Employment based immigration backlog petition

Follow Up

Originally posted by dsatish
Rajiv / Monica,
It is already 2 weeks since we have sent the petition to Mr Khatri.
Could you please send the updated list of signatures to Mr Khatri and Mr Auguire ? Along with that list, can you please send a letter requesting him to let us know about his follow up actions on the petition ?
The follow up letter can be like this (please edit it appropriately) :

Mr Prakash Khatri,
Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman,
Department of Homeland Security

Subject : Follow up for the Employment based I485 backlog petition.

On Sept'16, we have sent you a petition signed by **** people, requesting you to take some actions to reduce the huge backlog for Employment based I485 applications. More people have signed on that petition and the latest list is attached to this letter.

Some of our representatives would like to meet you either in person or through teleconference, to discuss about our problems. We request you to let us know if it is possible for you to talk to us to discuss the follow up actions on the petition. You may contact us through Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna at 703-908-4800 . Please talk to either Rajiv Khanna or Monica Agarwal at the above number.

Thanking you,
Employment based I485 applicants.

It has been more than one month since we have sent the petition to Mr Khatri. Would you please send a follow up letter to him (please see the sample letter in the quote) ?
Employment ¨Cbased immigrants contributed a lot to this country. So, I believe that there should be some famous guys (Nobel price winners, Actors¡_) got their GC by this way. Can we contact them and ask for their help? If they can forward the petition to the senators, it would be more useful.
Originally posted by yellowcard
Employment ¨Cbased immigrants contributed a lot to this country. So, I believe that there should be some famous guys (Nobel price winners, Actors¡_) got their GC by this way. Can we contact them and ask for their help? If they can forward the petition to the senators, it would be more useful.

Robert Mundel - Economist- Noble prize winner - Emigrated from Canada.
Originally posted by yellowcard
Employment ¨Cbased immigrants contributed a lot to this country. So, I believe that there should be some famous guys (Nobel price winners, Actors¡_) got their GC by this way. Can we contact them and ask for their help? If they can forward the petition to the senators, it would be more useful.

Why don't you go ahead and send the petition to whoever you wish. Yes, it is true most of the Nobel winners are immigrants (either family or employment)it does not matter. Founders of companies also were immigrants (see Intel, Grove) and so many others.

Note: let us all do something instead of waiting the very few to do everything. Whether we sue or not we need the public opinion in our side. Still a long way to go!
Project Ocean 2nd Campaign in California

Originally posted by cinta
...Note: let us all do something instead of waiting the very few to do everything. ...
I strongly agree with cinta.

In California, we started second campaign to accelerate amendment of Naturalization requirement that would not be covered by the lawsuite.

Please don't blame me just because I posted a suggestion. Please don't assume that I did nothing, though I agree that what I did is not as great as you did.
Originally posted by yellowcard
Employment ¨Cbased immigrants contributed a lot to this country. So, I believe that there should be some famous guys (Nobel price winners, Actors¡_) got their GC by this way. Can we contact them and ask for their help? If they can forward the petition to the senators, it would be more useful.

good suggestion.
Originally posted by yellowcard

Please don't blame me just because I posted a suggestion. Please don't assume that I did nothing, though I agree that what I did is not as great as you did.


I was not blaming you nor anybody else. I was just trying to wake more people up.
California - update

As kash777 and I posted at another thrad ( Rajeev/Operations/Edison/Kashmir and all there ,reply from Congressman please read .),
both kash777 and I received a letter from Congressman Pete Stark (D CA 13th) yesterday (on 10/24/2003).
According to the letter,
Acting Director, Office of Congressional Relations, Department of Homeland Security received our petition and list of 2,827 signatures (125 pages) via Congressman, and we may get some repsponse.

