. We request you to let us know if it is possible for you to talk to us to discuss the follow up actions on the petition. You may contact us through Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna at 703-908-4800 . Please talk to either Rajiv Khanna or Monica Agarwal at the above number.

Thanking you,
Employment based I485 applicants.

My suggestion: wait 2 more weeks. But upto you folks. Decide.
Don't you guys see, they don't care about petitions. Only lawsuit will pop their eyes and get their attentions. They probably received hundreds of this kind of petition each year.

Just pray Oct will be our month as they promised.


I think two more weeks is a reasonable time to wait. In the meantime, do we have any kind of receipts? i.e. proof that actually the petition reached these people? Thanks.