Employment based immigration backlog petition

Re: Communicate with your congressman through this software on our site

Originally posted by monica1
Hi All,

Please go to this link on our site to send letters to your congressman.



There is some problem with this, we can't enter our address, it displays someone's contact into.
Re: Re: Communicate with your congressman through this software on our site

Originally posted by Edison
There is some problem with this, we can't enter our address, it displays someone's contact into.

Work Around to use it.

Click on Elected officials, you should see a "Logout" Button there with some person's name. Click on "Logout" and come back to i-485 petition page to send ur petition.

PS: Do not try to login, may be we will see your name next :cool:
Pete Stark (D CA 13th)

Originally posted by kash777
Today I hand delivered petition to Congressman Pete Stark 13th congressonal district CA . Lady at desk told that he is in Washington DC and they will get back to us in 2 weeks. standard answer.

Pete Stark have town meeting on 18th Oct in my area, so I will try to catch him. Kashmir pls let me know your experince on sat.
Hi, kash777,
Thanks for your having visited Pete Stark's office and handed the petition.

Here is my experience about Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren Town Hall Meeting (D CA 16th) 10/11/2003 San Jose.

I am planning to attend the first one of Pete Stark's town hall meetings.
I will fax the petition on Monday, too.
CA update - request a meeting with Congressperson

CSC forum

We started requesting a meeting with Congressperson in San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Re: CA update - request a meeting with Congressperson

Originally posted by kashmir
CSC forum

We started requesting a meeting with Congressperson in San Francisco Bay Area, California.

kashmir, great job. We should do the same in every state of the union possible. I will start an effort for PA.
List of Petition Sending Activities in California as of 10/11/2003

(originally posted at the Project Ocean thead in CSC forum)
9/23/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition letter 
9/23/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition letter
9/23/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - the petition letter
9/29/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA singnatures
9/30/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA signatures
9/30/2003 Edison - Barbara Boxer (CA) - e-mail - petition
9/30/2003 Edison - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - e-mail - petition
9/30/2003 Edison - ... - e-mail - petition
9/30/2003 Edison - Anne Eshoo (CA 14th) - e-mail - petition
9/30/2003 Edison - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - e-mail - petition
9/30/2003 Edison - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - e-mail - petition
9/30/2003 Edison - ... - e-mail - petition
10/3/2003 noginoypi - ? - e-mail - petition
10/6/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 1amShantanuA  - ? - fax - petition
10/6/2003 lareds - ? - fax? - petition
10/6/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Ed Royce (R-CA 40th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 LC66 - congresswoman (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Arz - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Dadagiri - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 rk4gc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - [color=green]USPS priority[/color] - petition and all signature (100+ pages)
10/10/2003 budhram - ? - fax - petition
10/10/2003 kash777 - Dianne Feinstein - fax - petition
10/11/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition, 2,627 all signatures, and [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,627 all signatures
10/13/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b]
10/18/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition
10/18/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition

Petition - News Distribution System

The above mentioned Press Release was distributed on October 13, 2003 using Free web News distribution system.

Number of times Press release was accessed = 875
Number of times Press release was picked up by media = 45
With the help of free news distribution service if we are able to reach so many media persons then with the help of premier paid news service distribution servicewe should be able to get better coverage in media.
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Petition - News Distribution system

Latest Update:

Number of times Press release was accessed = 1260
Number of times Press release was picked up by media = 74

http://www.Indiapost.com published our press release. Check Immigration channel

Thanks for including the advocacy center link on the home page. BTW, There is bug. It displays the information of last person used. It doesn't logout the last person automatically. Please resolve this.

My 2 Cents:
The title "Improving Immigration Laws" doesn't sound attractive and also doesn't convey the message. I thought it was link to new article since title doesn't convey that it is advocacy center.
I feel that title should be "Contact Congress to Reform Immigration laws" or "Contact Elected Officials to Reform Immigration laws". This is just my personal opinion, please ignore it if I'm wrong.
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Sending petitions has little effect. We should tell BCIS we're going to sue them if they don't take any actions (let's say before Nov 1). 50 TPS applicants sue them, they spent whole lot time on their cases. We have at least 50 applicants here. Why not sue them? I suggest we contact AILA. They have sued BCIS in 2000 which results in AC21, we need to get help from AILA.

This post was on Oct 27, 1999, http://www.murthy.com/arc_uds/UDailfps.html
I second that. We already have approx. 100 folks willing to pay, but more will follow as we progress. The next step would be to talk to a lawyer. Sanju13 is already talking to a lawyer. Based on his feedback we will decide on a lawyer.
I believe in having the notice send from the lawyer, rather than us threatening them. If they respond favourably we can always withdraw the notice.
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Contacting AILF - Class action law suit against USCIS

AILF - American Immigration Law Foundation

Our petition was forwarded to AILF Board of Directors, Board of Trustees and Legal action center staff.

I would like to discuss about legal action against USCIS with AILF legal action staff.

Please let me know your thoughts about this and also provide me some inputs for discussion.

Please follow the below mentioned thread and post your opinions there.

Contacting AILF(American Immigration Law Foundation) - Class action law suit against USCIS

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Pete Stark Town Meeting 10/18/2003 Fremont, CA

Hi, kash777,
I will be at Femont Senior Center in Fremont at 8:30am on this coming Saturday.

9:00am - 10:00am
Fremont Senior Center
40086 Paseo Padre Parkway

I will prepare some letters, the petition, and the list of all signatures.

If you'd prefer another meeting, I may change my schedule, so let me know.
Originally posted by kash777
Today I hand delivered petition to Congressman Pete Stark 13th congressonal district CA . Lady at desk told that he is in Washington DC and they will get back to us in 2 weeks. standard answer.

Pete Stark have town meeting on 18th Oct in my area, so I will try to catch him. Kashmir pls let me know your experince on sat.
Sounds good , as Dengdeng pointed out that sending petitions and waiting for result and then getting dejected has become a routine of all the applicants on this forum. I would totally agree with what Dengdeng says, it is high time these(BCIS) people realise the difference we make to this society and contribution what Indian community makes to this country. We should send them a legal notice that we would sue the BCIS if we see no development in processing the 485 applicants who have waiting for a while for their day to come.

Words have a little effect. Actions Speak.

List of Petition Phisically Delivered in California as of 10/18/2003

(originally posted at CSC forum)

9/23/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition letter 
9/23/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition letter
9/23/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - the petition letter
9/29/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA singnatures
9/30/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 1amShantanuA  - ? - fax - petition
10/6/2003 lareds - ? - fax? - petition
10/6/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Ed Royce (R-CA 40th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 LC66 - congresswoman (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Arz - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Dadagiri - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition [B][color=purple]=> 10/17/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/10/2003 rk4gc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - [color=green]USPS priority[/color] - petition and all signature (100+ pages)
10/10/2003 budhram - ? - fax - petition
10/10/2003 kash777 - Dianne Feinstein - fax - petition
10/11/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition, 2,627 all signatures, and [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,627 all signatures
10/13/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition [B][color=purple]=> 10/15/2003 CALL[/color][/B]
10/13/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 ganshm - (R CA 41st) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 kadamtal - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 spyder - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 hero123 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - [color=green]USPS[/color] - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/16/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]phone[/color] -
10/16/2002 georgi - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/16/2002 georgi - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/18/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,827 all signatures 
10/18/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,827 all signatures
10/18/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [color=red][b]proposal[/b][/color]