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DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

200k total means half of the winner might not have even interview scheduled, right?

You see when there is an interview for the applicant it also includes family members (if any). So, if the principle applicant disqualified or do not pursue with their application, the family members is out too. Even if the 125k only applied to principle applicant there will only be 125k interviews. If you use the general statistic from the pass years, it is 50-60% success rate. Now, the question is what the success rate mean? 50-60% successful interviews or successful visa issued? If we look at the visa issued, it around 50-60% visa issued. If that is the case, then the interview success rate is much lower. That's is the reason why some forumers believed there is a hidden case #. Frankly, I do not buy into this idea because in dv14 it increased 20% more selectee and this additional selectee needed because it didn't fill up the quota in previous year. But if we really think about it, if we already hide case # in previous year and the end goal is to fulfill to quota, then why go ahead and select additional 20% and yet they know they already hiding case #. Fulfill the quota is the goal that they wanted to achieve and increase 20% is the task they do to meet their goal. So, why select additional 20% and not just open up 20% hidden numbers.

But I do believe they hide case # for those country that have much more winner than their country cap. Anyway, I am not a subject matter expert on dv and there are a lot of gurus in this forum. So whatever I think is logical could be completely wrong. I know how you feel. It is really uneasy to know we might not even have a chance for an interview. But what I can said is this, everyone in this forum are trying to help each others. Some putting prediction and some give very good advice but no one can really predict the actual outcome. It is just too limited data in the public to make meaningful projection.
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Dear all,

Have any of you heard of someone's case was rejected during the interview? And if yes, what could be a reason/reasons why this could happen?
Refused is a valid status in CEAC. Percentage of Refusals differ from region to region and from country to county.
Africa as a region has about 15% refusals. Consulate in Accra, Ghana produces 25% refusals (among all applicants in that consulate). South America refusal rate is less than 3%
Dear all,

Have any of you heard of someone's case was rejected during the interview? And if yes, what could be a reason/reasons why this could happen?

As Raevsky pointed out, refusal rate during interviews is rather limited, and varies from country to country. It should be around 10% in average. Reason is often due to lack of showing proof for sufficient education background or being a risk of becoming a public charge.

There are many statistics issued by Dept of State every year. The table in the link below gives you the whole list of reasons for refusal. The figures include all immigrant visas for FY12 (not only DV):


You can check every single line, and if you answer 'no' to all of them (except labor certification which is not needed nor required for DV interviewees), you should be good.
As Raevsky pointed out, refusal rate during interviews is rather limited, and varies from country to country. It should be around 10% in average. Reason is often due to lack of showing proof for sufficient education background or being a risk of becoming a public charge.

There are many statistics issued by Dept of State every year. The table in the link below gives you the whole list of reasons for refusal. The figures include all immigrant visas for FY12 (not only DV):


You can check every single line, and if you answer 'no' to all of them (except labor certification which is not needed nor required for DV interviewees), you should be good.

For some reasons, the hyperlink does not seem to work. Here below the full address:
At this point I am not 100% sure about borderline for Asia. I am more or less certain only anout Europe and South America. I know only some estimates for other regions
I will know more about other regions in a couple of weeks

what about mine 2014AF00099XXX
DV-2014 Employment


I have been selected to participate in the permanent residence process through the DV LOTTERY. I'm currently a student on an F1-Visa and would like to know whether I can file form I-765 so I can start working off-campus based on the Adjustment of Status filing. I am not eligible to use my CPT as of yet and would like to support myself better through an off-campus job. Will this affect my F1 status in any way? I intend to continue being a student whether I'm able to adjust my status or not.

In addition, does the statement below, obtained from the USCIS website, mean I will not be charged a fee if I filed the I-765 together with the I-485 form?

"Please note that, if you file Form I-485 to adjust your status as a permanent resident on or after July 30, 2007, no additional fee is required to also file an application for employment authorization on Form I-765"

Thank you so much in advance.

I have been selected to participate in the permanent residence process through the DV LOTTERY. I'm currently a student on an F1-Visa and would like to know whether I can file form I-765 so I can start working off-campus based on the Adjustment of Status filing. I am not eligible to use my CPT as of yet and would like to support myself better through an off-campus job. Will this affect my F1 status in any way? I intend to continue being a student whether I'm able to adjust my status or not.

In addition, does the statement below, obtained from the USCIS website, mean I will not be charged a fee if I filed the I-765 together with the I-485 form?

"Please note that, if you file Form I-485 to adjust your status as a permanent resident on or after July 30, 2007, no additional fee is required to also file an application for employment authorization on Form I-765"

Thank you so much in advance.

Go over the DV 2014 AOS thread - related questions have been posted and answered there:

Greece shows 200 family members in CEAC data for DV-13 - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmbWzexdyvIldEs1d3VWWnJoV1BZSTF0R0JGeVRSTFE#gid=6 (82 without family members)
83 issued, 97 ready, 15 refused, as of 5/30/2013
At the same time Greece has 99 winners published. Another proof those 99 winners published are principals only, without family members.