Also, some members at the CSC forum started receiving a response from Congressional offices.
We are following up for EB I485 backlog reduction and amendment of INA.
California petition activities update as of 10/24/2003

(originally posted at CSC forum)
9/23/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition letter 
9/23/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition letter
9/23/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - the petition letter
9/29/2003 kashmir - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA singnatures
9/30/2003 kashmir - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - the petition and 362 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 kashmir - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition and 394 CA signatures
10/6/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 yih - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 kuldeepc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/6/2003 1amShantanuA  - ? - fax - petition
10/6/2003 lareds - ? - fax? - petition
10/6/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition and 2,491 all signatures
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 vg0405 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 CS485 - Ed Royce (R-CA 40th) - fax - petition
10/7/2003 LC66 - congresswoman (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Arz - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/8/2003 Dadagiri - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=green]office[/color] - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - fax - petition
10/9/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition [B][color=purple]=> 10/17/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/10/2003 rk4gc - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 CS485's friends - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Christopher Cox (CA 48th) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 gettingclosernow - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/10/2003 yih - Mike Honda (CA 15th) - [color=green]USPS priority[/color] - petition and all signature (100+ pages)
10/10/2003 budhram - ? - fax - petition
10/10/2003 kash777 - Dianne Feinstein - fax - petition
10/11/2003 rk4gc - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition, 2,627 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 10/23/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/11/2003 kashmir - Zoe Lofgren (CA 16th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,627 all signatures
10/13/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition [B][color=purple]=> 10/15/2003 CALL[/color][/B]
10/13/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 ganshm - (R CA 41st) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 kadamtal - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 spyder - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/13/2003 hero123 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]office[/color] - [B][color=red]meeting request[/color][/b] and petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 kadamtal - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 spyder - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/14/2003 hero123 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - [color=green]USPS[/color] - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/15/2002 sri3440 - congressperson (CA ?) - fax - petition
10/16/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]phone[/color] -
10/16/2002 georgi - Dianne Feinstein (CA) - fax - petition
10/16/2002 georgi - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - petition
10/18/2003 kash777 - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,827 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 10/24/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/18/2003 kashmir - Pete Stark (CA 13th) - [color=blue]townhall[/color] - petition and 2,827 all signatures [B][color=purple]=> 10/24/2003 LETTER[/color][/B]
10/18/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - [color=red][b]proposal[/b][/color]
10/20/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - [color=green]phone[/color] -
10/20/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 rk4gc - Barbara Boxer (CA) - fax - reply
10/21/2003 Eager2000 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 Dadagiri - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 yih - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 CS485 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 needneed - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 kadamtal - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 rk4gc - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 withAAAA - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/21/2003 waitn2long - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/22/2003 kashmir - Don Neufeld (Director, CSC) - [color=green]USPS Certified[/color] -  petition and 2,827 all signatures
10/24/2003 ben2000 - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/24/2003 withAAAA - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/24/2003 timesa - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter
10/24/2003 kashmir - Anna Eshoo (CA 14th) - fax - letter

Since we started the Project Ocean about one month ago in California, especially in San Francisco Bay Area,
1) we have FAXed more than 50 petitones to Congressional offices
2) we hava handed totally almost a thousand of pages of the petitions and the list of signatures to Congressional offices to visit their district office or to attend the town hall meeting
3) we handed the petitions and the list signatures directly to a couple of Congresspersons.

Last week, we started receiving a letter from these Congressional offices.
We have to follow up repeatedly until our goal would be achieved.

Our goal is neither to send the petition nor to meet Congressional persons or Director of Service Center.
It is just a first step.
Even if you could meet the Director or Senators, itself would not help to reduce EB I-485 backlog at all.
Still, we have to follow a lot of things.

I started discussing with my representative to introduce a bill to amend INA.
Even if I would succeeed to get a Sponsor, we need several Co-Sponsors.

Please start sending the petition to your Congressperson's Washington D.C. office by phisically delivery method such as FAX, USPS Mail, or district office visit.
I think E-MAIL doen't work at this stage at all.
I encourage each one to fax the petition with a cover letter in which you write your name, residential address, and your signature.

Again, this is only the first step in the long way to our goal.

