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DV 2022 AOS (Adjustment of Status) Only

Yes of course. Older version are still acceptable until June 27th.
Thanks for your kind support. To be in safe side we decided to go with new version. One more question.
Seem to be, my husband (derivative who is F1) also can include I-134 on behalf of him as per new version. He already included tax forms, pay slips etc. as financial evidence. If he submit new I-134 will it be too much or will it make the case stronger?
Thanks for your kind support. To be in safe side we decided to go with new version. One more question.
Seem to be, my husband (derivative who is F1) also can include I-134 on behalf of him as per new version. He already included tax forms, pay slips etc. as financial evidence. If he submit new I-134 will it be too much or will it make the case stronger?
Yes he can if he wants. There’s no such thing as being on the safe side in this situation though considering the old form is still acceptable until June 27th. Why not just keep it simple? Anyways, your case, your call.
In the spreadsheet, on the AOS Package tab, it notes the first Spouse document as the 'DV Lottery Winner (1NL)'. My 1NL doesn't include my spouse's name, and I think this is normal after reading other posts on the forum. I'm wondering what document I should include? I have a copy of my original submission which includes my spouse's name. Is that what is meant by 'DV Lottery Winner (1NL)' for the spouse? Thanks!
In the spreadsheet, on the AOS Package tab, it notes the first Spouse document as the 'DV Lottery Winner (1NL)'. My 1NL doesn't include my spouse's name, and I think this is normal after reading other posts on the forum. I'm wondering what document I should include? I have a copy of my original submission which includes my spouse's name. Is that what is meant by 'DV Lottery Winner (1NL)' for the spouse? Thanks!
Yep, just a copy of 1NL for each applicant.
In the spreadsheet, on the AOS Package tab, it notes the first Spouse document as the 'DV Lottery Winner (1NL)'. My 1NL doesn't include my spouse's name, and I think this is normal after reading other posts on the forum. I'm wondering what document I should include? I have a copy of my original submission which includes my spouse's name. Is that what is meant by 'DV Lottery Winner (1NL)' for the spouse? Thanks!
1NL = your selectee notification letter from DV Lottery (ESC) page, 1NL is not the original submission.

Yes you can include a copy of the original submission/entry form (plus the 1NL) in your spouse's AOS package, since the form instructions also says to include proof of derivative's inclusion from when the entry form was submitted.
1NL = your selectee notification letter from DV Lottery (ESC) page, 1NL is not the original submission.

Yes you can include a copy of the original submission/entry form (plus the 1NL) in your spouse's AOS package, since the form instructions also says to include proof of derivative's inclusion from when the entry form was submitted.
Thanks @Sm1smom and @Blade_ . Got it! - I should have been thinking about this as two separate (but related) AOS applications, rather than one combined application with sub-sections for the main applicant and spouse. That's why I was confused as to why I would be printing and including the 1NL when it was already in my section. Appreciate it.
Yes he can if he wants. There’s no such thing as being on the safe side in this situation though considering the old form is still acceptable until June 27th. Why not just keep it simple? Anyways, your case, your call.
Thanks much.
My husband(F1) has annual income of 22000 and as per his I-20 for dependent(me) get $5000. So in my I-134, I will have $5000 as a income from spouse. My sponsor has annual income of $120000 and she doesn't have any dependents. She included $1000 that she will offer every month to me. And I included asset (a Land owe by me) I have from my country which will add up to $25000. Is this numbers should be fine? I just want to make sure since I don't have any other income as I entered USA as F2.
Thanks much.
My husband(F1) has annual income of 22000 and as per his I-20 for dependent(me) get $5000. So in my I-134, I will have $5000 as a income from spouse. My sponsor has annual income of $120000 and she doesn't have any dependents. She included $1000 that she will offer every month to me. And I included asset (a Land owe by me) I have from my country which will add up to $25000. Is this numbers should be fine? I just want to make sure since I don't have any other income as I entered USA as F2.
Again, I still don't understand your insistence on going the hard way in terms of the I-134. You do realize you may be required to provide a valuation of the asset (your land) which you've listed, or you're assuming they will always take at face value whatever is listed on the form as assets? Do you have the valuation available or how did you arrive at the figure you're listing?

FYI, if using the old I-134, all you need is just one form which will cover both you and your husband just in case you don't know. Your sponsor does not even need to specify how much they're willing to support you and your spouse with on the old form. If you you decide to not include an I-134, your spouse's income will equally be applicable to you regardless of you being the main selectee - the income is treated as a family income with no breakdown of who gets what.

Anyway, I'm sorry I cannot confirm if what you're listing on the form will be enough or not, the IO adjudicating your case will have the final say. But I'm quite certain, you case can be approved without you going the hard way of trying to demonstrate self-sufficiency.
I still don't understand your insistence on going the hard way in terms of the I-134
I saw in Mr. BritSimon's website, it says for interviews up to 27th June will accept old version. But looking at the spreadsheet I don't think we will get an interview before that. That made me nervous and it lead us to file new version.
You do realize you may be required to provide a valuation of the asset (your land) which you've listed, or you're assuming they will always take at face value whatever is listed on the form as assets? Do you have the valuation available or how did you arrive at the figure you're listing?
We already requested and received a valuation from Department of Valuation back in our country. We already got the copy of deed and valuation.
spouse's income will equally be applicable to you regardless of you being the main selectee
Can I include $22000 of my husbands income, as my income in new I-134 form?

