Just trying to get the live agent via EMMA. I find it is usually less wait in the morning.
I first asked the live agent whether my bio appointment was scheduled and when is the appointment. Once the live agent confirmed it had been scheduled. I explained to the live agent my situation (DV-2024 and it is approaching to the deadline) and asked if it is possible to receive the electronic appointment notice. The live agent opened a request for me and the notice was sent to my email address in 5 min.
In my husband's case, he is not as lucky as I am. His live agent insisted that he needed to wait until he confirmed that the mail got lost even though he had already explained the situation. Therefore, I searched the appointment availability in USCIS account and found that there were open time slots tomorrow. Therefore, I just submitted the rescheduling requests for both of us. And by no time, almost immediately, we got the notice via email.
From history, it seems the rescheduling is not suggested. So, I think connecting with a live agent and then asking for electronic notice should be sufficient.