Did you stop visiting this forum ? I am not receiving any replies to the posts addressed to you. There is nobody else to help us

Originally posted by kashmir
Since we started the Project Ocean about one month ago in California, especially in San Francisco Bay Area,
1) we have FAXed more than 50 petitones to Congressional offices
2) we hava handed totally almost a thousand of pages of the petitions and the list of signatures to Congressional offices to visit their district office or to attend the town hall meeting
3) we handed the petitions and the list signatures directly to a couple of Congresspersons.

Last week, we started receiving a letter from these Congressional offices.
We have to follow up repeatedly until our goal would be achieved.

Our goal is neither to send the petition nor to meet Congressional persons or Director of Service Center.
It is just a first step.
Even if you could meet the Director or Senators, itself would not help to reduce EB I-485 backlog at all.
Still, we have to follow a lot of things.

I started discussing with my representative to introduce a bill to amend INA.
Even if I would succeeed to get a Sponsor, we need several Co-Sponsors.

Please start sending the petition to your Congressperson's Washington D.C. office by phisically delivery method such as FAX, USPS Mail, or district office visit.
I think E-MAIL doen't work at this stage at all.
I encourage each one to fax the petition with a cover letter in which you write your name, residential address, and your signature.

Again, this is only the first step in the long way to our goal.


This is the way to go buddy and hopefully a lot of guys will join the effort.
3,000 signatures !!

Finally, the number of signatures exceeded 3,000 as of 9am today.

I printed the list of signatures, and sent 134 pages of list with the petition to both Senators of California by USPS Certified Mail.

Hi All,

We have not heard anything from Mr. Prakash Khatri's office yet. I shall send him an updated list of signatures with a follow up letter this week. I will discuss this issue with Rajiv and post an update soon.

Thanks all for your time

I have not been receiving any email notifications

We had a bug in the system. Let me know if my attention is needed.

You are true , I missed lot of replies from you as well as from other members in last 10 to 15 days. We sent out pettion and other info to Congressman and congressman sent out to Acting director mentioning our ( immigrationportal.com 0 concerns be reviewed and relied to him ( congressman ) I am not sure if you came across this thread sometime on Oct 23 rd sround this date.

Also I need personal advise from you :

I am working on EAD and H1 visa stamping inside passport is expired . I do have advance parole . valid till Oct 2004 and EAd is valid till Feb 2004. I am planning to visit India in the month of Dec and return 13th Jan 2004. As there is no visa stamping inside passport ,do you think there will be any question at the airport while returning or leaving ? I am going by Singapore airlines .from airport san francisco and worried as I have only EAD and AP . Also what happenes if in the mean time reference is generated on my case and i return at the same time there is reference or intent of denial in worst case ? Although I have all the time in H1 status and EAD.
Please advise , I am waiting for yr kind advise as I need to buy tickets in a day or two. Thanks a lot for your help. Kash777
Re: Rajeev

Originally posted by kash777
You are true , I missed lot of replies from you as well as from other members in last 10 to 15 days. We sent out pettion and other info to Congressman and congressman sent out to Acting director mentioning our ( immigrationportal.com 0 concerns be reviewed and relied to him ( congressman ) I am not sure if you came across this thread sometime on Oct 23 rd sround this date.

Also I need personal advise from you :

I am working on EAD and H1 visa stamping inside passport is expired . I do have advance parole . valid till Oct 2004 and EAd is valid till Feb 2004. I am planning to visit India in the month of Dec and return 13th Jan 2004. As there is no visa stamping inside passport ,do you think there will be any question at the airport while returning or leaving ? I am going by Singapore airlines .from airport san francisco and worried as I have only EAD and AP . Also what happenes if in the mean time reference is generated on my case and i return at the same time there is reference or intent of denial in worst case ? Although I have all the time in H1 status and EAD.
Please advise , I am waiting for yr kind advise as I need to buy tickets in a day or two. Thanks a lot for your help. Kash777

Advance Parole is all you need. But if there is a denial (which cannot happen without an RFE first), you will not be able to use AP. If unlcear, call Homa at extension 108 tomorrow morning. She will find me.