I'm sorry I may be over reacting, I just wanna clarify and submit package without any doubts. We really appreciate your kind support.
I saw in Mr. BritSimon's website, it says for interviews up to 27th June will accept old version. But looking at the spreadsheet I don't think we will get an interview before that. That made me nervous and it lead us to file new version.

We already requested and received a valuation from Department of Valuation back in our country. We already got the copy of deed and valuation.

Can I include $22000 of my husbands income, as my income in new I-134 form?

I'm sorry I may be over reacting, I just wanna clarify and submit package without any doubts. We really appreciate your kind support.
What Simon has stated with regards to the new I-134 is NOT applicable to DV selectees processing via AOS, that is only relevant to folks processing CP. USCIS did not say anything about interview needing to happen before June 27th, USCIS says they will accept old I-134 filed before June 27th. It is important to differentiate between what Simon says on his blog which is largely addressing folks filing CP and what USCIS which is the final authority of AOS cases says.

You have no personal income of your own to list on the new I-134 IMO, the income is under your husband's name. You have no W-2 or tax transcript to back up the claim of your husband's income as your personal income, not even the $5000 you get per his I-20, that is a stipend not an income. You are not employed by your husband's employer, or can you husband's employer provide you with a verification of employment letter? I don't think so.
1. Identify and locate your House of Representative using the below link
2. Click on their profile to go to their website
3. Find the contact us section on their website, you may need to drill down to the section that says "Help with a Federal Agency" or something similar to that
4. Follow whatever instructions they've provided/provide whatever information they're asking for in order to help you follow up on your case with USCIS.

Thank you for your reply i have submitted my request to senator office and they got back to me saying that USCIS does not do expedite unless you have documentations to support your case which are
Severe financial loss
government interests
USCIS error
What should i respond to this?
Thank you for your reply i have submitted my request to senator office and they got back to me saying that USCIS does not do expedite unless you have documentations to support your case which are
Severe financial loss
government interests
USCIS error
What should i respond to this?
Yes I’m aware of USCIS’s expedite criteria which I would have encouraged you to directly file for by yourself without going through your senator’s office if I thought you met one of those. When I wrote about initiating a congressional inquiry for “case follow up assistance”, it was simply to request they reach out to USCIS to obtain a case status update on your behalf, and not for them to request or initiate a case expedite (I was careful to not use the word “expedite” because of that).

So you might want to respond back and clarify you’re not seeking to expedite at this point, but basically to get a status update because there has been no update since (the date you filed which was (??) and whatever the date was that you completed your bio appointment), and that DV based AOS cases are time limited (your application cannot be approved after Sept. 30th), hence your concern.
What Simon has stated with regards to the new I-134 is NOT applicable to DV selectees processing via AOS, that is only relevant to folks processing CP. USCIS did not say anything about interview needing to happen before June 27th, USCIS says they will accept old I-134 filed before June 27th. It is important to differentiate between what Simon says on his blog which is largely addressing folks filing CP and what USCIS which is the final authority of AOS cases says.

You have no personal income of your own to list on the new I-134 IMO, the income is under your husband's name. You have no W-2 or tax transcript to back up the claim of your husband's income as your personal income, not even the $5000 you get per his I-20, that is a stipend not an income. You are not employed by your husband's employer, or can you husband's employer provide you with a verification of employment letter? I don't think so.
Thank you so much for your kind support and patience
Hello everyone, question regrading Evidence of Financial Support
I'm on L1 visa and works for Petitioner since last weeks of March 2022

So far I have
* Employment Verification Letter - with position, start work date and salary
Planing to get on May 15 (+1 pay slip) or end of May (+2 pay slip) and send AOS package in the beginning of June (current in June)
* Recent Pay Slips - for 2 - 2.5 month
* Recent Bank Statement - for 2 - 2.5 month

My concern is I don't have decent amount of money on saving account as I just opened it
Do you think that okay ?
Or on top of that I could provide bank statement from different county ?
Hi guys,

So I've been trying to contact KCC and change from CP to AOS, but I'm having a similar problem as some others on here. KCC replied last week with the generic response "Because your case is ready to be scheduled, KCC can no longer unlock your application..etc"

I contacted my consulate and was actually able to get the DS-260 unlocked. I then contacted KCC again, but still got the same response even though the form is already unlocked. I feel if I update my address and resubmit the form, it's just going to get sent back to the consulate again since I'm not able to change the CP/AOS selection on the DS-260.

Would it cause any problem if I just leave the DS-260 unlocked for now, and go ahead and pay the DV fee first? Or is there anything else I could do?
Hello everyone, question regrading Evidence of Financial Support
I'm on L1 visa and works for Petitioner since last weeks of March 2022

So far I have
* Employment Verification Letter - with position, start work date and salary
Planing to get on May 15 (+1 pay slip) or end of May (+2 pay slip) and send AOS package in the beginning of June (current in June)
* Recent Pay Slips - for 2 - 2.5 month
* Recent Bank Statement - for 2 - 2.5 month

My concern is I don't have decent amount of money on saving account as I just opened it
Do you think that okay ?
Or on top of that I could provide bank statement from different county ?
I believe your employment will play a big role towards being found not likely to become a become. Yes, you can in addition include the additional bank statements though, I don't for-see an issue with that.