Hi Raevsky,

How do we explain that UAE only have 98 winners and 620 interviews scheduled? What the data shown is the consular posts that the interview take place and it doesn't mean the interviewee is from that country. It could be from others countries or even from others continents.
A few consulates are scheduling interviews for third party residents.
Interviews for Iranians are routinely scheduled in Turkey, UAE, Austria, Germany and Naples. The first two consulates provide a huge number of interviews.
You could assume that the number of interview for Iranians equals to the number of interview in all those 5 consulates for Asian natives minus one third of UAE winners.
Almost all interviews in Ankara with Asian natives are with Iranians. Almost all interviews in UAE with Asian natives are either interviews with UAE natives or with Iranian natives. Austria, Germany and Naples have very few interviews with Asian natives.

Usual policy for consulates is to interview residents of the country. Iran is an exception (no consulate in Iran).

You could figure out residents of which country are scheduled in a particular consulate by looking into http://travel.state.gov/visa/fees/fees_5455.html?cid=9738 and selecting the consulate you need.
Consulate in Athens considers only residents of Greece, not residents of any other country. Of course, Greek residents could be born somewhere else.
Also, when official statistics ready you will see that the same thing or very similar happens with natives.
Greece had similar thing before. 3 years in a row - 2007, 2008, 2009 the number published of winners from Greece was less than the number of visas given to Greece natives. That siatistics (not from CEAC) was for NATIVES of Greece, not for residents of Greece.
It looks like this year the same thing is going to happen again, except that you now have much more information - not only the number of visas given, but also the number of applications refused, not claimed (ready) or stuck on admin processing.
Hi Raevsky,

Thank you for sharing CEAC DV-13 data "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/...GeVRSTFE#gid=6 CEAC data" !

Just to make sure I understand your Reg Data tab correctly...
In Greece example - how many total visas with status "Issued"?
34 + 83 = 117 visas or 83 visas ?
83 visas issued in consulate in Athens (no info about chargeability). Those 83 visas were issued regarding considering 34 winning entries.
However, that data is pretty old - as of May 30th.
I am preparing new data for Europe now, it will probably be ready tonight or tomorrow.
Consulate in Athens considers only residents of Greece, not residents of any other country. Of course, Greek residents could be born somewhere else.
Also, when official statistics ready you will see that the same thing or very similar happens with natives.
Greece had similar thing before. 3 years in a row - 2007, 2008, 2009 the number published of winners from Greece was less than the number of visas given to Greece natives. That siatistics (not from CEAC) was for NATIVES of Greece, not for residents of Greece.
It looks like this year the same thing is going to happen again, except that you now have much more information - not only the number of visas given, but also the number of applications refused, not claimed (ready) or stuck on admin processing.

Is that a hard rules that only natives to Greece are allow to have their interview in Greece? What about Malaysia? Malaysia also have African and European winners having their interviews in Malaysia. I thought any winners are allow to have their interview in any countries they wanted.
I agree, I'm from Turkey and the consulate in Turkey accept documents both in Turkish and English so no need to translate and they are familiar with the system there. Your chances of going under AP very high if you get interviewed at other consulates.

Is that a hard rules that only natives to Greece are allow to have their interview in Greece? What about Malaysia? Malaysia also have African and European winners having their interviews in Malaysia. I thought any winners are allow to have their interview in any countries they wanted.
Is that a hard rules that only natives to Greece are allow to have their interview in Greece? What about Malaysia? Malaysia also have African and European winners having their interviews in Malaysia. I thought any winners are allow to have their interview in any countries they wanted.
I said it about residents of Greece, not about natives. All residents of Greece, natives of Greece or not, are usually interviewed in Greece.
A person is usually interviewed in the country of residence (in the consulate that has jurisdiction over your residence, to be exact). There are few exceptions, but you do not have a broad choice of place of interview.
Usually only one consulate has that jurisdiction (in case of Iran there are 5).
That is permanent residence. If you are physically present in another consular district at the moment of sending forms to KCC and are going to be present there continuously until the date of interview, that consulate would accept you as well.
In DV-2007 Greece had 41 winners (chargeable to Greece) and got 46 visas (chargeable to Greece) and 9 AOS (chargeable to Greece), totally 55 visa numbers chargeable to Greece
In DV-2008 Greece had 77 winners (chargeable to Greece) and got 75 visas (chargeable to Greece) and 9 AOS (chargeable to Greece), totally 84 visa numbers chargeable to Greece
In DV-2009 Greece had 63 winners (chargeable to Greece) and got 72 visas (chargeable to Greece) and 4 AOS (chargeable to Greece), totally 76 visa numbers chargeable to Greece